MBSE BBS Packages. Distribution naming scheme: mbsebbs-1.0.6.tar.bz2 | | | | | | | +--------- minor patchlevel | | +----------- minor version | +------------- major version +------------------- package name For fidonet distribution, the tar archive and FILE_ID.DIZ are zipped together in a file like MBSE-106.ZIP For first time installing, see the file INSTALL. After a manual installation, the html guide is installed in /opt/mbse/html. Since 1 August 2013 I (Michiel Broek) stopped developing this package. But this is a GPL2 licensed open source package so feel free to continue to improve it. I only ask to make it clear to others that it is a modified package. You can do that by changing the version numbers and messages in the file configure.ac and then run autoconf to update the configure scripts.