#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bbs.h" extern struct bbs_config conf; s_JamBase *open_jam_base(char *path) { int ret; s_JamBase *jb; ret = JAM_OpenMB((uchar *)path, &jb); if (ret != 0) { if (ret == JAM_IO_ERROR) { free(jb); ret = JAM_CreateMB((uchar *)path, 1, &jb); if (ret != 0) { free(jb); return NULL; } } } return jb; } char *editor(int socket, char *quote, char *from) { int lines = 0; char buffer[256]; char linebuffer[80]; char prompt[12]; int doquit = 0; char **content = NULL; int i; char *msg; int size = 0; int quotelines = 0; char **quotecontent; int lineat=0; int qfrom,qto; int z; if (quote != NULL) { for (i=0;i %s", from[0], linebuffer); quotelines++; lineat = 0; linebuffer[0] = '\0'; } else { linebuffer[lineat++] = quote[i]; linebuffer[lineat] = '\0'; } } } s_putstring(socket, "\r\n\e[1;32mMagicka Internal Editor, Type \e[1;37m/S \e[1;32mto save, \e[1;37m/A \e[1;32mto abort and \e[1;37m/? \e[1;32mfor help\r\n"); s_putstring(socket, "\e[1;30m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[0m"); while(!doquit) { sprintf(prompt, "\r\n\e[1;30m[\e[1;34m%3d\e[1;30m]: \e[0m", lines); s_putstring(socket, prompt); s_readstring(socket, linebuffer, 70); if (linebuffer[0] == '/') { if (toupper(linebuffer[1]) == 'S') { for (i=0;i 0) { free(content); } if (quote != NULL) { for (i=0;i quotelines) { qto = quotelines; } if (qfrom < 0) { qfrom = 0; } if (qfrom > qto) { s_putstring(socket, "Quoting Cancelled\r\n"); } for (i=qfrom;i<=qto;i++) { if (lines == 0) { content = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)); } else { content = (char **)realloc(content, sizeof(char *) * (lines + 1)); } content[lines] = strdup(quotecontent[i]); lines++; } s_putstring(socket, "\r\n\e[1;32mMagicka Internal Editor, Type \e[1;37m/S \e[1;32mto save, \e[1;37m/A \e[1;32mto abort and \e[1;37m/? \e[1;32mfor help\r\n"); s_putstring(socket, "\e[1;30m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[0m"); for (i=0;i= lines) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nAborted...\r\n"); } else { for (i=z;i= lines) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nAborted...\r\n"); } else { sprintf(buffer, "\r\n\e[1;30m[\e[1;34m%3d\e[1;30m]: \e[0m%s", z, content[z]); s_putstring(socket, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "\r\n\e[1;30m[\e[1;34m%3d\e[1;30m]: \e[0m", z); s_putstring(socket, buffer); s_readstring(socket, linebuffer, 70); free(content[z]); content[z] = strdup(linebuffer); } } } else if (toupper(linebuffer[1]) == 'I') { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nInsert before which line? "); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 6); if (strlen(buffer) == 0) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nAborted...\r\n"); } else { z = atoi(buffer); if (z < 0 || z >= lines) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nAborted...\r\n"); } else { sprintf(buffer, "\r\n\e[1;30m[\e[1;34m%3d\e[1;30m]: \e[0m", z); s_putstring(socket, buffer); s_readstring(socket, linebuffer, 70); lines++; content = (char **)realloc(content, sizeof(char *) * lines); for (i=lines;i>z;i--) { content[i] = content[i-1]; } content[z] = strdup(linebuffer); } } } } else { if (lines == 0) { content = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)); } else { content = (char **)realloc(content, sizeof(char *) * (lines + 1)); } content[lines] = strdup(linebuffer); lines++; } } if (quote != NULL) { for (i=0;icur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); return; } z = JAM_ReadMsgHeader(jb, mailno, &jmh, &jsp); if (z != 0) { return; } for (z=0;zNumFields;z++) { if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_SUBJECT) { subject = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(subject, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(subject, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_SENDERNAME) { from = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(from, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(from, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_RECVRNAME) { to = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(to, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(to, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } } sprintf(buffer, "\e[2J\e[1;32mFrom : \e[1;37m%s\r\n", from); s_putstring(socket, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "\e[1;32mTo : \e[1;37m%s\r\n", to); s_putstring(socket, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "\e[1;32mSubject : \e[1;37m%s\r\n", subject); s_putstring(socket, buffer); localtime_r((time_t *)&jmh.DateWritten, &msg_date); sprintf(buffer, "\e[1;32mDate : \e[1;37m%s", asctime(&msg_date)); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; strcat(buffer, "\r\n"); s_putstring(socket, buffer); s_putstring(socket, "\e[1;30m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[0m\r\n"); body = (char *)malloc(jmh.TxtLen); JAM_ReadMsgText(jb, jmh.TxtOffset, jmh.TxtLen, (uchar *)body); JAM_CloseMB(jb); for (z=0;zsec_level < conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->write_sec_level) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nSorry, you are not allowed to post in this area\r\n"); } else { if (subject != NULL) { sprintf(buffer, "RE: %s", subject); free(subject); } subject = (char *)malloc(strlen(buffer) + 1); strcpy(subject, buffer); if (from != NULL) { strcpy(buffer, from); free(from); } if (conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->realnames == 0) { from = (char *)malloc(strlen(user->loginname) + 1); strcpy(from, user->loginname); } else { from = (char *)malloc(strlen(user->firstname) + strlen(user->lastname) + 2); sprintf(from, "%s %s", user->firstname, user->lastname); } if (to != NULL) { free(to); } to = (char *)malloc(strlen(buffer) + 1); strcpy(to, buffer); replybody = editor(socket, body, to); if (replybody != NULL) { jb = open_jam_base(conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); free(replybody); free(body); free(subject); free(to); free(from); return; } JAM_ClearMsgHeader( &jmh ); jmh.DateWritten = time(NULL); jsp = JAM_NewSubPacket(); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_SENDERNAME; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(from); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)from; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_RECVRNAME; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(to); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)to; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_SUBJECT; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(subject); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)subject; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); while (1) { z = JAM_LockMB(jb, 100); if (z == 0) { break; } else if (z == JAM_LOCK_FAILED) { sleep(1); } else { free(replybody); free(body); free(subject); free(to); free(from); printf("Failed to lock msg base!\n"); return; } } if (JAM_AddMessage(jb, &jmh, jsp, (uchar *)replybody, strlen(replybody))) { printf("Failed to add message\n"); } JAM_UnlockMB(jb); JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); free(replybody); JAM_CloseMB(jb); } } } free(body); if (from != NULL) { free(from); } if (to != NULL) { free(to); } if (subject != NULL) { free(subject); } } int mail_menu(int socket, struct user_record *user) { int doquit = 0; int domail = 0; char c; char prompt[128]; char buffer[256]; int i; int j; int z; s_JamBase *jb; s_JamBaseHeader jbh; s_JamMsgHeader jmh; s_JamSubPacket* jsp; s_JamSubfield jsf; struct tm msg_date; char *subject; char *from; char *to; char *body; char *replybody; char *msg; int closed; ulong jam_crc; unsigned int lastmsg,currmsg; int lines; while (!domail) { s_displayansi(socket, "mailmenu"); sprintf(prompt, "\r\nConf: (%d) %s\r\nArea: (%d) %s\r\nTL: %dm :> ", user->cur_mail_conf, conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->name, user->cur_mail_area, conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->name, user->timeleft); s_putstring(socket, prompt); c = s_getc(socket); switch(tolower(c)) { case 'p': { if (user->sec_level < conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->write_sec_level) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nSorry, you are not allowed to post in this area\r\n"); break; } s_putstring(socket, "\r\nTO: "); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 16); if (strlen(buffer) == 0) { strcpy(buffer, "ALL"); } if (conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->networked == 0 && strcasecmp(buffer, "ALL") != 0) { if (check_user(buffer)) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\n\r\nInvalid Username\r\n"); break; } } to = strdup(buffer); s_putstring(socket, "\r\nSUBJECT: "); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 25); subject = strdup(buffer); // post a message msg = editor(socket, NULL, NULL); if (msg != NULL) { jb = open_jam_base(conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); free(msg); free(to); free(subject); break; } JAM_ClearMsgHeader( &jmh ); jmh.DateWritten = time(NULL); if (conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->realnames == 0) { strcpy(buffer, user->loginname); } else { sprintf(buffer, "%s %s", user->firstname, user->lastname); } jsp = JAM_NewSubPacket(); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_SENDERNAME; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(buffer); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)buffer; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_RECVRNAME; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(to); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)to; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_SUBJECT; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(subject); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)subject; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); while (1) { z = JAM_LockMB(jb, 100); if (z == 0) { break; } else if (z == JAM_LOCK_FAILED) { sleep(1); } else { free(msg); free(to); free(subject); printf("Failed to lock msg base!\n"); break; } } if (z != 0) { JAM_CloseMB(jb); break; } if (JAM_AddMessage(jb, &jmh, jsp, (uchar *)msg, strlen(msg))) { printf("Failed to add message\n"); } JAM_UnlockMB(jb); JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); free(msg); JAM_CloseMB(jb); } free(to); free(subject); } break; case 'l': { s_putstring(socket, "\r\n"); // list mail in message base jb = open_jam_base(conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); break; } else { JAM_ReadMBHeader(jb, &jbh); if (jbh.ActiveMsgs > 0) { sprintf(buffer, "Start at message [0-%d] ? ", jbh.ActiveMsgs - 1); s_putstring(socket, buffer); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 6); i = atoi(buffer); closed = 0; s_putstring(socket, "\e[2J\e[1;37;44m[MSG#] Subject From To Date \r\n\e[0m"); for (j=i;jNumFields;z++) { if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_SUBJECT) { subject = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(subject, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(subject, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_SENDERNAME) { from = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(from, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(from, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_RECVRNAME) { to = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(to, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(to, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } } localtime_r((time_t *)&jmh.DateWritten, &msg_date); sprintf(buffer, "\e[1;30m[\e[1;34m%4d\e[1;30m] \e[1;37m%-25s \e[1;32m%-15s \e[1;33m%-15s \e[1;35m%02d:%02d %02d-%02d-%02d\e[0m\r\n", j, subject, from, to, msg_date.tm_hour, msg_date.tm_min, msg_date.tm_mday, msg_date.tm_mon + 1, msg_date.tm_year - 100); s_putstring(socket, buffer); JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); if (subject != NULL) { free(subject); } if (from != NULL) { free(from); } if (to != NULL) { free(to); } if ((j - i) != 0 && (j - i) % 22 == 0) { sprintf(buffer, "(#) Read Message # (Q) Quit (ENTER) Continue\r\n"); s_putstring(socket, buffer); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 6); if (tolower(buffer[0]) == 'q') { break; } else if (strlen(buffer) > 0) { z = atoi(buffer); if (z >= 0 && z <= jbh.ActiveMsgs) { JAM_CloseMB(jb); closed = 1; read_message(socket, user, z); break; } } } } sprintf(buffer, "(#) Read Message # (Q) Quit (ENTER) Continue\r\n"); s_putstring(socket, buffer); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 6); if (tolower(buffer[0]) == 'q') { break; } else if (strlen(buffer) > 0) { z = atoi(buffer); if (z >= 0 && z <= jbh.ActiveMsgs) { JAM_CloseMB(jb); closed = 1; read_message(socket, user, z); break; } } } else { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nThere is no mail in this area\r\n"); } } if (closed == 0) { JAM_CloseMB(jb); } } break; case 'c': { s_putstring(socket, "\r\n\r\nMail Conferences:\r\n\r\n"); for (i=0;isec_level <= user->sec_level) { sprintf(buffer, " %d. %s\r\n", i, conf.mail_conferences[i]->name); s_putstring(socket, buffer); } if (i != 0 && i % 22 == 0) { s_putstring(socket, "Press any key to continue...\r\n"); c = s_getc(socket); } } s_putstring(socket, "Enter the conference number: "); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 5); if (tolower(buffer[0]) != 'q') { j = atoi(buffer); if (j < 0 || j >= conf.mail_conference_count || conf.mail_conferences[j]->sec_level > user->sec_level) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nInvalid conference number!\r\n"); } else { s_putstring(socket, "\r\n"); user->cur_mail_conf = j; user->cur_mail_area = 0; } } } break; case 'a': { s_putstring(socket, "\r\n\r\nMail Areas:\r\n\r\n"); for (i=0;icur_mail_conf]->mail_area_count;i++) { if (conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[i]->read_sec_level <= user->sec_level) { sprintf(buffer, " %d. %s\r\n", i, conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[i]->name); s_putstring(socket, buffer); } if (i != 0 && i % 22 == 0) { s_putstring(socket, "Press any key to continue...\r\n"); c = s_getc(socket); } } s_putstring(socket, "Enter the area number: "); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 5); if (tolower(buffer[0]) != 'q') { j = atoi(buffer); if (j < 0 || j >= conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_area_count || conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[j]->read_sec_level > user->sec_level) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nInvalid area number!\r\n"); } else { s_putstring(socket, "\r\n"); user->cur_mail_area = j; } } } break; case 'q': { domail = 1; } break; case 'g': { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nAre you sure you want to log off? (Y/N)"); c = s_getc(socket); if (tolower(c) == 'y') { domail = 1; doquit = 1; } } break; case 'e': { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nTO: "); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 16); if (strlen(buffer) == 0) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nAborted\r\n"); break; } if (check_user(buffer)) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\n\r\nInvalid Username\r\n"); break; } to = strdup(buffer); s_putstring(socket, "\r\nSUBJECT: "); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 25); subject = strdup(buffer); // post a message msg = editor(socket, NULL, NULL); if (msg != NULL) { jb = open_jam_base(conf.email_path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.email_path); free(msg); free(to); free(subject); break; } JAM_ClearMsgHeader( &jmh ); jmh.DateWritten = time(NULL); jmh.Attribute |= MSG_PRIVATE; strcpy(buffer, user->loginname); jsp = JAM_NewSubPacket(); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_SENDERNAME; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(buffer); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)buffer; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_RECVRNAME; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(to); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)to; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_SUBJECT; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(subject); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)subject; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); while (1) { z = JAM_LockMB(jb, 100); if (z == 0) { break; } else if (z == JAM_LOCK_FAILED) { sleep(1); } else { free(msg); free(to); free(subject); printf("Failed to lock msg base!\n"); break; } } if (z != 0) { JAM_CloseMB(jb); break; } if (JAM_AddMessage(jb, &jmh, jsp, (uchar *)msg, strlen(msg))) { printf("Failed to add message\n"); } JAM_UnlockMB(jb); JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); free(msg); JAM_CloseMB(jb); } free(to); free(subject); } break; case 'r': { // Read your email... s_putstring(socket, "\r\n"); // list mail in message base jb = open_jam_base(conf.email_path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); break; } else { jam_crc = JAM_Crc32((uchar *)user->loginname, strlen(user->loginname)); lastmsg = 0; while (JAM_FindUser(jb, jam_crc, lastmsg, &currmsg) == 0) { if (JAM_ReadMsgHeader(jb, currmsg, &jmh, &jsp) != 0) { lastmsg = currmsg + 1; continue; } if (jmh.Attribute & MSG_DELETED) { JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); lastmsg = currmsg + 1; continue; } if (jmh.Attribute & MSG_NODISP) { JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); lastmsg = currmsg + 1; continue; } subject = NULL; from = NULL; for (z=0;zNumFields;z++) { if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_SUBJECT) { subject = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(subject, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(subject, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_SENDERNAME) { from = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(from, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(from, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } } sprintf(buffer, "[%3d]. %s From %s\r\n", currmsg, subject, from); if (subject != NULL) { free(subject); } if (from != NULL) { free(from); } s_putstring(socket, buffer); JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); lastmsg = currmsg + 1; } if (lastmsg == 0) { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nYou have no mail...\r\n"); JAM_CloseMB(jb); } else { s_putstring(socket, "(#) View Message\r\n"); s_readstring(socket, buffer, 5); currmsg = atoi(buffer); if (JAM_ReadMsgHeader(jb, currmsg, &jmh, &jsp) != 0) { JAM_CloseMB(jb); break; } if (jmh.Attribute & MSG_DELETED) { JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); JAM_CloseMB(jb); break; } if (jmh.Attribute & MSG_NODISP) { JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); JAM_CloseMB(jb); break; } subject = NULL; from = NULL; to = NULL; for (z=0;zNumFields;z++) { if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_SUBJECT) { subject = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(subject, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(subject, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_SENDERNAME) { from = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(from, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(from, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } if (jsp->Fields[z]->LoID == JAMSFLD_RECVRNAME) { to = (char *)malloc(jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memset(to, 0, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen + 1); memcpy(to, jsp->Fields[z]->Buffer, jsp->Fields[z]->DatLen); } } if (strcasecmp(from, user->loginname) == 0) { sprintf(buffer, "\e[2J\e[1;32mFrom : \e[1;37m%s\r\n", from); s_putstring(socket, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "\e[1;32mTo : \e[1;37m%s\r\n", to); s_putstring(socket, buffer); sprintf(buffer, "\e[1;32mSubject : \e[1;37m%s\r\n", subject); s_putstring(socket, buffer); localtime_r((time_t *)&jmh.DateWritten, &msg_date); sprintf(buffer, "\e[1;32mDate : \e[1;37m%s", asctime(&msg_date)); buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; strcat(buffer, "\r\n"); s_putstring(socket, buffer); s_putstring(socket, "\e[1;30m-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[0m\r\n"); body = (char *)malloc(jmh.TxtLen); JAM_ReadMsgText(jb, jmh.TxtOffset, jmh.TxtLen, (uchar *)body); JAM_CloseMB(jb); lines = 0; for (z=0;zloginname) + 1); strcpy(from, user->loginname); if (to != NULL) { free(to); } to = (char *)malloc(strlen(buffer) + 1); strcpy(to, buffer); replybody = editor(socket, body, to); if (replybody != NULL) { jb = open_jam_base(conf.email_path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.email_path); free(replybody); free(body); free(subject); free(to); free(from); break; } JAM_ClearMsgHeader( &jmh ); jmh.DateWritten = time(NULL); jmh.Attribute |= MSG_PRIVATE; jsp = JAM_NewSubPacket(); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_SENDERNAME; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(from); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)from; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_RECVRNAME; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(to); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)to; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); jsf.LoID = JAMSFLD_SUBJECT; jsf.HiID = 0; jsf.DatLen = strlen(subject); jsf.Buffer = (uchar *)subject; JAM_PutSubfield(jsp, &jsf); free(body); free(subject); free(to); free(from); while (1) { z = JAM_LockMB(jb, 100); if (z == 0) { break; } else if (z == JAM_LOCK_FAILED) { sleep(1); } else { free(replybody); printf("Failed to lock msg base!\n"); break; } } if (z != 0) { break; } if (JAM_AddMessage(jb, &jmh, jsp, (uchar *)replybody, strlen(replybody))) { printf("Failed to add message\n"); } JAM_UnlockMB(jb); JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); free(replybody); JAM_CloseMB(jb); } } else if (tolower(c) == 'd') { jb = open_jam_base(conf.email_path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.email_path); free(body); free(subject); free(to); free(from); break; } while (1) { z = JAM_LockMB(jb, 100); if (z == 0) { break; } else if (z == JAM_LOCK_FAILED) { sleep(1); } else { free(body); free(subject); free(to); free(from); printf("Failed to lock msg base!\n"); break; } } if (z != 0) { break; } JAM_DeleteMessage(jb, currmsg); JAM_UnlockMB(jb); JAM_CloseMB(jb); free(body); free(subject); free(to); free(from); } } else { s_putstring(socket, "\r\nInvalid E-Mail\r\n"); JAM_CloseMB(jb); } } } } break; } } return doquit; } int mail_getemailcount(struct user_record *user) { s_JamBase *jb; s_JamBaseHeader jbh; s_JamMsgHeader jmh; s_JamSubPacket* jsp; s_JamSubfield jsf; ulong jam_crc; ulong lastmsg, currmsg; int msg_count = 0; jb = open_jam_base(conf.email_path); if (!jb) { printf("Error opening JAM base.. %s\n", conf.mail_conferences[user->cur_mail_conf]->mail_areas[user->cur_mail_area]->path); } else { jam_crc = JAM_Crc32((uchar *)user->loginname, strlen(user->loginname)); lastmsg = 0; while (JAM_FindUser(jb, jam_crc, lastmsg, &currmsg) == 0) { if (JAM_ReadMsgHeader(jb, currmsg, &jmh, &jsp) != 0) { continue; } if (jmh.Attribute & MSG_DELETED) { JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); continue; } if (jmh.Attribute & MSG_NODISP) { JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); continue; } JAM_DelSubPacket(jsp); msg_count++; lastmsg = currmsg + 1; } JAM_CloseMB(jb); } return msg_count; }