#!/bin/bash set -e MYSTIC_SOURCE=${1:-mys112a39_pi.zip} [ "$1" ] && shift SPELL_SOURCE=${1:-mystic_spellcheck_v2.zip} [ "$1" ] && shift CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR=x INSTALL_CONTAINER=arm32v7/debian:stretch-slim TARGET_DIR=mystic PATCH_FILE=mystic.112a39.patch [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] && echo "ERROR: You need to run me as root." && exit 1 if [ -d ${TARGET_DIR} ]; then echo "! Skipping installation [${TARGET_DIR}] already exists" else # 1) Download Mystic App [ ! -f ${MYSTIC_SOURCE} -o ! -f ${SPELL_SOURCE} ] && echo "ERROR: Source file missing [${MYSTIC_SOURCE}/${SPELL_SOURCE}], did you download it?" && exit 1 # 2) Create a new directory for it and unzip the App into it [ -d ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR} ] && echo "ERROR: Directory [${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}] already exists!" && exit 1 unzip ${MYSTIC_SOURCE} -d ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR} [ $? -gt 0 ] && echo "ERROR: Unzip failed?" && exit 1 # 3) Run docker with -v mapping the unzip files to an arbitrary directory -v unzipfiles:/install # ** @TODO Request upstream to default QWK and Echo DIRs to named dir as well during installation echo "Running docker, please perform the installation, and set:" echo "* Installation directory to /mystic" echo "* Data directories prefixed with /mystic/data" echo "+ * Leave System Path and Scripts to /mystic" echo "+ * Especially, QWK Settings and Echomail Settings" docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}:/install ${INSTALL_CONTAINER} /bin/bash -c "cd /install; ./install; [ -d /mystic ] && echo \"Now change QWK Settings and Echomail settings...\" && cd /mystic/ && sleep 5 && ./mystic -cfg && cd /; mv /mystic /install/" [ ! -d ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic/data/data ] && echo "ERROR: Expected a [${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic/data/data] dir, but it wasnt there?" && exit 1 [ ! -d ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic/scripts ] && echo "ERROR: Expected a [${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic/scripts] dir, but it wasnt there?" && exit 1 [ ! -d ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic/semaphore ] && echo "ERROR: Expected a [${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic/semaphore] dir, but it wasnt there?" && exit 1 # Add the spell directionary files to the data directory unzip ${SPELL_SOURCE} dictionary.* -d ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic/data/data # 4) Run this script which will clean up the install and ZIP it up to be used with a docker. cd ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic mv files mystic.dat data/ rm -rf localqwk echomail # We need a symbolic link so that MIS can find MYSTIC # @TODO Request fix from upstream ln -s ../mystic data/mystic chmod 755 * scripts/mide scripts/mplc scripts/*.mpx chmod 644 *.ini *.txt docs/*.txt scripts/*.mps scripts/*.ini patch -p0 < ../../${PATCH_FILE} # Clean up data dir find data -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; # Finished mv data ../.. cd ../.. mv ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR}/mystic . rm -rf ${CLEAN_INSTALL_DIR} fi # Tar up the data dir and add it back to the main install echo "Zipping up data dir..." tar czf mystic/data.tar.gz data/ # That dir is now ready for the image tar czf ../mystic.tar.gz mystic echo "OK mystic.tar.gz can be moved to your docker build"