* @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ include_once(PATH_MODULES.'checkout/base_checkout_plugin.class.php'); class plg_chout_ACHCOMMERCE extends base_checkout_plugin { # Get the config values for this checkout plugin: function plg_chout_ACHCOMMERCE($checkout_id=false) { $this->name = 'ACHCOMMERCE'; $this->type = 'gateway'; $this->eft = true; $this->recurr_only = false; $this->checkout_id = $checkout_id; $this->getDetails($checkout_id); $this->host = 'gateway.achcommerce.com'; $this->url = '/achgate/achgate.cgi'; } # Validate the user submitted billing details at checkout: function validate($VAR) { return true; } # Perform the checkout transaction (new purchase): function bill_checkout( $amount, $invoice, $currency_iso, $acct_fields, $total_recurring=false, $recurr_bill_arr=false) { #if(!$this->validate_currency($currency_iso)) return false; $ret=false; $this->validate_eft_details($ret); /** Determine $acctType 27 => Debit to checking account. 37 => Debit to savings account. */ if( $this->billing['eft_check_acct_type'] == 'b') $acctType = 27; else $acctType = 37; if(empty($this->cfg['batchid'])) $batchid=$invoice.time(); else $batchid=$this->cfg['batchid']; # Set the post vars: $vars = Array ( Array ('usermode', "cgi"), Array ('action', "submit"), Array ('replymode', "csv"), Array ('login', $this->cfg['login']), Array ('password', $this->cfg['password']), Array ('merchantid', $this->cfg['merchantid']), Array ('verstr', $this->cfg['verstr']), Array ('sec', $this->cfg['sec']), Array ('batchid', $batchid), Array ('routing', $this->billing['eft_trn']), Array ('account', $this->billing['eft_check_acct']), Array ('checknum', $this->billing['eft_check_checkno']), Array ('fname', $this->account['first_name']), Array ('lname', $this->account['last_name']), Array ('individualid', $invoice), Array ('amount', round($amount,2)), Array ('trancode', $acctType), Array ('paymentdesc', "Payment for Invoice No. {$invoice}"), ); # Create the SSL connection & get response from the gateway: include_once (PATH_CORE . 'ssl.inc.php'); $n = new CORE_ssl; $response = $n->connect($this->host, $this->url, $vars, true, 1); # Get return response if(!$response) { echo ''; return false; } else { $response = explode('|', $response); } $return_codes = array( '000' => 'Accepted', '001' => 'STAR Accepted: Non PPS participant', '002' => 'STAR Accepted: Non-DDA', '003' => 'STAR Accepted: No account info', '100' => 'Failed modulus check', '101' => 'Failed Thompson Financial lookup', '110' => 'Failed Equifax check', '200' => 'Authentication Error', '300' => 'Missing or invalid routing number', '301' => 'Missing or invalid merchant id', '302' => 'Missing or invalid batch id', '303' => 'Missing or invalid account number', '304' => 'Missing or invalid fname', '305' => 'Missing or invalid lname', '306' => 'Missing or invalid individual id', '307' => 'Missing or invalid check number', '308' => 'Missing or invalid amount', '309' => 'Invalid transaction code', '310' => 'Invalid standard entry class', '311' => 'Invalid effective entry date', '401' => 'STAR Failed: STAR CHEK error', '402' => 'STAR Failed: Non-DDA', '403' => 'STAR Failed: No account info', '500' => 'Invalid Data, no action ', '900' => 'Unable to connect to database', '901' => 'Unable to query database', '902' => 'Unable to prepare query', '903' => 'Unable to contact STAR' ); $response_code = $response[0]; if($response_code == '000') { $ret['status'] = 1; } else { $ret['status'] = 0; foreach($return_codes as $code=>$msg) if($code == $response_code) $ret["msg"] = $msg; } /* echo "

		# return
		if($ret['status'] == 1) {
			$this->redirect = '';
			return $ret;
		} else { 
			global $VAR;
			return false; 

	# Stores new billing details, & return account_billing_id (gateway only)
	function store_billing($VAR, $account=SESS_ACCOUNT) {
		return $this->saveEFTDetails($VAR);

	# Perform a transaction for an (new invoice):
	function bill_invoice($VAR)   {
		return true;

	# Issue a refund for a paid invoice (captured charges w/gateway)
	function refund($VAR) {
		return true;

	# Void a authorized charge (gateways only)
	function void($VAR)  {
		return true;