* @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ include_once(PATH_MODULES.'checkout/base_checkout_plugin.class.php'); class plg_chout_MONERIS_ESELECT extends base_checkout_plugin { # Get the config values for this checkout plugin: function plg_chout_MONERIS_ESELECT($checkout_id=false) { $this->name = 'MONERIS_ESELECT'; $this->type = 'gateway'; // redirect, gateway, or other $this->recurr_only = false; $this->checkout_id = $checkout_id; $this->support_cur = Array ('USD'); $this->success_url = URL . '?_page=invoice:thankyou'; $this->host = 'secure.authorize.net'; $this->url = '/gateway/transact.dll'; $this->getDetails($checkout_id); } # Validate the user submitted billing details at checkout: function validate($VAR) { return true; } # Perform the checkout transaction (new purchase): function bill_checkout( $amount, $invoice, $currency_iso, $acct_fields, $total_recurring=false, $recurr_bill_arr=false) { # Validate currency if(!$this->validate_currency($currency_iso)) return false; $ret=false; if(!$this->validate_card_details($ret)) return false; # Get the country $country = $this->getCountry('name', $this->account["country_id"]); # Test Transaction if($this->cfg['mode'] == "1") $test = "TRUE"; else $test = "FALSE"; require_once("CLASS_MONERIS/mpgClasses.php"); $storeid=$this->cfg['user']; $apitoken=$this->cfg['pass']; $txnArray=array('type' =>$this->cfg['type'], 'order_id' => $invoice, 'amount' => $amount, 'pan' => $this->billing["cc_no"], 'expdate' => $this->billing["exp_year"].$this->billing["exp_month"], 'crypt_type' => '7' ); $mpgTxn = new mpgTransaction($txnArray); /* $mpgCustInfo = new mpgCustInfo(); $billing = Array( 'first_name' => $this->account["first_name"], 'last_name' => $this->account["last_name"], 'company_name' => $this->account["company"], 'address' => $this->account["address1"] . ' ' . $this->account["address2"], 'city' => $this->account["city"], 'province' => $this->account["state"], 'postal_code' => $this->account["zip"], 'country' => $country); $mpgCustInfo->setBilling($billing); $mpgCustInfo->setEmail($acct_fields["email"]); $mpgTxn->setCustInfo($mpgCustInfo); */ $mpgRequest = new mpgRequest($mpgTxn); $mpgHttpPost = new mpgHttpsPost($storeid,$apitoken,$mpgRequest); $mpgResponse=$mpgHttpPost->getMpgResponse(); ## step 6) retrieve data using get methods print ("\nCardType = " . $mpgResponse->getCardType()); print("\nTransAmount = " . $mpgResponse->getTransAmount()); print("\nTxnNumber = " . $mpgResponse->getTxnNumber()); print("\nReceiptId = " . $mpgResponse->getReceiptId()); print("\nTransType = " . $mpgResponse->getTransType()); print("\nReferenceNum = " . $mpgResponse->getReferenceNum()); print("\nResponseCode = " . $mpgResponse->getResponseCode()); print("\nISO = " . $mpgResponse->getISO()); print("\nMessage = " . $mpgResponse->getMessage()); print("\nAuthCode = " . $mpgResponse->getAuthCode()); print("\nComplete = " . $mpgResponse->getComplete()); print("\nTransDate = " . $mpgResponse->getTransDate()); print("\nTransTime = " . $mpgResponse->getTransTime()); print("\nTicket = " . $mpgResponse->getTicket()); print("\nTimedOut = " . $mpgResponse->getTimedOut()); # Test Mode if($this->cfg['mode'] == "1") echo ''; # Get return response if(!$response) { echo ''; return false; } else { $response = explode(',', $response); } # Transaction Status: if ($response[0] == '1') $ret['status'] = 1; else $ret['status'] = 0; # Transaction ID: @$ret['avs'] = @$response[4]; # Message: @$ret['msg'] = @$response[3]; # AVS Details: if ( @$response[5] == 'A' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_only'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'E' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_error'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'N' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_no_match'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'P' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_na'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'R' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_retry'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'S' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_not_supported'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'U' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_unavail'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'W' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_fullzip_only'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'X' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_exact'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'Y' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_address_zip'; elseif ( @$response[5] == 'Z' ) $ret['avs'] = 'avs_partzip_only'; else $ret['avs'] = 'avs_na'; if($ret['status'] == 1) { return $ret; } else { global $VAR; @$VAR['msg']=$ret["msg"]; return false; } } # Stores new billing details, & return account_billing_id (gateway only) function store_billing($VAR, $account=SESS_ACCOUNT) { return $this->saveCreditCardDetails($VAR); } # Perform a transaction for an (new invoice): function bill_invoice($VAR) { return true; } # Issue a refund for a paid invoice (captured charges w/gateway) function refund($VAR) { return true; } # Void a authorized charge (gateways only) function void($VAR) { return true; } } ?>