*/ // include libraries require_once 'Image/Graph.php'; require_once 'Image/Canvas.php'; // create a PNG canvas and enable antialiasing (canvas implementation) $Canvas =& Image_Canvas::factory('png', array('width' => 600, 'height' => 300, 'antialias' => 'native')); // create the graph $Graph =& Image_Graph::factory('graph', $Canvas); // add a TrueType font $Font =& $Graph->addNew('font', 'Verdana'); // set the font size to 8 pixels $Font->setSize(8); // set the font $Graph->setFont($Font); // create the layout $Graph->add( Image_Graph::vertical( Image_Graph::factory('title', array('Antialiased Sample Chart', 12)), Image_Graph::vertical( Image_Graph::horizontal( $Plotarea1 = Image_Graph::factory('plotarea'), $Plotarea2 = Image_Graph::factory('plotarea') ), $Legend = Image_Graph::factory('legend'), 80 ), 5 ) ); // add grids $Grid =& $Plotarea1->addNew('line_grid', IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y); $Grid->setLineColor('silver'); $Grid =& $Plotarea2->addNew('line_grid', IMAGE_GRAPH_AXIS_Y); $Grid->setLineColor('silver'); // setup legend $Legend->setPlotarea($Plotarea1); $Legend->setPlotarea($Plotarea2); // create the dataset $Datasets = array( Image_Graph::factory('random', array(10, 2, 15, true)), Image_Graph::factory('random', array(10, 2, 15, true)), Image_Graph::factory('random', array(10, 2, 15, true)) ); // create the plot as stacked area chart using the datasets $Plot =& $Plotarea1->addNew('Image_Graph_Plot_Area', array($Datasets, 'stacked')); // set names for datasets (for legend) $Datasets[0]->setName('Jylland'); $Datasets[1]->setName('Fyn'); $Datasets[2]->setName('Sjælland'); // set line color for plot $Plot->setLineColor('gray'); // create and populate the fillarray $FillArray =& Image_Graph::factory('Image_Graph_Fill_Array'); $FillArray->addColor('blue@0.2'); $FillArray->addColor('yellow@0.2'); $FillArray->addColor('green@0.2'); // set a fill style $Plot->setFillStyle($FillArray); // add other plots $Plot =& $Plotarea2->addNew('line', $Datasets[0]); $Plot->setLineColor('blue@0.2'); $Plot =& $Plotarea2->addNew('line', $Datasets[1]); $Plot->setLineColor('yellow@0.2'); $Plot =& $Plotarea2->addNew('line', $Datasets[2]); $Plot->setLineColor('green@0.2'); // set color $Plotarea1->setFillColor('silver@0.3'); $Plotarea2->setFillColor('silver@0.3'); // output the Graph $Graph->done(); ?>