array(), ); // Cart doesnt use the update column protected $_updated_column = FALSE; protected $_serialize_column = array( 'module_data', ); /** * Filters used to format the display of values into friendlier values */ protected $_display_filters = array( 'recurr_schedule'=>array( array('StaticList_RecurSchedule::get',array(':value')), ), ); private $mo; public function __construct($id = NULL) { // Load our Model parent::__construct($id); // Autoload our Sub Items if ($this->loaded()) $this->_load_sub_items(); return $this; } private function _load_sub_items() { $this->mo = ORM::factory('Module',$this->module_id)->instance($this->module_item); if (! $this->mo->loaded()) throw new Kohana_Exception('Item :item not loaded?',array(':item'=>$this->module_item)); } public function checkout() { if (! method_exists($this->mo,'checkout')) throw new Kohana_Exception('Module :module doesnt implement checkout?',array(':module'=>get_class($this->mo))); return $this->mo->checkout(); } public function item() { if (! method_exists($this->mo,'cart_item')) throw new Kohana_Exception('Module :module doesnt implement cart_item?',array(':module'=>get_class($this->mo))); return $this->mo->cart_item(); } public function mo() { return $this->mo; } public function motype() { return strtolower(preg_replace('/^Model_/','',get_class($this->mo))); } } ?>