# Makefile for the library files. # Copyright (c) 1997, 2001 by M. Broek. # $Id$ include ../Makefile.global CLCOMM_SRCS = clcomm.c client.c crc.c semafore.c signame.c CLCOMM_OBJS = clcomm.o client.o crc.o semafore.o signame.o CLCOMM_HDRS = clcomm.h COMMON_SRCS = attach.c falists.c hdr.c parsedate.c rfcmsg.c unpacker.c \ batchrd.c ftn.c pktname.c mangle.c sectest.c proglock.c \ dostran.c ftnmsg.c mbfile.c nodelock.c rawio.c strcasestr.c \ execute.c expipe.c getheader.c noderecord.c rfcaddr.c strutil.c \ faddr.c gmtoffset.c packet.c rfcdate.c term.c endian.c COMMON_OBJS = ftscprod.o attach.o falists.o hdr.o parsedate.o rfcmsg.o unpacker.o \ batchrd.o ftn.o pktname.o mangle.o sectest.o proglock.o \ dostran.o ftnmsg.o mbfile.o nodelock.o rawio.o strcasestr.o \ execute.o expipe.o getheader.o noderecord.o rfcaddr.o strutil.o \ faddr.o gmtoffset.o packet.o rfcdate.o term.o endian.o COMMON_HDRS = common.h NODELIST_SRCS = nodelist.c NODELIST_OBJS = nodelist.o NODELIST_HDRS = nodelist.h DBASE_SRCS = dbcfg.c dbdupe.c dbftn.c dbmsgs.c dbnode.c dbtic.c dbuser.c DBASE_OBJS = dbcfg.o dbdupe.o dbftn.o dbmsgs.o dbnode.o dbtic.o dbuser.o DBASE_HDRS = dbcfg.h dbdupe.h dbftn.h dbmsgs.h dbnode.h dbtic.h dbuser.h MSGBASE_SRCS = jammsg.c msg.c msgtext.c MSGBASE_OBJS = jammsg.o msg.o msgtext.o MSGBASE_HDRS = jam.h jammsg.h jamsys.h msg.h msgtext.h MBINET_SRCS = nntp.c pop3.c smtp.c MBINET_OBJS = nntp.o pop3.o smtp.o MBINET_HDRS = mbinet.h DIESEL_SRCS = diesel.c mbdiesel.c DIESEL_HDRS = diesel.h DIESEL_OBJS = diesel.o mbdiesel.o OTHER_HDRS = ansi.h bluewave.h libs.h mbse.h records.h structs.h users.h mberrors.h SRCS = ${CLCOMM_SRCS} ${COMMON_SRCS} ${DBASE_SRCS} ${MSGBASE_SRCS} ${MBINET_SRCS} \ ${DIESEL_SRCS} ${NODELIST_SRCS} OBJS = ${CLCOMM_OBJS} ${COMMON_OBJS} ${DBASE_OBJS} ${MSGBASE_OBJS} ${MBINET_OBJS} \ ${DIESEL_OBJS} ${NODELIST_OBJS} HDRS = ${CLCOMM_HDRS} ${COMMON_HDRS} ${DBASE_HDRS} ${MSGBASE_HDRS} ${MBINET_HDRS} \ ${DIESEL_HDRS} ${NODELIST_HDRS} ${OTHER_HDRS} OTHER = Makefile README ftscprod.007 mkprod.awk \ README.diesel README.macro Diesel.doc nodelist.conf TARGET = libclcomm.a libcommon.a libdbase.a libmsgbase.a libmbinet.a libdiesel.a \ libnodelist.a ############################################################################# .c.o: ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} ${DEFINES} -c $< all: ${TARGET} ftscprod.c: ftscprod.??? mkprod.awk ${AWK} -F, -f mkprod.awk ftscprod.??? >ftscprod.c libclcomm.a: ${CLCOMM_OBJS} ar r $@ $? ${RANLIB} $@ libcommon.a: ${COMMON_OBJS} ar r $@ $? ${RANLIB} $@ libdbase.a: ${DBASE_OBJS} ar r $@ $? ${RANLIB} $@ libmsgbase.a: ${MSGBASE_OBJS} ar r $@ $? ${RANLIB} $@ libmbinet.a: ${MBINET_OBJS} ar r $@ $? ${RANLIB} $@ libdiesel.a: ${DIESEL_OBJS} ar r $@ $? ${RANLIB} $@ libnodelist.a: ${NODELIST_OBJS} ar r $@ $? ${RANLIB} $@ install: all ${INSTALL} -c -o ${OWNER} -g ${GROUP} -m 0444 nodelist.conf ${ETCDIR} clean: rm -f ${TARGET} *.o *.h~ *.c~ ftscprod.c core filelist Makefile.bak filelist: Makefile BASE=`pwd`; \ BASE=`basename $${BASE}`; \ (for f in ${SRCS} ${HDRS} ${OTHER} ;do echo ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}/$${BASE}/$$f; done) >filelist depend: ftscprod.c @rm -f Makefile.bak; \ mv Makefile Makefile.bak; \ sed -e '/^# DO NOT DELETE/,$$d' Makefile.bak >Makefile; \ ${ECHO} '# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - MAKE DEPEND RELIES ON IT' >>Makefile; \ ${ECHO} '# Dependencies generated by make depend' >>Makefile; \ for f in ${SRCS} ftscprod.c; \ do \ ${ECHO} "Dependencies for $$f:\c"; \ ${ECHO} "`basename $$f .c`.o:\c" >>Makefile; \ for h in `sed -n -e \ 's/^#[ ]*include[ ]*"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p' $$f`; \ do \ ${ECHO} " $$h\c"; \ ${ECHO} " $$h\c" >>Makefile; \ done; \ ${ECHO} " done."; \ ${ECHO} "" >>Makefile; \ done; \ ${ECHO} '# End of generated dependencies' >>Makefile # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - MAKE DEPEND RELIES ON IT # Dependencies generated by make depend clcomm.o: ../config.h libs.h mberrors.h clcomm.h client.o: ../config.h libs.h clcomm.h crc.o: ../config.h libs.h clcomm.h semafore.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h common.h signame.o: ../config.h libs.h clcomm.h attach.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h common.h falists.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h common.h hdr.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h parsedate.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h rfcmsg.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h common.h clcomm.h unpacker.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h common.h batchrd.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h common.h ftn.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h dbftn.h common.h pktname.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h common.h mangle.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h common.h sectest.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h clcomm.h proglock.o: ../config.h ../lib/libs.h ../lib/structs.h ../lib/users.h ../lib/records.h ../lib/common.h ../lib/clcomm.h dostran.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h common.h ftnmsg.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h clcomm.h mbfile.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h common.h nodelock.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h common.h rawio.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h mberrors.h strcasestr.o: ../config.h libs.h execute.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h mberrors.h common.h expipe.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h mberrors.h common.h getheader.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h common.h noderecord.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h users.h records.h dbnode.h common.h rfcaddr.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h common.h strutil.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h faddr.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h gmtoffset.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h packet.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h common.h dbnode.h rfcdate.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h clcomm.h term.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h ansi.h records.h common.h endian.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h dbcfg.o: ../config.h libs.h mbse.h structs.h users.h records.h mberrors.h dbcfg.h dbdupe.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h clcomm.h mberrors.h dbdupe.h dbftn.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h dbcfg.h dbftn.h dbmsgs.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h dbcfg.h dbmsgs.h dbnode.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h users.h records.h clcomm.h dbcfg.h dbnode.h dbtic.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h dbcfg.h dbtic.h dbuser.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h dbcfg.h dbuser.h jammsg.o: ../config.h libs.h clcomm.h msgtext.h msg.h jam.h jammsg.h msg.o: ../config.h libs.h msgtext.h msg.h jammsg.h msgtext.o: ../config.h libs.h msgtext.h msg.h nntp.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h mbinet.h pop3.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h mbinet.h smtp.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h mbinet.h diesel.o: ../config.h libs.h diesel.h mbdiesel.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h common.h clcomm.h diesel.h nodelist.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h users.h records.h clcomm.h common.h mberrors.h nodelist.h ftscprod.o: ../config.h libs.h structs.h common.h # End of generated dependencies