<description>Cleans up old sessions and other data, optimizes and repairs the database tables, corrects bad key counters, and runs any new update scripts in the /upgrades directory.</description>
<name>Service Queue</name>
<description>Runs the service queue to perform add, suspend, unsuspend, edit, delete, etc...</description>
<name>Account Cleanup</name>
<description>Loop though all accounts to delete inactive accounts with no invoices, services, and no staff or affiliate accts</description>
<name>Invoice Cleanup</name>
<description><![CDATA[Delete inactive/unpaid invoices older than the allowed period, defined to 60 days by default in /modules/core/core.inc.php as the constant "AGILE_INVOICE_CLEANUP_DAYS".
<name>Generate Invoices</name>
<description>This task generates any new invoices and sends the appropriate notices to the customers.</description>
<name>Invoice Autobilling</name>
<description>Performs the billing for due invoices sends out invoice alerts, reminders, decline, and suspend notices.</description>
<name>Service Cleanup</name>
<description>Deactivate any expired one-time services that granted group access for a specific amount of days. If this task is run manually, the service queue task should be run afterwards.</description>
<name>Charge: Daily</name>
<name>Credit Card Expiry</name>
<description>Locate credit cards expiring in the next 2 months and e-mail the user.</description>