'down_peak', 'offpeak'=>'down_offpeak', 'uploads'=>'up_peak', 'freezone'=>'internal', ); /** * Get the data for iiNet ADSL services * * @return array */ protected function getdata($date) { // Assume we have a bad fetch, unless otherwise specified. $this->fetchresult = FALSE; // If we have already collected the date data, return it. if (! empty(Service_Traffic_ADSL_iiNetADSL::$return[$date])) return Service_Traffic_ADSL_iiNetADSL::$return[$date]; // Find our services that need to be collected this way. $update = array(); foreach ($this->so->services() as $so) { if ($so->service_adsl->service_stats_collect AND $so->service_adsl->service_stats_lastupdate < $date) { $lastperiod = ''; for ($servicedate=date('Y-m-d',strtotime($this->so->stats_lastupdate.'+1 day')); $servicedate <= $this->today; $servicedate=date('Y-m-d',strtotime('+1 day',strtotime($servicedate)))) { $debug = FALSE; $debug_file = '/tmp/data'; // IINET gives us data a month at a time. if ($lastperiod != date('Ym',strtotime($servicedate))) { $lastperiod = date('Ym',strtotime($servicedate)); $postfields = http_build_query(array( $this->login_user_field=>$so->service_adsl->service_username, $this->login_pass_field=>$so->service_adsl->service_password, 'period'=>$lastperiod, 'usage_view'=>'month', 'action'=>'login', )); if ($debug AND file_exists($debug_file)) $data = file_get_contents($debug_file); else $data = Remote::get($this->so->stats_url,$this->curlopts+array(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS=>$postfields)); // @todo There exists a possibility to skip a month, if we get a bad fetch on a previous month. if ($data) $this->fetchresult = TRUE; if ($debug AND ! file_exists($debug_file)) file_put_contents($debug_file,$data); } $return = array(); foreach (XML::factory(NULL,'ii_feed',$data)->volume_usage->volume_usage->get('day_hour') as $day_hour) { $attrs = array(); $period = $day_hour->attributes(); // If we find a field we dont understand, we'll return. if (empty($period['period'])) return array(); foreach ($day_hour->get('usage') as $usage) { $fields = $usage->attributes(); // If we find a field we dont understand, we'll return. if (empty($fields['type']) OR empty($this->fields[$fields['type']])) return array(); // Traffic is in bytes, need to convert to MB if (empty($attrs[$this->fields[$fields['type']]])) $attrs[$this->fields[$fields['type']]] = $usage->value()/1000/1000; else $attrs[$this->fields[$fields['type']]] += $usage->value()/1000/1000; } Service_Traffic_ADSL_iiNetADSL::$return[$period['period']][$so->service_adsl->service_username] = $attrs; Service_Traffic_ADSL_iiNetADSL::$return[$period['period']][$so->service_adsl->service_username]['date'] = $period['period']; Service_Traffic_ADSL_iiNetADSL::$return[$period['period']][$so->service_adsl->service_username]['service'] = $so->service_adsl->service_username; } } // If we got here and have data, we had a good fetch, update the stats date $so->service_adsl->service_stats_lastupdate = $date; $so->service_adsl->save(); } } // If the date we want is empty, return an array if (empty(Service_Traffic_ADSL_iiNetADSL::$return[$date])) return array(); // Return the date we asked for return Service_Traffic_ADSL_iiNetADSL::$return[$date]; } } ?>