array('far_key'=>'account_billing_id','foreign_key'=>'id'), ); protected $_has_many = array( 'charge'=>array('far_key'=>'id'), 'invoice_item'=>array('far_key'=>'id'), 'invoice'=>array('through'=>'invoice_item'), 'service_change'=>array('far_key'=>'id'), 'service_memo'=>array('far_key'=>'id'), ); protected $_belongs_to = array( 'product'=>array(), 'account'=>array(), ); protected $_save_message = TRUE; // Validation rules public function rules() { $x = Arr::merge(parent::rules(), array( 'product_id' => array( array('not_equal', array(':value', array(0))), ), )); return $x; } /** * Filters used to format the display of values into friendlier values */ protected $_display_filters = array( 'active'=>array( array('StaticList_YesNo::get',array(':value',TRUE)), ), 'date_start'=>array( array('Site::Date',array(':value')), ), 'date_end'=>array( array('Site::Date',array(':value')), ), 'date_last_invoice'=>array( array('Site::Date',array(':value')), ), 'date_next_invoice'=>array( array('Site::Date',array(':value')), ), 'external_billing'=>array( array('StaticList_YesNo::get',array(':value',TRUE)), ), 'price_override'=>array( array('Currency::display',array(':value')), ), 'recur_schedule'=>array( array('StaticList_RecurSchedule::get',array(':value')), ), 'suspend_billing'=>array( array('StaticList_YesNo::get',array(':value',TRUE)), ), ); protected $_nullifempty = array( 'price_override', ); protected $_form = array('id'=>'id','value'=>'name()'); // Cache our calls to our plugins public static $plugin = array(); /** REQUIRED ABSTRACT METHODS **/ /** LOCAL METHODS **/ private function _plugin() { if (! $this->_plugin AND $this->product->prod_plugin_file) { $this->_plugin = ORM::factory(Kohana::classname(sprintf('Service_Plugin_%s',$this->product->prod_plugin_file)),array('service_id'=>$this->id)); } return $this->_plugin; } /** * Get the attributes of the service * * @return an array of attributes */ public function attributes($variable=NULL) { return ($this->_plugin()) ? $this->_plugin()->attributes() : array(); } /** * Get the additional charges associated with this service */ public function charges($unprocessed=TRUE,$format=FALSE) { $result = 0; foreach ($this->charge_list($unprocessed) as $co) $result += $co->total(); return $format ? Currency::display($result) : $result; } public function charge_list($unprocessed=FALSE) { $x = $this->charge; if ($unprocessed) $x->where_open() ->where('processed','IS',NULL) ->or_where('processed','=',FALSE) ->where_close(); return $x->where_active()->find_all(); } /** * Display how much is due on this service */ public function due($format=FALSE) { $total = 0; foreach ($this->invoice_list(TRUE) as $io) $total += $io->due(); return $format ? Currency::display($total) : $total; } public function email() { return ORM::factory('Email_Log') ->where('module_id','=',$this->mid()) ->where('module_data','=',$this); } /** * When does this service expire */ public function expire($format=FALSE) { // For plugins the plugin determins expiry $expire = (is_null($plugin=$this->plugin()) ? NULL : $plugin->expire()); // If $expire is NULL, we'll use the next invoice date $expire = is_null($expire) ? $this->paid_to() : $expire; return $format ? Site::Date($expire) : $expire; } /** * Determine if a service expires in the next $days. */ public function expiring($days=0) { return time()+$days*86400 > $this->expire(); } /** * List invoices for this service */ public function invoice_list($due=FALSE,$num=NULL) { $result = array(); $x = $this->invoice->distinct('id'); // If we only want due invoices, we can speed things up by only looking for unprocessed if ($due) $x->where_unprocessed(); if (! is_null($num)) $x->limit($num); foreach ($x->find_all() as $io) if (! $due OR $io->due()) array_push($result,$io); return $result; } /** * Show the date we are invoiced to */ public function invoiced_to($format=FALSE) { $iio = $this->last_invoice_item() ->limit(1); $iio->find(); $x = (! $iio->loaded() AND $this->date_next_invoice) ? $this->date_next_invoice-86400 : ($iio->total() < 0 ? $iio->date_start-86400 : $iio->date_stop); return $format ? Site::Date($x) : $x; } private function last_invoice_item() { return ORM::factory('Invoice_Item') ->where('item_type','IN',array(0,7)) ->where('service_id','=',$this) ->where('','=',1) ->join('invoice') ->on('','=','invoice_item.invoice_id') ->on('','=',1) ->order_by('date_stop','DESC'); } /** * Display the service product name */ public function name($variable=NULL) { if (! $variable instanceOf Model_Language) $variable = Company::instance()->language(); return $this->product->name($variable).(($x=$this->namesub($variable)) ? ': '.$x : ''); } public function namesub($variable=NULL) { return is_null($plugin=$this->_plugin()) ? '' : $plugin->name($variable); } /** * Returns the date that an item has been paid to */ public function paid_to($format=FALSE) { $x = $metric = NULL; foreach ($this->last_invoice_item()->order_by('date_orig','DESC')->find_all() as $iio) if ($iio->invoice->due() == 0) { $x = $iio; $metric = ($iio->total() < 0) ? $iio->date_start-86400 : $iio->date_stop; break; } return $format ? ($x ? Site::Date($metric) : ' ') : ($x ? $metric : NULL); } /** * Returns TRUE of this service has a planned change */ public function pending_change() { return $this->service_change()->loaded() ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * Show the product that this service will be changed to */ public function pending_product() { return $this->service_change()->product; } /** * Return the object of the product plugin */ public function plugin($type='') { if (! $this->product->prod_plugin_file) return NULL; if (! isset(Model_Service::$plugin[$this->id])) Model_Service::$plugin[$this->id] = ORM::factory(Kohana::classname(sprintf('Service_Plugin_%s',$this->product->prod_plugin_file)),array('service_id'=>$this->id)); return $type ? Model_Service::$plugin[$this->id]->$type : Model_Service::$plugin[$this->id]; } /** * Enable the plugin to store data */ public function plugin_edit() { return (is_null($x = $this->plugin())) ? NULL : $x->render_edit(); } public function refnum($short=FALSE) { return ($short ? '' : sprintf('%02s-',Site::id())).sprintf('%05s',$this->id); } public function revenue($annual=FALSE) { $multiple = $annual ? Period::multiple($this->recur_schedule) : 1; if ($this->suspend_billing) $multiple = 0; return $this->price(TRUE)*$multiple; } /** * Return the service charge */ public function price($tax=FALSE,$format=FALSE,$original=FALSE) { $x = $this->product->keyget('price_group',$this->recur_schedule); // @todo This index shouldnt be hard coded. $p = ! is_null($this->price) ? $this->price : (isset($x[$this->price_group]['price_base']) ? $x[$this->price_group]['price_base'] : NULL); if (! $original AND ! is_null($this->price_override)) $p = $this->price_override; if ($tax) $p = Tax::add($p); return $format ? Currency::display($p) : $p; } public function service_change() { return $this->service_change->where_active()->where_open()->and_where('complete','!=',1)->or_where('complete','IS',null)->where_close()->find(); } public function service_view() { return ! is_object($x=$this->plugin()) ? HTML::nbsp('') : $x->render_view(); } public function transactions() { return $this->invoice_item->order_by('date_start','ASC')->order_by('product_id','ASC')->order_by('date_stop','ASC'); } /** LIST FUNCTIONS **/ /** * Search for services matching a term */ public function list_autocomplete($term,$index,$value,array $label,array $limit=array(),array $options=array()) { // We only show service numbers. if (! is_numeric($term) AND (! $limit)) return array(); $ao = Auth::instance()->get_user(); $this->clear(); $this->where_active(); // Build our where clause $this->where_open() ->where('id','like','%'.$term.'%') ->where_close(); // Restrict results to authorised accounts array_push($limit,array('account_id','IN',$ao->RTM->customers($ao->RTM))); return parent::list_autocomplete($term,$index,$value,$label,$limit,$options); } /** * List all products by their plugin type */ public function list_byplugin($plugin) { return $this ->join('product') ->on($this->table_name().'.product_id','=','') ->where('prod_plugin_file','=',$plugin) ->and_where('','=',TRUE) ->find_all(); } public function list_bylistgroup($cat) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->list_active() as $so) if ($so->product->prod_plugin_file == $cat) array_push($result,$so); Sort::MASort($result,array('name()')); return $result; } /** * List services expiring */ public function list_expiring($days=14) { $result = array(); foreach ($this->list_active() as $so) if ($so->expiring($days) AND ! $so->external_billing) array_push($result,$so); return $result; } /** * List services that need to be billed. * * @param $days int Additional number of days to add to the query, above the module config. */ public function list_invoicesoon($days=0) { return $this->where_active() ->where_open() ->where('suspend_billing','IS',NULL) ->or_where('suspend_billing','=','0') ->where_close() ->where_open() ->or_where('external_billing','=','0') ->or_where('external_billing','IS',NULL) ->where_close() ->where('date_next_invoice','<',time()+(ORM::factory('Invoice')->config('GEN_DAYS')+$days)*86400) ->find_all(); } } ?>