Last update 03-Jul-2001


Installing the BBS.

Installing the BBS.

Installing the BBS.

Now you have shell scripts in ~/etc, most of them are called by cron, some are called during system startup and shutdown. You also have some default configuration files, these are ttyinfo, modems, fidonet networks. In the default (english) directory you now have default menu datafiles and ansi screens. These are copies of my test system so you have to edit them to build your own bbs.
Editing ansi screens can be done on a Linux system with duhdraw, this is available from 2:280/2802 as duhdraw.tgz (68 Kbytes). The binaries are included in this archive, if you compile it yourself it may give trouble so if the binaries work, use these.
Another editor is available from, you can find the tar.gz file in, it's about 36 Kbytes. This is also a thedraw clone for Linux. Note, at my system I needed to run it as root.
You may also want to edit ~/etc/header.txt and ~/etc/footer.txt, these files are the top and bottom of the newfiles/allfiles listings.

the next step.

The next step is the setup of the bbs.

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