//\///// //\ overLIB Shadow Plugin //\ This file requires overLIB 4.00 or later. //\ //\ overLIB 4.05 - You may not remove or change this notice. //\ Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2003. All rights reserved. //\ Contributors are listed on the homepage. //\ See http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ for details. // $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/09/15 05:00:18 $ //\///// //////// // PRE-INIT // Ignore these lines, configuration is below. //////// if (typeof olInfo == 'undefined' || olInfo.simpleversion < 400) alert('overLIB 4.00 or later is required for the Shadow Plugin.'); registerCommands('shadow,shadowcolor,shadowimage,shadowopacity,shadowx,shadowy'); //////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION // You don't have to change anything here if you don't want to. All of this can be // changed on your html page or through an overLIB call. //////// if (typeof ol_shadowadjust=='undefined') var ol_shadowadjust=2; // for Ns4.x only if (typeof ol_shadow=='undefined') var ol_shadow=0; if (typeof ol_shadowcolor=='undefined') var ol_shadowcolor='#CCCCCC'; if (typeof ol_shadowimage=='undefined') var ol_shadowimage=''; if (typeof ol_shadowopacity=='undefined') var ol_shadowopacity=0; if (typeof ol_shadowx=='undefined') var ol_shadowx=5; if (typeof ol_shadowy=='undefined') var ol_shadowy=5; //////// // END OF CONFIGURATION // Don't change anything below this line, all configuration is above. //////// //////// // INIT //////// // Runtime variables init. Don't change for config! var o3_shadow=0; var o3_shadowcolor="#cccccc"; var o3_shadowimage=''; var o3_shadowopacity=0; var o3_shadowx=5; var o3_shadowy=5; var bkSet=0; // Needed for this effect in NS4 // Function which sets runtime variables to their default values function setShadowVariables() { o3_shadow=ol_shadow; o3_shadowcolor=ol_shadowcolor; o3_shadowimage=ol_shadowimage; o3_shadowopacity=ol_shadowopacity; o3_shadowx=ol_shadowx; o3_shadowy=ol_shadowy; } // Parses shadow commands function parseShadowExtras(pf,i,ar) { var k = i, v; if (k < ar.length) { if (ar[k]==SHADOW) { eval(pf +'shadow=('+pf+'shadow==0) ? 1 : 0'); return k; } if (ar[k]==SHADOWCOLOR) { eval(pf+'shadowcolor="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==SHADOWOPACITY) {v=ar[++k]; eval(pf+'shadowopacity='+(olOp ? 0 : v)); return k; } if (ar[k]==SHADOWIMAGE) { eval(pf+'shadowimage="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==SHADOWX) { eval(pf+'shadowx='+ar[++k]); return k; } if (ar[k]==SHADOWY) { eval(pf+'shadowy='+ar[++k]); return k; } } return -1; } // Function for MOUSEOUT/MOUSEOFF feature with shadow function shadow_cursorOff() { var left= parseInt(over.style.left); var top=parseInt(over.style.top); var right=left+(o3_shadow ? o3_width : over.offsetWidth); var bottom=top+(o3_shadow ? o3_aboveheight : over.offsetHeight); if (o3_x < left || o3_x > right || o3_y < top || o3_y > bottom) return true; return false; } // Pre-hide processing to clean-up. function checkShadowPreHide() { if (o3_shadow && o3_shadowopacity) cleanUpShadowEffects(); if (o3_shadow && (olIe4 && isMac) ) over.style.pixelWidth=over.style.pixelHeight = 0; } // Funciton that creates the actual shadow function generateShadow(content) { var wd, ht, X = 0, Y = 0, zIdx = 0, txt, dpObj, puObj, bS= '', aPos, posStr=new Array(); if (!o3_shadow || (o3_shadowx == 0 && o3_shadowy == 0)) return; X = Math.abs(o3_shadowx); Y = Math.abs(o3_shadowy); wd = parseInt(o3_width); if(olHideForm&&!olNs4) ht=over.offsetHeight; if (o3_shadowx == 0) { if (o3_shadowy < 0) { posStr[0]=' left:0; top: 0'; posStr[1]=' left:0; top: '+Y+'px'; } else if (o3_shadowy > 0) { posStr[0]=' left:0; top: '+Y+'px'; posStr[1]=' left:0; top:0'; } } else if (o3_shadowy == 0) { if (o3_shadowx < 0) { posStr[0]=' left:0; top: 0'; posStr[1]=' left: '+X+'px'; } else if (o3_shadowx > 0) { posStr[0]=' left: '+ X+'px; top: 0'; posStr[1]=' left:0; top:0'; } } else if (o3_shadowx > 0) { if (o3_shadowy > 0) { posStr[0]=' left:'+ X+'px; top:'+Y+'px'; posStr[1]=' left:0; top:0'; } else if (o3_shadowy < 0) { posStr[0]=' left:'+X+'px; top:0'; posStr[1]=' left:0; top: '+Y+'px'; } } else if (o3_shadowx < 0) { if (o3_shadowy > 0) { posStr[0]=' left:0; top:'+Y+'px'; posStr[1]=' left:'+X+'px; top:0'; } else if (o3_shadowy < 0) { posStr[0]=' left:0; top:0'; posStr[1]=' left:'+X+'px; top:'+Y+'px'; } } txt = (olNs4) ? '
' : ((olIe55&&olHideForm) ? bckDropSrc(wd+X,ht+Y,zIdx++) : '') + '
'; } else { txt += bS+'">
'; } layerWrite(txt); if (olNs4 && bkSet) { dpObj = over.document.layers['backdrop']; if (typeof dpObj == 'undefined') return; // if shadow layer not found, then content layer won't be either puObj = over.document.layers['PUContent']; wd = puObj.clip.width; ht = puObj.clip.height; aPos = posStr[0].split(';'); dpObj.clip.width = wd; dpObj.clip.height = ht; dpObj.left = parseInt(aPos[0].split(':')[1]); dpObj.top = parseInt(aPos[1].split(':')[1]); dpObj.bgColor = (bkSet == 1) ? null : o3_shadowcolor; dpObj.background.src = (bkSet==2) ? null : o3_shadowimage; dpObj.zIndex = 0; aPos = posStr[1].split(';'); puObj.left = parseInt(aPos[0].split(':')[1]); puObj.top = parseInt(aPos[1].split(':')[1]); puObj.zIndex = 1; } else { puObj = (olIe4 ? o3_frame.document.all['PUContent'] : o3_frame.document.getElementById('PUContent')); dpObj = (olIe4 ? o3_frame.document.all['backdrop'] : o3_frame.document.getElementById('backdrop')); ht = puObj.offsetHeight; dpObj.style.height = ht + 'px'; if (o3_shadowopacity) { var op = o3_shadowopacity; op = (op <= 100 ? op : 100); if (olIe4 && !isMac) { dpObj.style.filter = 'Beta(Opacity='+op+')'; dpObj.filters.Beta.enabled = true; } else { if (typeof(dpObj.style.MozOpacity) == 'string') dpObj.style.MozOpacity = op / 100; } } } // Set popup's new width and height values here so they are available in placeLayer() o3_width = wd+X; o3_aboveheight = ht+Y; } //////// // SUPPORT FUNCTIONS //////// // Cleans up opacity settings if any. function cleanUpShadowEffects() { if (olNs4) return; else { var dpObj = (olIe4 ? o3_frame.document.all['backdrop'] : o3_frame.document.getElementById('backdrop')); if (olIe4 && !isMac && dpObj.filters.Beta) dpObj.filters.Beta.enabled = false; else if (typeof(dpObj.style.MozOpacity) == 'string') dpObj.style.MozOpacity= 1.0; } } // This routine is needed only for Ns4.x to allow use of popups with dropshadows and CSSCLASS at the same time on a page function shadowAdjust() { if (!olNs4) return; var fac = ol_shadowadjust; if (olNs4) { document.write('