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* @access private
$debugfunction = $DEBUG;
* This class consist of functions related to Domain Contacts.
class DomContact
* @access private
* @var object
var $s; // This will hold an instance of soapclient class in nusoap.php
* @access private
* @var string
var $wsdl; // wsdl URL
* The constructor which takes soap-url as a parameter.
* @param string url of wsdl
* wsdlurl can be passed explicitly.
* <br>By default wsdl in wsdl dir is used.
function DomContact($wsdlurl="wsdl/domaincontact.wsdl")
$this->wsdl = $wsdlurl;
$this->s = new soapclient($this->wsdl,"wsdl");
* @access private
//This function is to diaplay xml Request/Response.
function debugfunction()
global $debugfunction;
print "<b>XML Sent:</b><br><br>";
print "<xmp>" . $this->s->request . "</xmp>";
print "<br><b>XML Received:</b><br><br>";
print "<xmp>" . $this->s->response . "</xmp>";
print "<br>";
* Adds a contact using the details of the customer.
* @return int
* @param string Username.
* @param string Password.
* @param string Role.
* @param string Language Preference.
* @param int Parent id.
* @param int The customer under whom the contact is to be created
* <br><br>A contact is created with the same details (such as email address, postal address, etc) as the customer.
* <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
* <br>contactId The Contact Id of the newly added contact.
function addDefaultContact($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId)
$para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId);
$return = $this->s->call("addDefaultContact",$para);
return $return;
* Adds a contact using the details provided.
* @return int
* @param string Username.
* @param string Password.
* @param string Role.
* @param string Language Preference.
* @param int Parent id.
* @param string Name.
* @param string Company.
* @param string E-Mail.
* @param string Address1.
* @param string Address2.
* @param string Address3.
* @param string City.
* @param string State.
* @param string Country.
* @param string Zip.
* @param string Country Code.
* @param string Tel. No.
* @param string Country Code.
* @param string Fax No.
* @param int The customer under whom the contact is to be created.
* <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
* <br>contactId: The Contact Id of the newly added contact.
function addContact($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$name,$company,$emailAddr,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$state,$country,$zip,$telNoCc,$telNo,$faxNoCc,$faxNo,$customerId)
$para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$name,$company,$emailAddr,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$state,$country,$zip,$telNoCc,$telNo,$faxNoCc,$faxNo,$customerId);
$return = $this->s->call("add",$para);
return $return;
* Returns the complete details of a particular contact.
* @return AssociativeArray
* @param string Username.
* @param string Password.
* @param string Role.
* @param string Language Preference.
* @param int Parent id.
* @param int The contactId for which details are required
* @param Array The various details that are required for the order. An Array with no keys specified. Valid entries are: ContactDetails,StatusDetails,All.
* <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
* <br>AssociativeArray.
* <br>A AssociativeArray with the following information:
* <br> contactid=320
* <br> name=Contact
* <br> company=FAPI
* <br> customerid=21
* <br> parentkey=1
* <br>
* <br> address1=Somewhere
* <br> address2=
* <br> address3=
* <br> city=Someplace
* <br> state=
* <br> country=SH
* <br> zip=12345
* <br> telnocc=123
* <br> telno=135435456
* <br> faxnocc=
* <br> faxno=
* <br> contacttype=[domorg]
function getDetails($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$contactId,$option)
$para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$contactId,$option);
$return = $this->s->call("getDetails",$para);
return $return;
* This method returns a list of Contacts that match the specified search criteria. If you do not want to specify a particular criterion, pass null for that parameter.
* @return AssociativeArray
* @param string Username.
* @param string Password.
* @param string Role.
* @param string Language Preference.
* @param int Parent id.
* @param int Customer Id.
* @param int[] int[] with no keys specified of ContactIds for listing of specific contacts or null for all contacts
* @param string[] string[] with no keys specified for listing contacts of specific CurrentStatus or null for all. Valid values are: InActive, Active, Suspended, Deleted
* @param string UNIX TimeStamp (epoch) for listing contacts created after creationDTRangStart or null for all contacts
* @param string UNIX TimeStamp (epoch) for listing contacts created before creationDTRangEnd or null for all contacts
* @param string Searches for contacts whose name contains 'contactName'
* @param string Searches for contacts whose company contains 'companyName'
* @param string Searches for contacts whose email address contains 'emailAddr'
* @param int Number of Records to be returned. The maximum valoue allowed is 50.
* @param int Page Number for which records are required.
* @param string[] string[] with no keys specified of Field names for sorting listing of contacts or null for default by contactId
* <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
* <br>AssociativeArray.
* <br>AssociativeArray which contains contact details The Key for AssociativeArray is index starting from 1. The Value is another AssociativeArray which contains key-value pairs of contact information.
function listContact($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId,$contactId,$currentStatus,$creationDTRangStart,$creationDTRangEnd,$contactName,$companyName,$emailAddr,$numOfRecordPerPage,$pageNum,$orderBy)
$para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId,$contactId,$currentStatus,$creationDTRangStart,$creationDTRangEnd,$contactName,$companyName,$emailAddr,$numOfRecordPerPage,$pageNum,$orderBy);
$return = $this->s->call("list",$para);
return $return;
* Returns a list of ContactName - CompanyName of all contacts for the specified customerId
* @return AssociativeArray
* @param string Username.
* @param string Password.
* @param string Role.
* @param string Language Preference.
* @param int Parent id.
* @param int the customer for whom the list should be returned
* <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
* <br>AssociativeArray.
* <br>AssociativeArray which contains contact details The Key for the AssociativeArray is index starting from 1. The Value is another AssociativeArray which contains key-value pairs of contact information with the following keys:
* <br> contactid
* <br> name
* <br> company
* <br> emailaddr
function listNames($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId)
$para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId);
$return = $this->s->call("listNames",$para);
return $return;
* Modifies the details for the specified contact.
* @return AssociativeArray
* @param string Username.
* @param string Password.
* @param string Role.
* @param string Language Preference.
* @param int Parent id.
* @param int The contact whose details are to be modified.
* @param string Name.
* @param string Company.
* @param string E-Mail.
* @param string Address1.
* @param string Address2.
* @param string Address3.
* @param string City.
* @param string State.
* @param string Country.
* @param string Zip.
* @param string Country Code.
* @param string Tel. No.
* @param string Country Code.
* @param string Fax No.
* <br><br><b>Returns:</b>
* <br>AssociativeArray.
* <br>A AssociativeArray with the result of the modification.
* <br> entityid=245
* <br> description=DomainContact
* <br> actiontype=Mod
* <br> actiontypedesc=Modification of Contact Details in the Registry
* <br> actionstatus=Success
* <br> actionstatusdesc=Contact modification completed successfully in all registry
* <br> status=Success
function mod($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$contactId,$name,$company,$emailAddr,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$state,$country,$zip,$telNoCc,$telNo,$faxNoCc,$faxNo)
$para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$contactId,$name,$company,$emailAddr,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$state,$country,$zip,$telNoCc,$telNo,$faxNoCc,$faxNo);
$return = $this->s->call("mod",$para);
return $return;