array('far_key'=>'affiliate_id','foreign_key'=>'id'), 'service_billing'=>array('far_key'=>'account_billing_id','foreign_key'=>'id'), ); protected $_has_many = array( 'invoice_item'=>array('far_key'=>'id'), 'invoice'=>array('through'=>'invoice_item'), ); protected $_belongs_to = array( 'product'=>array(), 'account'=>array(), ); /** * Filters used to format the display of values into friendlier values */ protected $_display_filters = array( 'date_last_invoice'=>array( array('Config::date',array(':value')), ), 'date_next_invoice'=>array( array('Config::date',array(':value')), ), 'recur_schedule'=>array( array('StaticList_RecurSchedule::display',array(':value')), ), 'status'=>array( array('StaticList_YesNo::display',array(':value')), ), ); /** * Return the object of the product plugin */ public function plugin($type='') { if (! $this->product->prod_plugin_file) return NULL; if (! is_numeric($this->product->prod_plugin_data)) throw new Kohana_Exception('Missing plugin_id for :product (:type)',array(':product'=>$this->product->id,':type'=>$this->product->prod_plugin_file)); $o = ORM::factory(sprintf('service_plugin_%s',$this->product->prod_plugin_file),array('service_id'=>$this->id)); return $type ? $o->$type : $o; } /** * Display the service number */ public function id() { return sprintf('%05s',$this->id); } /** * Display the service product name */ public function name() { return is_null($plugin=$this->plugin()) ? $this->product->name() : $plugin->name(); } /** * Return the service charge */ public function price($tax=FALSE,$format=FALSE) { $x = $this->product->keyget('price_group',$this->recur_schedule); // @todo This index shouldnt be hard coded. $p = $this->price ? $this->price : $x[$this->price_group]['price_base']; if ($tax) $p = Tax::add($p); return $format ? Currency::display($p) : $p; } public function service_name() { return is_null($plugin=$this->plugin()) ? $this->name() : $plugin->service_name(); } public function service_view() { return is_null($plugin=$this->plugin()) ? HTML::nbsp('') : $plugin->service_view(); } /** * Display the product feature summary */ public function product_feature_summary() { return $this->product->feature_summary(); } /** * Render some details for specific calls, eg: invoice */ public function details($type) { switch ($type) { case 'invoice_detail_items': if (is_null($plugin = $this->plugin())) return array(); else return $plugin->_details($type); break; default: throw new Kohana_Exception('Unkown detail request :type',array(':type'=>$type)); } } /** * Enable the plugin to store data */ public function admin_update() { if (is_null($plugin = $this->plugin())) return NULL; else return $plugin->admin_update(); } public function transactions() { return $this->invoice_item->order_by('date_start,date_stop'); } // @todo To implement public function charges_new() { return 0; } /** LIST FUNCTIONS **/ public function list_bylistgroup($cat) { $result = array(); $cats = ORM::factory('product_category')->list_bylistgroup($cat); foreach ($this->list_active() as $so) { if (! $so->product->avail_category OR ! preg_match('/^a:/',$so->product->avail_category)) continue; $pc = unserialize($so->product->avail_category); if (array_intersect($pc,array_keys($cats))) array_push($result,$so); } return $result; } /** * List services that need to be billed. * * @param $days int Additional number of days to add to the query, above the module config. */ public function list_invoicesoon($days=0) { return $this->_where_active() ->where_open()->where('suspend_billing','IS',NULL)->or_where('suspend_billing','=','0')->where_close() ->where('date_next_invoice','<',time()+(ORM::factory('invoice')->config('GEN_DAYS')+$days)*86400) ->find_all(); } /** * List services that need to be provisioned */ public function list_provision() { return $this->_where_active()->where('queue','=','PROVISION'); } } ?>