2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
< ? php
* AgileBill - Open Billing Software
* This body of work is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the Open AgileBill License
* License as published at http :// www . agileco . com / agilebill / license1 - 4. txt
* For questions , help , comments , discussion , etc . , please join the
* Agileco community forums at http :// forum . agileco . com /
* @ link http :// www . agileco . com /
* @ copyright 2004 - 2008 Agileco , LLC .
* @ license http :// www . agileco . com / agilebill / license1 - 4. txt
* @ author Tony Landis < tony @ agileco . com > and Thralling Penguin , LLC < http :// www . thrallingpenguin . com >
* @ package AgileBill
* @ version 1.4 . 93
class voip_did
# Open the constructor for this mod
function voip_did ()
# name of this module:
$this -> module = " voip_did " ;
# location of the construct XML file:
$this -> xml_construct = PATH_MODULES . " " . $this -> module . " / " . $this -> module . " _construct.xml " ;
# open the construct file for parsing
$C_xml = new CORE_xml ;
$construct = $C_xml -> xml_to_array ( $this -> xml_construct );
$this -> method = $construct [ " construct " ][ " method " ];
$this -> trigger = $construct [ " construct " ][ " trigger " ];
$this -> field = $construct [ " construct " ][ " field " ];
$this -> table = $construct [ " construct " ][ " table " ];
$this -> module = $construct [ " construct " ][ " module " ];
$this -> cache = $construct [ " construct " ][ " cache " ];
$this -> order_by = $construct [ " construct " ][ " order_by " ];
$this -> limit = $construct [ " construct " ][ " limit " ];
### AJAX Auto-selector
function autoselect ( $VAR )
$db = & DB ();
if ( empty ( $VAR [ 'did_search' ])) {
$where = " id > 0 " ;
$type = 1 ;
} else {
$where = " did LIKE " . $db -> qstr ( $VAR [ 'did_search' ] . '%' );
$type = 4 ;
$q = " SELECT id,did FROM { $p } voip_did WHERE
( $where )
site_id = " .DEFAULT_SITE. "
ORDER BY did " ;
$result = $db -> SelectLimit ( $q , 10 );
# Create the alert for no records found
echo '<ul>' ;
# Create the alert for no records found
if ( $result -> RecordCount () > 0 ) {
$i = 0 ;
while ( ! $result -> EOF )
echo '<li><div class="name"><b>' . $result -> fields [ 'did' ] . '</b></div>' .
'<div class="index" style="display:none">' . $result -> fields [ 'id' ] . '</div></li>' . " \r \n " ;
$result -> MoveNext ();
$i ++ ;
echo " </ul> " ;
## ADD ##
function add ( $VAR )
$type = " add " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> add ( $VAR , $this , $type );
## VIEW ##
function view ( $VAR )
global $smarty ;
$type = " view " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$smart = $db -> view ( $VAR , $this , $type );
# echo "<pre>".print_r($smart,true)."</pre>";
$db =& DB ();
$rs = $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " voip_sip " , " * " , " sip=:: " . $smart [ 0 ][ 'did' ] . " :: " ));
while ( ! $rs -> EOF ) {
$smarty -> assign ( 'sip_' . $rs -> fields [ 'keyword' ], $rs -> fields [ 'data' ]);
$rs -> MoveNext ();
$sip_canreinvite_options [ 'yes' ] = 'Yes' ;
$sip_canreinvite_options [ 'no' ] = 'No' ;
$sip_canreinvite_options [ 'update' ] = 'Update' ;
$smarty -> assign ( 'sip_canreinvite_options' , $sip_canreinvite_options );
$sip_dtmfmode_options [ 'info' ] = 'Info' ;
$sip_dtmfmode_options [ 'rfc2833' ] = 'RFC 2833' ;
$sip_dtmfmode_options [ 'inband' ] = 'In-band Audio' ;
$smarty -> assign ( 'sip_dtmfmode_options' , $sip_dtmfmode_options );
$sip_nat_options [ 'yes' ] = 'Yes' ;
$sip_nat_options [ 'no' ] = 'No' ;
$sip_nat_options [ 'always' ] = 'Always' ;
$smarty -> assign ( 'sip_nat_options' , $sip_nat_options );
## UPDATE ##
function update ( $VAR )
$type = " update " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> update ( $VAR , $this , $type );
# update the voip_sip table fields
$db =& DB ();
$rs = $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " voip_did " , " did " , " id=:: " . $VAR [ 'id' ] . " :: " ));
#echo "<pre>".print_r($VAR,true)."</pre>";
$f [ 0 ][ 'username' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_username' ];
$f [ 1 ][ 'secret' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_secret' ];
$f [ 2 ][ 'qualify' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_qualify' ];
$f [ 3 ][ 'mailbox' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_mailbox' ];
$f [ 4 ][ 'incominglimit' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_incominglimit' ];
$f [ 5 ][ 'dtmfmode' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_dtmfmode' ];
$f [ 6 ][ 'canreinvite' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_canreinvite' ];
$f [ 7 ][ 'callerid' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_callerid' ];
$f [ 8 ][ 'nat' ] = $VAR [ 'sip_nat' ];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 9 ; $i ++ ) {
#echo "<pre>".print_r($f[$i],true)."</pre>";
$k = key ( $f [ $i ]);
$v = $f [ $i ][ $k ];
if ( empty ( $v )) {
$sql = " DELETE FROM " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " voip_sip WHERE sip= " . $db -> qstr ( $rs -> fields [ 'did' ]) . " and keyword= " . $db -> qstr ( $k ) . " and site_id= " . DEFAULT_SITE ;
} else {
$rs2 = $db -> Execute ( sqlSelect ( $db , " voip_sip " , " id " , " sip=:: " . $rs -> fields [ 'did' ] . " :: AND keyword=:: " . $k . " :: " ));
if ( $rs2 && $rs2 -> fields [ 0 ] > 0 ) {
$sql = " UPDATE " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . " voip_sip SET data= " . $db -> qstr ( $v ) . " WHERE sip= " . $db -> qstr ( $rs -> fields [ 'did' ]) . " and keyword= " . $db -> qstr ( $k ) . " and site_id= " . DEFAULT_SITE ;
} else {
$flds [ 'data' ] = $v ;
$flds [ 'keyword' ] = $k ;
$flds [ 'sip' ] = $rs -> fields [ 'did' ];
$sql = sqlInsert ( $db , " voip_sip " , $flds );
# $sql = "INSERT INTO ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."voip_sip SET data=".$db->qstr($v)." WHERE sip=".$db->qstr($rs->fields['did'])." and keyword=".$db->qstr($k)." and site_id=".DEFAULT_SITE;
if ( ! $db -> Execute ( $sql )) {
echo $db -> ErrorMsg ();
## DELETE ##
function delete ( $VAR )
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> mass_delete ( $VAR , $this , " " );
function search_form ( $VAR )
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search_form ( $VAR , $this , $type );
## SEARCH ##
function search ( $VAR )
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function search_show ( $VAR )
$type = " search " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$db = new CORE_database ;
$db -> search_show ( $VAR , $this , $type );
function search_export ( $VAR )
# require the export class
require_once ( PATH_CORE . " export.inc.php " );
# Call the correct export function for inline browser display, download, email, or web save.
if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " excel " )
$type = " export_excel " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$export = new CORE_export ;
$export -> search_excel ( $VAR , $this , $type );
else if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " xml " )
$type = " export_xml " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$export = new CORE_export ;
$export -> search_xml ( $VAR , $this , $type );
else if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " csv " )
$type = " export_csv " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$export = new CORE_export ;
$export -> search_csv ( $VAR , $this , $type );
else if ( $VAR [ " format " ] == " tab " )
$type = " export_tab " ;
2009-03-27 23:20:19 -06:00
$this -> method [ " $type " ] = explode ( " , " , $this -> method [ " $type " ]);
2008-11-26 14:50:40 -08:00
$export = new CORE_export ;
$export -> search_tab ( $VAR , $this , $type );