* @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ /* ============================================================================ Available Config Variables: ============================================================================ br_user br_pass br_pgpemail br_mode (0/1 test/live) ============================================================================ */ class plg_reg_BULKREGISTER { function plg_reg_BULKREGISTER ($obj) { $this->registrar = $obj->registrar; $this->domainrs = $obj->domain; $this->domain_name = $obj->domain['domain_name'].'.'.$obj->domain['domain_tld']; $this->domain = $obj->domain['domain_name']; $this->tld = $obj->domain['domain_tld']; $this->term = $obj->domain['domain_term']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_primary'])) $this->ns1 = $obj->server['ns_primary']; else $this->ns1 = $obj->registrar['ns1']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_secondary'])) $this->ns2 = $obj->server['ns_secondary']; else $this->ns2 = $obj->registrar['ns2']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_ip_primary'])) $this->nsip1 = $obj->server['ns_ip_primary']; else $this->nsip1 = $obj->registrar['ns1ip']; if(!empty($obj->server['ns_ip_secondary'])) $this->nsip2 = $obj->server['ns_ip_secondary']; else $this->nsip2 = $obj->registrar['ns2ip']; # get the account id of the staff member to e-mail to: $db = &DB(); $q = "SELECT account_id FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."staff WHERE id = ".$db->qstr( $this->registrar['br_pgpemail'] )." AND site_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($q); if ($rs->RecordCount() == 1) { $this->staff_account_id = $rs->fields['account_id']; } # get the account details for the registrant: $q = "SELECT * FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."account WHERE id = ".$db->qstr( $this->domainrs['account_id'] )." AND site_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($q); if ($rs->RecordCount() == 1) { $this->account = $rs->fields; } # get the country code for this account: $q = "SELECT two_code FROM ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."country WHERE id = ".$db->qstr( $this->account['country_id'] )." AND site_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE); $rs = $db->Execute($q); if ($rs->RecordCount() == 1) { $this->country = $rs->fields['two_code']; } # set the test mode if(!$this->registrar['br_mode']) $this->test = 'T'; else $this->test = ''; } ### Register domain function register() { # compose the message: $msg = $this->emailCompose('N'); # send the e-mail if($this->staff_account_id) { include_once(PATH_MODULES.'email_template/email_template.inc.php'); $mail = new email_template; $mail->send('registrar_bulkregister_admin', $this->staff_account_id, '', '', $msg); return true; } return false; } ### Renew domain function renew() { # compose the message: $msg = $this->emailCompose('R'); # send the e-mail if($this->staff_account_id) { include_once(PATH_MODULES.'email_template/email_template.inc.php'); $mail = new email_template; $mail->send('registrar_bulkregister_admin', $this->staff_account_id, '', '', $msg); return true; } return false; } ### Transfer domain function transfer() { return false; } ### Park domain function park() { return false; } ### Compose the message text: function emailCompose($type) { $msg = 'Authorization 0a. (N)ew/W(Renew).............: '.$type.' 0b. Auth Scheme(login handle)..: '.$this->registrar['br_user'].' 0c. Auth Info(login password)..: '.$this->registrar['br_pass'].' 0d. (T)est Mode (OPTIONAL).....: '.$this->test.' Domains Applied For 2. Complete Domain Name.......: '.strtoupper($this->domain_name).' Registrant 3a. Organization Name..........: '. $this->account['company'] .' 3b. Street Address.............: '. $this->account['address1'] .' 3c. City.......................: '. $this->account['city'] .' 3d. State......................: '. $this->account['state'] .' 3e. Postal Code................: '. $this->account['zip'] .' 3f. Country....................: '. $this->country .' Administrative Contact 4a. BR Handle..................: OR 4c. Name (Last, First).........: '. $this->account['first_name'] .', ' . $this->account['last_name'] . ' 4d. Organization Name..........: '. $this->account['company'] .' 4e. Street Address.............: '. $this->account['address1'] .' 4f. City.......................: '. $this->account['city'] .' 4g. State......................: '. $this->account['state'] .' 4h. Postal Code................: '. $this->account['zip'] .' 4i. Country....................: '. $this->country .' 4j. Phone Number...............: 0-000-000-000 4k. Fax Number.................: 0-000-000-000 4l. Email......................: '. $this->account['email'] .' Technical Contact 5a. BR Handle..................: OR 5c. Name (Last, First).........: '. $this->account['first_name'] .', ' . $this->account['last_name'] . ' 5d. Organization Name..........: '. $this->account['company'] .' 5e. Street Address.............: '. $this->account['address1'] .' 5f. City.......................: '. $this->account['city'] .' 5g. State......................: '. $this->account['state'] .' 5h. Postal Code................: '. $this->account['zip'] .' 5i. Country....................: '. $this->country .' 5j. Phone Number...............: 0-000-000-000 5k. Fax Number.................: 0-000-000-000 5l. Email......................: '. $this->account['email'] .' Billing Contact 6a. BR Handle..................: OR 6c. Name (Last, First).........: '. $this->account['first_name'] .', ' . $this->account['last_name'] . ' 6d. Organization Name..........: '. $this->account['company'] .' 6e. Street Address.............: '. $this->account['address1'] .' 6f. City.......................: '. $this->account['city'] .' 6g. State......................: '. $this->account['state'] .' 6h. Postal Code................: '. $this->account['zip'] .' 6i. Country....................: '. $this->country .' 6j. Phone Number...............: 0-000-000-000 6k. Fax Number.................: 0-000-000-000 6l. Email......................: '. $this->account['email'] .' Primary Name Server (OPTIONAL) 7a. Primary Server Hostname....: '.$this->ns1.' 7b. Primary Server IP Address..: '.$this->nsip1.' Secondary Name Server (OPTIONAL) 8a. Secondary Name Server Hostname..: '.$this->ns2.' 8b. Secondary Name Server IP Address: '.$this->nsip2.' 8c. Additional Server Hostname......: 8d. Additional Server IP Address....: 8e. Additional Server Hostname......: 8f. Additional Server IP Address....: Registration Period - 1-10 years (OPTIONAL) 9a. Registration Period........: '.$this->term; return $msg; } } ?>