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ECHOPHP class 1.6.9 released 01-28-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* Function version_check() was causing problems with Submit being called twice, fixed
ECHOPHP class 1.6.7 released 12-23-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* Removed Openecho ECHOTYPE3 response
ECHOPHP class 1.6.6 released 10-07-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* Removed shipping fields (discontinued)
ECHOPHP class 1.6.5 released 08-27-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* Class no longer sends unnecessary fields to ECHOnline
ECHOPHP class 1.6.4 released 07-28-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* Fix: ec_city needed urlencode()
ECHOPHP class 1.6.3 released 07-02-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* added variables:
$echoPHP->tran_date - The date on which the transaction occurred, formatted CCYYMMDD.
$echoPHP->merchant_name - The DBA name of the merchant as it is currently stored
in the ECHO merchant database.
$echoPHP->version - The version of the ECHONLINE engine that processed the transaction.
ECHOPHP class 1.6.2 released 06-11-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* removed version_compare() and added function version_check() for PHP older than 4.1.0.
ECHOPHP class 1.6.1 released 05-19-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* re-added variable $billing_name for compatibility with ECHOcart
ECHOPHP class 1.6 released 05-16-2003 (Updated by Salim Qadeer
* removed discontinued fields cs_factors, cs_flag, cs_host_score, cs_reference_number,
cs_response, cs_score, cs_status, ec_business_acct, ec_merchant_ref, ec_nbds_code, billing_name
* removed misspelled variable $athorization
* combined curl and openssl echophp.class classes into one. The class will automatically find a working solution.
* added variable $decline_code to check if the merchant's ECHO-ID and PIN is valid.
* added error message in a case where the server could not reach ECHOnline
03-28-2003 - updated to reflect additional status and avs_result codes (Updated by Salim Qadeer
03-25-2003 - added error messages for missing curl/ssl (Updated by Alex Schultz
03-21-2003 - fixed issue with cURL 7.10.2 + Win2k (Updated by Salim Qadeer
02-18-2003 - the what happened to my auth code release
01-16-2003 - removed duplicate functions
12-03-2002 - added product_description, purchase_order_number
11-18-2002 - added sales_tax
03-12-2002 - added ec_transaction_dt
01-16-2002 - fixed ec_account_type (typo)
01-10-2002 - Added ec_account_type and ec_payment_type for Alex ;-)
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