and Thralling Penguin, LLC * @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ class voip_fax { var $did; # Open the constructor for this mod function voip_fax() { # name of this module: $this->module = "voip_fax"; # location of the construct XML file: $this->xml_construct = PATH_MODULES . "" . $this->module . "/" . $this->module . "_construct.xml"; # open the construct file for parsing $C_xml = new CORE_xml; $construct = $C_xml->xml_to_array($this->xml_construct); $this->method = $construct["construct"]["method"]; $this->trigger = $construct["construct"]["trigger"]; $this->field = $construct["construct"]["field"]; $this->table = $construct["construct"]["table"]; $this->module = $construct["construct"]["module"]; $this->cache = $construct["construct"]["cache"]; $this->order_by = $construct["construct"]["order_by"]; $this->limit = $construct["construct"]["limit"]; } function user_view($VAR) { if(SESS_LOGGED) { $this->did = @$VAR['id']; $db = &DB(); $rs = & $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,"voip_fax","account_id","id = ::$this->did::")); if($rs->fields['account_id'] == SESS_ACCOUNT) { $this->view($VAR,$this); } } echo "Not logged in or authenticated!"; } function user_delete($VAR) { if(SESS_LOGGED) { $this->did = @$VAR['id']; $db = &DB(); $rs = & $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,"voip_fax","account_id","id = ::$this->did::")); if($rs->fields['account_id'] == SESS_ACCOUNT) { $this->delete($VAR,$this); } } } function user_search_show($VAR) { $this->search_show($VAR,$this); } function user_search($VAR) { if(SESS_LOGGED) { include_once(PATH_MODULES."voip/"); $db =& DB(); $v = new voip; $fdids = $v->get_fax_dids(SESS_ACCOUNT); #echo "
"; if (is_array($fdids)) { foreach ($fdids as $did) { $flds['account_id'] = SESS_ACCOUNT; $flds['site_id'] = DEFAULT_SITE; $sql = sqlUpdate($db, "voip_fax", $flds, "dst = ::".$did."::"); $db->Execute($sql); #echo $sql."
"; } } unset($db); $VAR['voip_fax_account_id'] = SESS_ACCOUNT; $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search($VAR, $this, $type); } else { define("FORCE_REDIRECT", "?_page=account:account"); } } function view($VAR) { global $_SERVER; ob_clean(); ob_start(); $this->did = @$VAR['id']; $db = &DB(); $rs = & $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,"voip_fax","mime_type","id = ::$this->did::")); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()==1) { $this->mime_type = $rs->fields['mime_type']; $fax = & $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,"voip_fax_data","faxdata","fax_id = ::$this->did::")); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match("/MSIE/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { ini_set('zlib.output_compression','Off'); } header("Content-Type: ". $this->mime_type ); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Pragma: public"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"fax.pdf\""); while(!$fax->EOF) { echo $fax->fields['faxdata']; $fax->MoveNext(); } } ob_end_flush(); exit(); } function add($VAR) { $type = "add"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->add($VAR, $this, $type); } function update($VAR) { // delete assoc faxdata records $this->associated_DELETE[] = Array( 'table' => 'voip_fax_data', 'field' => 'fax_id'); $type = "update"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->update($VAR, $this, $type); } function delete($VAR) { $db = new CORE_database; $db->mass_delete($VAR, $this, ""); } function search_form($VAR) { $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search_form($VAR, $this, $type); } function search($VAR) { $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search($VAR, $this, $type); } function search_show($VAR) { if(SESS_LOGGED) { include_once(PATH_MODULES."voip/"); $db =& DB(); $v = new voip; $fdids = $v->get_fax_dids(SESS_ACCOUNT); #echo "
"; if (is_array($fdids)) { foreach ($fdids as $did) { $sql = "UPDATE ".AGILE_DB_PREFIX."voip_fax SET account_id = ".$db->qstr(SESS_ACCOUNT).", site_id = ".$db->qstr(DEFAULT_SITE)." WHERE dst = ".$db->qstr($did); $db->Execute($sql); #echo "did=$did ".$sql."
"; } } unset($db); } $type = "search"; $this->method["$type"] = split(",", $this->method["$type"]); $db = new CORE_database; $db->search_show($VAR, $this, $type); } } ?>