/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: Announce new files and FileFind * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2002 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/libs.h" #include "../lib/memwatch.h" #include "../lib/structs.h" #include "../lib/users.h" #include "../lib/records.h" #include "../lib/common.h" #include "../lib/clcomm.h" #include "../lib/dbcfg.h" #include "../lib/msg.h" #include "../lib/msgtext.h" #include "../lib/diesel.h" #include "grlist.h" #include "msgutil.h" #include "announce.h" extern int do_quiet; /* Suppress screen output */ struct _filerecord T_File; /* Internal announce record */ int TotalFiles; /* Total announced files */ unsigned long TotalSize; /* Total size in KBytes. */ int MsgCount; /* Message counter */ /* * Add a file whos data is in T_File to the toberep.data file. */ int Add_ToBeRep(void); int Add_ToBeRep() { char *fname; struct _filerecord Temp; FILE *tbr; int Found = FALSE; fname = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(fname, "%s/etc/toberep.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((tbr = fopen(fname, "a+")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't create %s", fname); free(fname); return FALSE; } free(fname); fseek(tbr, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fread(&Temp, sizeof(Temp), 1, tbr) == 1) { if ((strcmp(Temp.Name, T_File.Name) == 0) && (Temp.Fdate = T_File.Fdate)) Found = TRUE; } if (Found) { Syslog('!', "File %s already in toberep.data", T_File.Name); fclose(tbr); return FALSE; } fwrite(&T_File, sizeof(T_File), 1, tbr); fclose(tbr); return TRUE; } /* * Check for uploads, these are files in the files database with * the announced flag not yet set. */ void Uploads(void); void Uploads() { FILE *pAreas, *pFile; char *sAreas, *fAreas; int Count = 0, i = 0, j, k; sAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); fAreas = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); Syslog('+', "Checking for uploads"); IsDoing("Check uploads"); if (!do_quiet) { colour(3, 0); printf(" Checking uploads...\n"); } sprintf(sAreas, "%s/etc/fareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((pAreas = fopen(sAreas, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s", sAreas); free(sAreas); free(fAreas); return; } fread(&areahdr, sizeof(areahdr), 1, pAreas); while (fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, pAreas) == 1) { i++; if (CFG.slow_util && do_quiet) usleep(1); if ((area.Available) && strlen(area.NewGroup)) { if (!do_quiet) { printf("\r %4d => %-44s", i, area.Name); fflush(stdout); } sprintf(fAreas, "%s/fdb/fdb%d.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), i); if ((pFile = fopen(fAreas, "r+")) != NULL) { while (fread(&file, sizeof(file), 1, pFile) == 1) { Nopper(); if (!file.Announced) { Syslog('m', " %d %s", i, file.Name); memset(&T_File, 0, sizeof(T_File)); sprintf(T_File.Echo, "AREA %d", i); sprintf(T_File.Group, "%s", area.NewGroup); sprintf(T_File.Comment, "%s", area.Name); sprintf(T_File.Name, "%s", file.Name); T_File.Size = file.Size; T_File.SizeKb = file.Size / 1024; T_File.Fdate = file.FileDate; sprintf(T_File.Crc, "%08lx", file.Crc32); sprintf(T_File.Desc, "%s %s %s %s", file.Desc[0], file.Desc[1], file.Desc[2], file.Desc[3]); k = 0; for (j = 0; j < 25; j++) { if (strlen(file.Desc[j])) { sprintf(T_File.LDesc[k], "%s", file.Desc[j]); T_File.LDesc[k][49] = '\0'; k++; } } T_File.TotLdesc = k; T_File.Cost = file.Cost; T_File.Announce = TRUE; if (Add_ToBeRep()) Count++; /* * Mark file is announced. */ file.Announced = TRUE; fseek(pFile, - sizeof(file), SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&file, sizeof(file), 1, pFile); } } fclose(pFile); } } } if (!do_quiet) { printf("\r \r"); if (Count) printf(" %d new uploads\n", Count); fflush(stdout); } if (Count) Syslog('+', "%d new uploads", Count); fclose(pAreas); free(sAreas); free(fAreas); } long StartMsg(void); long StartMsg(void) { if (!Msg_Open(newfiles.Area)) return -1; if (!Msg_Lock(30L)) { Msg_Close(); return -1; } Msg_New(); CountPosted(newfiles.Area); sprintf(Msg.From, "%s", newfiles.From); sprintf(Msg.To, "%s", newfiles.Too); if (MsgCount == 1) { sprintf(Msg.Subject, "%s", newfiles.Subject); TotalSize = TotalFiles = 0; } else sprintf(Msg.Subject, "%s #%d", newfiles.Subject, MsgCount); sprintf(Msg.FromAddress, "%s", aka2str(newfiles.UseAka)); Msg.Written = time(NULL); Msg.Arrived = time(NULL); Msg.Local = TRUE; Msg.Echomail = TRUE; /* * Start message text including kludges */ Msg_Id(newfiles.UseAka); Msg_Pid(); return Msg_Top(newfiles.Template, newfiles.Language, newfiles.UseAka); } void FinishMsg(int, long); void FinishMsg(int Final, long filepos) { char *temp; FILE *fp, *fi; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); if (Final && ((fi = OpenMacro(newfiles.Template, newfiles.Language, FALSE)) != NULL)) { /* * Message footer */ MacroVars("CD", "dd", TotalFiles, TotalSize); fseek(fi, filepos, SEEK_SET); Msg_Macro(fi); fclose(fi); MacroClear(); } if (strlen(newfiles.Origin)) Msg_Bot(newfiles.UseAka, newfiles.Origin, newfiles.Template); else Msg_Bot(newfiles.UseAka, CFG.origin, newfiles.Template); Msg_AddMsg(); Msg_UnLock(); Syslog('+', "Posted message %ld, %d bytes", Msg.Id, Msg.Size); sprintf(temp, "%s/tmp/echomail.jam", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "a")) != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s %lu\n", newfiles.Area, Msg.Id); fclose(fp); } Msg_Close(); free(temp); } /* * Report one group block of new files. */ long Report(gr_list *, long); long Report(gr_list *ta, long filepos) { FILE *fp, *fi; char *temp, *line; int i, Total = 0; unsigned long Size = 0; long filepos1 = 0, filepos2, filepos3 = 0, finalpos = 0; time_t ftime; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/toberep.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s", temp); return 0; } MacroVars("GJZ", "ssd", "", "", 0); MacroVars("slbkdt", "ssddss", "", "", 0, 0, "", ""); MacroVars("ABZ", "ddd", 0, 0, 0); while (fread(&T_File, sizeof(T_File), 1, fp) == 1) { if ((!strcmp(T_File.Echo, ta->echo)) && (!strcmp(T_File.Group, ta->group))) break; } if ((fi = OpenMacro(newfiles.Template, newfiles.Language, FALSE)) != NULL) { /* * Area block header */ MacroVars("GJZ", "ssd", T_File.Echo, T_File.Comment, 0); fseek(fi, filepos, SEEK_SET); Msg_Macro(fi); filepos1 = ftell(fi); } else { free(temp); return 0; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fread(&T_File, sizeof(T_File), 1, fp) == 1) { if ((!strcmp(T_File.Echo, ta->echo)) && (!strcmp(T_File.Group, ta->group))) { if (CFG.slow_util && do_quiet) usleep(1); /* * Report one newfile, first line. */ fseek(fi, filepos1, SEEK_SET); ftime = T_File.Fdate; MacroVars("sl", "ss", T_File.Name, T_File.LName); MacroVars("bk", "dd", T_File.Size, T_File.SizeKb); MacroVars("dt", "ss", rfcdate(ftime), To_Low(T_File.LDesc[0],newfiles.HiAscii)); Msg_Macro(fi); filepos2 = ftell(fi); /* * Extra description lines follow */ for (i = 1; i < 24; i++) { MacroVars("t", "s", To_Low(T_File.LDesc[i],newfiles.HiAscii)); fseek(fi, filepos2, SEEK_SET); if (strlen(T_File.LDesc[i])) { Msg_Macro(fi); } else { line = calloc(MAXSTR, sizeof(char)); while ((fgets(line, MAXSTR-2, fi) != NULL) && ((line[0]!='@') || (line[1]!='|'))) {} free(line); } filepos3 = ftell(fi); } Total++; Size += T_File.SizeKb; } } /* * Area block footer */ if (Msg.Size > (CFG.new_split * 1024)) MacroVars("ABZ", "ddd", Total, Size, 1); else MacroVars("ABZ", "ddd", Total, Size, 0); fseek(fi, filepos3, SEEK_SET); Msg_Macro(fi); finalpos = ftell(fi); fclose(fp); free(temp); /* * Split messages if too big. */ if (Msg.Size > (CFG.new_split * 1024)) { MsgCount++; FinishMsg(FALSE, finalpos); StartMsg(); } TotalFiles += Total; TotalSize += Size; if (fi != NULL) { fclose(fi); } return finalpos; } int Announce() { gr_list *fgr = NULL, *tmp; char *temp; FILE *fp; int Count = 0, rc = FALSE; long filepos, filepos1, filepos2; char group[13]; int i, groups, any; if (!do_quiet) { colour(3, 0); printf("Announce new files\n"); } Uploads(); IsDoing("Announce files"); temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/toberep.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { Syslog('+', "No new files to announce"); free(temp); if (!do_quiet) { printf(" No new files.\n"); } return FALSE; } if (!do_quiet) printf(" Preparing reports...\n"); while (fread(&T_File, sizeof(T_File), 1, fp) == 1) { if (T_File.Announce) { fill_grlist(&fgr, T_File.Group, T_File.Echo); Count++; } } fclose(fp); if (Count == 0) { unlink(temp); if (!do_quiet) printf(" No new files.\n"); Syslog('+', "No new files to announce"); free(temp); return FALSE; } if (!do_quiet) printf(" %d new files found\n", Count); sort_grlist(&fgr); /* * At this point we have a sorted list of groups with a counter * indicating howmany files to report in each group. */ sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/newfiles.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't open %s", temp); if (!do_quiet) printf(" No newfile reports defined\n"); free(temp); return FALSE; } fread(&newfileshdr, sizeof(newfileshdr), 1, fp); groups = newfileshdr.grpsize / 13; while (fread(&newfiles, newfileshdr.recsize, 1, fp) == 1) { if (newfiles.Active) { filepos = ftell(fp); if (!do_quiet) printf(" %s\n", newfiles.Comment); any = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < groups; i++) { fread(&group, 13, 1, fp); for (tmp = fgr; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) if (strcmp(tmp->group, group) == 0) any = TRUE; } if (any) { fseek(fp, filepos, SEEK_SET); rc = TRUE; Syslog('+', "Create report: %s", newfiles.Comment); MsgCount = 1; if ((filepos1 = StartMsg()) != -1) { filepos2 = 0; while (fread(&group, 13, 1, fp) == 1) { for (tmp = fgr; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (!strcmp(tmp->group, group)) { filepos2 = Report(tmp, filepos1); } } } FinishMsg(TRUE, filepos2); } } else { if (!do_quiet) printf(" No matching groups\n"); } fseek(fp, filepos, SEEK_SET); } fseek(fp, newfileshdr.grpsize, SEEK_CUR); } fclose(fp); tidy_grlist(&fgr); if (rc) { sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/toberep.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); unlink(temp); } free(temp); return rc; }