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2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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@import url("includes/phplayers/layerstreemenu-hidden.css");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/phplayers/libjs/layersmenu-browser_detection.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/phplayers/libjs/layerstreemenu-cookies.js"></script>
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<script type="text/javascript">
function openUrl(u) {
var random1=Math.round(Math.random()+4*123);
var random2=Math.round(Math.random()+ random1 * 321);
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00'admin.php'+u+'&random='+random1+'='+random2,'mainFrame','');
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
function exitAdmin() {
var random1=Math.round(Math.random()+4*123);
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var random2=Math.round(Math.random()+ random1 * 321);
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<body style="background-color: #cccccc;">
<!-- Load the popup class -->
{popup_init src="$URL/includes/overlib/overlib.js"}
<div style="height:68px;">&nbsp;</div>
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="background-color: #f1f1f1; border: 1px solid #999; border-top: 1px solid #999; border-bottom: 0px; padding: 5px; padding-left:10px;">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0">
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<td align="center"><img src="themes/default_admin/images/icons/user_16.gif" alt="Account" style="border: 0" {popup caption="Account Query Options" text="<dl>
<dt>inactive</dt><dd>Show INACTIVE accounts</dd>
<dt>active</dt><dd>Show ACTIVE accounts</dd>
<dt>today</dt><dd>Show accounts created TODAY</dd>
<dt>week</dt><dd>Show accounts created this WEEK</dd>
<dt>month</dt><dd>Show accounts created this MONTH</dd>
<dt>all</dt><dd>Show ALL accounts</dd>
<dt>fn:XXX</dt><dd>Show accounts where FIRST NAME is XXX</dd>
<dt>ln:XXX</dt><dd>Show accounts where LAST NAME is XXX</dd>
2010-11-30 09:41:08 +11:00
<dt>un:XXX</dt><dd>Show accounts where USERNAME is XXX</dd>
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<dt>co:XXX</dt><dd>Show accounts where COMPANY NAME is XXX</dd>
<dt>em:XXX</dt><dd>Show accounts where EMAIL is XXX</dd>
<dt>id:XXX</dt><dd>Show accounts where ID is XXX</dd>
<dt>XXX</dt><dd>Show accounts where USER ID is XXX</dd>
<td><span style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id='account' value='all' size="22" style='font-size:9px' onkeypress='if(checkEnter(event)) { openQuickSearch_account(); }' onfocus=''/>&nbsp;<input type='button' value='Go' style='font-size:9px' onclick='javascript:openQuickSearch_account()'/></span>{/literal}
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<td align="center"><img src="themes/default_admin/images/icons/calc_16.gif" alt="Invoice" style="border: 0" {popup caption="Invoice Query Options" text="<dl>
<dt>cancelled</dt><dd>Show CANCELLED invoices</dd>
<dt>due</dt><dd>Show invoices still DUE</dd>
<dt>pending</dt><dd>Show invoices still PENDING</dd>
<dt>all</dt><dd>Show ALL invoices</dd>
<dt>today</dt><dd>Show invoices created TODAY</dd>
<dt>week</dt><dd>Show invoices created this WEEK</dd>
<dt>month</dt><dd>Show invoices created this MONTH</dd>
<dt>XXX</dt><dd>Show invoice number XXX</dd>
<td><span style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id='invoice' value='all' size="22" style='font-size:9px' onkeypress='if(checkEnter(event)) { openQuickSearch_invoice(); }' onfocus=''/>&nbsp;<input type='button' value='Go' style='font-size:9px' onclick='javascript:openQuickSearch_invoice()'/></span></td>
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<td align="center"><img src="themes/default_admin/images/icons/tools_16.gif" alt="Service" style="border: 0" {popup caption="Service Query Options" text="<dl>
<dt>inactive</dt><dd>Show INACTIVE services</dd>
<dt>active</dt><dd>Show ACTIVE services</dd>
<dt>all</dt><dd>Show ALL services</dd>
<dt>today</dt><dd>Show services created TODAY</dd>
<dt>week</dt><dd>Show services created this WEEK</dd>
<dt>month</dt><dd>Show services created this MONTH</dd>
<dt>XXX.XXX</dt><dd>Show services for domain name XXX.XXX</dd>
<td><span style="white-space: nowrap;"><input id='service' value='all' size="22" style='font-size:9px' onkeypress='if(checkEnter(event)) { openQuickSearch_service(); }' onfocus=''/>&nbsp;<input type='button' value='Go' style='font-size:9px' onclick='javascript:openQuickSearch_service()'/></span></td>
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<td style="background-color: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #999; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; color:#003399; padding: 5px;">{$list->generate_admin_menu()}</td>
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<td style="background-color: #dddddd; border: 1px solid #999; border-top: 1px solid #fff; font-size:9px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#999; text-align:center; padding: 2px;">
Copyright 2004-2008, Agileco, LLC.<br/>
Copyright 2009, OSB.<br/>
All Rights Reserved.
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
<script type="text/javascript">
// function for calling the account quicksearch
function openQuickSearch_account() {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var m = 'account';
var st= "";
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var input = document.getElementById(m).value;
if (input.indexOf(" ")== -1) {
var s = input;
if(s == '[i]' || s == 'inactive') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_status=0';
} else if(s == '[a]' || s == 'active') {
st += '&account_status=1';
} else if(s == '' || s == 'all') {
st += '';
} else if(s == '[t]' || s == 'today') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$today_start}{literal}&field_option[account_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[w]' || s == 'week') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$week_start}{literal}&field_option[account_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[m]' || s == 'month') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$month_start}{literal}&field_option[account_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s.match(/fn:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/fn:/, "");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_first_name='+str;
} else if(s.match(/ln:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/ln:/, "");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_last_name='+str;
} else if(s.match(/co:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/co:/, "");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_company='+str;
} else if(s.match(/em:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/em:/, "");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_email='+str;
2010-11-30 09:41:08 +11:00
} else if(s.match(/un:/)) {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var str = s.replace(/id:/, "");
2010-11-30 09:41:08 +11:00
st += '&account_username='+str;
} else {
2010-11-30 09:41:08 +11:00
st += '&account_id=' +s;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
} else {
var array=input.split(" ");
var num=0;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
while(num < array.length) {
var s = array[num];
if(s == '[i]' || s == 'inactive') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_status=0';
} else if(s == '[a]' || s == 'active') {
st += '&account_status=1';
} else if(s == '[t]' || s == 'today') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$today_start}{literal}&field_option[account_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[w]' || s == 'week') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$week_start}{literal}&field_option[account_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[m]' || s == 'month') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$month_start}{literal}&field_option[account_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s.match(/fn:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/fn:/, "");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_first_name='+str;
} else if(s.match(/ln:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/ln:/, "");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_last_name='+str;
2010-11-30 09:41:08 +11:00
} else if(s.match(/un:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/un:/, "");
st += '&account_username='+str;
} else if(s.match(/co:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/co:/, "");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_company='+str;
} else if(s.match(/em:/)) {
var str = s.replace(/em:/, "");
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&account_email='+str;
} else {
2010-11-30 09:41:08 +11:00
st += '&account_id=' +s;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var u = '?_page=core:search&module='+m+'&_next_page_one=view'+st;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
// function for calling the invoice quicksearch
function openQuickSearch_invoice() {
var m = 'invoice';
var st= "";
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var input = document.getElementById(m).value;
if (input.indexOf(" ")== -1) {
var s = input;
if(s == '[d]' || s == 'due') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_billing_status=0';
} else if(s == '[p]' || s == 'pending') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_billing_status=1&invoice_process_status=0';
} else if(s == '[c]' || s == 'cancelled') {
st += '&invoice_status=0';
} else if(s == '' || s == 'all') {
st += '';
} else if(s == '[t]' || s == 'today') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$today_start}{literal}&field_option[invoice_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[w]' || s == 'week') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$week_start}{literal}&field_option[invoice_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[m]' || s == 'month') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$month_start}{literal}&field_option[invoice_date_orig][0]=>';
} else {
st += '&invoice_id=' +s;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
} else {
var array=input.split(" ");
var num=0;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
while(num < array.length)
var s = array[num];
if(s == '[d]' || s == 'due') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_billing_status=0';
} else if(s == '[p]' || s == 'pending') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_billing_status=1&invoice_process_status=0';
} else if(s == '[c]' || s == 'cancelled') {
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_status=0';
} else if(s == '' || s == 'all') {
st += '';
} else if(s == '[t]' || s == 'today') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$today_start}{literal}&field_option[invoice_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[w]' || s == 'week') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$week_start}{literal}&field_option[invoice_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[m]' || s == 'month') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&invoice_status!=0&invoice_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$month_start}{literal}&field_option[invoice_date_orig][0]=>';
} else {
st += '&invoice_id=' +s;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var u = '?_page=core:search&module='+m+'&_next_page_one=view'+st;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
// function for calling the invoice quicksearch
function openQuickSearch_service() {
var m = 'service';
var st= "";
var input = document.getElementById(m).value;
var a = parseInt(input);
var b = parseFloat(input);
if (input == '' || input == 'all') {
// do nothing
} else if (a == b) {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&service_id='+input;
} else if (input.indexOf(".") != -1) {
var array=input.split(".");
var domain = array[0];
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var tld = input.substr(input.indexOf(".")+1);
st += '&service_domain_name='+domain+'&service_domain_tld='+tld;
} else if (input.indexOf(" ")== -1) {
var s = input;
if(s == '[i]' || s == 'inactive') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&service_active=0';
} else if(s == '[a]' || s == 'active') {
st += '&service_active=1';
} else if(s == '' || s == 'all') {
st += '';
} else if(s == '[t]' || s == 'today') {
st += '&service_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$today_start}{literal}&field_option[service_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[w]' || s == 'week') {
st += '&service_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$week_start}{literal}&field_option[service_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[m]' || s == 'month') {
st += '&service_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$month_start}{literal}&field_option[service_date_orig][0]=>';
} else {
st += '&service_id=' +s;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
} else {
var array=input.split(" ");
var num=0;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
while(num < array.length)
var s = array[num];
if(s == '[i]' || s == 'inactive') {
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
st += '&service_active=0';
} else if(s == '[a]' || s == 'active') {
st += '&service_active=1';
} else if(s == '' || s == 'all') {
st += '';
} else if(s == '[t]' || s == 'today') {
st += '&service_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$today_start}{literal}&field_option[service_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[w]' || s == 'week') {
st += '&service_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$week_start}{literal}&field_option[service_date_orig][0]=>';
} else if(s == '[m]' || s == 'month') {
st += '&service_date_orig[0]={/literal}{$month_start}{literal}&field_option[service_date_orig][0]=>';
} else {
st += '&service_id=' +s;
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
2009-08-03 14:10:16 +10:00
var u = '?_page=core:search&module='+m+'&_next_page_one=view'+st;
function checkEnter(e) {
var characterCode;
if(e && e.which){
characterCode = e.which;
} else{
e = event;
characterCode = e.keyCode;
if(characterCode == 13){
return true;
} else {
return false;