. * * Originally authored by Deon George * * @author Deon George * @copyright 2009 Deon George * @link http://osb.leenooks.net * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Modules:Payment */ /** * The main AgileBill Payment Class * * @package AgileBill * @subpackage Modules:Payment */ class payment extends OSB_module { public function allocate($VAR) { return $this->tmAllocate($VAR); } /** * Template Method to support the allocation of payments to invoices * * @uses payment_item * @uses invoice */ public function tmAllocate($VAR) { $db = DB(); $invoices = array(); include_once(PATH_MODULES.'payment_item/payment_item.inc.php'); $pi = new payment_item; include_once(PATH_MODULES.'invoice/invoice.inc.php'); $io = new Invoice; # Get our payment information $payment = $this->sPaymentsBal($VAR['payment_id']); # If this payment has been allocated to some invoices, collect those details $payment_items = $pi->sPaymentAllocation($VAR['payment_id']); foreach ($io->sInvoicesBal($payment['account_id']) as $index => $details) { $invoices[$index] = $details; # Get additional information on the invoices to be displayed. $invoices[$index]['id'] = $index; $invoices[$index]['_C'] = sprintf('row%s',$i++%2 ? 1 : 2); if (isset($payment_items[$index])) { $invoices[$index]['alloc_amt'] = $payment_items[$index]; unset($payment_items[$index]); } } # Left over payment_items are fully paid invoices if (count($payment_items)) { foreach ($io->sInvoicesAcc($payment['account_id'],array_keys($payment_items)) as $index => $details) { $invoices[$index] = $details; # Get additional information on the invoices to be displayed. $invoices[$index]['id'] = $index; $invoices[$index]['_C'] = sprintf('row%s',$i++%2 ? 1 : 2); $invoices[$index]['alloc_amt'] = $payment_items[$index]; } } # Sort the entries ksort($invoices); global $smarty; $smarty->assign('invoices',$invoices); $smarty->assign('results',count($invoices)); } /** * Compare the billed_amt with the payments, and auto fix when the allocation is not correct */ public function taskAuditPaymentItems() { $db = DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sprintf('SELECT A.id,A.account_id,A.billed_amt,A.total_amt,IFNULL(A.credit_amt,0) as credit_amt,ROUND(SUM(IFNULL(B.alloc_amt,0)),4) AS alloc_amt FROM %sinvoice A LEFT OUTER JOIN %spayment_item B ON (A.id=B.invoice_id) WHERE A.site_id=%s GROUP BY A.id HAVING A.billed_amt != alloc_amt',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,AGILE_DB_PREFIX,DEFAULT_SITE)); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()) { while (! $rs->EOF) { $db->Execute(sqlUpdate('invoice',array('billed_amt'=>$rs->fields['alloc_amt']),array('where'=>array('id'=>$rs->fields['id'])))); # Add a memo $db->Execute(sqlInsert($db,'invoice_memo',array('date_orig'=>time(),'invoice_id'=>$rs->fields['id'],'account_id'=>$rs->fields['account_id'],'type'=>'audit','memo'=>sprintf('Payments applied to this invoice have been changed, due to over allocation, was: %3.2f, payments applied: %3.2f, credits applied: %3.2f',$rs->fields['billed_amt'],$rs->fields['alloc_amt'],$rs->fields['credit_amt'])))); $rs->MoveNext(); } } } public function ListUnbalanced($VAR) { return $this->tmListUnbalanced($VAR); } /** * List all invoices that are out of balance with the payment tables. * * @return void */ public function tmListUnbalanced() { global $smarty; $db = DB(); $smart = array(); $counter = 0; $rs = $db->Execute(sprintf('SELECT B.payment_id AS id,A.account_id,B.invoice_id,A.billed_amt,A.total_amt,IFNULL(A.credit_amt,0) as credit_amt,B.payment_id,ROUND(SUM(IFNULL(B.alloc_amt,0)),4) AS alloc_amt,A.date_orig FROM %sinvoice A LEFT OUTER JOIN %spayment_item B ON (A.id=B.invoice_id) WHERE A.site_id=%s GROUP BY A.id HAVING A.billed_amt != alloc_amt OR A.total_amt < A.billed_amt ORDER BY A.account_id,A.id',AGILE_DB_PREFIX,AGILE_DB_PREFIX,DEFAULT_SITE)); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()) { while (! $rs->EOF) { $rs->fields['_C'] = ++$counter%s ? 'row1' : 'row2'; array_push($smart,$rs->fields); $rs->MoveNext(); } } $smarty->assign('results',count($smart)); $smarty->assign('limit',count($smart)); $smarty->assign('search_show',$smart); } public function ListUnallocated($VAR) { return $this->tmListUnallocated($VAR); } /** * Return payments that still have unallocated balances * * @return void * @uses invoice */ public function tmListUnallocated($VAR) { global $smarty; require_once(PATH_MODULES.'invoice/invoice.inc.php'); $io = new invoice; $accounts = $io->sAccountsBal(); $smart = array(); $counter = 0; foreach ($this->sPaymentsBal() as $payment) { $payment['_C'] = ++$counter%s ? 'row1' : 'row2'; $payment['balance'] = $payment['total_amt']-$payment['alloc_amt']; $payment['acct_bal'] = isset($accounts[$payment['account_id']]) ? $accounts[$payment['account_id']] : 0; array_push($smart,$payment); } $smarty->assign('results',count($smart)); $smarty->assign('limit',count($smart)); $smarty->assign('search_show',$smart); } public function ListInvoicesBalance($VAR) { return $this->tmListInvoicesBalance($VAR); } public function tmListInvoicesBalance($VAR) { global $smarty; $smart = array(); $counter = 0; foreach ($this->sAccountsBal() as $account_id => $invoices) { foreach ($invoices as $index => $values) { $smart[$index] = $values; $smart[$index]['_C'] = ++$counter%s ? 'row1' : 'row2'; } } $smarty->assign('results',count($smart)); $smarty->assign('limit',count($smart)); $smarty->assign('search_show',$smart); } /** * Return a list of payments with an unallocated balance * * @param $payment_id Return only this payment ID, otherwise return all payment IDs. * @return array Payments with a unallocated balance */ public function sPaymentsBal($payment_id=null) { static $sPaymentsBal = array(); if (! count($sPaymentsBal) || (! is_null($payment_id) && ! isset($sPaymentsBal[$payment_id]))) { $db = &DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sprintf('SELECT A.id,A.account_id,A.total_amt,ROUND(SUM(IFNULL(B.alloc_amt,0)),4) AS alloc_amt,A.date_orig FROM %spayment A LEFT OUTER JOIN %spayment_item B ON (B.payment_id=A.id) WHERE A.site_id=%s GROUP BY (A.id) HAVING %s alloc_amt != A.total_amt ORDER BY A.account_id', AGILE_DB_PREFIX,AGILE_DB_PREFIX,DEFAULT_SITE,is_null($payment_id) ? '' : sprintf('A.id=%s OR',$payment_id))); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()) { while (! $rs->EOF) { $sPaymentsBal[$rs->fields['id']]['id'] = $rs->fields['id']; $sPaymentsBal[$rs->fields['id']]['account_id'] = $rs->fields['account_id']; $sPaymentsBal[$rs->fields['id']]['total_amt'] = $rs->fields['total_amt']; $sPaymentsBal[$rs->fields['id']]['alloc_amt'] = $rs->fields['alloc_amt']; $sPaymentsBal[$rs->fields['id']]['date_orig'] = $rs->fields['date_orig']; $rs->MoveNext(); } } } return (is_null($payment_id) ? $sPaymentsBal : (isset($sPaymentsBal[$payment_id]) ? $sPaymentsBal[$payment_id] : array())); } /** * Return a list of invoices with unbalanced payments * * @param $account_id Return invoices with unbalanced payments for an account, otherwise return all accounts * @return array Invoices with unbalanced payments */ public function sAccountsBal($account_id) { static $sAccountsBal = array(); if (! count($sAccountsBal) || (! is_null($account_id) && ! isset($sAccountsBal[$account_id]))) { $db = &DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sprintf('SELECT A.id,A.account_id,A.total_amt,A.billed_amt,IFNULL(A.credit_amt,0) as credit_amt,ROUND(SUM(IFNULL(B.alloc_amt,0)),4) AS alloc_amt,A.date_orig,B.payment_id FROM %sinvoice A INNER JOIN %spayment_item B ON (B.invoice_id=A.id) WHERE A.site_id=%s GROUP BY (A.id) HAVING %s A.total_amt!=alloc_amt+credit_amt ORDER BY A.account_id,A.id', AGILE_DB_PREFIX,AGILE_DB_PREFIX,DEFAULT_SITE,is_null($account_id) ? '' : sprintf('A.account_id=%s AND',$account_id))); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()) { while (! $rs->EOF) { $sAccountsBal[$rs->fields['account_id']][$rs->fields['id']]['id'] = $rs->fields['payment_id']; $sAccountsBal[$rs->fields['account_id']][$rs->fields['id']]['invoice_id'] = $rs->fields['id']; $sAccountsBal[$rs->fields['account_id']][$rs->fields['id']]['account_id'] = $rs->fields['account_id']; $sAccountsBal[$rs->fields['account_id']][$rs->fields['id']]['total_amt'] = $rs->fields['total_amt']; $sAccountsBal[$rs->fields['account_id']][$rs->fields['id']]['alloc_amt'] = $rs->fields['alloc_amt']; $sAccountsBal[$rs->fields['account_id']][$rs->fields['id']]['date_orig'] = $rs->fields['date_orig']; $rs->MoveNext(); } } } return (is_null($account_id) ? $sAccountsBal : (isset($sAccountsBal[$account_id]) ? $sAccountsBal[$account_id] : array())); } } ?>