setup_invoice setup_invoice
15 site_id 25 1 1 I4 1 1 I4 1 L 1 Bill to company name This field controls whether generated invoices should be addressed to the company name, or to the account holders name C(8) Currency Symbol to use on invoice When rendering invoices, this symbol will be used to show the currency eg: $ I4 2 Number of decimals to use for money amounts I4 16 Maximum number of summary line items to use on the summary page X News to show on invoices The news will show on the summary page C(8) blank PDF Template for invoices This is only applicable for FPDI templates I4 Invoice delivery method L 1 Show itemised items on the invoice L 1 Show date ranges with items When showing itemised items, show the date ranges that the items are valid for I4 I4 Generate invoices days in advance Generate invoices this many days before the due date of the service item I4 C(16) overview PDF Plugin for invoices PDF Plugin to use when generating PDF invoices C(64) C(64) I4 Upcoming invoices days in advance Show upcoming invoices this many days before they would be generated id,bill_to_company,invoice_currency,invoice_decimals,items_summary_max,news,page_type,invoice_show_itemized,invoice_show_service_dates,invoice_delivery,invoice_grace,invoice_advance_gen,invoice_terms,invoice_pdf_plugin,advance_notice,invoice_advance_gen id,bill_to_company,invoice_currency,invoice_decimals,items_summary_max,news,page_type,invoice_show_itemized,invoice_show_service_dates,invoice_delivery,invoice_grace,invoice_advance_gen,invoice_terms,invoice_pdf_plugin,advance_notice,invoice_advance_gen id,bill_to_company,invoice_currency,invoice_decimals,items_summary_max,news,page_type,invoice_show_itemized,invoice_show_service_dates,invoice_delivery,invoice_grace,invoice_advance_gen,invoice_terms,invoice_pdf_plugin,advance_notice id,bill_to_company,invoice_currency,invoice_decimals,items_summary_max,news,page_type,invoice_show_itemized,invoice_show_service_dates,invoice_delivery,invoice_grace,invoice_advance_gen,invoice_terms,invoice_pdf_plugin,advance_notice <view>Setup Invoice</view> id checkbox 25px id news 70%