NULL, // Force emailing if already sent 'id'=>NULL, // Invoice to email ); protected function _execute(array $params) { // Used to only process X invoices in a row. $max = ORM::factory('Invoice')->config('EMAIL_INV_MAX'); $iids = $params['id'] ? explode(':',$params['id']) : array(); $max_count = 0; $action = array(); // Get our list of invoices to send $i = $iids ? ORM::factory('Invoice')->where('id','IN',$iids) : ORM::factory('Invoice')->list_tosend(); $key = 'send'; foreach ($i->find_all() as $io) { // If we have already sent a reminder or we dont email invoices we'll skip to the next one. if (($io->remind($key) AND (is_null($params['force']) OR $params['force'] != 'again')) OR ($io->account->invoice_delivery != 1)) continue; // If we have issued the max number of invoices this round, finish. if (++$max_count > $max) break; if (Invoice::instance($io)->render('email','all')) { // Log the emailling $imo = $io->invoice_memo; $imo->invoice_id = $io->id; $imo->type = 'email'; $imo->memo = 'Invoice Emailed.'; $imo->save(); $io->print_status = 1; $io->set_remind($key,time(),($params['force']=='again' ? TRUE : FALSE)); $io->save(); array_push($action,(string)$io); } else { throw new Kohana_Exception('Unable to send invoice :io',array(':io'=>$io->id)); } } return _('Invoiced emailed: ').join('|',$action); } } ?>