TRUE, 'resetpassword'=>TRUE, ); public function action_resetpassword() { $ao = Auth::instance()->get_user(); if (! $ao->loaded()) throw new Kohana_Exception('Account doesnt exist :account ?',array(':account'=>$ao->id)); // @todo Fix this next logic, since matches_ifset is not being called when the value is on the form, but empty if (empty($_POST['password_confirm'])) $_POST['password_confirm'] = ' '; // Store our new values $ao->values($_POST); // Run validation and save if ($ao->changed()) if ($ao->check()) { SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('Record updated'), 'type'=>'info', 'body'=>_('Your account record has been updated.') )); $ao->save(); Request::instance()->redirect('login'); } else { SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('Record NOT updated'), 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>_('Your updates didnt pass validation.') )); foreach ($ao->validate()->errors('form_errors') as $field => $error) SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>$field, 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>$error, )); } Block::add(array( 'title'=>_('Password Reset'), 'body'=>View::factory('account/password_reset') ->set('record',$ao), )); $this->template->content = Block::factory(); } /** * Show a product */ public function action_edit() { $ao = Auth::instance()->get_user(); if (! $ao->loaded()) throw new Kohana_Exception('Account doesnt exist :account ?',array(':account'=>$ao->id)); // Store our new values $ao->values($_POST); // Run validation and save if ($ao->changed()) if ($ao->check()) { SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('Record updated'), 'type'=>'info', 'body'=>_('Your account record has been updated.') )); $ao->save(); } else { SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>_('Record NOT updated'), 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>_('Your updates didnt pass validation.') )); foreach ($ao->validate()->errors('form_errors') as $field => $error) SystemMessage::add(array( 'title'=>$field, 'type'=>'error', 'body'=>$error, )); } Block::add(array( 'title'=>sprintf('%s: %s - %s',_('Account Edit'),$ao->accnum(),$ao->name(TRUE)), 'body'=>View::factory('account/edit') ->set('record',$ao), )); $this->template->content = Block::factory(); } } ?>