/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: Post newsarticles in temp newsfile. * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2002 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 Internet: mbroek@users.sourceforge.net * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/libs.h" #include "../lib/memwatch.h" #include "../lib/structs.h" #include "../lib/users.h" #include "../lib/records.h" #include "../lib/common.h" #include "../lib/clcomm.h" #include "../lib/mbinet.h" #include "newspost.h" extern FILE *nfp; extern int newsopen; extern int news_out; extern int news_bad; int newspost(void) { int start = TRUE; char *buf, *p; long curpos, count, seqnr; FILE *ofp = NULL, *nb; struct utsname utsbuf; if (newsopen) fclose(nfp); buf = calloc(10240, sizeof(char)); /* * Now reopen the file for reading. If it fails and * the file was original closed we leave quiet. * If the file wasn't open previously but there is * a file, try to post the articles. They may be * still here if the newsserver wasn't available. */ sprintf(buf, "%s/tmp/newsout", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((nfp = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) { if (newsopen) WriteError("$Can't reopen %s", buf); free(buf); return newsopen; } IsDoing("Post news"); if (CFG.newsfeed == FEEDINN) { Syslog('+', "Posting news articles to the NNTP server"); if (nntp_connect() == -1) { free(buf); return TRUE; } while (fgets(buf, 10240, nfp)) { if (start) { if (nntp_cmd((char *)"POST\r\n", 340) != 0) { WriteError("NNTP POST refused"); free(buf); return TRUE; } } start = FALSE; if (!strcmp(buf, ".\n")) { if (nntp_cmd((char *)".\r\n", 240) == 0) { news_out++; } else { WriteError("NNTP: refused article %d", news_out+1); news_bad++; } start = TRUE; } else { /* * Most NNTP servers like cr/lf after each line. */ Striplf(buf); p = buf+strlen(buf); *p++ = '\r'; *p++ = '\n'; *p = '\0'; nntp_send(buf); } Nopper(); } nntp_close(); } /* * Create newsbatch file. */ if ((CFG.newsfeed == FEEDUUCP) || (CFG.newsfeed == FEEDRNEWS)) { Syslog('n', "Building uncompressed batchfile"); sprintf(buf, "%s/tmp/newsbatch", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((ofp = fopen(buf, "w+")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't create %s", buf); free(buf); fclose(nfp); return TRUE; } buf = calloc(10240, sizeof(char)); count = curpos = 0; while (feof(ofp) == 0) { /* * Count the total length of the message */ while (fgets(buf, 10240, nfp)) { if (strcmp(buf, ".\n")) { count += strlen(buf); } else { break; } } if (!count) break; fseek(nfp, curpos, SEEK_SET); fprintf(ofp, "#! rnews %ld\n", count); while (fgets(buf, 10240, nfp)) { if (strcmp(buf, ".\n")) { fprintf(ofp, buf); } else { break; } } news_out++; curpos = ftell(nfp); count = 0; } /* * Rewind the newsbatch and leave it open. */ rewind(ofp); } fclose(nfp); newsopen = FALSE; /* * Mode rnews, pipe just created newsbatch to rnews. */ if (CFG.newsfeed == FEEDRNEWS) { if ((nb = (expipe(CFG.rnewspath, NULL, NULL))) == NULL) { WriteError("Could not open (pip) output for %s", CFG.rnewspath); newsopen = FALSE; return TRUE; } while (fgets(buf, 10240, ofp)) { fputs(buf, nb); } if (exclose(nb)) { WriteError("Error closing pipe"); newsopen = FALSE; return TRUE; } else Syslog('+', "Articles send through %s", CFG.rnewspath); fclose(ofp); sprintf(buf, "%s/tmp/newsbatch", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); unlink(buf); } /* * Mode UUCP, create UUCP files. */ if (CFG.newsfeed == FEEDUUCP) { seqnr = sequencer(); memset(&utsbuf, 0, sizeof(utsbuf)); if (uname(&utsbuf)) { WriteError("Can't get system nodename"); newsopen = FALSE; return TRUE; } sprintf(buf, "%s/C.%s%lx", CFG.rnewspath, CFG.nntpnode, seqnr); if ((nb = fopen(buf, "a")) == NULL) { WriteError("Can't create %s", buf); newsopen = FALSE; return TRUE; } seqnr = sequencer(); fprintf(nb, "E D.%s%lx D.%s%lx news -C D.%s%lx 0666 \"\" 0 rnews\n", utsbuf.nodename, seqnr, utsbuf.nodename, seqnr, utsbuf.nodename, seqnr); fclose(nb); sprintf(buf, "%s/D.%s%lx", CFG.rnewspath, utsbuf.nodename, seqnr); if ((nb = fopen(buf, "a")) == NULL) { WriteError("Can't create %s", buf); newsopen = FALSE; return TRUE; } while (fgets(buf, 10240, ofp)) { fputs(buf, nb); } Syslog('+', "Articles placed in %s", CFG.rnewspath); fclose(ofp); sprintf(buf, "%s/tmp/newsbatch", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); unlink(buf); } sprintf(buf, "%s/tmp/newsout", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); unlink(buf); free(buf); return FALSE; }