/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: Edit Files DataBase. * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MBSE BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MBSE BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/mbselib.h" #include "../lib/users.h" #include "../lib/mbsedb.h" #include "screen.h" #include "mutil.h" #include "ledit.h" #include "m_global.h" #include "m_farea.h" #include "m_fdb.h" void E_F(long); void EditFile(void); void FHeader(void) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw( 5, 2, "14. EDIT FILE"); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); mvprintw( 7, 2, " FileName"); mvprintw( 8, 2, " Long fn"); mvprintw( 9, 2, " FileSize"); mvprintw(10, 2, " FileDate"); mvprintw(11, 2, " Last DL."); mvprintw(12, 2, " Upl.Date"); mvprintw(13, 2, " TIC area"); mvprintw(14, 2, " Magic"); mvprintw(15, 2, "1. Uploader"); mvprintw(16, 2, "2. Times DL"); mvprintw(17, 2, "3. Password"); mvprintw(15,61, "4. Deleted"); mvprintw(16,61, "5. No Kill"); mvprintw(17,61, "6. Announced"); } void EditFile() { FHeader(); for (;;) { set_color(WHITE, BLACK); show_str( 7,16,12, fdb.Name); show_str( 8,16,64, fdb.LName); show_int( 9,16, fdb.Size); mvprintw(10,16, (char *)"%s %s", StrDateDMY(fdb.FileDate), StrTimeHM(fdb.FileDate)); mvprintw(11,16, (char *)"%s %s", StrDateDMY(fdb.LastDL), StrTimeHM(fdb.LastDL)); mvprintw(12,16, (char *)"%s %s", StrDateDMY(fdb.UploadDate), StrTimeHM(fdb.UploadDate)); show_str(13,16,20, fdb.TicArea); show_str(14,16,20, fdb.Magic); show_str(15,16,36, fdb.Uploader); show_int(16,16, fdb.TimesDL); show_str(17,16,15, fdb.Password); show_bool(15,75, fdb.Deleted); show_bool(16,75, fdb.NoKill); show_bool(17,75, fdb.Announced); switch(select_menu(6)) { case 0: return; case 1: E_STR( 15,16,35, fdb.Uploader, "The ^uploader^ of this file") case 2: E_INT( 16,16, fdb.TimesDL, "The number of times file is sent with ^download^") case 3: E_STR( 17,16,15, fdb.Password, "The ^password^ to protect this file with") case 4: E_BOOL(15,75, fdb.Deleted, "Should this this file be ^deleted^") case 5: E_BOOL(16,75, fdb.NoKill, "File can't be ^killed^ automatic") case 6: E_BOOL(17,75, fdb.Announced, "File is ^announced^ as new file") } } } void E_F(long areanr) { FILE *fil; char temp[PATH_MAX], help[81]; int i, y, o, records, Ondisk; static char *menu = (char *)"0"; long offset; time_t Time; struct stat statfile; unsigned long crc, crc1; clr_index(); sprintf(temp, "%s/fdb/file%ld.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), areanr); if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r+")) == NULL) { working(2, 0, 0); return; } if (! check_free()) return; fread(&fdbhdr, sizeof(fdbhdr), 1, fil); fseek(fil, 0, SEEK_END); records = ((ftell(fil) - fdbhdr.hdrsize) / fdbhdr.recsize); o = 0; for (;;) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw(5, 4, "14. EDIT FILES DATABASE"); y = 8; working(1, 0, 0); set_color(YELLOW, BLUE); mvprintw(7, 1, " Nr Filename Size Date Time Description "); /* 1234 12345678901234 12345678 12-34-1998 12:45 123456789012345678901234567890*/ set_color(CYAN, BLACK); for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if ((o + i) <= records) { offset = (((o + i) - 1) * fdbhdr.recsize) + fdbhdr.hdrsize; fseek(fil, offset, SEEK_SET); fread(&fdb, fdbhdr.recsize, 1, fil); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw(y, 1, (char *)"%4d.", o + i); sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", area.Path, fdb.LName); Ondisk = ((stat(temp, &statfile)) != -1); if (fdb.Deleted) set_color(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK); else if (Ondisk) set_color(CYAN, BLACK); else set_color(LIGHTRED, BLACK); mvprintw(y, 8, (char *)"%-14s", fdb.Name); if (Ondisk) { if (fdb.Size == statfile.st_size) set_color(CYAN, BLACK); else set_color(LIGHTRED, BLACK); mvprintw(y,23, (char *)"%8ld", fdb.Size); if (fdb.FileDate == statfile.st_mtime) set_color(CYAN, BLACK); else set_color(LIGHTRED, BLACK); Time = fdb.FileDate; mvprintw(y,32, (char *)"%s %s", StrDateDMY(Time), StrTimeHM(Time)); } set_color(CYAN, BLACK); sprintf(temp, "%s", fdb.Desc[0]); temp[30] = '\0'; mvprintw(y,49, (char *)"%s", temp); y++; } } if (records) if (records > 10) sprintf(help, "^1..%d^ Edit, ^-^ Return, ^N^/^P^ Page", records); else sprintf(help, "^1..%d^ Edit, ^-^ Return", records); else sprintf(help, "^-^ Return"); showhelp(help); while(TRUE) { mvprintw(LINES - 4, 6, "Enter your choice >"); menu = (char *)"-"; menu = edit_field(LINES - 4, 26, 6, '!', menu); locate(LINES - 4, 6); clrtoeol(); if (strncmp(menu, "-", 1) == 0) { fclose(fil); open_bbs(); return; } if (records > 10) { if (strncmp(menu, "N", 1) == 0) if ((o + 10) < records) { o += 10; break; } if (strncmp(menu, "P", 1) == 0) if ((o - 10) >= 0) { o -= 10; break; } } if ((atoi(menu) > 0) && (atoi(menu) <= records)) { working(1, 0, 0); offset = ((atoi(menu) - 1) * fdbhdr.recsize) + fdbhdr.hdrsize; fseek(fil, offset, SEEK_SET); fread(&fdb, fdbhdr.recsize, 1, fil); crc = 0xffffffff; crc = upd_crc32((char *)&fdb, crc, fdbhdr.recsize); o = ((atoi(menu) - 1) / 10) * 10; sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", area.Path, fdb.LName); EditFile(); crc1 = 0xffffffff; crc1 = upd_crc32((char *)&fdb, crc1, fdbhdr.recsize); if (crc != crc1) { if (yes_no((char *)"Record is changed, save") == 1) { working(1, 0, 0); fseek(fil, offset, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&fdb, fdbhdr.recsize, 1, fil); working(6, 0, 0); } } break; } } } } void EditFDB() { int records, i, o, x, y; char pick[12]; FILE *fil; char temp[PATH_MAX]; long offset; clr_index(); working(1, 0, 0); IsDoing("Browsing Menu"); if (config_read() == -1) { working(2, 0, 0); return; } records = CountFilearea(); if (records == -1) { working(2, 0, 0); return; } o = 0; for (;;) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw( 5, 4, "14. EDIT FILES DATABSE"); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); if (records != 0) { sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/fareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); working(1, 0, 0); if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&areahdr, sizeof(areahdr), 1, fil); x = 2; y = 7; set_color(CYAN, BLACK); for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { if (i == 11) { x = 42; y = 7; } if ((o + i) <= records) { offset = sizeof(areahdr) + (((o + i) - 1) * areahdr.recsize); fseek(fil, offset, SEEK_SET); fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, fil); if (area.Available) set_color(CYAN, BLACK); else set_color(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK); sprintf(temp, "%3d. %-32s", o + i, area.Name); temp[37] = 0; mvprintw(y, x, temp); y++; } } fclose(fil); } } strcpy(pick, select_pick(records, 20)); if (strncmp(pick, "-", 1) == 0) { return; } if (strncmp(pick, "N", 1) == 0) if ((o + 20) < records) o = o + 20; if (strncmp(pick, "P", 1) == 0) if ((o - 20) >= 0) o = o - 20; if ((atoi(pick) >= 1) && (atoi(pick) <= records)) { sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/fareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { offset = areahdr.hdrsize + ((atoi(pick) - 1) * areahdr.recsize); fseek(fil, offset, SEEK_SET); fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, fil); fclose(fil); if (area.Available) { E_F(atoi(pick)); } o = ((atoi(pick) - 1) / 20) * 20; } } } } /* * Init files database. Since version 0.51.2 the format is changed. * Check this and automagic upgrade the database. */ void InitFDB(void) { int records, i; long Area = 0; char *temp, Magic[21]; FILE *fp1, *fp2, *fil, *ft, *fp; DIR *dp; struct dirent *de; struct OldFILERecord old; struct stat sb; struct _fdbarea *fdb_area = NULL; records = CountFilearea(); if (records <= 0) return; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/fareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&areahdr, sizeof(areahdr), 1, fil); while (fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, fil)) { Area++; if (area.Available) { sprintf(temp, "%s/fdb/fdb%ld.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), Area); if ((fp1 = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { /* * Old area available, upgrade. */ sprintf(temp, "%s/fdb/file%ld.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), Area); if ((fp2 = fopen(temp, "w+")) == NULL) { WriteError("$Can't create %s", temp); } else { fdbhdr.hdrsize = sizeof(fdbhdr); fdbhdr.recsize = sizeof(fdb); fwrite(&fdbhdr, sizeof(fdbhdr), 1, fp2); while (fread(&old, sizeof(old), 1, fp1)) { Nopper(); memset(&fdb, 0, fdbhdr.recsize); strncpy(fdb.Name, old.Name, sizeof(fdb.Name) -1); strncpy(fdb.LName, old.LName, sizeof(fdb.LName) -1); sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((ft = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, ft); while (fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, ft)) { if (StringCRC32(tic.Name) == old.TicAreaCRC) { strncpy(fdb.TicArea, tic.Name, sizeof(fdb.TicArea) -1); break; } fseek(ft, tichdr.syssize, SEEK_CUR); } fclose(ft); } fdb.Size = old.Size; fdb.Crc32 = old.Crc32; strncpy(fdb.Uploader, old.Uploader, sizeof(fdb.Uploader) -1); fdb.UploadDate = old.UploadDate; fdb.FileDate = old.FileDate; fdb.LastDL = old.LastDL; fdb.TimesDL = old.TimesDL + old.TimesFTP + old.TimesReq; strncpy(fdb.Password, old.Password, sizeof(fdb.Password) -1); for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) strncpy(fdb.Desc[i], old.Desc[i], 48); /* * Search the magic directory to see if this file is a magic file. */ sprintf(temp, "%s/magic", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((dp = opendir(temp)) != NULL) { while ((de = readdir(dp))) { if (de->d_name[0] != '.') { sprintf(temp, "%s/magic/%s", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), de->d_name); /* * Only regular files without execute permission are magic requests. */ if ((lstat(temp, &sb) != -1) && (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) && (! (sb.st_mode & S_IXUSR))) { if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r"))) { fgets(Magic, sizeof(Magic) -1, fp); Striplf(Magic); if ((strcasecmp(Magic, fdb.Name) == 0) || (strcasecmp(Magic, fdb.LName) == 0)) { strncpy(fdb.Magic, de->d_name, sizeof(fdb.Magic) -1); } fclose(fp); } } } } closedir(dp); } fdb.Deleted = old.Deleted; fdb.NoKill = old.NoKill; fdb.Announced = old.Announced; fdb.Double = old.Double; fwrite(&fdb, fdbhdr.recsize, 1, fp2); } fclose(fp2); Syslog('+', "Upgraded file area database %d", Area); } fclose(fp1); sprintf(temp, "%s/fdb/fdb%ld.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT"), Area); unlink(temp); } // Old area type upgrade. /* * Current area, check */ if ((fdb_area = mbsedb_OpenFDB(Area, 30)) == NULL) WriteError("InitFDB(): database area %ld might be corrupt", Area); else mbsedb_CloseFDB(fdb_area); } } fclose(fil); } free(temp); }