Last update 21-Jan-2002


MBSE BBS Programs.

  1. import, Import databases
  2. mbaff, Announce newfiles and filefind
  3. mball, Allfiles and newfiles list creator
  4. mbchat, Sysop to user chat utility
  5. mbcico, The Fidonet mailer ala ifcico
  6. mbdiff, Nodelist difference processor
  7. mbfido, Fidonet mail and files procesor
  8. mbfile, Files database maintenance program
  9. mbindex, Nodelist index compiler
  10. mblang, Language datafile compiler
  11. mblogin, Unix login replacement
  12. mbmon, The monitor program
  13. mbmsg, The messagebase utility program
  14. mbout, The mailer outbound program
  15. mbpasswd, The passwd wrapper
  16. mbsebbs, The bbs program
  17. mbseq, Sequence number creator
  18. mbsetup, The setup program
  19. mbstat, The bbs status change program
  20. mbtoberep, The lister
  21. mbuser, The userbase maintenance program
  22. mbuseradd, The adduser wrapper
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