2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
< ? php
* AgileBill - Open Billing Software
* This body of work is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License
* License as published at http :// www . agileco . com / agilebill / license1 - 4. txt
* For questions , help , comments , discussion , etc . , please join the
* Agileco community forums at http :// forum . agileco . com /
* @ link http :// www . agileco . com /
* @ copyright 2004 - 2008 Agileco , LLC .
* @ license http :// www . agileco . com / agilebill / license1 - 4. txt
* @ author Tony Landis < tony @ agileco . com >
* @ package AgileBill
* @ version 1.4 . 93
class account_billing
* Return a list of options for the drop - down menus
function cardMenuArr ( & $result , $selected = false ) {
global $C_translate ;
if ( $result && $result -> RecordCount ()) {
while ( ! $result -> EOF ) {
$arr [ " { $result -> fields [ " id " ] } " ] = $C_translate -> translate ( 'card_type_' . $result -> fields [ " card_type " ], 'checkout' , '' ) .
' ...' . $result -> fields [ " card_num4 " ];
if ( $result -> fields [ 'card_type' ] != 'eft' )
$arr [ " { $result -> fields [ " id " ] } " ] .= ' | Exp: ' . $result -> fields [ " card_exp_month " ] . '/' . $result -> fields [ " card_exp_year " ];
$result -> MoveNext ();
return $arr ;
return false ;
* Get a list of cards of file for a specific user and checkout plugin
function list_on_file ( $VAR ) {
global $C_auth ;
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'account_id' ]) && $C_auth -> auth_method_by_name ( 'checkout' , 'admin_checkoutnow' )) $account_id = $VAR [ 'account_id' ]; else $account_id = SESS_ACCOUNT ;
if ( empty ( $VAR [ 'option' ])) return false ; else $checkout_plugin_id = $VAR [ 'option' ];
$db =& DB ();
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$year = preg_replace ( " /^20/ " , " " , date ( " Y " ));
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$result = $db -> Execute ( $sql = sqlSelect ( $db , " account_billing " , " id,card_type,card_num4,card_exp_month,card_exp_year " ,
" (card_exp_year>=:: $year :: or card_type='eft') AND account_id=:: $account_id :: AND checkout_plugin_id=:: $checkout_plugin_id :: " ));
$arr = $this -> cardMenuArr ( $result );
if ( $arr ) {
global $smarty ;
$smarty -> assign ( 'onfile' , $arr );
* Generate an admin menu of the list of cards on file ...
function menu_admin ( $field , $account , $default , $class , $user ) {
global $C_translate ;
if ( empty ( $field )) $field = 'ccnum' ;
$input_id = '1' ;
$return = '<select id="' . $field . '_' . $input_id . '" name="' . $field . '">' ;
$db = & DB ();
$sql = " SELECT * FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " account_billing WHERE site_id = " . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE ) . " AND account_id = " . $db -> qstr ( $account ) . " ORDER BY card_num4 " ;
$result = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
$arr = $this -> cardMenuArr ( $result );
if ( $arr ) {
if ( $id == " all " ) $return .= '<option value="" selected></option>' ;
foreach ( $arr as $id => $val ) {
$return .= '<option value="' . $id . '"' ;
if ( $default == $id ) $return .= " selected " ;
$return .= '>' . $val . '</option>' ;
$return .= '</select>' ;
if ( ! $user ) {
$return .= ' <img src="themes/' . THEME_NAME . '/images/icons/zoomi_16.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" onclick="menu_item_view(\'account_billing\',\'' . $field . '_' . $input_id . '\');">' ;
$return .= ' <img src="themes/' . THEME_NAME . '/images/icons/add_16.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" onclick="menu_item_add(\'account_billing\',\'' . $field . '_' . $input_id . '\');">' ;
} else {
$return .= ' <img src="themes/' . THEME_NAME . '/images/icons/zoomi_16.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" onclick="document.location=\'' . SSL_URL . '?_page=account_billing:user_view&id=' . $default . ',\';">' ;
} else {
$return .= '<option value="">' . $C_translate -> translate ( 'lists_none_defined' , 'CORE' , '' ) . '</option>' ;
$return .= '</select>' ;
echo $return ;
* Allow user to delete a card on file
function user_delete ( $VAR )
# Verify the current account owns this billing record
$dbx = & DB ();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' account_billing WHERE
id = ' . $dbx->qstr( @$VAR[' id '] ) . ' AND
account_id = ' . $dbx->qstr( SESS_ACCOUNT ) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $dbx -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$rs = $dbx -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( @ $rs -> RecordCount () == 0 ) return false ;
global $C_debug , $C_translate ;
# Validate this isn't the only card on file
$rs = $dbx -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $dbx , " account_billing " , " id " , " id=:: " . $VAR [ 'id' ] . " :: " ));
if ( $rs && $rs -> RecordCount ()) {
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'card_in_use' , 'account_billing' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return false ;
# Validate the card isn't in use
$rs = $dbx -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $dbx , " service " , " id " , " account_billing_id=:: " . $VAR [ 'id' ] . " :: AND account_id=:: " . SESS_ACCOUNT . " :: AND active=1 " ));
if ( $rs && $rs -> RecordCount ()) {
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'card_in_use' , 'account_billing' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return false ;
# Delete the card
$sql = sqlDelete ( $dbx , " account_billing " , " id=:: " . $VAR [ 'id' ] . " :: AND account_id=:: " . SESS_ACCOUNT . " :: " );
$dbx -> Execute ( $sql );
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'card_removed' , 'account_billing' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return true ;
* Task to detect credit cards that are expiring soon and e - mail the user a notice to update the card
function task ( $VAR ) {
include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'email_template/email_template.inc.php' );
$sql = '' ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < 3 ; $i ++ ) {
$exp = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( 'm' ) + $i , date ( 'd' ), date ( 'Y' ));
$month = date ( " m " , $exp );
$year = ereg_replace ( " ^20 " , " " , date ( " Y " , $exp ));
if ( ! empty ( $sql )) $sql .= " OR " ;
$sql .= " ( card_exp_month = ' $month ' AND card_exp_year = ' $year ' ) " ;
$db = & DB ();
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $qq = sqlSelect ( $db , " account_billing " , " id,account_id,notify_count " , " ( $sql ) AND notify_count < 4 " ));
if ( $rs && $rs -> RecordCount ()) {
while ( ! $rs -> EOF ) {
$email = new email_template ;
$email -> send ( 'account_billing_exp_soon' , $rs -> fields [ 'account_id' ], $rs -> fields [ 'id' ], '' , '' );
$fields = Array ( 'notify_count' => $rs -> fields [ " notify_count " ] + 1 );
$db -> Execute ( sqlUpdate ( $db , " account_billing " , $fields , " id = { $rs -> fields [ 'id' ] } " ));
$rs -> MoveNext ();
/** Get most recent account billing id */
function default_billing ( $account_id )
$db = & DB ();
$sql = " SELECT id,checkout_plugin_id FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " account_billing WHERE
account_id = " . $db->qstr ( $account_id ) . " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$billing = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( $billing -> RecordCount () > 0 )
$ret [ 'billing_id' ] = $billing -> fields [ 'id' ];
$ret [ 'checkout_plugin_id' ] = $billing -> fields [ 'checkout_plugin_id' ];
} else {
$ret [ 'billing_id' ] = false ;
$ret [ 'checkout_plugin_id' ] = false ;
return $ret ;
function add ( $VAR )
global $C_debug , $C_translate ;
# Get the last 4 digits of the cc:
@ $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num4' ] = substr ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num' ],( strlen ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num' ]) - 4 ), 4 );
# Validate the req fields
if ( empty ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_exp_month' ]) || empty ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_exp_year' ]) || empty ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num' ]))
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'val_missing' , 'account_billing' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return false ;
# Validate the exp date
if ( mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_exp_month' ], date ( 'd' ), $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_exp_year' ]) <= time ())
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'val_exp' , 'account_billing' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return false ;
# Validate the card against the card type
include_once ( PATH_CORE . 'validate.inc.php' );
$validate = new CORE_validate ;
if ( ! $validate -> validate_cc ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num' ], 'card_num' , $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_type' ], false ) )
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'val_cc' , 'account_billing' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return false ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " add " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> add ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function view ( $VAR )
global $C_debug , $C_translate ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " view " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> view ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function update ( $VAR )
global $C_translate , $C_debug ;
/* load database object */
$db = new CORE_database ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " update " ;
/* conditional fields for cc/eft */
$dbx =& DB ();
$rs = $dbx -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $dbx , " account_billing " , " card_type,id,checkout_plugin_id " , " id=:: { $VAR [ 'id' ] } :: " ));
if ( ! $rs || ! $rs -> RecordCount ()) return false ;
$billing_id = $rs -> fields [ 'id' ];
$checkout_plugin_id = $rs -> fields [ 'checkout_plugin_id' ];
if ( $rs -> fields [ 'card_type' ] == 'eft' ) {
/* EFT */
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = $db -> ignore_fields (
array ( 'card_exp_month' , 'card_exp_year' , 'card_num' ),
$this -> method [ " $type " ]
/* last four */
@ $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num4' ] = substr ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_eft_check_acct' ],( strlen ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_eft_check_acct' ]) - 4 ), 4 );
} else {
/* CC */
# Validate the exp date
if ( mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_exp_month' ], date ( 'd' ), $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_exp_year' ]) <= time ())
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'val_exp' , 'account_billing' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return false ;
# Validate the card against the card type
include_once ( PATH_CORE . 'validate.inc.php' );
$validate = new CORE_validate ;
if ( ! $validate -> validate_cc ( @ $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num' ], 'card_num' , @ $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_type' ], false ) )
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'val_cc' , 'account_billing' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return false ;
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = $db -> ignore_fields (
array ( 'eft_trn' , 'eft_check_acct' ),
$this -> method [ " $type " ]
/* last four */
@ $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num4' ] = substr ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num' ],( strlen ( $VAR [ 'account_billing_card_num' ]) - 4 ), 4 );
if ( $db -> update ( $VAR , $this , $type ) )
# Update any invoices using this billing record
$dba = & DB ();
$sql = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " invoice SET
checkout_plugin_id = " . $dba->qstr ( $checkout_plugin_id ) . "
WHERE site_id = " . $dba->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE) . "
AND account_billing_id = " . $dba->qstr ( $billing_id );
$result = $dba -> Execute ( $sql );
return true ;
return false ;
function delete ( $VAR ) {
$this -> construct ();
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> mass_delete ( $VAR , $this , " " );
function search_form ( $VAR ) {
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search_form ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function search ( $VAR ) {
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function user_search ( $VAR ) {
# Lock the user only for his billing_records:
if ( ! SESS_LOGGED ) return false ;
# Lock the account_id
$VAR [ 'account_billing_account_id' ] = SESS_ACCOUNT ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function search_show ( $VAR ) {
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search_show ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function user_search_show ( $VAR ) {
# Lock the user only for his billing_records:
if ( ! SESS_LOGGED ) return false ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search_show ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function user_view ( $VAR ) {
# Check that the correct account owns this billing record
$dbx = & DB ();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' account_billing WHERE
id = ' . $dbx->qstr( @$VAR[' id '] ) . ' AND
account_id = ' . $dbx->qstr( SESS_ACCOUNT ) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $dbx -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$rs = $dbx -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( @ $rs -> RecordCount () == 0 ) return false ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " view " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> view ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function user_update ( $VAR ) {
if ( ! SESS_LOGGED ) return false ;
$db =& DB ();
$rs = $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " account_billing " , " card_type " , " id=:: { $VAR [ 'id' ] } :: and account_id= " . SESS_ACCOUNT ));
if ( ! $rs || ! $rs -> RecordCount ()) return false ;
$result = $this -> update ( $VAR , $this );
global $VAR ; $VAR [ '_page' ] = 'account_billing:user_view' ;
if ( $result ) {
global $C_debug ;
$C_debug -> alert ( " Your billing details have been updated. " );
# Open the constructor for this mod
function construct ()
# name of this module:
$this -> module = " account_billing " ;
# location of the construct XML file:
$this -> xml_construct = PATH_MODULES . " " . $this -> module . " / " . $this -> module . " _construct.xml " ;
# open the construct file for parsing
$C_xml = new CORE_xml ;
$construct = $C_xml -> xml_to_array ( $this -> xml_construct );
$this -> method = $construct [ " construct " ][ " method " ];
$this -> trigger = $construct [ " construct " ][ " trigger " ];
$this -> field = $construct [ " construct " ][ " field " ];
$this -> table = $construct [ " construct " ][ " table " ];
$this -> module = $construct [ " construct " ][ " module " ];
$this -> cache = $construct [ " construct " ][ " cache " ];
$this -> order_by = $construct [ " construct " ][ " order_by " ];
$this -> limit = $construct [ " construct " ][ " limit " ];