/***************************************************************************** * * $Id$ * Purpose ...............: TIC Areas Setup Program * ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2004 * * Michiel Broek FIDO: 2:280/2802 * Beekmansbos 10 * 1971 BV IJmuiden * the Netherlands * * This file is part of MBSE BBS. * * This BBS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * MB BBS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MB BBS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "../config.h" #include "../lib/mbselib.h" #include "screen.h" #include "mutil.h" #include "ledit.h" #include "stlist.h" #include "grlist.h" #include "m_global.h" #include "m_node.h" #include "m_fgroup.h" #include "m_farea.h" #include "m_archive.h" #include "m_ticarea.h" int TicUpdated = 0; unsigned long TicCrc; FILE *ttfil = NULL; /* * Count nr of tic records in the database. * Creates the database if it doesn't exist. */ int CountTicarea(void) { FILE *fil; char ffile[PATH_MAX]; int count; sprintf(ffile, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(ffile, "r")) == NULL) { if ((fil = fopen(ffile, "a+")) != NULL) { Syslog('+', "Created new %s", ffile); tichdr.hdrsize = sizeof(tichdr); tichdr.recsize = sizeof(tic); tichdr.syssize = CFG.tic_systems * sizeof(sysconnect); tichdr.lastupd = time(NULL); fwrite(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, fil); fclose(fil); chmod(ffile, 0640); return 0; } else return -1; } fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, fil); fseek(fil, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&tichdr, tichdr.hdrsize, 1, fil); fseek(fil, 0, SEEK_END); count = (ftell(fil) - tichdr.hdrsize) / (tichdr.recsize + tichdr.syssize); fclose(fil); return count; } /* * Open database for editing. The datafile is copied, if the format * is changed it will be converted on the fly. All editing must be * done on the copied file. */ int OpenTicarea(void) { FILE *fin, *fout; char fnin[PATH_MAX], fnout[PATH_MAX]; long oldsize, oldsys; struct _sysconnect syscon; int i, oldsystems; sprintf(fnin, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); sprintf(fnout, "%s/etc/tic.temp", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fin = fopen(fnin, "r")) != NULL) { if ((fout = fopen(fnout, "w")) != NULL) { TicUpdated = 0; fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, fin); fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&tichdr, tichdr.hdrsize, 1, fin); if (tichdr.hdrsize != sizeof(tichdr)) { tichdr.hdrsize = sizeof(tichdr); tichdr.lastupd = time(NULL); TicUpdated = 1; } /* * In case we are automatic upgrading the data format * we save the old format. If it is changed, the * database must always be updated. */ oldsize = tichdr.recsize; oldsys = tichdr.syssize; oldsystems = oldsys / sizeof(syscon); if ((oldsize != sizeof(tic)) || (CFG.tic_systems != oldsystems)) { TicUpdated = 1; if (oldsize != sizeof(tic)) Syslog('+', "Upgraded %s, format changed", fnin); else if (CFG.tic_systems != oldsystems) Syslog('+', "Upgraded %s, nr of systems now %d", fnin, CFG.tic_systems); } tichdr.hdrsize = sizeof(tichdr); tichdr.recsize = sizeof(tic); tichdr.syssize = sizeof(syscon) * CFG.tic_systems; fwrite(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, fout); /* * The datarecord is filled with zero's before each * read, so if the format changed, the new fields * will be empty. */ memset(&tic, 0, sizeof(tic)); while (fread(&tic, oldsize, 1, fin) == 1) { if (TicUpdated && !tic.LinkSec.level) { tic.LinkSec.level = 1; tic.LinkSec.flags = 1; } fwrite(&tic, sizeof(tic), 1, fout); memset(&tic, 0, sizeof(tic)); /* * Copy the existing connections */ for (i = 1; i <= oldsystems; i++) { fread(&syscon, sizeof(syscon), 1, fin); /* * Write only valid records */ if (i <= CFG.tic_systems) fwrite(&syscon, sizeof(syscon), 1, fout); } if (oldsystems < CFG.tic_systems) { /* * The size is increased, fill with * blank records. */ memset(&syscon, 0, sizeof(syscon)); for (i = (oldsystems + 1); i <= CFG.tic_systems; i++) fwrite(&syscon, sizeof(syscon), 1, fout); } } fclose(fin); fclose(fout); return 0; } else return -1; } return -1; } void CloseTicarea(int Force) { char fin[PATH_MAX], fout[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fi, *fo; st_list *tir = NULL, *tmp; int i; struct _sysconnect syscon; sprintf(fin, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); sprintf(fout,"%s/etc/tic.temp", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if (TicUpdated == 1) { if (Force || (yes_no((char *)"Tic areas database is changed, save changes")) == 1) { working(1, 0, 0); fi = fopen(fout, "r"); fo = fopen(fin, "w"); fread(&tichdr, tichdr.hdrsize, 1, fi); fwrite(&tichdr, tichdr.hdrsize, 1, fo); while (fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, fi) == 1) { if (!tic.Deleted) fill_stlist(&tir, tic.Name, ftell(fi) - tichdr.recsize); fseek(fi, tichdr.syssize, SEEK_CUR); } sort_stlist(&tir); for (tmp = tir; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { fseek(fi, tmp->pos, SEEK_SET); fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, fi); fwrite(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, fo); for (i = 0; i < (tichdr.syssize / sizeof(syscon)); i++) { fread(&syscon, sizeof(syscon), 1, fi); fwrite(&syscon, sizeof(syscon), 1, fo); } } tidy_stlist(&tir); fclose(fi); fclose(fo); unlink(fout); chmod(fin, 0640); Syslog('+', "Updated \"tic.data\""); return; } } chmod(fin, 0640); working(1, 0, 0); unlink(fout); } int AppendTicarea(void); int AppendTicarea(void) { FILE *fil; char ffile[PATH_MAX]; struct _sysconnect syscon; int i; sprintf(ffile, "%s/etc/tic.temp", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(ffile, "a")) != NULL) { memset(&tic, 0, sizeof(tic)); /* * Fill in default values */ tic.DupCheck = TRUE; tic.Secure = TRUE; tic.VirScan = TRUE; tic.Announce = TRUE; tic.UpdMagic = TRUE; tic.FileId = TRUE; tic.Active = TRUE; tic.AreaStart = time(NULL); tic.LinkSec.level = 1; tic.LinkSec.flags = 1; fwrite(&tic, sizeof(tic), 1, fil); memset(&syscon, 0, sizeof(syscon)); for (i = 1; i <= CFG.tic_systems; i++) fwrite(&syscon, sizeof(syscon), 1, fil); fclose(fil); TicUpdated = 1; return 0; } else return -1; } void EditTicSystem(sysconnect *); void EditTicSystem(sysconnect *Sys) { sysconnect S; unsigned short zone = 0; int refresh = TRUE; S = (* Sys); for (;;) { if (refresh) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw( 5,6, "10.2.26 EDIT CONNECTION"); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); mvprintw( 7,6, "1. Aka"); mvprintw( 8,6, "2. Send to"); mvprintw( 9,6, "3. Recv from"); mvprintw(10,6, "4. Pause"); mvprintw(11,6, "5. Delete"); refresh = FALSE; } set_color(WHITE, BLACK); show_str( 7,24,23, aka2str(S.aka)); show_bool( 8,24, S.sendto); show_bool( 9,24, S.receivefrom); show_bool(10,24, S.pause); zone = S.aka.zone; switch(select_menu(5)) { case 0: (* Sys) = S; return; case 1: S.aka = PullUplink((char *)"10.2.26"); refresh = TRUE; break; case 2: E_BOOL( 8,24, S.sendto, "^Send^ files ^to^ this node") case 3: E_BOOL( 9,24, S.receivefrom, "^Receive^ files ^from^ this node") case 4: E_BOOL(10,24, S.pause, "Is this node ^paused^") case 5: if (yes_no((char *)"Delete this entry")) { memset(&S, 0, sizeof(sysconnect)); (* Sys) = S; return; } break; } /* * Set sendto to on when a new * zone is entered. */ if ((S.aka.zone) && (!zone)) { S.sendto = 1; } } } int EditTicConnections(FILE *); int EditTicConnections(FILE *fil) { int systems, o = 0, i, y, x; long offset; char pick[12]; sysconnect System; char status[4]; char temp[41]; systems = tichdr.syssize / sizeof(sysconnect); for (;;) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw( 5, 5, "10.2.26 TIC AREA CONNECTIONS"); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); y = 7; x = 2; for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { if ((o+i-1) < systems) { if (i == 11) { y = 7; x = 42; } offset = (o+i-1) * sizeof(sysconnect); if ((fseek(fil, offset, 0)) != 0) { working(2, 0, 0); return FALSE; } fread(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, fil); memset(&status, 0, 4); memset(&status, '-', 3); if (System.sendto) status[0] = 'S'; if (System.receivefrom) status[1] = 'R'; if (System.pause) status[2] = 'P'; if (System.aka.zone) { set_color(CYAN,BLACK); sprintf(temp, "%3d. %s %s", o+i, status, aka2str(System.aka)); } else { set_color(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK); sprintf(temp, "%3d.", o+i); } mvprintw(y, x, temp); y++; } } strcpy(pick, select_pick(systems, 20)); if (strncmp(pick, "-", 1) == 0) { return FALSE; } if (strncmp(pick, "N", 1) == 0) if ((o + 20) < systems) o = o + 20; if (strncmp(pick, "P", 1) == 0) if ((o - 20) >= 0) o = o - 20; if (((atoi(pick) > 0) && (atoi(pick) <= systems))) { offset = (atoi(pick) -1) * sizeof(sysconnect); fseek(fil, offset, 0); fread(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, fil); EditTicSystem(&System); fseek(fil, offset, 0); fwrite(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, fil); } } } void SetTicScreen(void); void SetTicScreen(void) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw( 4, 2, "10.2 EDIT TIC AREA"); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); mvprintw( 6, 2, "1. Comment"); mvprintw( 7, 2, "2. Area tag"); mvprintw( 8, 2, "3. Security"); mvprintw( 9, 2, "4. BBS area"); mvprintw(10, 2, "5. Message"); mvprintw(11, 2, "6. Group"); mvprintw(12, 2, "7. Keep #"); mvprintw(13, 2, "8. Fido aka"); mvprintw(14, 2, "9. Convert"); mvprintw(15, 2, "10. Banner"); mvprintw(16, 2, "11. Replace"); mvprintw( 9,41, "12. Dupecheck"); mvprintw(10,41, "13. Secure"); mvprintw(11,41, "14. Touch"); mvprintw(12,41, "15. Virus sc."); mvprintw(13,41, "16. Announce"); mvprintw(14,41, "17. Upd magic"); mvprintw(15,41, "18. File_id"); mvprintw(16,41, "19. Conv.all"); mvprintw( 9,60, "20. Send org."); mvprintw(10,60, "21. Mandatory"); mvprintw(11,60, "22. Notified"); mvprintw(12,60, "23. Upl discon"); mvprintw(13,60, "24. Deleted"); mvprintw(14,60, "25. Active"); mvprintw(15,60, "26. Systems"); } long LoadTicRec(int, int); long LoadTicRec(int Area, int work) { FILE *fil; char mfile[PATH_MAX]; long offset; sysconnect System; int i; if (work) working(1, 0, 0); sprintf(mfile, "%s/etc/tic.temp", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(mfile, "r")) == NULL) { working(2, 0, 0); return -1; } if ((ttfil = tmpfile()) == NULL) { working(2, 0, 0); return -1; } fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, fil); offset = tichdr.hdrsize + (((Area -1) * (tichdr.recsize + tichdr.syssize))); if (fseek(fil, offset, 0) != 0) { fclose(ttfil); working(2, 0, 0); return -1; } fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, fil); TicCrc = 0xffffffff; TicCrc = upd_crc32((char *)&tic, TicCrc, tichdr.recsize); for (i = 0; i < (tichdr.syssize / sizeof(sysconnect)); i++) { fread(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, fil); fwrite(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); TicCrc = upd_crc32((char *)&System, TicCrc, sizeof(sysconnect)); } fclose(fil); return offset; } int SaveTicRec(int, int); int SaveTicRec(int Area, int work) { int i; FILE *fil; long offset; char mfile[PATH_MAX]; sysconnect System; if (work) working(1, 0, 0); sprintf(mfile, "%s/etc/tic.temp", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(mfile, "r+")) == 0) { working(2, 0, 0); return -1; } fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, fil); offset = tichdr.hdrsize + (((Area -1) * (tichdr.recsize + tichdr.syssize))); if (fseek(fil, offset, SEEK_SET)) { fclose(fil); working(2, 0, 0); return -1; } fwrite(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, fil); fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); for (i = 0; i < (tichdr.syssize / sizeof(sysconnect)); i++) { fread(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); fwrite(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, fil); } fclose(fil); fclose(ttfil); ttfil = NULL; return 0; } void ShowTicStatus(sysconnect); void ShowTicStatus(sysconnect S) { clr_index(); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); mvprintw( 7, 6, "Aka"); mvprintw( 8, 6, "Send to"); mvprintw( 9, 6, "Recv from"); mvprintw(10, 6, "Pause"); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); show_str( 7,16,23, aka2str(S.aka)); show_bool( 8,16, S.sendto); show_bool( 9,16, S.receivefrom); show_bool(10,16, S.pause); } void TicGlobal(void); void TicGlobal(void) { gr_list *mgr = NULL, *tmp; char *p, tfile[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fil; fidoaddr a1, a2; int menu = 0, areanr, Areas, akan = 0, Found; int Total, Done; long offset; sysconnect S, Sc; securityrec as; /* * Build the groups select array */ working(1, 0, 0); sprintf(tfile, "%s/etc/fgroups.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(tfile, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&fgrouphdr, sizeof(fgrouphdr), 1, fil); while (fread(&fgroup, fgrouphdr.recsize, 1, fil) == 1) fill_grlist(&mgr, fgroup.Name); fclose(fil); sort_grlist(&mgr); } /* * Initialize some variables */ memset(&S, 0, sizeof(sysconnect)); S.sendto = TRUE; S.receivefrom = FALSE; as.level = 1; as.flags = 1; as.notflags = 0; for (;;) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw( 5, 6, "10.2 GLOBAL EDIT TIC AREAS"); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); mvprintw( 7, 6, "1. Delete connection"); mvprintw( 8, 6, "2. Add new connection"); mvprintw( 9, 6, "3. Replace connection"); mvprintw(10, 6, "4. Change connection status"); mvprintw(11, 6, "5. Change aka to use"); mvprintw(12, 6, "6. Change security flags"); mvprintw(13, 6, "7. Delete TIC area"); memset(&a1, 0, sizeof(fidoaddr)); memset(&a2, 0, sizeof(fidoaddr)); menu = select_menu(7); switch (menu) { case 0: tidy_grlist(&mgr); return; case 1: a1 = PullUplink((char *)"AKA TO DELETE"); break; case 2: a2 = PullUplink((char *)"AKA TO ADD"); break; case 3: a1 = PullUplink((char *)"AKA TO REPLACE"); a2 = PullUplink((char *)"NEW AKA"); break; case 4: S.aka = PullUplink((char *)"AKA TO CHANGE STATUS"); ShowTicStatus(S); S.sendto = edit_bool(8,16,S.sendto, (char *)"^Send^ files to this node"); S.receivefrom = edit_bool(9,16,S.receivefrom, (char *)"^Receive^ files from this node"); S.pause = edit_bool(10,16,S.pause, (char *)"Is this node ^paused^"); break; case 5: akan = PickAka((char *)"10.2.5", TRUE); break; case 6: as = edit_asec(as, (char *)"10.2.6 EDIT LINK SECURITY"); break; } E_Group(&mgr, (char *)"SELECT TIC GROUPS TO CHANGE"); /* * Show settings before proceeding */ switch (menu) { case 1: mvprintw(7, 6, "Delete aka %s", aka2str(a1)); break; case 2: mvprintw(7, 6, "Add aka %s", aka2str(a2)); break; case 3: p = xstrcpy(aka2str(a1)); mvprintw(7, 6, "Replace aka %s with %s", p, aka2str(a2)); free(p); break; case 4: ShowTicStatus(S); mvprintw(14, 6, "Change the link status"); case 5: if (akan != -1) mvprintw( 7, 6, "Set %s as new aka to use", aka2str(CFG.aka[akan])); break; case 6: set_color(CYAN, BLACK); mvprintw(7, 6, "Link security"); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw(7,21, getflag(as.flags, as.notflags)); break; case 7: mvprintw(7, 6, "Delete TIC areas"); break; } if (yes_no((char *)"Perform changes")) { working(1, 0, 0); Areas = CountTicarea(); Total = Done = 0; for (areanr = 1; areanr <= Areas; areanr++) { offset = LoadTicRec(areanr, FALSE); if (tic.Active && strlen(tic.Group)) { for (tmp = mgr; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { if (tmp->tagged && (strcmp(tmp->group, tic.Group) == 0)) { Total++; switch (menu) { case 1: fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fread(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil) == 1) { if ((Sc.aka.zone == a1.zone) && (Sc.aka.net == a1.net) && (Sc.aka.node == a1.node) && (Sc.aka.point == a1.point)) { fseek(ttfil, - sizeof(sysconnect), SEEK_CUR); memset(&Sc, 0, sizeof(sysconnect)); fwrite(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); if (SaveTicRec(areanr, FALSE) == 0) { Done++; Syslog('+', "Deleted %s from %s", aka2str(a1), tic.Name); } break; } } break; case 2: fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); Found = FALSE; while (fread(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil) == 1) if ((Sc.aka.zone == a2.zone) && (Sc.aka.net == a2.net) && (Sc.aka.node == a2.node) && (Sc.aka.point == a2.point)) { Found = TRUE; break; } if (Found) break; fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fread(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil) == 1) { if (Sc.aka.zone == 0) { fseek(ttfil, - sizeof(sysconnect), SEEK_CUR); memset(&Sc, 0, sizeof(sysconnect)); Sc.aka.zone = a2.zone; Sc.aka.net = a2.net; Sc.aka.node = a2.node; Sc.aka.point = a2.point; Sc.sendto = TRUE; Sc.receivefrom = FALSE; sprintf(Sc.aka.domain, "%s", a2.domain); fwrite(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); if (SaveTicRec(areanr, FALSE) == 0) { Done++; Syslog('+', "Added %s to area %s", aka2str(a2), tic.Name); } break; } } break; case 3: fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fread(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil) == 1) { if ((Sc.aka.zone == a1.zone) && (Sc.aka.net == a1.net) && (Sc.aka.node == a1.node) && (Sc.aka.point == a1.point)) { Sc.aka.zone = a2.zone; Sc.aka.net = a2.net; Sc.aka.node = a2.node; Sc.aka.point = a2.point; sprintf(Sc.aka.domain, "%s", a2.domain); fseek(ttfil, - sizeof(sysconnect), SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); if (SaveTicRec(areanr, FALSE) == 0) { Done++; p = xstrcpy(aka2str(a1)); Syslog('+', "Changed %s into %s in area %s", p, aka2str(a2), tic.Name); free(p); } break; } } break; case 4: fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); while (fread(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil) == 1) { if ((Sc.aka.zone == S.aka.zone) && (Sc.aka.net == S.aka.net) && (Sc.aka.node == S.aka.node) && (Sc.aka.point == S.aka.point)) { Sc.sendto = S.sendto; Sc.receivefrom = S.receivefrom; Sc.pause = S.pause; Sc.cutoff = S.cutoff; fseek(ttfil, - sizeof(sysconnect), SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&Sc, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); if (SaveTicRec(areanr, FALSE) == 0) { Done++; Syslog('+', "Changed status of %s in area %s", aka2str(S.aka), tic.Name); } break; } } break; case 5: if (akan != -1) { if ((tic.Aka.zone != CFG.aka[akan].zone) || (tic.Aka.net != CFG.aka[akan].net) || (tic.Aka.node != CFG.aka[akan].node) || (tic.Aka.point != CFG.aka[akan].point)) { tic.Aka.zone = CFG.aka[akan].zone; tic.Aka.net = CFG.aka[akan].net; tic.Aka.node = CFG.aka[akan].node; tic.Aka.point = CFG.aka[akan].point; sprintf(tic.Aka.domain, "%s", CFG.aka[akan].domain); if (SaveTicRec(areanr, FALSE) == 0) { Done++; Syslog('+', "Area %s now uses aka %s", tic.Name, aka2str(tic.Aka)); } } } break; case 6: if ((tic.LinkSec.flags != as.flags) || (tic.LinkSec.notflags != as.notflags)) { memcpy(&tic.LinkSec, &as, sizeof(securityrec)); if (SaveTicRec(areanr, FALSE) == 0) { Done++; Syslog('+', "Area %s changed link security flags", tic.Name); } } break; case 7: if (tic.Active) { tic.Active = FALSE; tic.Deleted = TRUE; if (SaveTicRec(areanr, FALSE) == 0) { Done++; Syslog('+', "Deleted TIC area %s", tic.Name); } } break; } } } } if (ttfil != NULL) fclose(ttfil); } mvprintw(LINES -3, 6,"Made %d changes in %d possible areas", Done, Total); (void)readkey(LINES -3, 50, LIGHTGRAY, BLACK); if (Done) TicUpdated = TRUE; } } tidy_grlist(&mgr); } /** * Edit one record, return -1 if record doesn't exist, 0 if ok. */ int EditTicRec(int); int EditTicRec(int Area) { unsigned long crc1; int tmp, i, connections = 0, changed = FALSE; sysconnect System; char *temp; FILE *fp; clr_index(); IsDoing("Edit Tic Area"); if (LoadTicRec(Area, TRUE) == -1) return -1; temp = calloc(PATH_MAX, sizeof(char)); SetTicScreen(); for (;;) { sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/fareas.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&areahdr, sizeof(areahdr), 1, fp); fseek(fp, ((tic.FileArea - 1) * areahdr.recsize) + areahdr.hdrsize, SEEK_SET); fread(&area, areahdr.recsize, 1, fp); sprintf(temp, "%ld: %s", tic.FileArea, area.Name); temp[24] = '\0'; fclose(fp); } else { sprintf(temp, "%ld", tic.FileArea); } set_color(WHITE, BLACK); show_str( 6,16,55, tic.Comment); show_str( 7,16,20, tic.Name); mvprintw( 8,16, getflag(tic.LinkSec.flags, tic.LinkSec.notflags)); show_str( 9,16,24, temp); show_str(10,16,14, tic.Message); show_str(11,16,12, tic.Group); show_int(12,16, tic.KeepLatest); show_str(13,16,20, aka2str(tic.Aka)); show_str(14,16,5, tic.Convert); show_str(15,16,14, tic.Banner); show_bool(16,16, tic.Replace); show_bool( 9,55, tic.DupCheck); show_bool(10,55, tic.Secure); show_bool(11,55, tic.Touch); show_bool(12,55, tic.VirScan); show_bool(13,55, tic.Announce); show_bool(14,55, tic.UpdMagic); show_bool(15,55, tic.FileId); show_bool(16,55, tic.ConvertAll); show_bool( 9,74, tic.SendOrg); show_bool(10,74, tic.Mandat); show_bool(11,74, tic.Notified); show_bool(12,74, tic.UplDiscon); show_bool(13,74, tic.Deleted); show_bool(14,74, tic.Active); fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); connections = 0; while (fread(&System, sizeof(System), 1, ttfil) == 1) { if (System.aka.zone) connections++; } show_int( 15,74, connections); switch(select_menu(26)) { case 0: crc1 = 0xffffffff; crc1 = upd_crc32((char *)&tic, crc1, tichdr.recsize); fseek(ttfil, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < (tichdr.syssize / sizeof(sysconnect)); i++) { fread(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); crc1 = upd_crc32((char *)&System, crc1, sizeof(sysconnect)); } if ((TicCrc != crc1) || (changed)) { if (yes_no((char *)"Record is changed, save") == 1) { if (SaveTicRec(Area, TRUE) == -1) return -1; TicUpdated = 1; Syslog('+', "Saved tic record %d", Area); } } if (ttfil != NULL) fclose(ttfil); ttfil = NULL; IsDoing("Browsing Menu"); free(temp); return 0; case 1: E_STR( 6,16,55, tic.Comment, "The ^description^ for this area."); case 2: E_STR( 7,16,20, tic.Name, "The ^name^ of this ^TIC^ area."); case 3: tic.LinkSec = edit_asec(tic.LinkSec, (char *)"LINK SECURITY FLAGS"); SetTicScreen(); break; case 4: tmp = PickFilearea((char *)"10.2.4"); if (tmp != 0) tic.FileArea = tmp; SetTicScreen(); break; case 5: E_STR(10,16,14, tic.Message, "The ^message^ to include with the .tic files."); case 6: tmp = strlen(tic.Group); strcpy(tic.Group, PickFGroup((char *)"10.2.6")); if (strlen(tic.Group) && !tmp) { /* * If set the first time, fill in defaults */ tic.Aka = fgroup.UseAka; strncpy(tic.Convert, fgroup.Convert, 5); strncpy(tic.Banner, fgroup.Banner, 14); tic.Replace = fgroup.Replace; tic.DupCheck = fgroup.DupCheck; tic.Secure = fgroup.Secure; tic.Touch = fgroup.Touch; tic.VirScan = fgroup.VirScan; tic.Announce = fgroup.Announce; tic.UpdMagic = fgroup.UpdMagic; tic.FileId = fgroup.FileId; tic.ConvertAll = fgroup.ConvertAll; tic.SendOrg = fgroup.SendOrg; tic.LinkSec = fgroup.LinkSec; /* * If there is an uplink defined in the group, * and the first connected system is empty, * copy the uplink as default connection. */ if (fgroup.UpLink.zone) { fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); if (!System.aka.zone) { memset(&System, 0, sizeof(sysconnect)); System.aka = fgroup.UpLink; System.receivefrom = TRUE; fseek(ttfil, 0, SEEK_SET); fwrite(&System, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, ttfil); } } } SetTicScreen(); break; case 7: E_INT(12,16, tic.KeepLatest, "^Keep^ the ^latest^ number of files."); case 8: tmp = PickAka((char *)"10.2.8", TRUE); if (tmp != -1) tic.Aka = CFG.aka[tmp]; SetTicScreen(); break; case 9: strcpy(tic.Convert, PickArchive((char *)"10.2.9")); SetTicScreen(); break; case 10:E_STR(15,16,14, tic.Banner, "The ^banner^ to put in the file archives"); case 11:E_BOOL(16,16, tic.Replace, "Allow ^Replace^ files command"); case 12:E_BOOL( 9,55, tic.DupCheck, "Check for ^duplicates^ in received files"); case 13:E_BOOL(10,55, tic.Secure, "Check for ^secure^ systems"); case 14:E_BOOL(11,55, tic.Touch, "^Touch filedate^ on rearchived files to the origininal filedate"); case 15:E_BOOL(12,55, tic.VirScan, "Check received files for ^virusses^"); case 16:E_BOOL(13,55, tic.Announce, "^Announce^ received files"); case 17:E_BOOL(14,55, tic.UpdMagic, "Update files ^magic^ names"); case 18:E_BOOL(15,55, tic.FileId, "Extract ^FILE_ID.DIZ^ from received files"); case 19:tmp = edit_bool(16,55, tic.ConvertAll, (char *)"^Convert^ archive always"); if (tmp && !tic.ConvertAll && strlen(tic.Convert) == 0) errmsg("No archiver configured to convert to, edit 8 first"); else tic.ConvertAll = tmp; break; case 20:E_BOOL( 9,74, tic.SendOrg, "^Send original^ file to downlinks"); case 21:E_BOOL(10,74, tic.Mandat, "Is this area ^mandatory^"); case 22:E_BOOL(11,74, tic.Notified, "Is the sysop ^notified^ if this area is (dis)connected"); case 23:E_BOOL(12,74, tic.UplDiscon, "Is the uplink ^disconnected^ from this area"); case 24:E_BOOL(13,74, tic.Deleted, "Is this area ^deleted^"); case 25:E_BOOL(14,74, tic.Active, "Is this area ^active^"); case 26:if (EditTicConnections(ttfil)) changed = TRUE; SetTicScreen(); break; } } } void EditTicarea(void) { int records, i, o, y; char pick[12]; FILE *fil; char temp[PATH_MAX]; long offset; clr_index(); working(1, 0, 0); IsDoing("Browsing Menu"); if (config_read() == -1) { working(2, 0, 0); return; } records = CountTicarea(); if (records == -1) { working(2, 0, 0); return; } if (OpenTicarea() == -1) { working(2, 0, 0); return; } o = 0; if (! check_free()) return; for (;;) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); mvprintw( 5, 3, "10.2 TIC AREA SETUP"); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); if (records != 0) { sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/tic.temp", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); working(1, 0, 0); if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, fil); y = 7; set_color(CYAN, BLACK); for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if ((o + i) <= records) { offset = sizeof(tichdr) + (((o + i) - 1) * (tichdr.recsize + tichdr.syssize)); fseek(fil, offset, 0); fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, fil); if (tic.Active) { set_color(CYAN, BLACK); sprintf(temp, "%3d. %-20s %-40s", o + i, tic.Name, tic. Comment); } else { set_color(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK); sprintf(temp, "%3d.", o + i); } mvprintw(y, 2, temp); y++; } } fclose(fil); } } strcpy(pick, select_area(records, 10)); if (strncmp(pick, "-", 1) == 0) { CloseTicarea(FALSE); open_bbs(); return; } if (strncmp(pick, "A", 1) == 0) { working(1, 0, 0); if (AppendTicarea() == 0) { records++; working(1, 0, 0); } else working(2, 0, 0); } if (strncmp(pick, "G", 1) == 0) { TicGlobal(); } if (strncmp(pick, "N", 1) == 0) if ((o + 10) < records) o = o + 10; if (strncmp(pick, "P", 1) == 0) if ((o - 10) >= 0) o = o - 10; if (strncmp(pick, "M", 1) == 0) errmsg((char *)"This has no use here"); if ((atoi(pick) >= 1) && (atoi(pick) <= records)) { EditTicRec(atoi(pick)); o = ((atoi(pick) - 1) / 10) * 10; } } } void InitTicarea(void) { CountTicarea(); OpenTicarea(); CloseTicarea(TRUE); } char *PickTicarea(char *shdr) { int records, i, o = 0, x, y; char pick[12]; FILE *fil; char temp[PATH_MAX]; long offset; static char Buf[81]; clr_index(); working(1, 0, 0); memset(&Buf, 0, sizeof(Buf)); if (config_read() == -1) { working(2, 0, 0); return Buf; } records = CountTicarea(); if (records == -1) { working(2, 0, 0); return Buf; } for(;;) { clr_index(); set_color(WHITE, BLACK); sprintf(temp, "%s. TIC AREA SELECT", shdr); mvprintw(5, 3, temp); set_color(CYAN, BLACK); if (records) { sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); working(1, 0, 0); if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, fil); x = 2; y = 7; set_color(CYAN, BLACK); for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if ((o + i) <= records) { offset = tichdr.hdrsize + (((o + i) - 1) * (tichdr.recsize + tichdr.syssize)); fseek(fil, offset, SEEK_SET); fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, fil); if (tic.Active) set_color(CYAN, BLACK); else set_color(LIGHTBLUE, BLACK); sprintf(temp, "%3d. %-20s %-40s", o + i, tic.Name, tic.Comment); mvprintw(y, x, temp); y++; } } fclose(fil); } } strcpy(pick, select_pick(records, 10)); if (strncmp(pick, "-", 1) == 0) return Buf; if (strncmp(pick, "N", 1) == 0) if ((o + 10) < records) o += 10; if (strncmp(pick, "P", 1) == 0) if ((o - 10) >= 0) o -= 10; if ((atoi(pick) >= 1) && (atoi(pick) <= records)) { sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((fil = fopen(temp, "r")) != NULL) { offset = tichdr.hdrsize + ((atoi(pick) -1) * (tichdr.recsize + tichdr.syssize)); fseek(fil, offset, SEEK_SET); fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, fil); fclose(fil); if (tic.Active) { memset(&Buf, 0, sizeof(Buf)); sprintf(Buf, "%s", tic.Name); return Buf; } } } } } int GroupInTic(char *Group) { char temp[PATH_MAX]; FILE *no; int systems, Area = 0, RetVal = 0; sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((no = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) return 0; fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, no); fseek(no, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&tichdr, tichdr.hdrsize, 1, no); systems = tichdr.syssize / sizeof(sysconnect); while ((fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, no)) == 1) { Area++; if (!strcmp(tic.Group, Group) && strlen(tic.Group)) { RetVal++; Syslog('-', "Group %s in tic area %d: %s", Group, Area, tic.Name); } fseek(no, tichdr.syssize, SEEK_CUR); } fclose(no); return RetVal; } int NodeInTic(fidoaddr A) { int i, Area = 0, RetVal = 0, systems; FILE *no; char temp[PATH_MAX]; sysconnect S; sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((no = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) return 0; fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, no); fseek(no, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&tichdr, tichdr.hdrsize, 1, no); systems = tichdr.syssize / sizeof(sysconnect); while ((fread(&tic, tichdr.recsize, 1, no)) == 1) { Area++; for (i = 0; i < systems; i++) { fread(&S, sizeof(sysconnect), 1, no); if (S.aka.zone && (S.aka.zone == A.zone) && (S.aka.net == A.net) && (S.aka.node == A.node) && (S.aka.point == A.point) && tic.Active) { RetVal++; Syslog('-', "Node %s connected to tic area %d: %s", aka2str(A), Area, tic.Name); } } } fclose(no); return RetVal; } int tic_areas_doc(FILE *fp, FILE *toc, int page) { char temp[PATH_MAX], status[4]; FILE *ti, *wp, *ip, *no; int refs, i, k, nr, systems, First = TRUE; sysconnect System; sprintf(temp, "%s/etc/tic.data", getenv("MBSE_ROOT")); if ((no = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) return page; fread(&tichdr, sizeof(tichdr), 1, no); fseek(no, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(&tichdr, tichdr.hdrsize, 1, no); systems = tichdr.syssize / sizeof(sysconnect); ip = open_webdoc((char *)"ticareas.html", (char *)"TIC Areas", NULL); fprintf(ip, "Main\n"); fprintf(ip, "\n"); close_webdoc(ip); fclose(no); return page; }