loadsite()->so->date_format,($date ? $date : time())); } /** * Show a date using a site configured format * @note We need this function here, since we call static:: methods, which need to resolve to the child class. */ public static function datetime($date) { return sprintf('%s %s',static::date($date),static::time($date)); } public static function siteid($format=FALSE) { return $format ? sprintf('%02s',Config::instance()->loadsite()->so->id) : Config::instance()->loadsite()->so->id; } public static function sitemode() { return Config::instance()->loadsite()->so->status; } public static function time($date) { return date(Config::instance()->loadsite()->so->time_format,($date ? $date : time())); } /** Local Methods **/ /** * Load our site configuration from the DB * * We cant do this in __construct(), since Kohana hasn't been fully initialised yet. */ public function loadsite() { // Anti-loop, if we have loaded our record, just return; if ($this->so AND $this->so->loaded()) return $this; $this->so = ORM::factory('Setup',array('url'=>URL::base('http'))); if (! $this->so->loaded()) throw new Kohana_Exception(_('Site [:site] not defined in DB?'),array(':site'=>URL::base('http'))); Kohana::$environment = (int)static::sitemode(); return $this; } /** * Find a list of all database enabled modules * * Our available modules are defined in the DB (along with method * security). */ public static function modules() { static $return = array(); if (! count($return)) foreach (ORM::factory('Module')->list_external() as $mo) $return[$mo->name] = MODPATH.$mo->name; return $return; } public static function moduleexist($module) { return array_key_exists(strtolower($module),static::modules()) ? TRUE : FALSE; } public static function copywrite() { return '(c) Open Source Billing Development Team'; } /** * Return our site name */ public static function site() { return $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } public static function sitemodeverbose() { $modes = array( Kohana::PRODUCTION=>'Production', Kohana::STAGING=>'Staging', Kohana::TESTING=>'Testing', Kohana::DEVELOPMENT=>'Development', ); return (! isset($modes[static::sitemode()])) ? 'Unknown' : $modes[static::sitemode()]; } public static function submode() { $submode = Kohana::$config->load('config.debug.submode'); return (isset($submode[Request::$client_ip])) ? $submode[Request::$client_ip] : FALSE; } public static function sitename() { return Kohana::$config->load('config')->site_name; } // Called in Invoice/Emailing to embed the file. public static function logo_file() { list ($path,$suffix) = explode('.',static::$logo); return ($a=Kohana::find_file(sprintf('media/site/%s',Config::siteid()),$path,$suffix)) ? $a : Kohana::find_file('media',$path,$suffix); } public static function logo_uri() { list ($path,$suffix) = explode('.',static::$logo); return URL::site(Route::get('default/media')->uri(array('file'=>$path.'.'.$suffix),array('alt'=>static::sitename())),'http'); } public static function logo() { return HTML::image(static::logo_uri(),array('class'=>'headlogo','alt'=>_('Logo'))); } public static function login_uri() { return ($ao = Auth::instance()->get_user() AND is_object($ao)) ? HTML::anchor('user/account/edit',$ao->name()) : HTML::anchor('login',_('Login')); } /** * Return our caching mechanism */ public static function cachetype() { return is_null(Kohana::$config->load('config')->cache_type) ? 'file' : Kohana::$config->load('config')->cache_type; } /** * See if our emails for the template should be sent to configured admin(s) * * @param string template - Template to test for * @return mixed|array - Email to send test emails to */ public static function testmail($template) { $config = Kohana::$config->load('config')->email_admin_only; if (is_null($config) OR ! is_array($config) OR empty($config[$template])) return FALSE; else return $config[$template]; } public static function theme() { return Kohana::$config->load('config')->theme; } } ?>