Last update 10-Apr-2001
MBSE BBS - Internet Gateway - INN.
Below are the files that you need to setup for INN news. I used inn-2.2.2 on my system. It is configured to install in /opt/news with the command ./configure --prefix=/opt/news during the installation of inn.
## $Revision$ ## inn.conf -- inn configuration data ## Format: ##
: ## ## See the inn.conf(5) man page for a full description of each ## of these options ## ## Blank values are allowed for certain parameters ## --------------------------------- # All parameters must exist # organization: MBSE BBS Development Site server: localhost pathhost: moderatormailer: domain: fromhost: pathalias: complaints: mta: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi %s mailcmd: /opt/news/bin/innmail checkincludedtext: false maxforks: 10 maxartsize: 1000000 nicekids: 4 nicenewnews: 0 verifycancels: false logcancelcomm: false wanttrash: false remembertrash: true linecountfuzz: 0 peertimeout: 3600 clienttimeout: 600 allownewnews: true localmaxartsize: 1000000 logartsize: true logipaddr: true logsitename: true maxconnections: 50 artcutoff: 14 icdsynccount: 10 hiscachesize: 0 readertrack: false strippostcc: false status: 0 timer: 0 readerswhenstopped: false noreader: false extendeddbz: false nnrpdoverstats: false storeonxref: true nnrpdcheckart: true storemsgid: true usecontrolchan: false mergetogroups: false backoffauth: false backoffdb: /opt/news/db/backoff backoffpostfast: 0L backoffpostslow: 1L backofftrigger: 10000L mimeversion: mimecontenttype: mimeencoding: refusecybercancels: false activedenable: false activedupdate: 30 activedport: 1119 nnrpperlauth: false # # # These options are unlikely to need changing in most situations # chaninacttime: 600 chanretrytime: 300 pauseretrytime: 300 nntplinklog: false nntpactsync: 200 badiocount: 5 blockbackoff: 120 # # --------------------------------- # Changing these options can have an effect on the way articles are # stored and may require recreating the spool and/or database files # wireformat: false xrefslave: false nnrpdposthost: nnrpdpostport: 119 spoolfirst: false writelinks: true storageapi: false articlemmap: false overviewmmap: true bindaddress: all sourceaddress: any port: 119 # ## Keywords-in-overview options ## Enabling this without stopping innd and deleting the existing overview ## database and adding will probably confuse a lot of things. You must ## have compiled this support in too. # keywords: false keylimit: 512 keyartlimit: 100000 keymaxwords: 250 # # Other options innflags: doinnwatch: true innwatchsleeptime: 600 pgpverify: false controlfailnotice: false logcycles: 3 innwatchpauseload: 1500 innwatchhiload: 2000 innwatchloload: 1000 innwatchspoolspace: 8000 innwatchbatchspace: 800 innwatchlibspace: 25000 innwatchspoolnodes: 200 docnfsstat: false # # --------------------------------- # Paths to various aspects of the news system # pathnews: /opt/news pathbin: /opt/news/bin pathfilter: /opt/news/bin/filter pathcontrol: /opt/news/bin/control pathdb: /opt/news/db pathetc: /opt/news/etc pathrun: /opt/news/run pathlog: /opt/news/log pathhttp: /opt/news/log pathtmp: /opt/news/tmp pathspool: /opt/news/spool patharticles: /opt/news/spool/articles pathoverview: /opt/news/spool/overview pathoutgoing: /opt/news/spool/outgoing pathincoming: /opt/news/spool/incoming patharchive: /opt/news/spool/archive pathuniover: /opt/news/spool/uniover overviewname: .overview # # --------------------------------- #
## $Revision$ ## expire.ctl - expire control file ## Format: ## /remember/:<keep> ## <patterns>:<modflag>:<keep>:<default>:<purge> ## First line gives history retention; other lines specify expiration ## for newsgroups. Must have a "*:A:..." line which is the default. ## <patterns> wildmat-style patterns for the newsgroups ## <modflag> Pick one of M U A -- modifies pattern to be only ## moderated, unmoderated, or all groups ## <keep> Mininum number of days to keep article ## <default> Default number of days to keep the article ## <purge> Flush article after this many days ## <keep>, <default>, and <purge> can be floating-point numbers or the ## word "never." Times are based on when received unless -p is used; ## see expire.8 ## If article expires before 14 days, we still remember it for 14 days in ## case we get offered it again. Depending on what you use for the innd ## -c flag and how paranoid you are about old news, you might want to ## make this 28, 30, etc. /remember/:14 ## Keep for 1-10 days, allow Expires headers to work. *:A:1:10:never fido.*:A:1:30:60 comp.*:A:1:30:60 local.*:A:1:30:60 nl.*:A:1:30:60 ## Some particular groups stay forever. # Keep FAQ's for a month, so they're always available #*.answers:M:1:35:90 news.announce.*:M:1:35:90 # Some other recommendations. Uncomment if you want # .announce groups tend to be low-traffic, high signal. # *.announce:M:1:30:90 # Weather forecasts # *.weather:A:1:2:7 # test posts # *.test:A:1:1:1 ## Some particular groups stay forever. # dc.dining*:A:never:never:never # uunet*:A:never:never:never
## $Revision$ ## Mailing addresses for moderators. ## Format: ## <newsgroup>:<pathname> ## First match found is used. ## <newsgroup> Shell-style newsgroup pattern or specific newsgroup ## <pathname> Mail address, "%s" becomes newgroup name with dots ## changed to dashes. ## Russian hierarchies fido7.* medlux.* relcom.* ## Direct all public hierarchies to the master moderator database. *
## $Revision$ ## newsfeeds - determine where Usenet articles get sent ## Format: ## site[/exclude,exclude...]\ ## :pattern,pattern...[/distrib,distrib...]\ ## :flag,flag...\ ## :param ## Summary of flags: ## <size Article must be less then size bytes. ## >size Article must be more then size bytes. ## Aitems Article checks -- d (must have Distribution header) ## p (don't check for site in Path header) ## c (no control messages) C (only control messages) ## e (all groups must exist). ## Bhigh/low Internal buffer size before writing to output. ## Fname Name of the spool file. ## Gcount Crossposts limited to count groups. ## H[count] Article must have less then count hops; default is 1. ## Isize Internal buffer size (if a file feed) ## Nm Only moderated groups that match the patterns. ## Nu Only unmoderated groups that match the patterns. ## Ppriority Nice priority of channel or program feed. ## Ooriginator First field of X-Trace must match originator (wildmat). ## Ssize Start spooling if more than size bytes get queued. ## Ttype Feed types -- f (file) m (funnel; param names the ## real entry) p (pipe to program) c (send to stdin ## channel of param's sub-process) x (like c, but ## handles commands on stdin) x (log entry only). ## Witems What to write -- b (article bytesize) f (full path) ## g (first newsgroup) h (Message-ID hash) ## m (Message-ID) n (relative path) p (posted time) ## s (site that fed article) t (time received) ## * (names of funnel feed-in's or all sites that get ## the article) N (Newsgroups header) D (Distribution ## header) H (all headers) O (overview data) ## P (path header) R (replication information) ## Param field depends on T flag. For Tf, relative paths are from the ## out.going directory. For Tp and Tc, it is a shell command to execute. ## If a Tm refers to this entry (which will have its own T param) then "*" ## is expanded to all the funnel sites that triggered this one. Useful ## for spawning one mail process, e.g. ## ## This file is complicated -- see newsfeeds.5! ## This is the local site. ## The "pattern" field gives the initial subscription list for ## all other sites. You might want to put "!control,!junk,!.*" ## there. The "distrib" subfield limits incoming articles. ## ## You can also have ME/ to refuse articles from a particular ## site (by matching the Path: entry). Other pseudo-sites may be put ## in here, to REFUSE certain types of 3rd-party cancel messages ## (See the "Cancel FAQ" ## cyberspam Spam cancels, munged articles, binary postings ## spewcancel just munged articles from runaway gateways ## bincancel just binary postings to non-binaries groups ## ## Note that refusing articles means you won't offer them to sites you feed ## Default of everything to everybody except for junk, control, anything ## with "local" as the newsgroup prefix (i.e. matches "localhost.stuff") or ## groups under foo. Articles posted to any group under alt.binaries.warez ## will not get propagated, even if they're cross posted to something that ## is. ME\ :*,!junk,!control*,!foo.*/fido,local\ :: ## via rpost (suck)*,!control,!junk,!fido.*,!iba.*,!local.*/!local,!fido:: ## News overview # use this flag if storage api is used #overview!:*:Tc,Ao,WhR,S30000:/opt/news/bin/overchan # else overview!:*:Tc,WO,S30000:/opt/news/bin/overchan
## $Revision$ ## distrib.pats -- specify default Distribution header for newsgroups ## Format: ## <weight>:<pattern>:<value> ## All articles are matched against all patterns, value to be used is the ## one with the highest weight. ## <weight> The weight assigned to this match, integer ## <pattern> Newsgroup name or single wildmat(3) pattern ## <value> Value of Distribution header. ## ## ## Uncomment to default all local.* groups to a distribution of local. #10:local.*:local 10:local.*:local 10:fido.*:fido
## $Revision$ ## nnrp.access - access file for on-campus NNTP sites ## Format: ## <host>:<perm>:<user>:<pass>:<groups> ## <host>:</path/file> ## Connecting host must be found in this file; the last match found is ## used, so put defaults first. ## <host> Wildcard name or IP address ## <perm> R to read; P to post ## <user> Username for authentication before posting ## <pass> Password, for same reason ## <groups> Newsgroup patterns that can be read or not read ## </path/file> A second file to scan in the same format as this ## To disable posting put a space in the <user> and <pass> fields, since ## there is no way for client to enter one. ## ## Default is no access, no way to authentication, and no groups. *::::!* stdin:Read Post:::* localhost:Read Post:::* Post:::* * Post:::*
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