//\///// //\ overLIB CSS Style Plugin //\ This file requires overLIB 4.00 or later. //\ //\ overLIB 4.05 - You may not remove or change this notice. //\ Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2004. All rights reserved. //\ Contributors are listed on the homepage. //\ See http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ for details. // $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/09/15 05:00:18 $ //\///// //////// // PRE-INIT // Ignore these lines, configuration is below. //////// if (typeof olInfo == 'undefined' || olInfo.simpleversion < 400) alert('overLIB 4.00 or later is required for the CSS Style Plugin.'); registerCommands('cssstyle,padunit,heightunit,widthunit,textsizeunit,textdecoration,textstyle,textweight,captionsizeunit,captiondecoration,captionstyle,captionweight,closesizeunit,closedecoration,closestyle,closeweight'); //////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION // Settings you want everywhere are set here. All of this can also be // changed on your html page or through an overLIB call. //////// if (typeof ol_padunit=='undefined') var ol_padunit="px"; if (typeof ol_heightunit=='undefined') var ol_heightunit="px"; if (typeof ol_widthunit=='undefined') var ol_widthunit="px"; if (typeof ol_textsizeunit=='undefined') var ol_textsizeunit="px"; if (typeof ol_textdecoration=='undefined') var ol_textdecoration="none"; if (typeof ol_textstyle=='undefined') var ol_textstyle="normal"; if (typeof ol_textweight=='undefined') var ol_textweight="normal"; if (typeof ol_captionsizeunit=='undefined') var ol_captionsizeunit="px"; if (typeof ol_captiondecoration=='undefined') var ol_captiondecoration="none"; if (typeof ol_captionstyle=='undefined') var ol_captionstyle="normal"; if (typeof ol_captionweight=='undefined') var ol_captionweight="bold"; if (typeof ol_closesizeunit=='undefined') var ol_closesizeunit="px"; if (typeof ol_closedecoration=='undefined') var ol_closedecoration="none"; if (typeof ol_closestyle=='undefined') var ol_closestyle="normal"; if (typeof ol_closeweight=='undefined') var ol_closeweight="normal"; //////// // END OF CONFIGURATION // Don't change anything below this line, all configuration is above. //////// //////// // INIT //////// // Runtime variables init. Don't change for config! var o3_padunit="px"; var o3_heightunit="px"; var o3_widthunit="px"; var o3_textsizeunit="px"; var o3_textdecoration=""; var o3_textstyle=""; var o3_textweight=""; var o3_captionsizeunit="px"; var o3_captiondecoration=""; var o3_captionstyle=""; var o3_captionweight=""; var o3_closesizeunit="px"; var o3_closedecoration=""; var o3_closestyle=""; var o3_closeweight=""; //////// // PLUGIN FUNCTIONS //////// // Function which sets runtime variables to their default values function setCSSStyleVariables() { o3_padunit=ol_padunit; o3_heightunit=ol_heightunit; o3_widthunit=ol_widthunit; o3_textsizeunit=ol_textsizeunit; o3_textdecoration=ol_textdecoration; o3_textstyle=ol_textstyle; o3_textweight=ol_textweight; o3_captionsizeunit=ol_captionsizeunit; o3_captiondecoration=ol_captiondecoration; o3_captionstyle=ol_captionstyle; o3_captionweight=ol_captionweight; o3_closesizeunit=ol_closesizeunit; o3_closedecoration=ol_closedecoration; o3_closestyle=ol_closestyle; o3_closeweight=ol_closeweight; } // Parses CSS Style commands. function parseCSSStyleExtras(pf, i, ar) { var k = i; if (k < ar.length) { if (ar[k]==CSSSTYLE) { eval(pf+'css='+ar[k]); return k; } if (ar[k]==PADUNIT) { eval(pf+'padunit="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==HEIGHTUNIT) { eval(pf+'heightunit="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==WIDTHUNIT) { eval(pf+'widthunit="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==TEXTSIZEUNIT) { eval(pf+'textsizeunit="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==TEXTDECORATION) { eval(pf+'textdecoration="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==TEXTSTYLE) { eval(pf+'textstyle="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==TEXTWEIGHT) { eval(pf+'textweight="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==CAPTIONSIZEUNIT) { eval(pf+'captionsizeunit="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==CAPTIONDECORATION) { eval(pf+'captiondecoration="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==CAPTIONSTYLE) { eval(pf+'captionstyle="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==CAPTIONWEIGHT) { eval(pf+'captionweight="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==CLOSESIZEUNIT) { eval(pf+'closesizeunit="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==CLOSEDECORATION) { eval(pf+'closedecoration="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==CLOSESTYLE) { eval(pf+'closestyle="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } if (ar[k]==CLOSEWEIGHT) { eval(pf+'closeweight="'+ar[++k]+'"'); return k; } } return -1; } //////// // LAYER GENERATION FUNCTIONS //////// // Makes simple table without caption function ol_content_simple_cssstyle(text) { txt = '
'; set_background(""); return txt; } // Makes table with caption and optional close link function ol_content_caption_cssstyle(text, title, close) { var nameId; closing = ""; closeevent = "onMouseOver"; if (o3_closeclick == 1) closeevent= (o3_closetitle ? "title='" + o3_closetitle +"'" : "") + " onClick"; if (o3_capicon!="") { nameId=' hspace=\"5\"'+' align=\"middle\" alt=\"\"'; if (typeof o3_dragimg != 'undefined' && o3_dragimg) nameId = ' hspace=\"5\"'+' name=\"'+o3_dragimg+'\" id=\"'+o3_dragimg+'\" align=\"middle\" alt=\"Drag Enabled\" title=\"Drag Enabled\"'; o3_capicon = ''; } if (close != "") { closing = ''+close+''; } txt = '
'; set_background(""); return txt; } // Sets the background picture, padding and lots more. :) function ol_content_background_cssstyle(text, picture, hasfullhtml) { if (hasfullhtml) { txt = text; } else { var pU, hU, wU; pU = (o3_padunit == '%' ? '%' : ''); hU = (o3_heightunit == '%' ? '%' : ''); wU = (o3_widthunit == '%' ? '%' : ''); txt = '
'; } set_background(picture); return txt; } //////// // PLUGIN REGISTRATIONS //////// registerRunTimeFunction(setCSSStyleVariables); registerCmdLineFunction(parseCSSStyleExtras); registerHook("ol_content_simple", ol_content_simple_cssstyle, FALTERNATE, CSSSTYLE); registerHook("ol_content_caption", ol_content_caption_cssstyle, FALTERNATE, CSSSTYLE); registerHook("ol_content_background", ol_content_background_cssstyle, FALTERNATE, CSSSTYLE);