This repository has been archived on 2024-04-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

483 lines
12 KiB
Raw Blame History

|Disconnecting user ...
|搜索用户文件 ...
YN|Did you spell your name correctly? [Y/n]
|You need to login again with the name:
|This is a PRIVATE System. Type "off" to leave
|Mark file number or press <Enter> to stop
|Maximum login attempts have been exceeded ...
|Either your NAME or PASSWORD is incorrect
HR|Export to (H)ome or (R)ules directory:
|Message exported to rules directory as
|No rules found for this area
|You are not allowed to delete that message
|Offline Reader: Extended Info turned ON
|Offline Reader: Extended Info turned OFF
|This is not a plain textfile.
|You may only login
|times at the same time
|The door is in use by another user, try again later
YN| Is this correct [y/N]:
|Could not parse
|Select your preferred character set
|Select character set (Enter to Quit):
|Character set now set to:
YN|Check for new mail at login [Y/n]:
YN|Check for new files at login [Y/n]:
|Enter a short reason for chat
|The Sysop cannot use the bbs to chat! Use mbmon to chat
|Sorry, the chatserver is not available
|Use this name:
|请输入新密码 :
|请再次输入新密码 :
|两次输入的密码不同! 重试.
|个字符! 重试.
|Please enter you Voice Number
|Message exported to your private directory as:
|Please enter a proper phone number
|Please enter you Data Number
|Please enter your location:
|Please enter a longer location
MF|What is your sex? (M)ale or (F)emale:
|Please answer M or F
|Please enter your Date of Birth DD-MM-YYYY:
|Sorry you entered this year by mistake.
|Please enter the correct date format
|*** Sysop is starting chat ***
|*** Sysop has terminated chat ***
YN=|More (Y/n/=)
YN|Would you like Hot-Keyed menus? [Y/n]:
|Please answer Y or N
|Tag Offline Reader message areas
|Your user account has been created:
|Login Name :
|Password :
|not displayed
|New user registration completed.
|Could not find
|Old Location:
|Please enter a longer location (min
|Message doesn't exist
|News bulletins turned ON
|News bulletins turned OFF
|Private message, not owner
|Please enter the correct date format
|Todays Callers to
|# User Name Device TimeOn Calls Location
|Can't open archiver file.
|Select your preferred archiver
|Select Archiver (Enter to Quit):
|Archiver now set to:
|Edit message signature
|The FROM, TO and SUBJECT fields are optional.
| From:
| To:
| Type up to 10 lines 74 Characters per line
|Functions available:
LREAS|(L)ist, (R)eplace text, (E)dit line, (A)bort, (S)ave
|Returning to
|Edit which line:
|Line does not exist.
|Old Password:
|New password:
|Confirm new password:
|Passwords do not match!
|Password Change Successful
|Old password incorrect!
|User List
|Enter Username search string or (Enter) for all users:
|Name Location Last On Calls
|Could not find search string ...
|Time limit exceeded ... disconnecting!
YN=M|More (Y/n/=) M=Mark
|Current Time :
|Current Date :
|Connect time :
|Time used today :
|Time remaining today :
|Daily time limit :
|You have
YN|messages, read your mail now? [Y/n]:
|You have no new mail in your mail box ...
|Hotkeys are now ON
|Hotkeys are now OFF
|User name already exists
|Checking your mail box ...
|The SysOp is currently speaking to somebody else.
|Try paging him again in a few minutes ...
|You have paged the Sysop the maximum times allowed.
|Sysop currently is not available ... please leave a comment
|Posting message in area:
|From :
| To :
|Verifying user ...
|User not found. Try again, or (Enter) to quit
|Subj :
YN|Abort Message [y/N] ?:
YN|Private [y/N]:
|Begin your message now, Blank line to end
|Maximum of 60 lines, 73 characters per line
|Maximum message length exceeded
|Functions available: (Current Message:
|L - List message S - Save message C - Continue message
|Q - Quit message D - Delete line I - Insert line
|T - Text edit E - Edit line R - Replace line
LSCQDITERZ|Z - Center line
|Delete starting at line
|Please enter a number in the range of
|Delete ending at line
|Enter line # to edit
|Enter line # to insert text before
|Enter line # to replace
|Line reads:
|Line now reads:
YN|Are you sure [y/N]:
|Message aborted.
|Text Edit
|Enter line # to edit
|Text to replace :
|Replacement text :
|Line now reads:
|Possible VIRUS found!
|Unpacking archive
|Saving message to disk
|Enter line # to center
|Line is maximum length and cannot be centered
|There are no messages in this area.
|Date :
YN=|More (Y/n/=/Area #):
|To :
|From :
|Subject :
|Next reply:
|Reply to:
|messages in
ANLREQDX|(A)gain, (N)ext, (L)ast, (R)eply, (E)nter, (D)el, (Q)uit, e(X)port
|(A)gain, (N)ext, (L)ast, (R)eply, (E)nter, (Q)uit, e(X)port
RNQ|(R)eply, (N)ext, (Q)uit:
|Enter to keep Subject.
|# From To Subject
|Message area
|Please enter a message between
|Message number [
|Area Type Description Messages Personal
|Enter the name of the conference, or ? for a list:
|Conference Area Msgs Description
|Deleting message
| Message Areas
|Select Area:
|Invalid area specified - Please try again ...
|Password is incorrect
|Password is correct
|You don't have enough security to list this area
|Can't open file database for this area
|Uploaded by:
|D E L E T E D
YN|Node not known, continue anyway [y/N]:
|Total Files:
|FATAL: Unable to open areas database
|You do not have enough access to download from this area.
|Please enter filename:
|No filename entered, Aborting.
|Illegal Filename!
|Sorry that file is unavailable for download
|You have
|extra download KBytes.
|You do not have enough time to download that file.
|You do not have enough bytes to download "
|You must upload before you can download.
|Kilobytes currently available:
|Checking your marked downloads, please wait...
|Untag Offline Reader message areas
|Found FILEID.DIZ in
|No files marked for download.
|You have selected the following Conference(s):
|Filename Size Date
|Protocol: Can't open protocol file.
|Select your preferred file transfer protcol
|Select Protocol (Enter to Quit):
|Ivalid selection, please try again!
|Protocol now set to:
|Enter keyword to use for Search:
|File Search by Keyword
|Accepts wildcards such as : *.zip, *.gz, *.*
| : *.zip is the same as .zip
|Enter filename to search for :
|File Search by Filename
YN|Search for new since your last call [Y/n]:
|Enter new date to search for [DD-MM-YYYY]:
|File Search by Date
|Offline Reader Download
|You do not have enough access to upload to this area.
|You have not enough diskspace free to copy this file
|bytes) marked for download.
|The file already exists on the system
|Please start your upload now ...
|Upload was unsuccessful for:
YN|Do you want to password protect your upload ? [y/N]:
|REMEMBER: Passwords are "CaSe SeNsITiVe!"
|Please enter description of file
|Your upload time has been returned to you. Thank you for your upload!
|Start copy:
|Can't open directory for listing:
|Home directory listing for
|Please enter filename to delete:
|Sorry you may not delete hidden files ...
|Unable to delete file ...
|Invalid filename, please try again ...
|File does not exist, please try again ...
|Forum Description Msgs. Pers.
| File Areas
|Please enter Area Password:
|Adding BBS
|BBS Name:
|Response needed ...
|Phone Number:
|Sysop Name:
|BBS Software:
|Storage (GigaByte):
YN|Would you like to add a extended discription? [Y/n]:
|Please a enter discription for
|BBS Listing
|# BBS Name Number Software GigaByte Speed
|Search for a BBS
|Please enter 3 letters of BBS to search for:
|I need at least 3 letters ...
YN|View this BBS? [Y/n]:
|Could not find the BBS Listed ...
|Show a BBS
|Please enter number to list:
|Record does not exist
| Record :
| BBS Name :
| Number :
| Software :
| GigaBytes :
| Speeds :
| Sysop Name :
| Available :
| Date of Entry :
| Entry Name :
|Delete BBS
|Please enter number to delete:
|does not belong to you.
|already marked for deletion
|marked for deletion
|The Sysop will purge the list once he has
|seen you have marked a record for deletion.
|Total messages found:
|Unknown Menu Command!
|MBSE BBS Oneliners will randomly appear on the main menu.
|Obscene or libellous oneliners will be deleted!!
|Please enter your oneliner below. You have 75 characters.
|Oneliner added
| # A Date User Description
| # Description
|Please enter number to list:
|Connected from
|File(s) :
|Size :
|Protocol :
|Updating download counters, please wait ...
| # Area Active Size Cost File
TE|(T)oggle active, (E)rase all, (ENTER) to continue:
|Enter file number, 1..
|No files tagged.
|Loading BBS, please wait ...
|New or deleted mail areas at
|Area State Type Description
|New Mail check is now ON
|New Mail check is now OFF
|Delete file:
YN|Are you Sure? [Y/n]:
|New Files check is now ON
|New Files check is now OFF
|Now using the
12|Select: 1) Fullscreen editor, 2) External editor
|No messages found to download!
|Press (Enter) to continue:
|Too much messages. Only the first
|Select your preferred language
|Select Language:
|Language now set to:
|The system will now ask you for a "Unix Account"
|Your "Unix Account" is created, you may use it the next time you call.
|Please enter a login name (Maximum 8 characters)
|ie. John Doe, login = jdoe
|login >
|That login name already exists, please choose another one.
|Autologout: idletime reached.
|Will be packed!
|Enter your handle (Enter for none):
|You are now ready to use the bbs
|Callers On-Line to
|Name Device Status Location
|Do not disturb turned OFF
|Do not disturb turned ON
|Msg Section
|External Door
|Listing Files
YN|Do you want to download these messages [Y/n]?
|Banking Door
|Safe Door
|WhosOn List
|Offline Reader
|Please enter username to send message to:
|Sorry, there is no user on
|doesn't wish to be disturbed
|Please enter in message to send (Max 76 Characters)
|** Message ** from
|Your password is expired, new password :
|Press ENTER to continue
|Posting not allowed, this area is Read Only!
1|Select: 1) Fullscreen editor
|Offline Reader Upload
|Invalid packet received
|Unknown compression type
|Archiver not available
|Unknown type mailpacket
|BlueWave Offline download
|Preparing packet
|Packing with
|Download failed
|Download successfull
|Updating lastread pointers
|Processing BlueWave reply packet
|ERROR in packet
|Import messages
|No Write access to area
|Messages imported
|Processing Offline Configuration
|Message areas selected
|Processing file requests
|QWK Offline Download
|Processing QWK reply packet
|ASCII Offline Download
YN|Crash [y/N]:
YN|Warning: node is not CM, send immediate [y/N]:
YN|Attach file [y/N]:
|will be attached
|File not within
|mailbox - Incoming and outgoing email
|archive - Archive of your email
|trash - Trashcan, your old email
|Area #
|Fullscreen Editor shortcut keys set to Emacs
|Fullscreen Editor shortcut keys set to Wordstar
|Your address, maximum 3 lines (only visible for the sysop):
|You need to enter your address here
|Old address:
|Use your alias (
YN|) to post this message [Y/n]:
|No more areas with unread messages
|Addresse not in Nodelist
|Found Addresse in Nodelist