setOutputDirectory($dir); # This creates the report class, specifying the ReportFormatter to use and whether or not to paginate the title $r = new Reporting($f, true); # This creates the report XML parser, specify the report class object to use in building the report $p = new ReportParser($r); # This sets the XML report definition file #$result = $p->setInputFile(PATH_MODULES.'report/year_month_sales_by_sku.xml'); $result = $p->setInputFile(PATH_AGILE.'reports/invoice/sales_report.xml'); # set criteria $p->setUserCriteria('yearmonth','>=',mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2005)); # Parse that puppy! $result = $p->parse(); /* COULD INSERT CODE TO DO SMARTY JUNK HERE - then skip the display call */ /* COULD ALSO call back into $p to assign some SQL statement criteria changes from the UI/Smarty's POST/GET */ # Render my report, now! $r->display(); echo $f->getOutput(); ?>