/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: Utilities for message handling. * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2002 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/libs.h" #include "../lib/memwatch.h" #include "../lib/mbse.h" #include "../lib/structs.h" #include "../lib/users.h" #include "../lib/records.h" #include "../lib/common.h" #include "../lib/clcomm.h" #include "../lib/msgtext.h" #include "../lib/msg.h" #include "oneline.h" #include "msgutil.h" int BaseWrite = FALSE; static char *wdays[]={(char *)"Sun",(char *)"Mon",(char *)"Tue",(char *)"Wed", (char *)"Thu",(char *)"Fri",(char *)"Sat"}; static char *months[]={(char *)"Jan",(char *)"Feb",(char *)"Mar", (char *)"Apr",(char *)"May",(char *)"Jun", (char *)"Jul",(char *)"Aug",(char *)"Sep", (char *)"Oct",(char *)"Nov",(char *)"Dec"}; char *rfcdate(time_t now) { static char buf[40]; struct tm ptm, gtm; char sign; int hr, min; long offset; if (!now) now = time(NULL); ptm = *localtime(&now); /* * To get the timezone, compare localtime with GMT. */ gtm = *gmtime(&now); /* * Assume we are never more than 24 hours away. */ offset = gtm.tm_yday - ptm.tm_yday; if (offset > 1) offset = -24; else if (offset < -1) offset = 24; else offset *= 24; /* * Scale in the hours and minutes; ignore seconds. */ offset += gtm.tm_hour - ptm.tm_hour; offset *= 60; offset += gtm.tm_min - ptm.tm_min; if (offset <= 0) { sign='+'; offset=-offset; } else sign='-'; hr=offset/60L; min=offset%60L; sprintf(buf,"%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d", wdays[gtm.tm_wday],gtm.tm_mday,months[gtm.tm_mon], gtm.tm_year+1900,gtm.tm_hour,gtm.tm_min,gtm.tm_sec, sign,hr,min); return(buf); } /* * Open specified message base for read or write. */ int Open_Msgbase(char *Base, int Mode) { BaseWrite = FALSE; if (!Msg_Open(Base)) return FALSE; if (Mode != 'w') return TRUE; if (!Msg_Lock(30L)) { Msg_Close(); return FALSE; } BaseWrite = TRUE; return TRUE; } /* * Close current messagebase. */ void Close_Msgbase() { if (BaseWrite) { Msg_UnLock(); BaseWrite = FALSE; } Msg_Close(); } void Add_Headkludges(faddr *dest, int IsReply) { char *temp, *temp2; unsigned long crc = -1; time_t tt; int i; faddr *Node; temp = calloc(128, sizeof(char)); switch (msgs.Type) { case LOCALMAIL: Msg.Localmail = TRUE; break; case NETMAIL: Msg.Netmail = TRUE; sprintf(Msg.FromAddress, "%s", aka2str(msgs.Aka)); sprintf(Msg.ToAddress, "%s", ascfnode(dest, 0x1f)); if (msgs.Aka.point) { sprintf(temp, "\001FMPT %d", msgs.Aka.point); MsgText_Add2(temp); } if (dest->point) { sprintf(temp, "\001TOPT %d", dest->point); MsgText_Add2(temp); } sprintf(temp, "\001INTL %d:%d/%d %d:%d/%d", dest->zone, dest->net, dest->node, msgs.Aka.zone, msgs.Aka.net, msgs.Aka.node); MsgText_Add2(temp); break; case LIST: Msg.Echomail = TRUE; sprintf(Msg.FromAddress, "%s", aka2str(msgs.Aka)); break; case ECHOMAIL: Msg.Echomail = TRUE; sprintf(Msg.FromAddress, "%s", aka2str(msgs.Aka)); break; case NEWS: /* * Header style is the same as GoldED does. */ Msg.News = TRUE; sprintf(temp, "\001Date: %s", rfcdate(Msg.Written)); MsgText_Add2(temp); Node = fido2faddr(msgs.Aka); temp2 = xstrcpy(Msg.From); for (i = 0; i < strlen(temp2); i++) if (temp2[i] == ' ') temp2[i] = '_'; sprintf(temp, "\001From: %s@%s (%s)", temp2, ascinode(Node, 0x2f), Msg.From); MsgText_Add2(temp); sprintf(temp, "\001Subject: %s", Msg.Subject); MsgText_Add2(temp); sprintf(temp, "\001Sender: %s@%s (%s)", temp2, ascinode(Node, 0x2f), Msg.From); MsgText_Add2(temp); free(temp2); tidy_faddr(Node); MsgText_Add2((char *)"\001To: All"); MsgText_Add2((char *)"\001MIME-Version: 1.0"); MsgText_Add2((char *)"\001Content-Type: text/plain"); MsgText_Add2((char *)"\001Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"); sprintf(temp, "\001X-Mailreader: MBSE BBS %s", VERSION); MsgText_Add2(temp); break; } sprintf(temp, "\001CHRS: %s", getchrs(msgs.Ftncode)); MsgText_Add2(temp); sprintf(temp, "\001MSGID: %s %08lx", aka2str(msgs.Aka), sequencer()); MsgText_Add2(temp); Msg.MsgIdCRC = upd_crc32(temp, crc, strlen(temp)); if (IsReply) { sprintf(temp, "\001REPLY: %s", Msg.Replyid); MsgText_Add2(temp); crc = -1; Msg.ReplyCRC = upd_crc32(temp, crc, strlen(temp)); } else Msg.ReplyCRC = 0xffffffff; sprintf(temp, "\001PID: MBSE-BBS %s", VERSION); MsgText_Add2(temp); tt = time(NULL); sprintf(temp, "\001TZUTC: %s", gmtoffset(tt)); MsgText_Add2(temp); free(temp); } /* * Add bottom message kludges. The flag Quote is false if this is called * from Offline Reader, the user then may or may have not added a quote. * The QWK upload may set HasTear if the client already uploaded a tearline. */ void Add_Footkludges(int Quote, char *tear, int HasTear) { char *temp; char *aka; FILE *fp; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); aka = calloc(32, sizeof(char)); /* * If Quote (message entered at the bbs) we append a signature. */ if (Quote) { sprintf(temp, "%s/%s/.signature", CFG.bbs_usersdir, exitinfo.Name); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r"))) { Syslog('m', " Add .signature"); MsgText_Add2((char *)""); while (fgets(temp, 80, fp)) { Striplf(temp); MsgText_Add2(temp); } fclose(fp); MsgText_Add2((char *)""); } } if (msgs.Quotes && Quote) { Syslog('m', " Add quote"); sprintf(temp, "... %s", Oneliner_Get()); MsgText_Add2(temp); MsgText_Add2((char *)""); } /* * The offline reader may override the tearline */ if (!HasTear) { if (tear == NULL) { MsgText_Add2(TearLine()); } else { sprintf(temp, "--- %s", tear); MsgText_Add2(temp); } } if ((msgs.Type == ECHOMAIL) || (msgs.Type == LIST)) { /* RANDOM ORIGIN LINES IMPLEMENTEREN */ if (msgs.Aka.point) sprintf(aka, "(%d:%d/%d.%d)", msgs.Aka.zone, msgs.Aka.net, msgs.Aka.node, msgs.Aka.point); else sprintf(aka, "(%d:%d/%d)", msgs.Aka.zone, msgs.Aka.net, msgs.Aka.node); if (strlen(msgs.Origin)) sprintf(temp, " * Origin: %s %s", msgs.Origin, aka); else sprintf(temp, " * Origin: %s %s", CFG.origin, aka); MsgText_Add2(temp); } free(aka); free(temp); }