Last update 02-Feb-2003

MBSE BBS Global Menus

  1. Goto another menu: This will start the execution of another menu. The current menu level is not stored on the stack.
    Optional data: The name of the new menu.

  2. Gosub another menu: This will start the execution of another menu. The current menu level is stored on the stack. Gosub's may be nested 50 levels deep.
    Optional data: The name of the new menu.

  3. Return from Gosub: This will go back one gosub level. If you are already at the top level nothing happens.
    Optional data: None.

  4. Return to top menu: Return to the top (main) menu. The name of this menu is set in the global setup. Default is main.mnu
    Optional data: None.

  5. Display .a?? file with controlcodes: This will display an ANSI file to the user. If the user has Graphics No set then the ASCII version is shown. Search is done first in the users language path and if that fails the default language path is used. Control codes in the file are substituted with the current values the represent.
    Optional data: The name of the file to display. Do not give the filename extension!

  6. Show menu prompt: Display the menu prompt.
    Optional data: The prompt to display. This string may contain some control characters that are replaced with information. The prompt is displayed in White on Black and is hardcoded at the moment.
    • ~ This will insert the number of minutes the user has left.
    • @ This will insert the name of the current file area.
    • ^ This will insert the name of the current message area.
    • # This will insert the current local time.

  7. Run external program: This will execute external programs.
    Optional data: The full path and filename of the external program to run. There are a few switches you can give on the commandline:
    • /N will be replaced by the current nodenumber. The nodenumber is faked by using the record number of the tty lines setup.
    • /A will prompt for a filename to enter. The filename the user enters is then replaced on the commandline. This is a dangerous option!
    • /T=your prompt is an alternate prompt for entering a filename if used together with the /A option.

  8. Show product information: This will show copyright information about MBSE BBS.
    Optional data: None.

  9. Display todays callers: This will display a list of todays callers to the BBS.
    Optional data: "/H" Show handles instead of real names, "/U" show Unix names instead of real names.

  10. Display userlist: Display all users in the users database except those that are hidden.
    Optional data: "/H" Show handles instead of real names, "/U" show Unix names instead of real names.

  11. Time statistics: Display the users time statistics.
    Optional data: None.

  12. Page Sysop: Page sysop for a chat.
    Optional data: A message to the user
    The message to the user could be something like "Calling sysop, please wait ..." or "I will see if Michiel wants to chat with you, please wait!" As sysop you will know best what to put in that line.

  13. Terminate call: Terminale this call and hangup.
    Optional data: None.

  14. Make a log entry: This will write a line in the logfile.
    Optional data: The information you want in the logfile.

  15. Print text to screen: Write text to the users screen.
    Optional data: The text that must appear on the users screen. The @ character is replaced with a newline.

  16. Who is online: Displays the who is online list and what they are doing. Users that are hidden are not displayed.
    Optional data: "/H" Show handles instead of real names, "/U" show Unix names instead of real names.

  17. Comment to sysop: Enter the texteditor and let the user write a message to the sysop. The area is predefined in the global setup.
    Optional data: None.

  18. Send online message: Send an online message to a user on another line.
    Optional data: "/H" Use handles instead of real names, "/U" use Unix names instead of real names.

  19. Display textfile with more: This will display a textfile to the user. After each full screen the user is prompted with More Y/n/=.
    Optional data: The full path and filename to the file.

  20. Display .a?? file with control codes and wait: This will display a ANSI or ASCII file to the user with control codes and wait for Enter when it is finished.
    Optional data: The filename without extension of the file to display.

  21. Display line This entry does nothing except that it displays the text on the display line. This is always displayed, even if the display line is empty. In that case an empty line is displayed.
    Optional data: None.

  22. Safe cracker door: This runs the Safe Cracker door.
    Optional data: None.

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