2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
< ? php
* AgileBill - Open Billing Software
* This body of work is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License
* License as published at http :// www . agileco . com / agilebill / license1 - 4. txt
* For questions , help , comments , discussion , etc . , please join the
* Agileco community forums at http :// forum . agileco . com /
* @ link http :// www . agileco . com /
* @ copyright 2004 - 2008 Agileco , LLC .
* @ license http :// www . agileco . com / agilebill / license1 - 4. txt
* @ author Tony Landis < tony @ agileco . com >
* @ package AgileBill
* @ version 1.4 . 93
class service
## Resend hosting details ##
function resend_hosting_email ( $VAR )
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'id' ]))
include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'email_template/email_template.inc.php' );
$email = new email_template ;
$email -> send ( 'host_new_user' , $VAR [ 'account_id' ], $VAR [ 'id' ], '' , '' );
global $C_debug , $C_translate ;
$C_debug -> alert ( $C_translate -> translate ( 'hosting_email_sent' , 'service' , '' ));
## Cleanup group access ##
function cleanup ( $VAR )
# update services to suspended that meet the following criteria:
# one-time charge (cannot be subscription)
# group access of any kind
# expired by the access days permited
$db = & DB ();
$sql = ' SELECT id , group_days , date_orig
type LIKE ' . $db->qstr("%group%") . ' AND
queue != ' . $db->qstr("inactive") . ' AND
active = ' . $db->qstr(1) . ' AND
price_type = ' . $db->qstr(0) . ' AND
group_type = ' . $db->qstr(0) . ' AND
group_days > ' . $db->qstr(0) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$service = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
$total = $service -> RecordCount ();
$i = 0 ;
while ( ! $service -> EOF )
# check if expired:
$exp = $service -> fields [ 'date_orig' ] + ( $service -> fields [ 'group_days' ] * 86400 );
if ( time () > $exp )
# Update the service status:
# should we delete instead? todo
# should we send email notification? todo
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' service
queue = ' . $db->qstr("inactive") . ' ,
date_last = ' . $db->qstr(time()) . ' ,
active = ' . $db->qstr(0) . '
id = ' . $db->qstr($service->fields[' id ']) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$db -> Execute ( $sql );
$i ++ ;
$service -> MoveNext ();
# Display results:
$remain = $total - $i ;
$msg = " While cleaning up one-time Services granting group access,
located $i Services ( s ) that have expired and were suspended
and $remain Service ( s ) are active and will remain active . " ;
# void all services that have been canceled by the user
# or billing has been suspended by the admin that
# would normally be due for billing now.
$sql = ' SELECT id
queue != ' . $db->qstr("inactive") . ' AND
active = ' . $db->qstr(1) . ' AND
suspend_billing = ' . $db->qstr(1) . ' AND
date_next_invoice <= ' . $db->qstr(time()) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$service = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
$total = $service -> RecordCount ();
if ( $total > 0 ) {
while ( ! $service -> EOF ) {
# deactivate:
$this -> voidService ( $service -> fields [ 'id' ]);
$service -> MoveNext ();
# Display results:
$remain = $total - $i ;
$msg .= " <BR><BR>While searching for services cancelled by the user or admin,
$total service ( s ) were located and have been voided . " ;
global $C_debug ;
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
return true ;
/** User reactivate */
function user_reactivate ( $VAR ) {
if ( ! SESS_LOGGED || empty ( $VAR [ 'id' ])) return false ;
global $C_debug , $C_translate , $smarty ;
/* get service details */
$db =& DB ();
$rs = $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " service " , " * " , " id=:: { $VAR [ 'id' ] } :: " ));
if ( $rs && $rs -> RecordCount ()) {
extract ( $rs -> fields );
/* can reinstate? */
if ( ! $suspend_billing || SESS_ACCOUNT != $account_id || ! $recur_cancel ) {
$C_debug -> alert ( 'This service cannot be reactivated at this time.' );
return false ;
/* invoice date needs moved? */
if ( $active == 1 && $date_next_invoice >= time ()) {
/* no, change the suspend_billing status */
$fields = Array ( 'suspend_billing' => 0 );
$db -> Execute ( sqlUpdate ( $db , " service " , $fields , " id=:: { $VAR [ 'id' ] } :: " ));
$C_debug -> alert ( 'This service has been reactivated and will continue to be billed normally without service interruption.' );
} else {
/* no, change the suspend_billing status */
$fields = Array ( 'suspend_billing' => 0 , 'date_next_invoice' => time () + 86400 );
$db -> Execute ( sqlUpdate ( $db , " service " , $fields , " id=:: { $VAR [ 'id' ] } :: " ));
$C_debug -> alert ( 'An invoice for this service will be generated within the next 24 hours and service will be reactivated immediately after payment of that invoice is made.' );
function user_changeschedule ( $VAR )
global $C_translate , $C_debug ;
if ( ! isset ( $VAR [ 'id' ]) || ! isset ( $VAR [ 'service_recur_schedule' ])) return false ;
# get the account id & confirm changing the schedule is allowed
$db = & DB ();
$dbm = new CORE_database ;
$sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( " service " , " * " , " id = { $VAR [ 'id' ] } " , " " , $db );
$service = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( $service -> fields [ 'account_id' ] == SESS_ACCOUNT && $service -> fields [ 'recur_schedule_change' ] == 1 )
# prev schedule
$prev = $service -> fields [ 'recur_schedule' ];
# current schedule
$cur = $VAR [ 'service_recur_schedule' ];
if ( ! is_numeric ( $cur ) || $cur > 6 )
return false ;
# validate a change has occurred
if ( $cur != $prev )
$this -> changeschedule ( $cur , $prev , $service , $VAR );
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'changeservice_auth' , 'service' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
function admin_changeschedule ( $VAR )
global $C_translate , $C_debug ;
if ( ! isset ( $VAR [ 'id' ]) || ! isset ( $VAR [ 'service_recur_schedule' ])) return false ;
# get the account id & confirm changing the schedule is allowed
$db = & DB ();
$dbm = new CORE_database ;
$sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( " service " , " * " , " id = { $VAR [ 'id' ] } " , " " , $db );
$service = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
# prev schedule
$prev = $service -> fields [ 'recur_schedule' ];
# current schedule
$cur = $VAR [ 'service_recur_schedule' ];
if ( ! is_numeric ( $cur ) || $cur > 6 )
return false ;
# validate a change has occurred
if ( $cur != $prev )
$this -> changeschedule ( $cur , $prev , $service , $VAR );
function changeschedule ( $cur , $prev , & $service , $VAR )
global $C_translate , $C_debug , $C_auth ;
$db = & DB ();
# Get the associated product:
$product = $service -> fields [ 'product_id' ];
# Validate a product is associated with this service:
if ( $product > 0 )
$dbm = new CORE_database ;
# Get the product details:
$sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( 'product' , '*' , " id = $product " , '' , $db );
$prod = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
# Get the price for the associated product and billing schedule
if ( $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_default' ] == $cur )
# Use default base price:
$price = $prod -> fields [ 'price_base' ];
$arr = unserialize ( $prod -> fields [ 'price_group' ]);
if ( is_array ( $arr ))
# Get the base price for the selected period:
$price = false ;
$parr = $arr [ " $cur " ];
# Loop through each group price and assign this user the lowest available price:
while ( list ( $group , $parr2 ) = each ( $parr ))
if ( isset ( $parr2 [ " price_base " ])) {
$arr_price = $parr2 [ " price_base " ];
if ( $arr_price != '' && $C_auth -> auth_group_by_id ( $group ))
if ( $price == false || $price > $arr_price )
$price = $arr_price ;
# Update service status
$q = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET
recur_schedule = $cur ,
price = '$price'
id = { $VAR [ 'id' ]} AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$db -> Execute ( $q );
} else {
# Update service status
$q = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET recur_schedule = $cur WHERE id = { $VAR [ 'id' ] } AND site_id = " . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$db -> Execute ( $q );
# Create a memo
$fields = Array ( 'date_orig' => time (), 'staff_id' => SESS_ACCOUNT , 'service_id' => $VAR [ 'id' ], 'type' => 'changeschedule' , 'memo' => " Changed recurring schedule from $prev to $cur " );
$db -> Execute ( $sql = sqlInsert ( $db , " service_memo " , $fields ));
return true ;
function user_cancelservice ( $VAR )
if ( ! isset ( $VAR [ 'id' ]) || SESS_LOGGED == false ) return false ;
# get the account id & confirm cancelation allowed
$db = & DB ();
$sql = 'SELECT id,account_id,recur_cancel FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' service WHERE
id = ' . $db->qstr( $VAR[' id '] ) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$service = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( $service -> fields [ 'account_id' ] == SESS_ACCOUNT && $service -> fields [ 'recur_cancel' ] == 1 )
$VAR [ 'user' ] = 1 ;
$this -> cancelservice ( $VAR , $this );
# Create a memo
$fields = Array ( 'date_orig' => time (), 'staff_id' => SESS_ACCOUNT , 'service_id' => $VAR [ 'id' ], 'type' => 'cancel' , 'memo' => " User Canceled Service " );
$db -> Execute ( $sql = sqlInsert ( $db , " service_memo " , $fields ));
global $C_translate , $C_debug ;
$msg = $C_translate -> translate ( 'cancelservice_auth' , 'service' , '' );
$C_debug -> alert ( $msg );
function cancelservice ( $VAR )
if ( ! isset ( $VAR [ 'id' ])) return false ;
# Update service status
$db = & DB ();
$q = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET
suspend_billing = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ). " WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $VAR['id'] ). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$db -> Execute ( $q );
# get the account id
$sql = 'SELECT id,account_id FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' service WHERE
id = ' . $db->qstr( $VAR[' id '] ) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$service = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
# send user email
include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'email_template/email_template.inc.php' );
$email = new email_template ;
$email -> send ( 'service_cancel_user' , $service -> fields [ 'account_id' ], $service -> fields [ 'id' ], '' , '' );
# send admin email only if user canceled
if ( isset ( $VAR [ 'user' ]))
$email = new email_template ;
$email -> send ( 'admin->service_cancel_admin' , $service -> fields [ 'account_id' ], $service -> fields [ 'id' ], '' , '' );
# Create a memo
$fields = Array ( 'date_orig' => time (), 'staff_id' => SESS_ACCOUNT , 'service_id' => $VAR [ 'id' ], 'type' => 'cancel' , 'memo' => " Staff Canceled Service " );
$db -> Execute ( $sql = sqlInsert ( $db , " service_memo " , $fields ));
function approveService ( $id )
# Update service status
$db = & DB ();
$q = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET
active = " . $db->qstr ( 1 ). " ,
queue = " . $db->qstr ( 'active' ). " WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $id ). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$db -> Execute ( $q );
# Create a memo
$fields = Array ( 'date_orig' => time (), 'staff_id' => SESS_ACCOUNT , 'service_id' => $id , 'type' => 'approve' , 'memo' => " Approved Service " );
$db -> Execute ( $sql = sqlInsert ( $db , " service_memo " , $fields ));
# Run queue now
$this -> queue_one ( $id , false );
return true ;
function voidService ( $id )
# Update service status
$db = & DB ();
$q = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET
active = " . $db->qstr ( 0 ). " ,
queue = " . $db->qstr ( 'inactive' ). " WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $id ). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$db -> Execute ( $q );
# Create a memo
$fields = Array ( 'date_orig' => time (), 'staff_id' => SESS_ACCOUNT , 'service_id' => $id , 'type' => 'void' , 'memo' => " Voided Service " );
$db -> Execute ( $sql = sqlInsert ( $db , " service_memo " , $fields ));
/** call queue now */
$this -> queue_one ( $id );
return true ;
/** queue all services */
function queue ( $VAR ) {
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'id' ]) && ! empty ( $VAR [ " do " ])) {
/** queue one */
$this -> queue_one ( $VAR [ 'id' ], false );
} else {
/** queue all services */
$db = & DB ();
$rs = $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " service " , " * " , " queue!='none' " ));
if ( $rs && $rs -> RecordCount ()) {
while ( ! $rs -> EOF ) {
$this -> queue_one ( $rs -> fields [ 'id' ], $rs -> fields );
$rs -> MoveNext ();
/** queue one service
* @ param int $id
* @ param array $service Fields of service row
function queue_one ( $id , $service = false ) {
if ( ! $service ) {
$db =& DB ();
$rs = $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " service " , " * " , " id=:: $id :: " ));
if ( ! $rs || ! $rs -> RecordCount ()) return false ;
$service = $rs -> fields ;
$this -> service = $rs -> fields ;
} else {
$this -> service = $service ;
switch ( $service [ 'type' ])
case 'group' :
$this -> queue_group ( $id );
break ;
case 'host' :
$this -> queue_host ( $id );
break ;
case 'domain' :
$this -> queue_domain ( $id );
break ;
case 'product' :
$this -> queue_product ( $id );
break ;
case 'host_group' :
$this -> queue_host ( $id );
$this -> queue_group ( $id , false );
break ;
case 'product_group' :
$this -> queue_product ( $id );
$this -> queue_group ( $id , false );
break ;
/** set queue action to 'none'
* @ param int $id Service ID
function queue_complete ( $id = false ) {
if ( ! $id ) return false ;
$db =& DB ();
$db -> Execute ( " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET queue = " . $db -> qstr ( 'none' ) . " WHERE id= " . $db -> qstr ( $id ) . " AND site_id= " . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE ));
/** group type service queue
* @ param int $id Service ID
* @ param bool $update Update service queue to 'none' after running
function queue_group ( $id , $update = true )
# Select Service Details
$db = & DB ();
$q = " SELECT * FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service WHERE id = " . $db -> qstr ( $id ) . " AND site_id = " . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );;
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $q );
if ( $rs && $rs -> RecordCount ()) {
# Get the groups to grant access to:
$groups = unserialize ( $rs -> fields [ 'group_grant' ]);
if ( ! is_array ( $groups )) return false ;
# Get the action to perform:
include_once ( PATH_CORE . 'service_group.inc.php' );
$srv = new service_group ( $rs -> fields , $groups );
switch ( $rs -> fields [ 'queue' ])
case 'new' :
$srv -> s_new ();
break ;
case 'active' :
$srv -> s_active ();
break ;
case 'inactive' :
$srv -> s_inactive ();
break ;
case 'edit' :
$srv -> s_edit ();
break ;
case 'delete' :
$srv -> s_delete ();
break ;
case 'none' :
if ( $rs -> fields [ 'active' ])
$srv -> s_active ();
$srv -> s_inactive ();
break ;
# Update service queue status
if ( $update ) $this -> queue_complete ( $id );
function queue_host ( $id )
global $VAR ;
# Get the service type (task based / real time)
$host_id = $this -> service [ 'host_server_id' ];
$db = & DB ();
$sql = 'SELECT debug,provision_plugin FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' host_server WHERE
id = ' . $db->qstr( $host_id ) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( $rs -> RecordCount () > 0 )
$file = $rs -> fields [ 'provision_plugin' ];
require_once ( PATH_PLUGINS . 'provision/' . $file . '.php' );
eval ( '$_plg = new plgn_prov_' . $file . ';' );
#If realtime, load module and run command now
if ( @ $_plg -> remote_based == true ) $_plg -> p_one ( $id );
return true ;
function queue_domain ( $id )
# Select Service Details
$db = & DB ();
$q = " SELECT * FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $id ). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);;
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $q );
if ( $rs -> RecordCount () == 0 ) {
return false ;
} else {
# Get the action to perform:
include_once ( PATH_CORE . 'service_domain.inc.php' );
$srv = new service_domain ( $rs -> fields );
if ( $rs -> fields [ 'queue' ] == 'new' )
if ( $srv -> s_new () )
$this -> queue_complete ( $id );
return ;
# Update service queue status
$this -> queue_complete ( $id );
return ;
function queue_product ( $id )
global $VAR ;
# Get the plugin name type (task based / real time)
$file = $this -> service [ 'prod_plugin_name' ];
if ( ! empty ( $file )) {
$path = PATH_PLUGINS . 'product/' . $file . '.php' ;
if ( is_file ( $path ))
require_once ( $path );
eval ( '$_plg = new plgn_prov_' . $file . ';' );
# If realtime, load module and run command now
if ( ! empty ( $_plg ) && is_object ( $_plg ))
if ( $_plg -> remote_based == true )
$_plg -> p_one ( $id );
} else {
return false ;
return true ;
function invoiceItemToService ( $invoice_item_id , $invoice , $service_id = false )
include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'product/product.inc.php' );
$product = new product ;
$trial = false ;
$db = & DB ();
# Get the invoice_item record
$item = & $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " invoice_item " , " * " , " id = $invoice_item_id " ));
# Get the product details
$prod = & $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " product " , " * " , " id = { $item -> fields [ 'product_id' ] } " ));
# Determine Price, Price Type, and Next Invoice Date:
if ( $item -> fields [ 'price_type' ] == '2' )
### Item is trial for another item:
$trial = true ;
# Determine trial length.
$tl = $prod -> fields [ 'price_trial_length_type' ];
if ( $tl == 0 )
$this -> next_invoice = time () + ( $prod -> fields [ 'price_trial_length' ] * 86400 );
elseif ( $tl == 1 )
$this -> next_invoice = time () + ( $prod -> fields [ 'price_trial_length' ] * 86400 * 7 );
elseif ( $tl == 2 )
$this -> next_invoice = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( 'm' ) + $prod -> fields [ 'price_trial_length' ], date ( 'd' ), date ( 'Y' ));
$this -> next_invoice = time () + ( 365 * 86400 );
# get the details of the permanent item
$q = " SELECT * FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " product WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['price_trial_prod']). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$prod = $db -> Execute ( $q );
/* set the product id to the perm item */
$item -> fields [ 'product_id' ] = $prod -> fields [ 'id' ];
$this -> recurring_schedule = $item -> fields [ 'recurring_schedule' ];
### Get the price
$price = $product -> price_prod ( $prod -> fields , $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_default' ], $invoice -> fields [ 'account_id' ], false );
$this -> price = @ $price [ 'base' ] / $item -> fields [ 'quantity' ];
$this -> bind = '1' ;
$item -> fields [ 'sku' ] = $prod -> fields [ 'sku' ];
elseif ( $item -> fields [ 'price_type' ] == '1' )
# Recurring Item
$this -> recurring_schedule = $item -> fields [ 'recurring_schedule' ];
$this -> price = $item -> fields [ 'price_base' ] / $item -> fields [ 'quantity' ];
$this -> bind = '1' ;
# Determine the next invoice date:
$this -> next_invoice = $this -> calcNextInvoiceDate ( $invoice -> fields [ 'due_date' ],
$this -> recurring_schedule ,
$prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_type' ],
$prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_weekday' ],
$prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_week' ] );
elseif ( $item -> fields [ 'price_type' ] == '0' )
# One-time charge
$this -> recurring_schedule = '' ;
$this -> next_invoice = '' ;
$this -> price = $item -> fields [ 'price_base' ] / $item -> fields [ 'quantity' ];
$this -> bind = '0' ;
return false ;
# If set-date type recurring transaction, determine full price:
if ( ! $trial && $prod -> fields [ 'price_type' ] == '1' && $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_type' ] == '1' )
# Get the base product price:
$price = $product -> price_prod ( $prod -> fields , $this -> recurring_schedule , $invoice -> fields [ 'account_id' ], false );
$this -> price = $price [ 'base' ] / $item -> fields [ 'quantity' ];
# Get the price of any attributes:
$price = $product -> price_attr ( $prod -> fields , $item -> fields [ 'product_attr_cart' ], $this -> recurring_schedule , $invoice -> fields [ 'account_id' ], false );
$this -> price += $price [ 'base' ] / $item -> fields [ 'quantity' ];
# Service settings:
$this -> active = '1' ;
$this -> queue = 'new' ;
$this -> host_ip = '' ;
$this -> host_username = '' ;
$this -> host_password = '' ;
$this -> domain_host_tld_id = '' ;
$this -> domain_host_registrar_id = '' ;
$this -> domain_date_expire = '' ;
# Parent ID
$this -> parent_id = $service_id ;
# determine if groups defined:
$groups_defined = false ;
if ( ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group' ])) {
// type > 0 or num of days defined?
if ( $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group_type' ] > 0 || $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group_days' ] > 0 ) {
// actual groups defined?
$grant_groups = unserialize ( $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group' ]);
if ( is_array ( $grant_groups ) && count ( $grant_groups ) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $grant_groups as $key => $group_id ) {
if ( $group_id > 0 ) {
$groups_defined = true ;
break ;
if ( ! $groups_defined ) {
$prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group' ] = false ;
$prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group_type' ] = false ;
$prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group_days' ] = false ;
# Determine the Service Type:
$this -> type = 'none' ;
if ( $item -> fields [ 'item_type' ] == '0' )
if ( ! $groups_defined && empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'prod_plugin' ]))
$this -> type = 'none' ;
if ( $groups_defined && ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'prod_plugin' ]))
$this -> type = 'product_group' ;
elseif ( ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'prod_plugin' ]))
$this -> type = 'product' ;
elseif ( $groups_defined )
$this -> type = 'group' ;
elseif ( $item -> fields [ 'item_type' ] == '1' )
$this -> type = 'host' ;
$this -> host_ip = '' ;
$this -> host_username = '' ;
$this -> host_password = '' ;
# Is group access also defined?
if ( ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group' ]))
$this -> type = 'host_group' ;
elseif ( $item -> fields [ 'item_type' ] == '2' )
$this -> type = 'domain' ;
$this -> domain_date_expire = time () + ( $item -> fields [ 'domain_term' ] * ( 86400 * 365 ));
# Get the host_tld_id
$q = " SELECT id, registrar_plugin_id FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " host_tld WHERE
name = " . $db->qstr ( $item->fields ['domain_tld']). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$tld = $db -> Execute ( $q );
$this -> domain_host_tld_id = $tld -> fields [ 'id' ];
$this -> domain_host_registrar_id = $tld -> fields [ 'registrar_plugin_id' ];
if ( $this -> type == " none " && $this -> recurring_schedule == " " ) {
# do not create service for one-time charge with no hosting,domain, or group settings
} else {
# Create the service record(s):
for ( $iii = 0 ; $iii < $item -> fields [ 'quantity' ]; $iii ++ )
$this -> id = sqlGenID ( $db , " service " );
$fields = Array ( 'date_orig' => time (),
'date_orig' => time (),
'parent_id' => $this -> parent_id ,
'invoice_id' => $item -> fields [ 'invoice_id' ],
'invoice_item_id' => $invoice_item_id ,
'account_id' => $invoice -> fields [ 'account_id' ],
'account_billing_id' => $invoice -> fields [ 'account_billing_id' ],
'product_id' => $item -> fields [ 'product_id' ],
'sku' => $item -> fields [ 'sku' ],
'active' => $this -> active ,
'bind' => $this -> bind ,
'type' => $this -> type ,
'queue' => $this -> queue ,
'price' => $this -> price ,
'price_type' => $item -> fields [ 'price_type' ],
'taxable' => $prod -> fields [ 'taxable' ],
'date_last_invoice' => $invoice -> fields [ 'date_orig' ],
'date_next_invoice' => $this -> next_invoice ,
'recur_schedule' => $this -> recurring_schedule ,
'recur_type' => $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_type' ],
'recur_weekday' => $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_weekday' ],
'recur_week' => $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_week' ],
'recur_schedule_change' => $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_schedule' ],
'recur_cancel' => $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_cancel' ],
'recur_modify' => $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_modify' ],
'group_grant' => $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group' ],
'group_type' => $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group_type' ],
'group_days' => $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group_days' ],
'host_server_id' => $prod -> fields [ 'host_server_id' ],
'host_provision_plugin_data' => $prod -> fields [ 'host_provision_plugin_data' ],
'host_ip' => $this -> host_ip ,
'host_username' => $this -> host_username ,
'host_password' => $this -> host_password ,
'domain_name' => $item -> fields [ 'domain_name' ],
'domain_tld' => $item -> fields [ 'domain_tld' ],
'domain_term' => $item -> fields [ 'domain_term' ],
'domain_type' => $item -> fields [ 'domain_type' ],
'domain_date_expire' => $this -> domain_date_expire ,
'domain_host_tld_id' => $this -> domain_host_tld_id ,
'domain_host_registrar_id' => $this -> domain_host_registrar_id ,
'prod_attr' => $item -> fields [ 'product_attr' ],
'prod_attr_cart' => $item -> fields [ 'product_attr_cart' ],
'prod_plugin_name' => @ $prod -> fields [ " prod_plugin_file " ],
'prod_plugin_data' => @ $prod -> fields [ " prod_plugin_data " ]);
$rs = & $db -> Execute ( sqlInsert ( $db , " service " , $fields , $this -> id ));
if ( $rs === false ) {
global $C_debug ;
$C_debug -> error ( 'service.inc.php' , 'invoiceItemToService' , $q . " | " . @ $db -> ErrorMsg ());
} else {
# Run the queue on this item:
$arr [ 'id' ] = $this -> id ;
$this -> queue ( $arr , $this );
# Create any discount codes:
if ( $prod -> fields [ 'discount' ] == '1' && ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'discount_amount' ]))
$id = $db -> GenID ( AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'discount_id' );
$q = " INSERT INTO " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " discount SET
id = " . $db->qstr ( $id ) . " ,
site_id = " . $db->qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE ) . " ,
date_orig = " . $db->qstr ( time() ) . " ,
date_start = " . $db->qstr ( time() ) . " ,
status = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ) . " ,
name = " . $db->qstr ( 'DISCOUNT-'. $id ) . " ,
notes = " . $db->qstr ( 'Autogenerated for Invoice Number '. $item->fields ['invoice_id'].', SKU '. $item->fields ['sku'] ) . " ,
max_usage_account = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ) . " ,
max_usage_global = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ) . " ,
avail_account_id = " . $db->qstr ( $invoice->fields ['account_id'] ) . " ,
new_status = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ) . " ,
new_type = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ) . " ,
new_rate = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['discount_amount'] ) . " ,
recurr_status = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ) . " ,
recurr_type = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ) . " ,
recurr_rate = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['discount_amount'] );
$db -> Execute ( $q );
return true ;
### Renew Domain ##
function renewDomain ( $item , $billing_id )
$db = & DB ();
$dbm = new CORE_database ();
# Get the current service details:
$service = $db -> Execute ( $dbm -> sql_select ( 'service' , '*' , " id = { $item -> fields [ 'service_id' ] } " , '' , $db ) );
# Get new dates
$term = $service -> fields [ 'domain_term' ] + $item -> fields [ 'domain_term' ];
$expire = $service -> fields [ 'domain_date_expire' ] + ( 86400 * 365 * $item -> fields [ 'domain_term' ]);
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql = sqlUpdate ( $db , 'service' ,
Array ( 'date_last_invoice' => $service -> fields [ 'domain_date_expire' ],
'domain_date_expire' => $expire ,
'domain_term' => $term ,
'domain_type' => 'renew' ,
'queue' => 'new' ,
'account_billing_id' => $billing_id ),
" id = { $item -> fields [ 'service_id' ] } " ) );
if ( $rs ) return true ;
return false ;
/** get daily cost for a given recurring schedule
* @ param $schedule Recurring schedule
function getDailyCost ( $schedule , $price ) {
$d = Array ( 7 , 30.43685 , 91.31055 , 182.6211 , 365.2422 , 730.4844 , 1095.7266 );
if ( $price <= 0 ) return 0 ;
return $price / $d [ " $schedule " ];
function modifyService ( $item , $billing_id )
global $C_debug ;
# Get the product details
$db = & DB ();
$q = " SELECT * FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " product WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $item->fields ['product_id']). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$prod = $db -> Execute ( $q );
# Get the current service details
$q = " SELECT * FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $item->fields ['service_id']). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$servrs = $db -> Execute ( $q );
$service = $servrs -> fields ;
$service_id = $service [ 'id' ];
# Determine Price, Price Type, and Next Invoice Date:
if ( $item -> fields [ 'price_type' ] == '1' )
# Recurring Item
$this -> recurring_schedule = $item -> fields [ 'recurring_schedule' ];
$this -> price = $item -> fields [ 'price_base' ];
$this -> bind = '1' ;
# Determine the next invoice date:
$this -> next_invoice = $this -> calcNextInvoiceDate ( $service [ 'date_next_invoice' ],
$this -> recurring_schedule ,
$prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_type' ],
$prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_weekday' ],
$prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_week' ] );
# Determine the last invoice date:
if ( empty ( $service [ 'date_last_invoice' ]))
$this -> last_invoice = time ();
$this -> last_invoice = $service [ 'date_last_invoice' ];
$old_unit = $this -> getDailyCost ( $service [ 'recur_schedule' ], $service [ 'price' ]);
$new_unit = $this -> getDailyCost ( $item -> fields [ 'recurring_schedule' ], $this -> price );
//echo "old_unit=$old_unit <br> new_unit=$new_unit <br>";
$daysLeft = ceil (( $service [ 'date_next_invoice' ] - time ()) / 86400 );
$prorated = $old_unit * $daysLeft ;
$daysDiff = ceil ( $prorated / $new_unit );
//echo "daysLeft=$daysLeft prorated=$prorated daysDiff=$daysDiff <br>";
//echo "dt=". date("d-m-Y", $this->next_invoice)."<br>";
$this -> next_invoice += ( $daysDiff * 86400 );
//echo "final dt=". date("d-m-Y", $this->next_invoice) ."<br>";
# If set-date type recurring transaction, determine full price:
if ( $prod -> fields [ 'price_type' ] == '1' && $prod -> fields [ 'price_recurr_type' ] == '1' ) {
include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'cart/cart.inc.php' );
$cart = new cart ;
$price = $cart -> price_prod ( $prod -> fields , $this -> recurring_schedule , $invoice -> fields [ 'account_id' ], false );
$this -> price = $price [ 'base' ];
$price = $cart -> price_attr ( $prod -> fields , $item -> fields [ 'product_attr_cart' ], $this -> recurring_schedule , $invoice -> fields [ 'account_id' ], false );
$this -> price += $price [ 'base' ];
# Determine the Service Type:
if ( ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group' ])) {
if ( ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'prod_plugin' ]))
$this -> type = 'product_group' ;
elseif ( ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'host' ]))
$this -> type = 'host_group' ;
$this -> type = 'group' ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'prod_plugin' ])) {
$this -> type = 'product' ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $prod -> fields [ 'host' ])) {
$this -> type = 'host' ;
} else {
$this -> type = 'none' ;
# Reconfigure host data:
$host_arr = " " ;
if ( $this -> type == " host " || $this -> type == " host_group " ) {
$old = serialize ( $service [ 'host_provision_plugin_data' ]);
$host_arr = $prod -> fields [ 'host_provision_plugin_data' ];
if ( is_array ( $old ) && count ( $old ) > 0 )
foreach ( $old as $key => $val )
if ( ! isset ( $host_arr [ " $key " ]) && @ $old [ " $key " ] != " " ) $host_arr [ " $key " ] = $val ;
# Create the item record:
$q = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET
date_last = " . $db->qstr ( time() ) . " ,
invoice_id = " . $db->qstr ( $item->fields ['invoice_id'] ) . " ,
invoice_item_id = " . $db->qstr ( $item->fields ['id'] ) . " ,
account_billing_id = " . $db->qstr ( $billing_id ) . " ,
product_id = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['id'] ) . " ,
sku = " . $db->qstr ( $item->fields ['sku'] ) . " ,
active = " . $db->qstr ( 1 ) . " ,
type = " . $db->qstr ( $this->type ) . " ,
queue = " . $db->qstr ( 'edit' ) . " ,
price = " . $db->qstr ( @ $this->price ) . " ,
price_type = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['price_type'] ) . " ,
taxable = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['taxable'] ) . " ,
date_last_invoice = " . $db->qstr ( @ $this->last_invoice ) . " ,
date_next_invoice = " . $db->qstr ( @ $this->next_invoice ) . " ,
recur_schedule = " . $db->qstr ( @ $this->recurring_schedule ) . " ,
recur_type = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['price_recurr_type'] ) . " ,
recur_weekday = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['price_recurr_weekday'] ) . " ,
recur_week = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['price_recurr_week'] ) . " ,
recur_schedule_change = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['price_recurr_schedule'] ) . " ,
recur_cancel = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['price_recurr_cancel'] ) . " ,
recur_modify = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['price_recurr_modify'] ) . " ,
group_grant = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['assoc_grant_group'] ) . " ,
group_type = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['assoc_grant_group_type'] ) . " ,
group_days = " . $db->qstr ( $prod->fields ['assoc_grant_group_days'] ) . " ,
host_provision_plugin_data = " . $db->qstr ( @ $host_arr ) . " ,
prod_plugin_name = " . $db->qstr ( @ $prod->fields [ " prod_plugin_file " ] ) . " ,
prod_plugin_data = " . $db->qstr ( @ $prod->fields [ " prod_plugin_data " ] ) . "
site_id = " .DEFAULT_SITE . " AND id = $service_id " ;
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $q );
if ( $rs === false ) {
global $C_debug ;
$C_debug -> error ( 'service.inc.php' , 'invoiceItemToService' , $q . " | " . @ $db -> ErrorMsg ());
# Run the queue on this item:
$this -> queue_one ( $service_id , false );
return true ;
* Calculate next invoice date
* @ param int $s last billed date
* @ param int $schedule schedule : 0 = weekly , 1 = monthly , 2 = quarterly , 3 = semi - annually , 4 = yearly , 5 = 2 year
* @ param bool $type type : 0 = anniversary , 1 = fixed date
* @ param int $weekday ( for fixed date ) 1 - 28 day of month
* @ param int $week
* @ return int date
function calcNextInvoiceDate ( $s , $schedule , $type , $weekday , $week = false )
# Anniversary billing routine:
if ( $type == 0 )
if ( $schedule == 0 )
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $s ), date ( " d " , $s ) + 7 , date ( " Y " , $s ));
if ( $schedule == 1 )
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $s ) + 1 , date ( " d " , $s ), date ( " Y " , $s ));
if ( $schedule == 2 )
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $s ) + 3 , date ( " d " , $s ), date ( " Y " , $s ));
if ( $schedule == 3 )
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $s ) + 6 , date ( " d " , $s ), date ( " Y " , $s ));
if ( $schedule == 4 )
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $s ), date ( " d " , $s ), date ( " Y " , $s ) + 1 );
if ( $schedule == 5 )
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $s ), date ( " d " , $s ), date ( " Y " , $s ) + 2 );
if ( $schedule == 6 )
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $s ), date ( " d " , $s ), date ( " Y " , $s ) + 3 );
return false ;
# Set-day/week billing routine:
if ( $type == 1 )
if ( $schedule == 0 ) {
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( " m " , $s ), date ( " d " , $s ) + 7 , date ( " Y " , $s ));
} elseif ( $type == 1 ) {
$inc_months = 1 ;
} elseif ( $type == 2 ) {
$inc_months = 3 ;
} elseif ( $type == 3 ) {
$inc_months = 6 ;
} elseif ( $type == 4 ) {
$inc_months = 12 ;
} elseif ( $type == 5 ) {
$inc_months = 24 ;
} elseif ( $type == 6 ) {
$inc_months = 36 ;
} else {
return false ;
# calculate the set day of month to bill:
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , date ( 'm' , $s ) + $inc_months , $weekday , date ( 'y' , $s ));
return 0 ;
## ADD ##
function add ( $VAR )
$this -> construct ();
global $C_debug , $C_translate ;
$validate = true ;
## Set type:
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_none' ])) {
$VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'none' ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_domain' ])) {
$VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'domain' ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_group' ])) {
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_hosting' ]))
$VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'host_group' ;
elseif ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_product' ]))
$VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'product_group' ;
$VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'group' ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_hosting' ])) {
$VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'host' ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_product' ])) {
$VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'product' ;
## Set Price Type
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'billing_type' ]))
$VAR [ 'service_price_type' ] = " 1 " ;
$VAR [ 'service_price_type' ] = " 0 " ;
### loop through the field list to validate the required fields
$type = 'add' ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$arr = $this -> method [ " $type " ];
include_once ( PATH_CORE . 'validate.inc.php' );
$validate = new CORE_validate ;
$this -> validated = true ;
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $arr )) {
# get the field value
$field_var = $this -> module . '_' . $value ;
$field_name = $value ;
# check if this value is unique
if ( isset ( $this -> field [ " $value " ][ " unique " ]) && isset ( $VAR [ " $field_var " ])) {
if ( ! $validate -> validate_unique ( $this -> table , $field_name , " record_id " , $VAR [ " $field_var " ])) {
$this -> validated = false ;
$this -> val_error [] = array ( 'field' => $this -> table . '_' . $field_name ,
'field_trans' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'field_' . $field_name , $this -> module , " " ), # translate
'error' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'validate_unique' , " " , " " ));
if ( isset ( $this -> field [ " $value " ][ " validate " ])) {
if ( isset ( $VAR [ " $field_var " ])) {
if ( $VAR [ " $field_var " ] != '' ) {
if ( ! $validate -> validate ( $field_name , $this -> field [ " $value " ], $VAR [ " $field_var " ], $this -> field [ " $value " ][ " validate " ])) {
$this -> validated = false ;
$this -> val_error [] = array ( 'field' => $this -> module . '_' . $field_name ,
'field_trans' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'field_' . $field_name , $this -> module , " " ),
'error' => $validate -> error [ " $field_name " ] );
} else {
$this -> validated = false ;
$this -> val_error [] = array ( 'field' => $this -> module . '_' . $field_name ,
'field_trans' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'field_' . $field_name , $this -> module , " " ),
'error' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'validate_any' , " " , " " ));
} else {
$this -> validated = false ;
$this -> val_error [] = array ( 'field' => $this -> module . '_' . $field_name ,
'field_trans' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'field_' . $field_name , $this -> module , " " ),
'error' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'validate_any' , " " , " " ));
# If recurring, validate & set defaults
if ( $VAR [ 'service_price_type' ] == 1 )
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'date_last_invoice' ]))
$last_invoice = $validate -> DateToEpoch ( DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT , $VAR [ 'date_last_invoice' ]);
$last_invoice = time ();
# Determine the next invoice date:
$next_invoice = $this -> calcNextInvoiceDate ( $last_invoice ,
@ $VAR [ 'product_price_recurr_default' ],
@ $VAR [ 'product_price_recurr_type' ],
@ $VAR [ 'product_price_recurr_weekday' ],
@ $VAR [ 'product_price_recurr_week' ] );
$active = 1 ;
$queue = 'new' ;
# Product details
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_sku' ])) {
$product_id = @ $VAR [ 'product_id' ];
$product_sku = @ $VAR [ 'service_sku' ];
# Hosting Details:
if ( @ $VAR [ 'service_type' ] == 'host' || @ $VAR [ 'service_type' ] == 'host_group' )
# validate domain/tld set
if ( empty ( $VAR [ 'host_domain_name' ]) || empty ( $VAR [ 'host_domain_tld' ])) {
$this -> validated = false ;
$this -> val_error [] = array ( 'field' => 'service_domain_name' ,
'field_trans' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'field_domain_name' , 'service' , " " ),
'error' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'validate_any' , " " , " " ));
} else {
$domain_name = $VAR [ 'host_domain_name' ];
$domain_tld = $VAR [ 'host_domain_tld' ];
} else if ( @ $VAR [ 'service_type' ] == 'domain' ) {
# validate domain/tld set
if ( empty ( $VAR [ 'domain_name' ]) || empty ( $VAR [ 'domain_tld' ]) || empty ( $VAR [ 'domain_type' ])) {
$this -> validated = false ;
$this -> val_error [] = array ( 'field' => 'service_domain_name' ,
'field_trans' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'field_domain_name' , 'service' , " " ),
'error' => $C_translate -> translate ( 'validate_any' , " " , " " ));
$domain_name = $VAR [ 'domain_name' ];
$domain_tld = $VAR [ 'domain_tld' ];
$domain_type = $VAR [ 'domain_type' ];
# Get the host_tld_id
$db = & DB ();
$q = " SELECT id,default_term_new,registrar_plugin_id FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " host_tld WHERE
name = " . $db->qstr ( $domain_tld ). " AND site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$tld = $db -> Execute ( $q );
$domain_host_tld_id = $tld -> fields [ 'id' ];
$domain_host_registrar_id = $tld -> fields [ 'registrar_plugin_id' ];
$domain_term = $tld -> fields [ 'default_term_new' ];
$domain_date_expire = time () + ( $domain_term * ( 86400 * 365 ));
if ( ! $this -> validated )
# errors...
global $smarty ;
$smarty -> assign ( 'form_validation' , $this -> val_error );
global $C_vars ;
$C_vars -> strip_slashes_all ();
return ;
} else {
# Generate the SQL:
$db = & DB ();
$id = $db -> GenID ( AGILE_DB_PREFIX . 'service_id' );
$q = " INSERT INTO " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET
id = " . $db->qstr ( $id ) . " ,
site_id = " . $db->qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE ) . " ,
date_orig = " . $db->qstr ( time() ) . " ,
date_last = " . $db->qstr ( time() ) . " ,
account_id = " . $db->qstr ( $VAR['service_account_id'] ) . " ,
account_billing_id = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['ccnum'] ) . " ,
product_id = " . $db->qstr ( @ $product_id ) . " ,
sku = " . $db->qstr ( @ $product_sku ) . " ,
active = " . $db->qstr ( '1' ) . " ,
type = " . $db->qstr ( $VAR['service_type'] ) . " ,
queue = " . $db->qstr ( 'new' ) . " ,
price = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_price_base'] ) . " ,
price_type = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['service_price_type'] ) . " ,
taxable = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_taxable'] ) . " ,
date_last_invoice = " . $db->qstr ( @ $last_invoice ) . " ,
date_next_invoice = " . $db->qstr ( @ $next_invoice ) . " ,
recur_schedule = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_price_recurr_default'] ) . " ,
recur_type = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_price_recurr_type'] ) . " ,
recur_weekday = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_price_recurr_weekday'] ) . " ,
recur_schedule_change = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_price_recurr_schedule'] ) . " ,
recur_cancel = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_price_recurr_cancel'] ) . " ,
recur_modify = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_price_recurr_modify'] ) . " ,
group_grant = " . $db->qstr ( serialize(@ $VAR['product_assoc_grant_group'] ) ) . " ,
group_type = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_assoc_grant_group_type'] ) . " ,
group_days = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_assoc_grant_group_days'] ) . " ,
host_server_id = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['product_host_server_id'] ) . " ,
host_provision_plugin_data = " . $db->qstr ( serialize(@ $VAR['product_host_provision_plugin_data'] ) ) . " ,
host_ip = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['host_ip'] ) . " ,
host_username = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['host_username'] ) . " ,
host_password = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR['host_password'] ) . " ,
domain_name = " . $db->qstr ( @ $domain_name ) . " ,
domain_tld = " . $db->qstr ( @ $domain_tld ) . " ,
domain_term = " . $db->qstr ( @ $domain_term ) . " ,
domain_type = " . $db->qstr ( @ $domain_type ) . " ,
domain_date_expire = " . $db->qstr ( @ $domain_date_expire ) . " ,
domain_host_tld_id = " . $db->qstr ( @ $domain_host_tld_id ) . " ,
domain_host_registrar_id = " . $db->qstr ( @ $domain_host_registrar_id ) . " ,
prod_plugin_name = " . $db->qstr ( @ $VAR["product_prod_plugin_file"] ) . " ,
prod_plugin_data = " . $db->qstr ( serialize(@ $VAR["product_prod_plugin_data"] ) );
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $q );
if ( $VAR [ 'service_type' ] == 'group' || $VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'product' || $VAR [ 'service_type' ] = 'product_group' ) $this -> queue_one ( $id , false );
global $VAR ;
$VAR [ " id " ] = $id ;
define ( 'FORCE_PAGE' , 'service:view' );
return ;
## Data for add template ##
function add_tpl ( $VAR )
global $smarty , $C_validate ;
$db = & DB ();
$dbm = new CORE_database ;
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'product_id' ]) && $VAR [ 'clearall' ] == 0 )
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'changeproduct' ])) {
# Get selected product ID and use it as a template
$sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( 'product' , '*' , " id = { $VAR [ 'product_id' ] } " , " " , $db );
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
# get assoc groups
if ( ! empty ( $rs -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group' ]) ) {
$groups = unserialize ( $rs -> fields [ 'assoc_grant_group' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $groups [ 0 ])) $rs -> fields [ 'group' ] = $groups ;
$fields = $rs -> fields ;
# get changes submitted, if product not changed:
if ( empty ( $VAR [ 'clearall' ]) && empty ( $VAR [ 'changeproduct' ])) {
foreach ( $VAR as $key => $val ) {
if ( ! empty ( $val )) {
$key = ereg_replace ( '^product_' , '' , $key );
if ( is_array ( $val ))
$fields [ " $key " ] = serialize ( $val );
$fields [ " $key " ] = $val ;
$smarty -> assign ( 'product' , @ $fields );
# Get all available products
$sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( 'product' ,
'id,sku' ,
" prod_plugin = 1 OR
price_type = 1 OR
( assoc_grant_group_type = 0 OR assoc_grant_group_type >= 1 ) OR
host = 1 " ,
" sku " ,
$db );
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
while ( ! $rs -> EOF ) {
$prod [] = $rs -> fields ;
$rs -> MoveNext ();
if ( ! empty ( $prod ))
$smarty -> assign ( 'prod_menu' , $prod );
function user_modify ( $VAR )
global $smarty , $C_debug , $C_translate ;
# Validate user is logged in
if ( empty ( $VAR [ 'service_id' ]) || SESS_LOGGED == false ) return ;
# Validate user is auth for current service id:
$service_id = $VAR [ 'service_id' ];
$db = & DB ();
$dbm = new CORE_database ;
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( 'service' , '*' , " account_id = " . SESS_ACCOUNT . " AND id = $service_id AND recur_modify = 1 " , " " , $db ) );
if ( $rs === false || $rs -> RecordCount () == 0 ) return false ;
$this -> modify ( $VAR , $this );
function modify ( $VAR )
global $smarty , $C_debug , $C_translate ;
# Get service details:
$service_id = $VAR [ 'service_id' ];
$db = & DB ();
$dbm = new CORE_database ;
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( 'service' , '*' , " id = $service_id " , " " , $db ) );
if ( $rs === false || $rs -> RecordCount () == 0 ) return false ;
# if product id not set, generate array
if ( empty ( $VAR [ 'id' ]))
$product_id = $rs -> fields [ 'product_id' ];
if ( empty ( $product_id )) return false ;
$prod = $db -> Execute ( $dbm -> sql_select ( 'product' , 'modify_waive_setup,modify_product_arr' , " id = $product_id " , " " , $db ) );
if ( $prod === false || $prod -> RecordCount () == 0 ) return false ;
$arr = unserialize ( $prod -> fields [ 'modify_product_arr' ] );
if ( ! is_array ( $arr ) || count ( $arr ) == 0 || empty ( $arr [ 0 ])) return false ;
foreach ( $arr as $pid ) {
$prod = $db -> Execute ( $dbm -> sql_select ( 'product' , 'id,sku,price_base' , " id = $pid " , " " , $db ) );
if ( $prod === false || $prod -> RecordCount () == 0 ) {} else {
$smart [] = $prod -> fields ;
$smarty -> assign ( 'product_arr' , $smart );
elseif ( empty ( $VAR [ 'confirm_modify' ]))
# validate selected product is authorized
$do = true ;
$product_id = $rs -> fields [ 'product_id' ];
$sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( 'product' , 'modify_waive_setup,modify_product_arr' , " id = $product_id " , " " , $db ) ;
$prod = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( $prod === false || $prod -> RecordCount () == 0 ) $do = false ;
$arr = unserialize ( $prod -> fields [ 'modify_product_arr' ] );
if ( ! is_array ( $arr ) || count ( $arr ) == 0 || empty ( $arr [ 0 ])) $do = false ;
if ( $do ) { $do = false ;
foreach ( $arr as $pid )
if ( $pid == $VAR [ 'id' ] ) { $do = true ; break ; }
$smarty -> assign ( 'product_show' , $do );
# determine if setup fees are ignored
$smarty -> assign ( 'waive_setup' , $prod -> fields [ 'modify_waive_setup' ]);
## VIEW ##
function view ( $VAR )
global $smarty , $C_auth ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " view " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$smart = $db -> view ( $VAR , $this , $type );
$dbm = new CORE_database ;
$db = & DB ();
# Add the change recur schedule options to the array:
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $smart ); $i ++ )
# get recent invoice details for this service
$sql = " SELECT A.id, A.date_orig, A.total_amt, A.billed_amt, A.process_status
FROM { $p } invoice A
WHERE A . site_id = " .DEFAULT_SITE. "
A . id = { $smart [ $i ][ 'invoice_id' ]}
A . id in ( select distinct invoice_id from { $p } invoice_item where
service_id = { $smart [ $i ][ 'id' ]} )
ORDER BY A . id DESC " ;
# Joe rewrote the query, its dog slow
$sql = " SELECT A.id, A.date_orig, A.total_amt, A.billed_amt, A.process_status
FROM { $p } invoice_item B inner join { $p } invoice A on
( B . invoice_id = A . id and service_id = { $smart [ $i ][ 'id' ]})
WHERE A . site_id = " .DEFAULT_SITE. " AND B . site_id = " .DEFAULT_SITE. "
ORDER BY A . id DESC " ;
$inv = $db -> SelectLimit ( $sql , 5 );
if ( $inv != false && $inv -> RecordCount () > 0 ) {
while ( ! $inv -> EOF ) {
if ( $inv -> fields [ 'total_amt' ] > $inv -> fields [ 'billed_amt' ] && $inv -> fields [ 'suspend_billing' ] != 1 ) {
$inv -> fields [ 'due' ] = $inv -> fields [ 'total_amt' ] - $inv -> fields [ 'billed_amt' ];
$smart [ $i ][ " invoice " ][] = $inv -> fields ;
$inv -> MoveNext ();
# allow modification of service plan?
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'user' ]) && ! empty ( $smart [ $i ][ 'product_id' ])) {
} elseif ( empty ( $VAR [ 'user' ]) ) {
} else {
$smart [ $i ][ 'recur_modify' ] = " 0 " ;
# get recurring details?
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'user' ]) && $smart [ $i ][ 'recur_schedule_change' ] == 1 && ! empty ( $smart [ $i ][ 'product_id' ]))
$do = true ;
elseif ( empty ( $VAR [ 'user' ]) && ! empty ( $smart [ $i ][ 'product_id' ]))
$do = true ;
$do = false ;
if ( $do && $smart [ $i ][ 'date_next_invoice' ] > 0 && ! empty ( $smart [ $i ][ 'product_id' ]))
# Get the product details:
$sql = $dbm -> sql_select ( 'product' , '*' , " id = { $smart [ $i ][ 'product_id' ] } " , '' , $db );
$prod = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
$fields = $prod -> fields ;
global $C_auth ;
$g_ar = unserialize ( $fields [ " price_group " ]);
if ( is_array ( $g_arr )) {
foreach ( $g_ar as $period => $price_arr ) {
foreach ( $price_arr as $group => $vals ) {
if ( @ $price_arr [ " show " ] == " 1 " ) {
if ( is_numeric ( $group ) && $C_auth -> auth_group_by_account_id ( $smart [ $i ][ 'account_id' ], $group )) {
if ( $vals [ " price_base " ] != " " && $vals [ " price_base " ] > 0 )
if ( empty ( $ret [ $period ][ 'base' ]) || $vals [ " price_base " ] < $ret [ $period ][ 'base' ])
$ret [ $period ][ 'base' ] = $vals [ " price_base " ];
if ( ! is_array ( $ret )) {
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'user' ])) {
$ret [ " { $smart [ $i ][ " recur_schedule " ] } " ][ " base " ] = $smart [ $i ][ " price " ];
$smarty -> assign ( 'recur_price' , $ret );
} else {
$smarty -> assign ( 'recur_price' , false );
} else {
$smarty -> assign ( 'recur_price' , $ret );
} else {
$smarty -> assign ( 'recur_price' , false );
$smarty -> clear_assign ( 'service' );
$smarty -> assign ( 'service' , $smart );
## UPDATE ##
function update ( $VAR )
$this -> construct ();
# provisioning data;
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'product_host_provision_plugin_data' ]))
$VAR [ 'service_host_provision_plugin_data' ] = $VAR [ 'product_host_provision_plugin_data' ];
$s = serialize ( $VAR [ 'service_host_provision_plugin_data' ]);
# product plugin data;
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'product_prod_plugin_data' ]))
$VAR [ 'service_prod_plugin_data' ] = $VAR [ 'product_prod_plugin_data' ];
# check if any changes were made that calls for edit queue status
$queue = true ;
# get the previous data
$db = & DB ();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' service WHERE
id = ' . $db->qstr( $VAR[' service_id '] ) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'queue_force' ])) {
$queue = false ;
} elseif ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_host_provision_plugin_data' ]) ) {
# compare username
if ( $rs -> fields [ 'host_username' ] != $VAR [ 'service_host_username' ]) {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = 'edit' ;
# compare password
} elseif ( $rs -> fields [ 'host_password' ] != $VAR [ 'service_host_password' ]) {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = 'edit' ;
# compare ip
} elseif ( ! empty ( $VAR [ 'service_host_ip' ]) && $rs -> fields [ 'host_ip' ] != $VAR [ 'service_host_ip' ]) {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = 'edit' ;
# compare plugin data
} elseif ( $rs -> fields [ 'host_provision_plugin_data' ] != $s ) {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = 'edit' ;
} else {
# suspend/unsuspend
if ( $VAR [ 'service_active' ] == 0 && $VAR [ 'service_active' ] != $rs -> fields [ 'active' ] ) {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = 'inactive' ;
} elseif ( $VAR [ 'service_active' ] == 1 && $VAR [ 'service_active' ] != $rs -> fields [ 'active' ] ) {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = 'active' ;
} else {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = $rs -> fields [ 'queue' ];
$queue = false ;
} else {
# suspend/unsuspend
if ( $VAR [ 'service_active' ] == 0 && $VAR [ 'service_active' ] != $rs -> fields [ 'active' ] ) {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = 'inactive' ;
} elseif ( $VAR [ 'service_active' ] == 1 && $VAR [ 'service_active' ] != $rs -> fields [ 'active' ] ) {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = 'active' ;
} else {
$VAR [ 'service_queue' ] = $rs -> fields [ 'queue' ];
$queue = false ;
# update record
$type = " update " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> update ( $VAR , $this , $type );
# Run queue now
if ( $queue ) {
$this -> queue_one ( $VAR [ 'service_id' ], false );
return true ;
function delete ( $VAR ) {
$this -> construct ();
$dbx = new CORE_database ;
$db = & DB ();
### Get the array
if ( isset ( $VAR [ " delete_id " ]))
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$id = explode ( ',' , $VAR [ " delete_id " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
elseif ( isset ( $VAR [ " id " ]))
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$id = explode ( ',' , $VAR [ " id " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
### Loop:
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $id ); $i ++ )
$arr [ 'id' ] = $id [ $i ];
$del = true ;
### Update the queue status to 'delete'
$db = & DB ();
$q = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service SET
queue = " . $db->qstr ( 'delete' ). " WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $id[$i] ). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$db -> Execute ( $q );
### Call the appropriate service deletion method
$this -> queue_one ( $id [ $i ], false );
### Determine if this service should be automatically deleted.
### If it is a non-realtime hosting record, we must leave the record in the db.
$db = & DB ();
$q = " SELECT type,host_server_id FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " service WHERE
id = " . $db->qstr ( $id[$i] ). " AND
site_id = " . $db->qstr (DEFAULT_SITE);
$result = $db -> Execute ( $q );
if ( $result && $result -> RecordCount () == 0 ) {
$del = false ;
} else {
if ( $result -> fields [ 'type' ] == 'host' || $result -> fields [ 'type' ] == 'host_group' )
$host_id = $result -> fields [ 'host_server_id' ];
$sql = 'SELECT debug,provision_plugin FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' host_server WHERE
id = ' . $db->qstr( $host_id ) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $db -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
$file = $rs -> fields [ 'provision_plugin' ];
if ( ! empty ( $file ) && is_file ( PATH_PLUGINS . 'provision/' . $file . '.php' )) {
require_once ( PATH_PLUGINS . 'provision/' . $file . '.php' );
eval ( '$_plg = new plgn_prov_' . $file . ';' );
if ( @ $_plg -> remote_based == false )
$del = false ;
### Delete the service record
if ( $del ) $dbx -> mass_delete ( $arr , $this , " " );
function search_form ( $VAR ) {
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search_form ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function search ( $VAR ) {
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function search_show ( $VAR ) {
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$dba = new CORE_database ;
$smart = $dba -> search_show ( $VAR , $this , $type );
global $smarty , $C_list ;
if ( $C_list -> is_installed ( 'host_server' )) $host = true ;
$total_amount = 0 ;
$db = & DB ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $smart ); $i ++ )
$total_amount += $smart [ $i ][ 'price' ];
if ( $host && ! empty ( $smart [ $i ][ 'host_server_id' ])) {
$id = $smart [ $i ][ 'host_server_id' ];
if ( ! empty ( $this -> server [ $id ])) {
$smart [ $i ][ 'server_name' ] = $this -> server_id ;
} else {
$sql = $dba -> sql_select ( " host_server " , " name " , " id = $id " , false , $db );
$rs = $db -> Execute ( $sql );
$this -> server_id = $rs -> fields [ 'name' ];
$smart [ $i ][ 'server_name' ] = $this -> server_id ;
$smarty -> assign ( 'service' , $smart );
$smarty -> assign ( 'total_amount' , $C_list -> format_currency ( $total_amount , " " ));
* User initiate domain renewal
function user_renew_domain ( $VAR )
# Validate user is owner of this domain
$db = & DB ();
$rs = $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , 'service' , '*' , " id = :: { $VAR [ 'id' ] } :: AND account_id = " . SESS_ACCOUNT ) );
if ( ! SESS_LOGGED OR ! $rs OR $rs -> RecordCount () == 0 ) {
global $C_debug ;
$C_debug -> alert ( 'Unable to renew domain at this time' );
return ;
include_once ( PATH_MODULES . 'invoice/invoice.inc.php' );
$invoice = new invoice ;
$id = $invoice -> generatedomaininvoice ( $rs -> fields , $invoice );
if ( $id ) {
global $VAR ;
$VAR [ 'id' ] = $id ;
define ( 'FORCE_PAGE' , " invoice:user_view " );
function user_search ( $VAR ) {
# Lock the user only for his billing_records:
if ( ! SESS_LOGGED ) {
return false ;
# Lock the account_id
$VAR [ 'service_account_id' ] = SESS_ACCOUNT ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function user_search_show ( $VAR ) {
# Lock the user only for his billing_records:
if ( ! SESS_LOGGED ) {
return false ;
$this -> construct ();
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search_show ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function user_view ( $VAR ) {
# Check that the correct account owns this billing record
$dbx = & DB ();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . ' service WHERE
id = ' . $dbx->qstr( @$VAR[' id '] ) . ' AND
account_id = ' . $dbx->qstr( SESS_ACCOUNT ) . ' AND
site_id = ' . $dbx -> qstr ( DEFAULT_SITE );
$rs = $dbx -> Execute ( $sql );
if ( @ $rs -> RecordCount () == 0 )
return false ;
$this -> construct ();
$VAR [ 'user' ] = true ;
$this -> view ( $VAR , $this );
function search_export ( $VAR ) {
# require the export class
$this -> construct ();
require_once ( PATH_CORE . " export.inc.php " );
# Call the correct export function for inline browser display, download, email, or web save.
if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " excel " )
$type = " export_excel " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$export = new CORE_export ;
$export -> search_excel ( $VAR , $this , $type );
else if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " pdf " )
echo 'Not Supported' ;
else if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " xml " )
$type = " export_xml " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$export = new CORE_export ;
$export -> search_xml ( $VAR , $this , $type );
else if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " csv " )
$type = " export_csv " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$export = new CORE_export ;
$export -> search_csv ( $VAR , $this , $type );
else if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " tab " )
$type = " export_tab " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$export = new CORE_export ;
$export -> search_tab ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function construct () {
$this -> module = " service " ;
$this -> xml_construct = PATH_MODULES . " " . $this -> module . " / " . $this -> module . " _construct.xml " ;
$C_xml = new CORE_xml ;
$construct = $C_xml -> xml_to_array ( $this -> xml_construct );
$this -> method = $construct [ " construct " ][ " method " ];
$this -> trigger = $construct [ " construct " ][ " trigger " ];
$this -> field = $construct [ " construct " ][ " field " ];
$this -> table = $construct [ " construct " ][ " table " ];
$this -> module = $construct [ " construct " ][ " module " ];
$this -> cache = $construct [ " construct " ][ " cache " ];
$this -> order_by = $construct [ " construct " ][ " order_by " ];
$this -> limit = $construct [ " construct " ][ " limit " ];