//\///// //\ overLIB Exclusive Plugin //\ This file requires overLIB 4.00 or later. //\ //\ overLIB 4.05 - You may not remove or change this notice. //\ Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2004. All rights reserved. //\ Contributors are listed on the homepage. //\ See http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ for details. //\///// if (typeof olInfo=='undefined'||olInfo.simpleversion<400) alert('overLIB 4.00 or later is required for the Debug Plugin.');registerCommands('exclusive,exclusivestatus,exclusiveoverride');var olOverrideIsSet; if (typeof ol_exclusive=='undefined') var ol_exclusive=0;if (typeof ol_exclusivestatus=='undefined') var ol_exclusivestatus='Please close open popup first.'; var o3_exclusive=0;var o3_exclusivestatus=''; function setExclusiveVariables() {o3_exclusive=ol_exclusive;o3_exclusivestatus=ol_exclusivestatus;} function parseExclusiveExtras(pf,i,ar) {var k=i,v; olOverrideIsSet=false; if (k