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/* $Id: cdkviewer.c,v 1.15 2016/12/04 15:22:16 tom Exp $ */
#include <cdk_test.h>
#ifdef XCURSES
char *XCursesProgramName = "cdkviewer";
* Declare file local prototypes.
static void saveInformation (CDKVIEWER *widget);
static int dumpViewer (CDKVIEWER *widget, char *filename);
static int widgetCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key);
* Define file local variables.
static const char *FPUsage = "-f filename [-i Interpret] [-l Show Line Stats] [-T Title] [-B Buttons] [-X X Position] [-Y Y Position] [-H Height] [-W Width] [-N] [-S]";
int main (int argc, char **argv)
CDKSCREEN *cdkScreen = 0;
CDKVIEWER *widget = 0;
char *filename = 0;
char *temp = 0;
chtype *holder = 0;
int answer = 0;
int messageLines = -1;
int buttonCount = 0;
char **messageList = 0;
char **buttonList = 0;
char tempTitle[256];
int j1, j2;
CDK_PARAMS params;
boolean boxWidget;
boolean interpret;
boolean shadowWidget;
boolean showInfoLine;
char *buttons;
char *title;
int height;
int width;
int xpos;
int ypos;
CDKparseParams (argc, argv, &params, "f:il:B:T:" CDK_CLI_PARAMS);
xpos = CDKparamValue (&params, 'X', CENTER);
ypos = CDKparamValue (&params, 'Y', CENTER);
height = CDKparamValue (&params, 'H', 20);
width = CDKparamValue (&params, 'W', 60);
boxWidget = CDKparamValue (&params, 'N', TRUE);
shadowWidget = CDKparamValue (&params, 'S', FALSE);
interpret = CDKparamValue (&params, 'i', FALSE);
showInfoLine = CDKparamValue (&params, 'l', FALSE);
filename = CDKparamString (&params, 'f');
buttons = CDKparamString (&params, 'B');
title = CDKparamString (&params, 'T');
/* Make sure they gave us a file to read. */
if (filename == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], FPUsage);
ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);
/* Read the file in. */
messageLines = CDKreadFile (filename, &messageList);
/* Check if there was an error. */
if (messageLines == -1)
fprintf (stderr, "Error: Could not open the file %s\n", filename);
ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);
/* Set up the buttons of the viewer. */
if (buttons == 0)
buttonList = calloc(sizeof(char *), 3);
buttonList[0] = copyChar ("OK");
buttonList[1] = copyChar ("Cancel");
buttonCount = 2;
/* Split the button list up. */
buttonList = CDKsplitString (buttons, '\n');
buttonCount = (int)CDKcountStrings ((CDK_CSTRING2)buttonList);
/* Set up the title of the viewer. */
if (title == 0)
sprintf (tempTitle, "<C>Filename: </U>%s<!U>", filename);
title = copyChar (tempTitle);
cdkScreen = initCDKScreen (NULL);
/* Start color. */
initCDKColor ();
/* Check if the user wants to set the background of the main screen. */
if ((temp = getenv ("CDK_SCREEN_COLOR")) != 0)
holder = char2Chtype (temp, &j1, &j2);
wbkgd (cdkScreen->window, holder[0]);
wrefresh (cdkScreen->window);
freeChtype (holder);
/* Get the widget color background color. */
if ((CDK_WIDGET_COLOR = getenv ("CDK_WIDGET_COLOR")) == 0)
/* Create the viewer widget. */
widget = newCDKViewer (cdkScreen, xpos, ypos, height, width,
(CDK_CSTRING2)buttonList, buttonCount, A_REVERSE,
boxWidget, shadowWidget);
/* Check to make sure we created the file viewer. */
if (widget == 0)
CDKfreeStrings (messageList);
CDKfreeStrings (buttonList);
/* Shut down curses and CDK. */
destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);
endCDK ();
fprintf (stderr,
"Error: Could not create the file viewer. "
"Is the window too small?\n");
ExitProgram (CLI_ERROR);
/* Check if the user wants to set the background of the widget. */
setCDKViewerBackgroundColor (widget, CDK_WIDGET_COLOR);
/* Set a binding for saving the info. */
bindCDKObject (vVIEWER, widget, 'S', widgetCB, 0);
/* Set the information needed for the viewer. */
setCDKViewer (widget, title, (CDK_CSTRING2)messageList, messageLines,
A_REVERSE, interpret, showInfoLine, TRUE);
/* Activate the viewer. */
answer = activateCDKViewer (widget, 0);
CDKfreeStrings (messageList);
CDKfreeStrings (buttonList);
destroyCDKViewer (widget);
destroyCDKScreen (cdkScreen);
endCDK ();
/* Exit with the button number picked. */
ExitProgram (answer);
* This function allows the user to dump the
* information from the viewer into a file.
static void saveInformation (CDKVIEWER *widget)
CDKENTRY *entry = 0;
char *filename = 0;
char temp[256];
const char *mesg[10];
int linesSaved;
/* Create the entry field to get the filename. */
entry = newCDKEntry (ScreenOf (widget), CENTER, CENTER,
"<C></B/5>Enter the filename of the save file.",
"Filename: ",
20, 1, 256,
/* Get the filename. */
filename = activateCDKEntry (entry, 0);
/* Did they hit escape? */
if (entry->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
/* Popup a message. */
mesg[0] = "<C></B/5>Save Canceled.";
mesg[1] = "<C>Escape hit. Scrolling window information not saved.";
mesg[2] = " ";
mesg[3] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
popupLabel (ScreenOf (widget), (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 4);
destroyCDKEntry (entry);
/* Write the contents of the viewer to the file. */
linesSaved = dumpViewer (widget, filename);
/* Was the save successful? */
if (linesSaved == -1)
/* Nope, tell 'em. */
mesg[0] = "<C></B/16>Error";
mesg[1] = "<C>Could not save to the file.";
sprintf (temp, "<C>(%s)", filename);
mesg[2] = temp;
mesg[3] = " ";
mesg[4] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
popupLabel (ScreenOf (widget), (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 5);
char *msg_1;
mesg[0] = "<C></B/5>Save Successful";
sprintf (temp, "<C>There were %d lines saved to the file", linesSaved);
mesg[1] = msg_1 = copyChar (temp);
sprintf (temp, "<C>(%s)", filename);
mesg[2] = temp;
mesg[3] = " ";
mesg[4] = "<C>Press any key to continue.";
popupLabel (ScreenOf (widget), (CDK_CSTRING2)mesg, 5);
freeChar (msg_1);
destroyCDKEntry (entry);
eraseCDKScreen (ScreenOf (widget));
drawCDKScreen (ScreenOf (widget));
* This actually dumps the information from the viewer to a file.
static int dumpViewer (CDKVIEWER *widget, char *filename)
FILE *outputFile = 0;
char *rawLine = 0;
int listSize;
chtype **list = getCDKViewerInfo (widget, &listSize);
int x;
/* Try to open the file. */
if ((outputFile = fopen (filename, "w")) == 0)
return -1;
/* Start writing out the file. */
for (x = 0; x < listSize; x++)
rawLine = chtype2Char (list[x]);
fprintf (outputFile, "%s\n", rawLine);
freeChar (rawLine);
/* Close the file and return the number of lines written. */
fclose (outputFile);
return listSize;
static int widgetCB (EObjectType cdktype GCC_UNUSED, void *object,
void *clientData GCC_UNUSED,
chtype key GCC_UNUSED)
CDKVIEWER *widget = (CDKVIEWER *)object;
saveInformation (widget);
return (TRUE);