<alert_refresh_click>If this page does not automaticaly refresh within a few seconds, please click below to continue.</alert_refresh_click>
<alert_click>Click here to continue</alert_click>
<alert_delete>Are you sure you wish to delete this record?</alert_delete>
<alert_delete_id>%%module%% record Id %%id%% has been deleted.</alert_delete_id>
<alert_delete_ids>The %%module_name%% record(s) you specified have been deleted.</alert_delete_ids>
<module_non_existant>The required %%module_name%% module does not exist.</module_non_existant>
<module_non_auth>Your account is not authorized for the %%module_name%% module.</module_non_auth>
<method_non_existant>The required %%module_name%% method does not exist.</method_non_existant>
<method_invalid>%%module_name%% method is not a valid method.</method_invalid>
<validate_min_length>The minimum length of this field is %%min_length%% characters.</validate_min_length>
<validate_max_length>The maximum length of this field is %%max_length%% characters.</validate_max_length>
<validate_email>The email address you have provided is invalid.</validate_email>
<validate_date>The date you have provided is invalid.</validate_date>
<validate_address>The address you have provided is invalid.</validate_address>
<validate_zip>The zip code you have provided is invalid.</validate_zip>
<validate_phone>The phone number you have provided is invalid. eg: 123-456-7890</validate_phone>
<validate_fax>The fax number you have provided is invalid. eg: 123-456-7890</validate_fax>
<validate_cc>The credit card number you have provided is invalid.</validate_cc>
<validate_check>The check account number you have provided is invalid.</validate_check>
<validate_numeric>This field can contain only numeric characters.</validate_numeric>
<validate_float>This field can contain only numbers with up to one decimal.</validate_float>
<validate_alphanumeric>This field can contain only alphanumeric characters</validate_alphanumeric>
<validate_non_numeric>This field cannot contain numeric characters.</validate_non_numeric>
<validate_any>This field is required and cannot be left blank.</validate_any>
<validate_unique>The value you have entered is already in use, please try again.</validate_unique>
<validate_banned_ip>Sorry, we are presently not accepting new registrations from your area</validate_banned_ip>
<validate_banned_email>Sorry, we cannot accept new registrations from the e-mail address you provided</validate_banned_email>
<validate_ip>Sorry, the domain you specified is invalid and cannot be licensed.</validate_ip>
<validate_domain>Sorry, the IP address you specified is invalid and cannot be licensed.</validate_domain>
<validate_general>Sorry, the value you entered is not valid.</validate_general>
<validate_password>Must include both numbers and letters, cannot be your initials, and cannot include your first or last name, your username, or your email.</validate_password>