and Thralling Penguin, LLC * @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ class voip_vm { var $vm=false; // path to VM dir # Open the constructor for this mod function voip_vm() { # name of this module: $this->module = "voip_vm"; # location of the construct XML file: $this->xml_construct = PATH_MODULES . "" . $this->module . "/" . $this->module . "_construct.xml"; # open the construct file for parsing $C_xml = new CORE_xml; $construct = $C_xml->xml_to_array($this->xml_construct); $this->method = $construct["construct"]["method"]; $this->trigger = $construct["construct"]["trigger"]; $this->field = $construct["construct"]["field"]; $this->table = $construct["construct"]["table"]; $this->module = $construct["construct"]["module"]; $this->cache = $construct["construct"]["cache"]; $this->order_by = $construct["construct"]["order_by"]; $this->limit = $construct["construct"]["limit"]; } /** * Sets the voicemail path(s) */ function get_vm_path() { if(!SESS_LOGGED) { define("FORCE_REDIRECT", "?_page=account:account"); return false; } require_once(PATH_MODULES.'voip/'); $voip = new voip; $dids = $voip->get_voicemail_dids(SESS_ACCOUNT); if(!$dids || !is_array($dids) || count($dids) < 1) return false; $db=&DB(); foreach($dids as $did) { $rs = & $db->Execute($sql=sqlSelect($db,"voip_vm","context,mailbox","mailbox = ::$did:: AND account_id=".SESS_ACCOUNT)); if($rs && $rs->RecordCount() > 0) { $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/{$rs->fields["context"]}/{$rs->fields["mailbox"]}/INBOX/"; $this->vm[] = $path; if (!is_dir($path)) { global $C_debug; $C_debug->error('voip_vm','get_vm_path','The voicemail directory does not have the proper permissions assigned.'); } } } } /** * List the voicemails for the current user */ function vm_list($VAR) { if(!SESS_LOGGED) { define("FORCE_REDIRECT", "?_page=account:account"); } else { $ret = false; $this->get_vm_path(); if(is_array($this->vm) && count($this->vm) > 0) { $ret=array(); foreach($this->vm as $path) { $this->get_vm_by_path($path,$ret); } global $smarty; $smarty->assign('voip_fax', $ret); $smarty->assign('results', count($ret)); } } } /** * Streams the VM to the user */ function vm_listen($VAR) { if(SESS_LOGGED && @$VAR['id']!= '' && is_numeric($VAR['id']) && !empty($VAR['did']) && is_numeric($VAR['did']) ) { // get path for selected did && make sure it belongs to current account $db=&DB(); $rs = & $db->Execute($sql=sqlSelect($db,"voip_vm","context,mailbox","mailbox = ::{$VAR['did']}:: AND account_id=".SESS_ACCOUNT)); if($rs && $rs->RecordCount() > 0) $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/{$rs->fields["context"]}/{$rs->fields["mailbox"]}/INBOX/"; else return false; $f = $path.'msg'.$VAR['id'].'.wav'; if(is_file($f) && is_readable($f)) { ob_start(); header("Content-Type: audio/wav"); echo file_get_contents($f); ob_end_flush(); exit; } else { echo "ERR1: Unable to retrieve specified Message"; } } else { echo "ERR1: No voicemail message specified or no access"; } } /** * User voicemail delete function */ function user_delete($VAR) { if(SESS_LOGGED && @$VAR['id']!= '' && is_numeric($VAR['id']) && !empty($VAR['did']) && is_numeric($VAR['did']) ) { // get path for selected did && make sure it belongs to current account $db=&DB(); $rs = & $db->Execute($sql=sqlSelect($db,"voip_vm","context,mailbox","mailbox = ::{$VAR['did']}:: AND account_id=".SESS_ACCOUNT)); if($rs && $rs->RecordCount() > 0) $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/{$rs->fields["context"]}/{$rs->fields["mailbox"]}/INBOX/"; else return false; $file = 'msg'.$VAR['id'].'.wav'; $wld = str_replace(".wav",".*",basename($file)); if(strlen($wld) && strstr($wld,".*")) { foreach (glob($path.$wld) as $filename) { unlink($filename); } } } } /** * return all voicemails for a specific path * @return Array * @param $ret The array of voicemails to add any voicemails to */ function get_vm_by_path($path,&$ret) { if ($dh = @opendir($path)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if(ereg("^msg.*\.txt",$file)) { $msgs[] = $file; } } closedir($dh); } if(is_array($msgs) && count($msgs)) { if(!is_array($ret)) $cnt=0; else $cnt = count($ret)+1; foreach($msgs as $msg) { $c = file_get_contents($path.$msg); $lines = explode("\n",$c); foreach($lines as $line) { $parts = explode("=",$line); $ret[$cnt][$parts[0]]=$parts[1]; if($parts[0] == "origtime") { $ret[$cnt]['date'] = date('M d, Y g:i:s a',$parts[1]); } } $ret[$cnt]['id'] = ereg_replace("[a-zA-Z\.]","",$msg); $ret[$cnt]['size'] = number_format(filesize($path.$ret[$cnt]['file'])/1024,0); $cnt++; } } else { return; } return $ret; } function add($VAR) { $type = "add"; $this->method["$type"] = explode(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->add($VAR, $this, $type); } function view($VAR) { $type = "view"; $this->method["$type"] = explode(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->view($VAR, $this, $type); } function update($VAR) { $type = "update"; $this->method["$type"] = explode(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->update($VAR, $this, $type); } function delete($VAR) { $db = new CORE_database; $db->mass_delete($VAR, $this, ""); } function search_form($VAR) { $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = explode(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search_form($VAR, $this, $type); } function search($VAR) { $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = explode(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search($VAR, $this, $type); } function search_show($VAR) { $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = explode(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search_show($VAR, $this, $type); } } ?>