By default wsdl in wsdl dir is used. * */ function Customer($wsdlurl="wsdl/customer.wsdl") { $this->wsdl = $wsdlurl; $this->s = new soapclient($this->wsdl,"wsdl"); } /** * @access private */ //This function is to diaplay xml Request/Response. function debugfunction() { global $debugfunction; if($debugfunction) { print "XML Sent:

"; print "" . $this->s->request . ""; print "
XML Received:

"; print "" . $this->s->response . ""; print "
"; } } /** * Adds a Customer under you using the details provided. * * @return int * @param string Username. * @param string Password. * @param string Role. * @param string Language Preference. * @param int Parent id. * @param string Customer User Name. * @param string Customer Password. * @param string Name. * @param string Company. * @param string Address1. * @param string Address2. * @param string Address3. * @param string City. * @param string State. * @param string Country. * @param string Zip. * @param string Country Code. * @param string Tel. No. * @param string Alternate Country Code. * @param string Alternate Tel. No. * @param string Country Code. * @param string Fax No. * @param string Customer Language Preferance. *

Returns: *
customerId: The Customer Id of the newly added Customer. * */ function addCustomer($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerUserName,$customerPassword,$name,$company,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$state,$country,$zip,$telNoCc,$telNo,$altTelNoCc,$altTelNo,$faxNoCc,$faxNo,$customerLangPref) { $para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerUserName,$customerPassword,$name,$company,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$state,$country,$zip,$telNoCc,$telNo,$altTelNoCc,$altTelNo,$faxNoCc,$faxNo,$customerLangPref); $return = $this->s->call("addCustomer",$para); $this->debugfunction(); return $return; } /** * Changes the password for the specified customer. * * @return void * @param string Username. * @param string Password. * @param string Role. * @param string Language Preference. * @param int Parent id. * @param int The Customer whose details are to be modified. * @param string The New Password. * */ function changePassword($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId,$newPasswd) { $para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId,$newPasswd); $return = $this->s->call("changePassword",$para); $this->debugfunction(); return $return; } /** * Returns the complete details of the specified Customer. * * @return AssociativeArray * @param string Username. * @param string Password. * @param string Role. * @param string Language Preference. * @param int Parent id. * @param int * @param Array Array with no keys specified. *

Returns: *
AssociativeArray. *
A AssociativeArray with the following information: *
customerid=123 *
name=Customer *
company=FAPI *
parentkey=1 * *
address1=Somewhere *
address2= *
address3= *
city=Someplace *
state= *
country=SH *
zip=12345 *
telnocc=123 *
telno=135435456 *
faxnocc= *
faxno= *
langpref=en *
customerstatus=Active *
totalreceipts=20 * */ function getDetails($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId,$options) { $para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId,$options); $return = $this->s->call("getDetails",$para); $this->debugfunction(); return $return; } /** * Modifies a Customer's profile using the details provided. * * @return void * @param string Username. * @param string Password. * @param string Role. * @param string Language Preference. * @param int Parent id. * @param int The Customer whose details are to be modified. * @param string Customer User Name. * @param string Name. * @param string Company. * @param string Language Preferance. * @param string Address1. * @param string Address2. * @param string Address3. * @param string City. * @param string State. * @param string Country. * @param string Zip. * @param string Country Code. * @param string Tel. No. * @param string Alternate Country Code. * @param string Alternate Tel. No. * @param string Country Code. * @param string Fax No. * */ function modDetails($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId,$customerUserName,$name,$company,$customerLangPref,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$state,$country,$zip,$telNoCc,$telNo,$altTelNoCc,$altTelNo,$faxNoCc,$faxNo) { $para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerId,$customerUserName,$name,$company,$customerLangPref,$address1,$address2,$address3,$city,$state,$country,$zip,$telNoCc,$telNo,$altTelNoCc,$altTelNo,$faxNoCc,$faxNo); $return = $this->s->call("modDetails",$para); $this->debugfunction(); return $return; } /** * This function returns the Customer id of an existing Customer. * * @return int * @param string Username. * @param string Password. * @param string Role. * @param string Language Preference. * @param int Parent id. * @param string Customer User Name. * */ function getCustomerId($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerUserName) { $para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerUserName); $return = $this->s->call("getCustomerId",$para); $this->debugfunction(); return $return; } /** * This function authenticates the Customer.This fuction is invoked only if the role is customer. * * @return AssociativeArray * @param string Username. * @param string Password. * @param string Role. * @param string Language Preference. * @param int Parent id. *

Returns: *
AssociativeArray *
A AssociativeArray with the Customer information. * */ function authenticateCustomer($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerUserName,$customerPasswd) { $para = array($userName,$password,$role,$langpref,$parentid,$customerUserName,$customerPasswd); $return = $this->s->call("authenticateCustomer",$para); $this->debugfunction(); return $return; } } ?>