There is a wealth of information on the [wiki](, or you can even go through [*Mystic Guy's* YouTube videos](
If you would like to get up and running quickly, I've created some Docker Images which you can use as a starting point. The images are available for Raspberry Pi (ARM) and Intel.
There are two images:
<table><tr><thwidth="20%">Name</th><thwidth="80%">Information</th></tr><tr><td>armv7l</td><td>This image is a clean installation of Mystic BBS as provided by the upstream developer. It does have the pre-requisites so that spell is enabled and cryptlib is also installed so that you can use SSH based connections.</td></tr><tr><td>armv7l-extras</td><td>This image extends the base image and provides some doors and utilities.</td></tr><tr><td>x86_64</td><td>Just like the image above, however, this is for Intel Linux platforms.</td></tr><tr><td>x86_64-extras</td><td>This image extends the base image and provides some doors and utilities.</td></tr></table>
You need to map some IP ports into the container when it starts, so use `-p HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT`, where **HOST_PORT** is the IP port on the host that you want the services to listen on (it can be the same as the container's ports).
The services you'll probably use are:
<table><tr><thwidth="20%">Service</th><thwidth="20%">Port</th><th>Description</th><th>Suggested Mapping</th></tr><tr><td>ssh</td><td>22</td><td>SSH port for incoming SSH connections</td><td>22 (or any port number)</td></tr><tr><td>telnet</td><td>23</td><td>Telnet port for incoming telnet connections</td><td>23 (or any port number)</td></tr><tr><td>binkp</td><td>24554</td><td>BINKP port for incoming BBS Mail/File Transfers</td><td>24554 (or any port number)</td></tr></table>
For example, if you wanted to map telnet to port 10023, ssh to port 10022, and leave binkp as it, and use */srv/docker/mystic* on the host as your persistant storage inside the container, you would use:
docker run -it -v /srv/docker/mystic:/mystic data -p 10022:22 -p 10023:23 -p 24554:24554
when it starts, it will output the container ID.
Once your container is running, you can run the mystic utils by running: `docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> [COMMAND]` where **COMMAND** is the command you wanted to run, eg `./mystic -cfg`, or `./fidopoll ...`.
You can also attach to the console to see what mystic is showing `docker attach <CONTAINER_ID>`, and to detach, you'll need to press **CTRL-PQ** (which is ctrl p, ctrl q). (**NOTE**: You might need to press a key, to refresh the screen - using your arrows is safe.)
You could even use this image to have your containers in a docker swarm (as I do).
If you need any help, [login](/2018/08/31/chinwag/) to my BBS and send me a message, or if you use another BBS, or a Sysop of a BBS and connected to one of the networks I'm connected to, you can send me a Netmail. See the list of [networks](/networks) that I'm already connected to.