/* pageview.c - Implementation of the PagedViewer() system. */ #include <string.h> #include "opendoor.h" #include "pageview.h" char bTitleColor = 0x0c; char bTitleLineColor = 0x04; char bNumberColor = 0x0a; char bTextColor = 0x02; char bPromptColor = 0x0f; int PagedViewer( int nInitialLine, /* Zero-based initial line number. */ int nTotalLines, /* Total line count. */ void (*pDisplayCallback)(int nLine, void *pData), void *pCallbackData, /* Data to pass to callback func. */ BOOL bAllowSelection, /* TRUE if selection is permitted. */ char *pszTitle, /* Title string, or NULL. */ int nPageSize) /* # of lines to display per page. */ { int nCurrentPage = 0; int nScreenLine; int nAbsoluteLine; char chPressed; char bCanPageDown; char bCanPageUp; /* Determine current page from initial line number, if specified. */ if(nInitialLine != NO_LINE) { nCurrentPage = nInitialLine / nPageSize; } /* Loop until user makes a selection, or chooses to quit. */ for(;;) { /* Display the current page. */ /* Clear the screen */ od_printf("\n\r"); od_clr_scr(); /* If a title has been specified, then display it. */ if(pszTitle != NULL) { od_set_attrib(bTitleColor); od_repeat(' ', (80 - strlen(pszTitle)) / 2); od_disp_str(pszTitle); od_printf("\n\r"); od_set_attrib(bTitleLineColor); if(od_control.user_ansi || od_control.user_avatar) { od_repeat(196, 79); } else { od_repeat('-', 79); } od_printf("\n\r"); } /* Display the lines on this page. */ nAbsoluteLine = nCurrentPage * nPageSize; nScreenLine = 0; while(nScreenLine < nPageSize && nAbsoluteLine < nTotalLines) { /* If selection is permitted, display an identifier for each line. */ if(bAllowSelection) { od_set_attrib(bNumberColor); if(nScreenLine < 9) { od_printf("%d. ", nScreenLine + 1); } else { od_printf("%c. ", 'A' + (nScreenLine - 9)); } } /* Display the line itself. */ od_set_attrib(bTextColor); (*pDisplayCallback)(nAbsoluteLine, pCallbackData); od_printf("\n\r"); /* Move to next line. */ nScreenLine++; nAbsoluteLine++; } /* Determine whether user can page up or down from this page. */ bCanPageDown = nCurrentPage < (nTotalLines - 1) / nPageSize; bCanPageUp = nCurrentPage > 0; /* Display prompt at bottom of screen. */ od_set_attrib(bPromptColor); od_printf("\n\r[Page %d of %d] ", nCurrentPage + 1, ((nTotalLines - 1) / nPageSize) + 1); if(bAllowSelection) { od_printf("Choose an option or"); } else { od_printf("Available options:"); } if(bCanPageDown) { od_printf(" [N]ext page,"); } if(bCanPageUp) { od_printf(" [P]revious page,"); } od_printf(" [Q]uit."); /* Loop until the user makes a valid choice. */ for(;;) { /* Get key from user */ chPressed = toupper(od_get_key(TRUE)); if(chPressed == 'Q') { /* If user chooses to quit, then return without a selection. */ od_printf("\n\r"); return(NO_LINE); } else if(chPressed == 'P' && bCanPageUp) { /* Move to previous page and redraw screen. */ --nCurrentPage; break; } else if(chPressed == 'N' && bCanPageDown) { /* Move to next page and redraw screen. */ ++nCurrentPage; break; } else if(bAllowSelection && ( (chPressed >= '1' && chPressed <= '9') || (chPressed >= 'A' && chPressed <= 'M') ) ) { /* If user pressed a possible line key, and selection is */ /* enabled, try translating character to a line number. */ if(chPressed >= '1' && chPressed <= '9') { nScreenLine = chPressed - '1'; } else { nScreenLine = 9 + (chPressed - 'A'); } /* Calculate absolute line number. */ nAbsoluteLine = nScreenLine + (nCurrentPage * nPageSize); /* If selected line is within range, then return selected line */ /* number. */ if(nScreenLine < nPageSize && nAbsoluteLine < nTotalLines) { od_printf("\n\r"); return(nAbsoluteLine); } } } } }