* @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class nusoap_base { var $title = 'NuSOAP'; var $version = '0.6.6'; var $error_str = false; var $debug_str = ''; // toggles automatic encoding of special characters as entities // (should always be true, I think) var $charencoding = true; /** * set schema version * * @var XMLSchemaVersion * @access public */ var $XMLSchemaVersion = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'; /** * set charset encoding for outgoing messages * * @var soap_defencoding * @access public */ var $soap_defencoding = 'UTF-8'; //var $soap_defencoding = 'ISO-8859-1'; /** * load namespace uris into an array of uri => prefix * * @var namespaces * @access public */ var $namespaces = array( 'SOAP-ENV' => 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/', 'xsd' => 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema', 'xsi' => 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'SOAP-ENC' => 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/', 'si' => 'http://soapinterop.org/xsd'); /** * load types into typemap array * is this legacy yet? * no, this is used by the xmlschema class to verify type => namespace mappings. * @var typemap * @access public */ var $typemap = array( 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' => array( 'string'=>'string','boolean'=>'boolean','float'=>'double','double'=>'double','decimal'=>'double', 'duration'=>'','dateTime'=>'string','time'=>'string','date'=>'string','gYearMonth'=>'', 'gYear'=>'','gMonthDay'=>'','gDay'=>'','gMonth'=>'','hexBinary'=>'string','base64Binary'=>'string', // derived datatypes 'normalizedString'=>'string','token'=>'string','language'=>'','NMTOKEN'=>'','NMTOKENS'=>'','Name'=>'','NCName'=>'','ID'=>'', 'IDREF'=>'','IDREFS'=>'','ENTITY'=>'','ENTITIES'=>'','integer'=>'integer','nonPositiveInteger'=>'integer', 'negativeInteger'=>'integer','long'=>'integer','int'=>'integer','short'=>'integer','byte'=>'integer','nonNegativeInteger'=>'integer', 'unsignedLong'=>'','unsignedInt'=>'','unsignedShort'=>'','unsignedByte'=>'','positiveInteger'=>''), 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema' => array( 'i4'=>'','int'=>'integer','boolean'=>'boolean','string'=>'string','double'=>'double', 'float'=>'double','dateTime'=>'string', 'timeInstant'=>'string','base64Binary'=>'string','base64'=>'string','ur-type'=>'array'), 'http://soapinterop.org/xsd' => array('SOAPStruct'=>'struct'), 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' => array('base64'=>'string','array'=>'array','Array'=>'array'), 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap' => array('Map') ); /** * entities to convert * * @var xmlEntities * @access public */ var $xmlEntities = array('quot' => '"','amp' => '&', 'lt' => '<','gt' => '>','apos' => "'"); /** * adds debug data to the class level debug string * * @param string $string debug data * @access private */ function debug($string){ $this->debug_str .= get_class($this).": $string\n"; } /** * returns error string if present * * @return boolean $string error string * @access public */ function getError(){ if($this->error_str != ''){ return $this->error_str; } return false; } /** * sets error string * * @return boolean $string error string * @access private */ function setError($str){ $this->error_str = $str; } /** * serializes PHP values in accordance w/ section 5. Type information is * not serialized if $use == 'literal'. * * @return string * @access public */ //$uqType This parameter is added By Manish. function serialize_val($val,$name=false,$type=false,$name_ns=false,$type_ns=false,$attributes=false,$use='encoded',$uqType=""){ if(is_object($val) && get_class($val) == 'soapval'){ return $val->serialize($use); } $this->debug( "in serialize_val: $val, $name, $type, $name_ns, $type_ns, $attributes, $use"); // if no name, use item $name = (!$name|| is_numeric($name)) ? 'soapVal' : $name; // if name has ns, add ns prefix to name $xmlns = ''; if($name_ns){ $prefix = 'nu'.rand(1000,9999); $name = $prefix.':'.$name; $xmlns .= " xmlns:$prefix=\"$name_ns\""; } // if type is prefixed, create type prefix if($type_ns != '' && $type_ns == $this->namespaces['xsd']){ // need to fix this. shouldn't default to xsd if no ns specified // w/o checking against typemap $type_prefix = 'xsd'; } elseif($type_ns){ $type_prefix = 'ns'.rand(1000,9999); $xmlns .= " xmlns:$type_prefix=\"$type_ns\""; } // serialize attributes if present $atts = ''; if($attributes){ foreach($attributes as $k => $v){ $atts .= " $k=\"$v\""; } } // serialize if an xsd built-in primitive type if($type != '' && isset($this->typemap[$this->XMLSchemaVersion][$type])){ if(is_bool($val) && !$val){ $val = 0; } else if (is_string($val)) { if($this->charencoding){ $val = str_replace('&', '&', $val); $val = str_replace("'", ''', $val); $val = str_replace('"', '"', $val); $val = str_replace('<', '<', $val); $val = str_replace('>', '>', $val); } } if ($use == 'literal') { return "<$name$xmlns>$val"; } else { return "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:$type\">$val"; } } // detect type and serialize $xml = ''; switch(true) { case ($type == '' && is_null($val)): if ($use == 'literal') { // TODO: depends on nillable $xml .= "<$name$xmlns/>"; } else { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:nil=\"true\"/>"; } break; case (is_bool($val) || $type == 'boolean'): if(!$val){ $val = 'false'; // Change By Manish To handle boolean $val = 0; } if ($use == 'literal') { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val"; } else { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:boolean\"$atts>$val"; } break; case (is_int($val) || is_long($val) || $type == 'int'): if ($use == 'literal') { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val"; } else { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:int\"$atts>$val"; } break; case (is_float($val)|| is_double($val) || $type == 'float'): if ($use == 'literal') { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val"; } else { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:float\"$atts>$val"; } break; case (is_string($val) || $type == 'string'): if($this->charencoding){ $val = str_replace('&', '&', $val); $val = str_replace("'", ''', $val); $val = str_replace('"', '"', $val); $val = str_replace('<', '<', $val); $val = str_replace('>', '>', $val); } if ($use == 'literal') { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>$val"; } else { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns xsi:type=\"xsd:string\"$atts>$val"; } break; case is_object($val): $name = get_class($val); foreach(get_object_vars($val) as $k => $v){ $pXml = isset($pXml) ? $pXml.$this->serialize_val($v,$k,false,false,false,false,$use) : $this->serialize_val($v,$k,false,false,false,false,$use); } $xml .= '<'.$name.'>'.$pXml.''; break; break; case (is_array($val) || $type): //Manish code starts here if($uqType == "Map" || $uqType == "Vector") { if($uqType == "Map") { $xml .= ""; } elseif($uqType == "Vector") { $xml .= ""; } foreach($val as $k => $v) { $xml .= ''; $xml .= $this->serialize_val($k,'key',false,false,false,false,$use); $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v,'value',false,false,false,false,$use,"Map"); $xml .= ''; } if($uqType == "Map") { $xml .= ""; } elseif($uqType == "Vector") { $xml .= ""; } break; } //Manish code ends here. // detect if struct or array $keyList = array_keys($val); $valueType = 'arraySimple'; foreach($keyList as $keyListValue){ if(!is_int($keyListValue)){ $valueType = 'arrayStruct'; break; } } if($valueType=='arraySimple' || ereg('^ArrayOf',$type)){ $i = 0; if(is_array($val) && count($val)> 0){ foreach($val as $v){ if(is_object($v) && get_class($v) == 'soapval'){ $tt_ns = $v->type_ns; $tt = $v->type; } else { $tt = gettype($v); } $array_types[$tt] = 1; $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v,'item',false,false,false,false,$use); ++$i; } if(count($array_types) > 1){ $array_typename = 'xsd:ur-type'; } elseif(isset($tt) && isset($this->typemap[$this->XMLSchemaVersion][$tt])) { $array_typename = 'xsd:'.$tt; } elseif($tt == 'array' || $tt == 'Array'){ $array_typename = 'SOAP-ENC:Array'; } else { // if type is prefixed, create type prefix if ($tt_ns != '' && $tt_ns == $this->namespaces['xsd']){ $array_typename = 'xsd:' . $tt; } elseif ($tt_ns) { $tt_prefix = 'ns' . rand(1000, 9999); $array_typename = "$tt_prefix:$tt"; $xmlns .= " xmlns:$tt_prefix=\"$tt_ns\""; } else { $array_typename = $tt; } } $array_type = $i; if ($use == 'literal') { $type_str = ''; } else if (isset($type) && isset($type_prefix)) { $type_str = " xsi:type=\"$type_prefix:$type\""; } else { $type_str = " xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\" SOAP-ENC:arrayType=\"".$array_typename."[$array_type]\""; } // empty array } else { if ($use == 'literal') { $type_str = ''; } else if (isset($type) && isset($type_prefix)) { $type_str = " xsi:type=\"$type_prefix:$type\""; } else { $type_str = " xsi:type=\"SOAP-ENC:Array\""; } } $xml = "<$name$xmlns$type_str$atts>".$xml.""; } else { // got a struct if(isset($type) && isset($type_prefix)){ $type_str = " xsi:type=\"$type_prefix:$type\""; } else { $type_str = ''; } if ($use == 'literal') { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns $atts>"; } else { $xml .= "<$name$xmlns$type_str$atts>"; } foreach($val as $k => $v){ // Apache Map if ($type == 'Map' && $type_ns == 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap') { $xml .= ''; $xml .= $this->serialize_val($k,'key',false,false,false,false,$use); $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v,'value',false,false,false,false,$use); $xml .= ''; } else { $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v,$k,false,false,false,false,$use); } } $xml .= ""; } break; default: $xml .= 'not detected, got '.gettype($val).' for '.$val; break; } return $xml; } /** * serialize message * * @param string body * @param string headers * @param array namespaces * @param string style * @return string message * @access public */ function serializeEnvelope($body,$headers=false,$namespaces=array(),$style='rpc'){ // TODO: add an option to automatically run utf8_encode on $body and $headers // if $this->soap_defencoding is UTF-8. Not doing this automatically allows // one to send arbitrary UTF-8 characters, not just characters that map to ISO-8859-1 // serialize namespaces $ns_string = ''; foreach(array_merge($this->namespaces,$namespaces) as $k => $v){ $ns_string .= " xmlns:$k=\"$v\""; } if($style == 'rpc') { $ns_string = ' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"' . $ns_string; } // serialize headers if($headers){ $headers = "".$headers.""; } // serialize envelope return 'soap_defencoding .'"?'.">". '". $headers. "". $body. "". ""; } function formatDump($str){ $str = htmlspecialchars($str); return nl2br($str); } /** * returns the local part of a prefixed string * returns the original string, if not prefixed * * @param string * @return string * @access public */ function getLocalPart($str){ if($sstr = strrchr($str,':')){ // get unqualified name return substr( $sstr, 1 ); } else { return $str; } } /** * returns the prefix part of a prefixed string * returns false, if not prefixed * * @param string * @return mixed * @access public */ function getPrefix($str){ if($pos = strrpos($str,':')){ // get prefix return substr($str,0,$pos); } return false; } function varDump($data) { ob_start(); var_dump($data); $ret_val = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret_val; } } // XML Schema Datatype Helper Functions //xsd:dateTime helpers /** * convert unix timestamp to ISO 8601 compliant date string * * @param string $timestamp Unix time stamp * @access public */ function timestamp_to_iso8601($timestamp,$utc=true){ $datestr = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO',$timestamp); if($utc){ $eregStr = '([0-9]{4})-'. // centuries & years CCYY- '([0-9]{2})-'. // months MM- '([0-9]{2})'. // days DD 'T'. // separator T '([0-9]{2}):'. // hours hh: '([0-9]{2}):'. // minutes mm: '([0-9]{2})(\.[0-9]*)?'. // seconds ss.ss... '(Z|[+\-][0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2})?'; // Z to indicate UTC, -/+HH:MM:SS.SS... for local tz's if(ereg($eregStr,$datestr,$regs)){ return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ',$regs[1],$regs[2],$regs[3],$regs[4],$regs[5],$regs[6]); } return false; } else { return $datestr; } } /** * convert ISO 8601 compliant date string to unix timestamp * * @param string $datestr ISO 8601 compliant date string * @access public */ function iso8601_to_timestamp($datestr){ $eregStr = '([0-9]{4})-'. // centuries & years CCYY- '([0-9]{2})-'. // months MM- '([0-9]{2})'. // days DD 'T'. // separator T '([0-9]{2}):'. // hours hh: '([0-9]{2}):'. // minutes mm: '([0-9]{2})(\.[0-9]+)?'. // seconds ss.ss... '(Z|[+\-][0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2})?'; // Z to indicate UTC, -/+HH:MM:SS.SS... for local tz's if(ereg($eregStr,$datestr,$regs)){ // not utc if($regs[8] != 'Z'){ $op = substr($regs[8],0,1); $h = substr($regs[8],1,2); $m = substr($regs[8],strlen($regs[8])-2,2); if($op == '-'){ $regs[4] = $regs[4] + $h; $regs[5] = $regs[5] + $m; } elseif($op == '+'){ $regs[4] = $regs[4] - $h; $regs[5] = $regs[5] - $m; } } return strtotime("$regs[1]-$regs[2]-$regs[3] $regs[4]:$regs[5]:$regs[6]Z"); } else { return false; } } function usleepWindows($usec) { $start = gettimeofday(); do { $stop = gettimeofday(); $timePassed = 1000000 * ($stop['sec'] - $start['sec']) + $stop['usec'] - $start['usec']; } while ($timePassed < $usec); } ?> * @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class soap_fault extends nusoap_base { var $faultcode; var $faultactor; var $faultstring; var $faultdetail; /** * constructor * * @param string $faultcode (client | server) * @param string $faultactor only used when msg routed between multiple actors * @param string $faultstring human readable error message * @param string $faultdetail */ function soap_fault($faultcode,$faultactor='',$faultstring='',$faultdetail=''){ $this->faultcode = $faultcode; $this->faultactor = $faultactor; $this->faultstring = $faultstring; $this->faultdetail = $faultdetail; } /** * serialize a fault * * @access public */ function serialize(){ $ns_string = ''; foreach($this->namespaces as $k => $v){ $ns_string .= "\n xmlns:$k=\"$v\""; } $return_msg = 'soap_defencoding.'"?>'. '\n". ''. ''. ''.$this->faultcode.''. ''.$this->faultactor.''. ''.$this->faultstring.''. ''.$this->serialize_val($this->faultdetail).''. ''. ''. ''; return $return_msg; } } ?> * @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class XMLSchema extends nusoap_base { // files var $schema = ''; var $xml = ''; // define internal arrays of bindings, ports, operations, messages, etc. var $complexTypes = array(); // target namespace var $schemaTargetNamespace = ''; // parser vars var $parser; var $position; var $depth = 0; var $depth_array = array(); /** * constructor * * @param string $schema schema document URI * @param string $xml xml document URI * @access public */ function XMLSchema($schema='',$xml=''){ $this->debug('xmlschema class instantiated, inside constructor'); // files $this->schema = $schema; $this->xml = $xml; // parse schema file if($schema != ''){ $this->debug('initial schema file: '.$schema); $this->parseFile($schema); } // parse xml file if($xml != ''){ $this->debug('initial xml file: '.$xml); $this->parseFile($xml); } } /** * parse an XML file * * @param string $xml, path/URL to XML file * @param string $type, (schema | xml) * @return boolean * @access public */ function parseFile($xml,$type){ // parse xml file if($xml != ""){ $this->debug('parsing $xml'); $xmlStr = @join("",@file($xml)); if($xmlStr == ""){ $this->setError('No file at the specified URL: '.$xml); return false; } else { $this->parseString($xmlStr,$type); return true; } } return false; } /** * parse an XML string * * @param string $xml path or URL * @param string $type, (schema|xml) * @access private */ function parseString($xml,$type){ // parse xml string if($xml != ""){ // Create an XML parser. $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); // Set the options for parsing the XML data. xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); // Set the object for the parser. xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); // Set the element handlers for the parser. if($type == "schema"){ xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'schemaStartElement','schemaEndElement'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser,'schemaCharacterData'); } elseif($type == "xml"){ xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'xmlStartElement','xmlEndElement'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser,'xmlCharacterData'); } // Parse the XML file. if(!xml_parse($this->parser,$xml,true)){ // Display an error message. $errstr = sprintf('XML error on line %d: %s', xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)) ); $this->debug('XML parse error: '.$errstr); $this->setError('Parser error: '.$errstr); } xml_parser_free($this->parser); } else{ $this->debug('no xml passed to parseString()!!'); $this->setError('no xml passed to parseString()!!'); } } /** * start-element handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $name element name * @param string $attrs associative array of attributes * @access private */ function schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { // position in the total number of elements, starting from 0 $pos = $this->position++; $depth = $this->depth++; // set self as current value for this depth $this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos; // get element prefix if($prefix = $this->getPrefix($name)){ // get unqualified name $name = $this->getLocalPart($name); } else { $prefix = ''; } // loop thru attributes, expanding, and registering namespace declarations if(count($attrs) > 0){ foreach($attrs as $k => $v){ // if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces if(ereg("^xmlns",$k)){ //$this->xdebug("$k: $v"); //$this->xdebug('ns_prefix: '.$this->getPrefix($k)); if($ns_prefix = substr(strrchr($k,':'),1)){ $this->namespaces[$ns_prefix] = $v; } else { $this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $v; } if($v == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' || $v == 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema'){ $this->XMLSchemaVersion = $v; $this->namespaces['xsi'] = $v.'-instance'; } } } foreach($attrs as $k => $v){ // expand each attribute $k = strpos($k,':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k; $v = strpos($v,':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v; $eAttrs[$k] = $v; } $attrs = $eAttrs; } else { $attrs = array(); } // find status, register data switch($name){ case ('all'|'choice'|'sequence'): //$this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['compositor'] = 'all'; $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['compositor'] = $name; if($name == 'all'){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct'; } break; case 'attribute': //$this->xdebug("parsing attribute $attrs[name] $attrs[ref] of value: ".$attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType']); if(isset($attrs['name'])){ $this->attributes[$attrs['name']] = $attrs; $aname = $attrs['name']; } elseif(isset($attrs['ref']) && $attrs['ref'] == 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:arrayType'){ $aname = $attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType']; } elseif(isset($attrs['ref'])){ $aname = $attrs['ref']; $this->attributes[$attrs['ref']] = $attrs; } if(isset($this->currentComplexType)){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['attrs'][$aname] = $attrs; } elseif(isset($this->currentElement)){ $this->elements[$this->currentElement]['attrs'][$aname] = $attrs; } // arrayType attribute if(isset($attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType']) || $this->getLocalPart($aname) == 'arrayType'){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array'; $prefix = $this->getPrefix($aname); if(isset($attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType'])){ $v = $attrs['http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType']; } else { $v = ''; } if(strpos($v,'[,]')){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['multidimensional'] = true; } $v = substr($v,0,strpos($v,'[')); // clip the [] if(!strpos($v,':') && isset($this->typemap[$this->XMLSchemaVersion][$v])){ $v = $this->XMLSchemaVersion.':'.$v; } $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['arrayType'] = $v; } break; case 'complexType': if(isset($attrs['name'])){ $this->currentElement = false; $this->currentComplexType = $attrs['name']; $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType] = $attrs; $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['typeClass'] = 'complexType'; if(isset($attrs['base']) && ereg(':Array$',$attrs['base'])){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array'; } else { $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct'; } $this->xdebug('processing complexType '.$attrs['name']); } break; case 'element': if(isset($attrs['type'])){ $this->xdebug("processing element ".$attrs['name']); $this->currentElement = $attrs['name']; $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs; $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'element'; $ename = $attrs['name']; } elseif(isset($attrs['ref'])){ $ename = $attrs['ref']; } else { $this->xdebug('adding complexType '.$attrs['name']); $this->currentComplexType = $attrs['name']; $this->complexTypes[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs; $this->complexTypes[ $attrs['name'] ]['element'] = 1; $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'struct'; } if(isset($ename) && $this->currentComplexType){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['elements'][$ename] = $attrs; } break; case 'restriction': $this->xdebug("in restriction for ct: $this->currentComplexType and ce: $this->currentElement"); if($this->currentElement){ $this->elements[$this->currentElement]['type'] = $attrs['base']; } elseif($this->currentComplexType){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['restrictionBase'] = $attrs['base']; if(strstr($attrs['base'],':') == ':Array'){ $this->complexTypes[$this->currentComplexType]['phpType'] = 'array'; } } break; case 'schema': $this->schema = $attrs; $this->schema['schemaVersion'] = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($prefix); break; case 'simpleType': if(isset($attrs['name'])){ $this->currentElement = $attrs['name']; $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ] = $attrs; $this->elements[ $attrs['name'] ]['typeClass'] = 'element'; } else { //echo 'not parsing: '.$name; //var_dump($attrs); } break; } } /** * end-element handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $name element name * @access private */ function schemaEndElement($parser, $name) { // position of current element is equal to the last value left in depth_array for my depth if(isset($this->depth_array[$this->depth])){ $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; } // bring depth down a notch $this->depth--; // move on... if($name == 'complexType'){ $this->currentComplexType = false; $this->currentElement = false; } if($name == 'element'){ $this->currentElement = false; } } /** * element content handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $data element content * @access private */ function schemaCharacterData($parser, $data){ $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data; } /** * serialize the schema * * @access public */ function serializeSchema(){ $schemaPrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->XMLSchemaVersion); $xml = ''; // complex types foreach($this->complexTypes as $typeName => $attrs){ $contentStr = ''; // serialize child elements if(count($attrs['elements']) > 0){ foreach($attrs['elements'] as $element => $eParts){ if(isset($eParts['ref'])){ $contentStr .= "<$schemaPrefix:element ref=\"$element\"/>"; } else { $contentStr .= "<$schemaPrefix:element name=\"$element\" type=\"$eParts[type]\"/>"; } } } // attributes if(count($attrs['attrs']) >= 1){ foreach($attrs['attrs'] as $attr => $aParts){ $contentStr .= "<$schemaPrefix:attribute ref=\"".$aParts['ref'].'"'; if(isset($aParts['wsdl:arrayType'])){ $contentStr .= ' wsdl:arrayType="'.$aParts['wsdl:arrayType'].'"'; } $contentStr .= '/>'; } } // if restriction if( isset($attrs['restrictionBase']) && $attrs['restrictionBase'] != ''){ $contentStr = "<$schemaPrefix:restriction base=\"".$attrs['restrictionBase']."\">".$contentStr.""; } // "all" compositor obviates complex/simple content if(isset($attrs['compositor']) && $attrs['compositor'] == 'all'){ $contentStr = "<$schemaPrefix:$attrs[compositor]>".$contentStr.""; } // complex or simple content elseif( count($attrs['elements']) > 0 || count($attrs['attrs']) > 0){ $contentStr = "<$schemaPrefix:complexContent>".$contentStr.""; } // compositors if(isset($attrs['compositor']) && $attrs['compositor'] != '' && $attrs['compositor'] != 'all'){ $contentStr = "<$schemaPrefix:$attrs[compositor]>".$contentStr.""; } // finalize complex type if($contentStr != ''){ $contentStr = "<$schemaPrefix:complexType name=\"$typeName\">".$contentStr.""; } else { $contentStr = "<$schemaPrefix:complexType name=\"$typeName\"/>"; } $xml .= $contentStr; } // elements if(isset($this->elements) && count($this->elements) > 0){ foreach($this->elements as $element => $eParts){ $xml .= "<$schemaPrefix:element name=\"$element\" type=\"".$eParts['type']."\"/>"; } } // attributes if(isset($this->attributes) && count($this->attributes) > 0){ foreach($this->attributes as $attr => $aParts){ $xml .= "<$schemaPrefix:attribute name=\"$attr\" type=\"".$aParts['type']."\"/>"; } } // finish 'er up $xml = "<$schemaPrefix:schema targetNamespace=\"$this->schemaTargetNamespace\"><$schemaPrefix:import namespace=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\" /><$schemaPrefix:import namespace=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/\" />".$xml.""; return $xml; } /** * expands a qualified name * * @param string $string qname * @return string expanded qname * @access private */ function expandQname($qname){ // get element prefix if(strpos($qname,':') && !ereg('^http://',$qname)){ // get unqualified name $name = substr(strstr($qname,':'),1); // get ns prefix $prefix = substr($qname,0,strpos($qname,':')); if(isset($this->namespaces[$prefix])){ return $this->namespaces[$prefix].':'.$name; } else { return $qname; } } else { return $qname; } } /** * adds debug data to the clas level debug string * * @param string $string debug data * @access private */ function xdebug($string){ $this->debug(' xmlschema: '.$string); } /** * get the PHP type of a user defined type in the schema * PHP type is kind of a misnomer since it actually returns 'struct' for assoc. arrays * returns false if no type exists, or not w/ the given namespace * else returns a string that is either a native php type, or 'struct' * * @param string $type, name of defined type * @param string $ns, namespace of type * @return mixed * @access public */ function getPHPType($type,$ns){ if(isset($this->typemap[$ns][$type])){ //print "found type '$type' and ns $ns in typemap
"; return $this->typemap[$ns][$type]; } elseif(isset($this->complexTypes[$type])){ //print "getting type '$type' and ns $ns from complexTypes array
"; return $this->complexTypes[$type]['phpType']; } return false; } /** * returns the local part of a prefixed string * returns the original string, if not prefixed * * @param string * @return string * @access public */ function getLocalPart($str){ if($sstr = strrchr($str,':')){ // get unqualified name return substr( $sstr, 1 ); } else { return $str; } } /** * returns the prefix part of a prefixed string * returns false, if not prefixed * * @param string * @return mixed * @access public */ function getPrefix($str){ if($pos = strrpos($str,':')){ // get prefix return substr($str,0,$pos); } return false; } /** * pass it a prefix, it returns a namespace * returns false if no namespace registered with the given prefix * * @param string * @return mixed * @access public */ function getNamespaceFromPrefix($prefix){ if(isset($this->namespaces[$prefix])){ return $this->namespaces[$prefix]; } //$this->setError("No namespace registered for prefix '$prefix'"); return false; } /** * returns the prefix for a given namespace (or prefix) * or false if no prefixes registered for the given namespace * * @param string * @return mixed * @access public */ function getPrefixFromNamespace($ns){ foreach($this->namespaces as $p => $n){ if($ns == $n || $ns == $p){ $this->usedNamespaces[$p] = $n; return $p; } } return false; } /** * returns an array of information about a given type * returns false if no type exists by the given name * * typeDef = array( * 'elements' => array(), // refs to elements array * 'restrictionBase' => '', * 'phpType' => '', * 'order' => '(sequence|all)', * 'attrs' => array() // refs to attributes array * ) * * @param string * @return mixed * @access public */ function getTypeDef($type){ if(isset($this->complexTypes[$type])){ return $this->complexTypes[$type]; } elseif(isset($this->elements[$type])){ return $this->elements[$type]; } elseif(isset($this->attributes[$type])){ return $this->attributes[$type]; } return false; } /** * returns a sample serialization of a given type, or false if no type by the given name * * @param string $type, name of type * @return mixed * @access public */ function serializeTypeDef($type){ //print "in sTD() for type $type
"; if($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($type)){ $str .= '<'.$type; if(is_array($typeDef['attrs'])){ foreach($attrs as $attName => $data){ $str .= " $attName=\"{type = ".$data['type']."}\""; } } $str .= " xmlns=\"".$this->schema['targetNamespace']."\""; if(count($typeDef['elements']) > 0){ $str .= ">"; foreach($typeDef['elements'] as $element => $eData){ $str .= $this->serializeTypeDef($element); } $str .= ""; } elseif($typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') { $str .= ">"; } else { $str .= "/>"; } return $str; } return false; } /** * returns HTML form elements that allow a user * to enter values for creating an instance of the given type. * * @param string $name, name for type instance * @param string $type, name of type * @return string * @access public */ function typeToForm($name,$type){ // get typedef if($typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($type)){ // if struct if($typeDef['phpType'] == 'struct'){ $buffer .= ''; foreach($typeDef['elements'] as $child => $childDef){ $buffer .= " "; } $buffer .= '
$childDef[name] (type: ".$this->getLocalPart($childDef['type'])."):
'; // if array } elseif($typeDef['phpType'] == 'array'){ $buffer .= ''; for($i=0;$i < 3; $i++){ $buffer .= " "; } $buffer .= '
array item (type: $typeDef[arrayType]):
'; // if scalar } else { $buffer .= ""; } } else { $buffer .= ""; } return $buffer; } /** * adds an XML Schema complex type to the WSDL types * * example: array * * addType( * 'ArrayOfstring', * 'complexType', * 'array', * '', * 'SOAP-ENC:Array', * array('ref'=>'SOAP-ENC:arrayType','wsdl:arrayType'=>'string[]'), * 'xsd:string' * ); * * example: PHP associative array ( SOAP Struct ) * * addType( * 'SOAPStruct', * 'complexType', * 'struct', * 'all', * array('myVar'=> array('name'=>'myVar','type'=>'string') * ); * * @param name * @param typeClass (complexType|simpleType|attribute) * @param phpType: currently supported are array and struct (php assoc array) * @param compositor (all|sequence|choice) * @param restrictionBase namespace:name (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:Array) * @param elements = array ( name = array(name=>'',type=>'') ) * @param attrs = array( * array( * 'ref' => "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/:arrayType", * "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/:arrayType" => "string[]" * ) * ) * @param arrayType: namespace:name (http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:string) * */ function addComplexType($name,$typeClass='complexType',$phpType='array',$compositor='',$restrictionBase='',$elements=array(),$attrs=array(),$arrayType=''){ $this->complexTypes[$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'typeClass' => $typeClass, 'phpType' => $phpType, 'compositor'=> $compositor, 'restrictionBase' => $restrictionBase, 'elements' => $elements, 'attrs' => $attrs, 'arrayType' => $arrayType ); } } ?> * @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class soapval extends nusoap_base { /** * constructor * * @param string $name optional name * @param string $type optional type name * @param mixed $value optional value * @param string $namespace optional namespace of value * @param string $type_namespace optional namespace of type * @param array $attributes associative array of attributes to add to element serialization * @access public */ function soapval($name='soapval',$type=false,$value=-1,$element_ns=false,$type_ns=false,$attributes=false) { $this->name = $name; $this->value = $value; $this->type = $type; $this->element_ns = $element_ns; $this->type_ns = $type_ns; $this->attributes = $attributes; } /** * return serialized value * * @return string XML data * @access private */ function serialize($use='encoded') { return $this->serialize_val($this->value,$this->name,$this->type,$this->element_ns,$this->type_ns,$this->attributes,$use); } /** * decodes a soapval object into a PHP native type * * @param object $soapval optional SOAPx4 soapval object, else uses self * @return mixed * @access public */ function decode(){ return $this->value; } } ?> * @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class soap_transport_http extends nusoap_base { var $url = ''; var $uri = ''; var $scheme = ''; var $host = ''; var $port = ''; var $path = ''; var $request_method = 'POST'; var $protocol_version = '1.0'; var $encoding = ''; var $outgoing_headers = array(); var $incoming_headers = array(); var $outgoing_payload = ''; var $incoming_payload = ''; var $useSOAPAction = true; var $persistentConnection = false; var $ch = false; // cURL handle /** * constructor */ function soap_transport_http($url){ $this->url = $url; $u = parse_url($url); foreach($u as $k => $v){ $this->debug("$k = $v"); $this->$k = $v; } // add any GET params to path if(isset($u['query']) && $u['query'] != ''){ $this->path .= '?' . $u['query']; } // set default port if(!isset($u['port'])){ if($u['scheme'] == 'https'){ $this->port = 443; } else { $this->port = 80; } } $this->uri = $this->path; // build headers $this->outgoing_headers['User-Agent'] = $this->title.'/'.$this->version; $this->outgoing_headers['Host'] = $this->host.':'.$this->port; $this->outgoing_headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml; charset='.$this->soap_defencoding; } function connect($connection_timeout=0,$response_timeout=30){ if ($this->scheme == 'http') { // use persistent connection if($this->persistentConnection && is_resource($this->fp)){ if (!feof($this->fp)) { $this->debug('Re-use persistent connection'); return true; } fclose($this->fp); $this->debug('Closed persistent connection at EOF'); } // set timeout if($connection_timeout > 0){ $this->fp = fsockopen( $this->host, $this->port, $this->errno, $this->error_str, $connection_timeout); } else { $this->fp = fsockopen( $this->host, $this->port, $this->errno, $this->error_str); } // test pointer if(!$this->fp) { $this->debug('Couldn\'t open socket connection to server '.$this->url.', Error: '.$this->error_str); $this->setError('Couldn\'t open socket connection to server: '.$this->url.', Error: '.$this->error_str); return false; } // set response timeout socket_set_timeout( $this->fp, $response_timeout); $this->debug('socket connected'); return true; } else if ($this->scheme == 'https') { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { $this->setError('CURL Extension, or OpenSSL extension w/ PHP version >= 4.3 is required for HTTPS'); return false; } $this->debug('connect using http'); // init CURL $this->ch = curl_init(); // set url $hostURL = ($this->port != '') ? "https://$this->host:$this->port" : "https://$this->host"; // add path $hostURL .= $this->path; curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $hostURL); // set other options curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // encode // We manage this ourselves through headers and encoding // if(function_exists('gzuncompress')){ // curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'deflate'); // } // persistent connection if ($this->persistentConnection) { // The way we send data, we cannot use persistent connections, since // there will be some "junk" at the end of our request. //curl_setopt($this->ch, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, true); $this->persistentConnection = false; $this->outgoing_headers['Connection'] = 'close'; } // set timeout if ($connection_timeout != 0) { curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $connection_timeout); } // recent versions of cURL turn on peer/host checking by default, // while PHP binaries are not compiled with a default location for the // CA cert bundle, so disable peer/host checking. //curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, 'f:\php-4.3.2-win32\extensions\curl-ca-bundle.crt'); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); $this->debug('cURL connection set up'); return true; } else { $this->setError('Unknown scheme ' . $this->scheme); $this->debug('Unknown scheme ' . $this->scheme); return false; } } /** * send the SOAP message via HTTP * * @param string $data message data * @param integer $timeout set timeout in seconds * @return string data * @access public */ function send($data, $timeout=0) { $this->debug('entered send() with data of length: '.strlen($data)); // make connnection if(!$this->connect($timeout)){ return false; } // send request if(!$this->sendRequest($data)){ return false; } // get response if(!$data = $this->getResponse()){ return false; } $this->debug('end of send()'); return $data; } /** * send the SOAP message via HTTPS 1.0 using CURL * * @param string $msg message data * @param integer $timeout set timeout in seconds * @return string data * @access public */ function sendHTTPS($data, $timeout=0) { return $this->send($data, $timeout); } /** * if authenticating, set user credentials here * * @param string $user * @param string $pass * @access public */ function setCredentials($username, $password) { $this->outgoing_headers['Authorization'] = ' Basic '.base64_encode($username.':'.$password); } /** * set the soapaction value * * @param string $soapaction * @access public */ function setSOAPAction($soapaction) { $this->outgoing_headers['SOAPAction'] = $soapaction; } /** * use http encoding * * @param string $enc encoding style. supported values: gzip, deflate, or both * @access public */ function setEncoding($enc='gzip, deflate'){ $this->protocol_version = '1.1'; $this->outgoing_headers['Accept-Encoding'] = $enc; $this->outgoing_headers['Connection'] = 'close'; $this->persistentConnection = false; set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); // deprecated $this->encoding = $enc; } /** * set proxy info here * * @param string $proxyhost * @param string $proxyport * @param string $proxyusername * @param string $proxypassword * @access public */ function setProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername = '', $proxypassword = '') { $this->uri = $this->url; $this->host = $proxyhost; $this->port = $proxyport; if ($proxyusername != '' && $proxypassword != '') { $this->outgoing_headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = ' Basic '.base64_encode($proxyusername.':'.$proxypassword); } } /** * decode a string that is encoded w/ "chunked' transfer encoding * as defined in RFC2068 19.4.6 * * @param string $buffer * @returns string * @access public */ function decodeChunked($buffer){ // length := 0 $length = 0; $new = ''; // read chunk-size, chunk-extension (if any) and CRLF // get the position of the linebreak $chunkend = strpos($buffer,"\r\n") + 2; $temp = substr($buffer,0,$chunkend); $chunk_size = hexdec( trim($temp) ); $chunkstart = $chunkend; // while (chunk-size > 0) { while ($chunk_size > 0) { $this->debug("chunkstart: $chunkstart chunk_size: $chunk_size"); $chunkend = strpos( $buffer, "\r\n", $chunkstart + $chunk_size); // Just in case we got a broken connection if ($chunkend == FALSE) { $chunk = substr($buffer,$chunkstart); // append chunk-data to entity-body $new .= $chunk; $length += strlen($chunk); break; } // read chunk-data and CRLF $chunk = substr($buffer,$chunkstart,$chunkend-$chunkstart); // append chunk-data to entity-body $new .= $chunk; // length := length + chunk-size $length += strlen($chunk); // read chunk-size and CRLF $chunkstart = $chunkend + 2; $chunkend = strpos($buffer,"\r\n",$chunkstart)+2; if ($chunkend == FALSE) { break; //Just in case we got a broken connection } $temp = substr($buffer,$chunkstart,$chunkend-$chunkstart); $chunk_size = hexdec( trim($temp) ); $chunkstart = $chunkend; } return $new; } /* * Writes payload, including HTTP headers, to $this->outgoing_payload. */ function buildPayload($data) { // update content-type header since we may have changed soap_defencoding $this->outgoing_headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml; charset='.$this->soap_defencoding; // add content-length header $this->outgoing_headers['Content-Length'] = strlen($data); // start building outgoing payload: $this->outgoing_payload = "$this->request_method $this->uri HTTP/$this->protocol_version\r\n"; // loop thru headers, serializing foreach($this->outgoing_headers as $k => $v){ if($k == 'SOAPAction'){ $v = '"'.$v.'"'; } $this->outgoing_payload .= $k.': '.$v."\r\n"; } // header/body separator $this->outgoing_payload .= "\r\n"; // add data $this->outgoing_payload .= $data; } function sendRequest($data){ // build payload $this->buildPayload($data); if ($this->scheme == 'http') { // send payload if(!fputs($this->fp, $this->outgoing_payload, strlen($this->outgoing_payload))) { $this->setError('couldn\'t write message data to socket'); $this->debug('couldn\'t write message data to socket'); return false; } $this->debug('wrote data to socket'); return true; } else if ($this->scheme == 'https') { // set payload curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->outgoing_payload); $this->debug('set cURL payload'); return true; } } function getResponse(){ $this->incoming_payload = ''; if ($this->scheme == 'http') { // loop until headers have been retrieved $data = ''; while (!isset($lb)){ // We might EOF during header read. if(feof($this->fp)) { $this->setError('server failed to send headers'); return false; } $data .= fgets($this->fp, 256); $pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n"); if($pos > 1){ $lb = "\r\n"; } else { $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n"); if($pos > 1){ $lb = "\n"; } } // remove 100 header if(isset($lb) && ereg('^HTTP/1.1 100',$data)){ unset($lb); $data = ''; }// } // store header data $this->incoming_payload .= $data; // process headers $header_data = trim(substr($data,0,$pos)); $header_array = explode($lb,$header_data); $data = substr($data,$pos); $this->debug('cleaned data, stringlen: '.strlen($data)); foreach($header_array as $header_line){ $arr = explode(':',$header_line); if(count($arr) >= 2){ $this->incoming_headers[strtolower(trim($arr[0]))] = trim($arr[1]); } } // loop until msg has been received $strlen = 0; while ((isset($this->incoming_headers['content-length'])&&$strlen < $this->incoming_headers['content-length']) || !feof($this->fp)){ $tmp = fread($this->fp, 8192); $strlen += strlen($tmp); $data .= $tmp; } $data = trim($data); $this->incoming_payload .= $data; $this->debug('received '.strlen($this->incoming_payload).' bytes of data from server'); // close filepointer if( //(isset($this->incoming_headers['connection']) && $this->incoming_headers['connection'] == 'close') || (! $this->persistentConnection) || feof($this->fp)){ fclose($this->fp); $this->fp = false; $this->debug('closed socket'); } // connection was closed unexpectedly if($this->incoming_payload == ''){ $this->setError('no response from server'); return false; } $this->debug('received incoming payload: '.strlen($this->incoming_payload)); } else if ($this->scheme == 'https') { // send and receive $this->debug('send and receive with cURL'); $this->incoming_payload = curl_exec($this->ch); $data = $this->incoming_payload; $cErr = curl_error($this->ch); if ($cErr != '') { $err = 'cURL ERROR: '.curl_errno($this->ch).': '.$cErr.'
'; foreach(curl_getinfo($this->ch) as $k => $v){ $err .= "$k: $v
"; } $this->debug($err); $this->setError($err); curl_close($this->ch); return false; } else { //echo '
			//echo '
'; } // close curl $this->debug('No cURL error, closing cURL'); curl_close($this->ch); // remove 100 header if (ereg('^HTTP/1.1 100',$data)) { if ($pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n")) { $data = ltrim(substr($data,$pos)); } elseif($pos = strpos($data,"\n\n") ) { $data = ltrim(substr($data,$pos)); } } // separate content from HTTP headers if ($pos = strpos($data,"\r\n\r\n")) { $lb = "\r\n"; } elseif( $pos = strpos($data,"\n\n")) { $lb = "\n"; } else { $this->debug('no proper separation of headers and document'); $this->setError('no proper separation of headers and document'); return false; } $header_data = trim(substr($data,0,$pos)); $header_array = explode($lb,$header_data); $data = ltrim(substr($data,$pos)); $this->debug('found proper separation of headers and document'); $this->debug('cleaned data, stringlen: '.strlen($data)); // clean headers foreach ($header_array as $header_line) { $arr = explode(':',$header_line); $this->incoming_headers[strtolower(trim($arr[0]))] = trim($arr[1]); } if (strlen($data) == 0) { $this->debug('no data after headers!'); $this->setError('no data present after HTTP headers.'); return false; } } // decode transfer-encoding if(isset($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) && strtolower($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) == 'chunked'){ if(!$data = $this->decodeChunked($data)){ $this->setError('Decoding of chunked data failed'); return false; } //print "
"; } // decode content-encoding if(isset($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) && $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] != ''){ if(strtolower($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) == 'deflate' || strtolower($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) == 'gzip'){ // if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded if(function_exists('gzuncompress')){ //$timer->setMarker('starting decoding of gzip/deflated content'); if($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data)){ $data = $degzdata; } elseif($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip' && $degzdata = gzinflate(substr($data, 10))){ // do our best $data = $degzdata; } else { $this->setError('Errors occurred when trying to decode the data'); } //$timer->setMarker('finished decoding of gzip/deflated content'); //print "\nde-inflated:\n---------------\n$data\n-------------\n"; } else { $this->setError('The server sent deflated data. Your php install must have the Zlib extension compiled in to support this.'); } } } if(strlen($data) == 0){ $this->debug('no data after headers!'); $this->setError('no data present after HTTP headers'); return false; } // set decoded payload $this->incoming_payload = $header_data."\r\n\r\n".$data; return $data; } function usePersistentConnection(){ if (isset($this->outgoing_headers['Accept-Encoding'])) { return false; } $this->protocol_version = '1.1'; $this->persistentConnection = true; $this->outgoing_headers['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive'; return true; } } ?> * @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class soap_server extends nusoap_base { var $service = ''; // service name var $operations = array(); // assoc array of operations => opData var $responseHeaders = false; var $headers = ''; var $request = ''; var $fault = false; var $result = 'successful'; var $wsdl = false; var $externalWSDLURL = false; var $debug_flag = false; /** * constructor * the optional parameter is a path to a WSDL file that you'd like to bind the server instance to. * * @param string $wsdl path or URL to a WSDL file * @access public */ function soap_server($wsdl=false){ // turn on debugging? global $debug; global $_REQUEST; global $_SERVER; global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; if (isset($debug)) { $this->debug_flag = $debug; } else if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) { $this->debug_flag = $_REQUEST['debug']; } else if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $qs = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); foreach ($qs as $v) { if (substr($v, 0, 6) == 'debug=') { $this->debug_flag = substr($v, 6); } } } else if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING'])) { $qs = explode('&', $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING']); foreach ($qs as $v) { if (substr($v, 0, 6) == 'debug=') { $this->debug_flag = substr($v, 6); } } } // wsdl if($wsdl){ $this->wsdl = new wsdl($wsdl); $this->externalWSDLURL = $wsdl; if($err = $this->wsdl->getError()){ die('WSDL ERROR: '.$err); } } } /** * processes request and returns response * * @param string $data usually is the value of $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA * @access public */ function service($data){ // print wsdl global $QUERY_STRING; if(isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])){ $qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } elseif(isset($GLOBALS['QUERY_STRING'])){ $qs = $GLOBALS['QUERY_STRING']; } elseif(isset($QUERY_STRING) && $QUERY_STRING != ''){ $qs = $QUERY_STRING; } // gen wsdl if(isset($qs) && ereg('wsdl', $qs) ){ if($this->externalWSDLURL){ header('Location: '.$this->externalWSDLURL); exit(); } else { header("Content-Type: text/xml\r\n"); print $this->wsdl->serialize(); exit(); } } // print web interface if($data == '' && $this->wsdl){ print $this->webDescription(); } else { // $response is the serialized response message $response = $this->parse_request($data); $this->debug('server sending...'); $payload = $response; // add debug data if in debug mode if(isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag == 1){ while (strpos($this->debug_str, '--')) { $this->debug_str = str_replace('--', '- -', $this->debug_str); } $payload .= ""; } // print headers if($this->fault){ $header[] = "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error\r\n"; $header[] = "Status: 500 Internal Server Error\r\n"; } else { $header[] = "Status: 200 OK\r\n"; } $header[] = "Server: $this->title Server v$this->version\r\n"; // Let the Web server decide about this //$header[] = "Connection: Close\r\n"; $header[] = "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=$this->soap_defencoding\r\n"; //begin code to compress payload - by John if (isset($this->headers) && isset($this->headers['Accept-Encoding'])) { if (strstr($this->headers['Accept-Encoding'], 'deflate')) { if (function_exists('gzcompress')) { if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) { $payload .= ""; } $header[] = "Content-Encoding: deflate"; $payload = gzcompress($payload); } else { if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) { $payload .= ""; } } } else if (strstr($this->headers['Accept-Encoding'], 'gzip')) { if (function_exists('gzencode')) { if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) { $payload .= ""; } $header[] = "Content-Encoding: gzip"; $payload = gzencode($payload); } else { if (isset($this->debug_flag) && $this->debug_flag) { $payload .= ""; } } } } //end code $header[] = "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload)."\r\n\r\n"; reset($header); foreach($header as $hdr){ header($hdr); } $this->response = join("\r\n",$header).$payload; print $payload; } } /** * parses request and posts response * * @param string $data XML string * @return string XML response msg * @access private */ function parse_request($data='') { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $this->debug('entering parseRequest() on '.date('H:i Y-m-d')); $dump = ''; // get headers if(function_exists('getallheaders')){ $this->headers = getallheaders(); foreach($this->headers as $k=>$v){ $dump .= "$k: $v\r\n"; $this->debug("$k: $v"); } // get SOAPAction header if(isset($this->headers['SOAPAction'])){ $this->SOAPAction = str_replace('"','',$this->headers['SOAPAction']); } // get the character encoding of the incoming request if(strpos($this->headers['Content-Type'],'=')){ $enc = str_replace('"','',substr(strstr($this->headers["Content-Type"],'='),1)); if(eregi('^(ISO-8859-1|US-ASCII|UTF-8)$',$enc)){ $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc); } else { $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII'; } } else { // should be US-ASCII, but for XML, let's be pragmatic and admit UTF-8 is most common $this->xml_encoding = 'UTF-8'; } } elseif(isset($_SERVER) && is_array($_SERVER)){ foreach ($_SERVER as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') { $k = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($k, 5))))); if ($k == 'Soapaction') { // get SOAPAction header $k = 'SOAPAction'; $v = str_replace('"', '', $v); $v = str_replace('\\', '', $v); } else if ($k == 'Content-Type') { // get the character encoding of the incoming request if (strpos($v, '=')) { $enc = substr(strstr($v, '='), 1); $enc = str_replace('"', '', $enc); $enc = str_replace('\\', '', $enc); if (eregi('^(ISO-8859-1|US-ASCII|UTF-8)$', $enc)) { $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc); } else { $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII'; } } else { // should be US-ASCII, but for XML, let's be pragmatic and admit UTF-8 is most common $this->xml_encoding = 'UTF-8'; } } $this->headers[$k] = $v; $dump .= "$k: $v\r\n"; $this->debug("$k: $v"); } } } elseif (is_array($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)) { foreach ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') { $k = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', substr($k, 5))))); if ($k == 'Soapaction') { // get SOAPAction header $k = 'SOAPAction'; $v = str_replace('"', '', $v); $v = str_replace('\\', '', $v); } else if ($k == 'Content-Type') { // get the character encoding of the incoming request if (strpos($v, '=')) { $enc = substr(strstr($v, '='), 1); $enc = str_replace('"', '', $enc); $enc = str_replace('\\', '', $enc); if (eregi('^(ISO-8859-1|US-ASCII|UTF-8)$', $enc)) { $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc); } else { $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII'; } } else { // should be US-ASCII, but for XML, let's be pragmatic and admit UTF-8 is most common $this->xml_encoding = 'UTF-8'; } } $this->headers[$k] = $v; $dump .= "$k: $v\r\n"; $this->debug("$k: $v"); } } } $this->debug('got character encoding: '.$this->xml_encoding); if (isset($this->headers['Content-Encoding']) && $this->headers['Content-Encoding'] != '') { $this->debug('got content encoding: ' . $this->headers['Content-Encoding']); if ($this->headers['Content-Encoding'] == 'deflate' || $this->headers['Content-Encoding'] == 'gzip') { // if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded if (function_exists('gzuncompress')) { if ($this->headers['Content-Encoding'] == 'deflate' && $degzdata = @gzuncompress($data)) { $data = $degzdata; } elseif ($this->headers['Content-Encoding'] == 'gzip' && $degzdata = gzinflate(substr($data, 10))) { $data = $degzdata; } else { $this->fault('Server', 'Errors occurred when trying to decode the data'); return $this->fault->serialize(); } } else { $this->fault('Server', 'This Server does not support compressed data'); return $this->fault->serialize(); } } } $this->request = $dump."\r\n\r\n".$data; // parse response, get soap parser obj $parser = new soap_parser($data,$this->xml_encoding); // if fault occurred during message parsing if($err = $parser->getError()){ // parser debug $this->debug("parser debug: \n".$parser->debug_str); $this->result = 'fault: error in msg parsing: '.$err; $this->fault('Server',"error in msg parsing:\n".$err); // return soapresp return $this->fault->serialize(); // else successfully parsed request into soapval object } else { // get/set methodname $this->methodname = $parser->root_struct_name; $this->debug('method name: '.$this->methodname); // does method exist? if(!function_exists($this->methodname)){ // "method not found" fault here $this->debug("method '$this->methodname' not found!"); $this->debug("parser debug: \n".$parser->debug_str); $this->result = 'fault: method not found'; $this->fault('Server',"method '$this->methodname' not defined in service '$this->service'"); return $this->fault->serialize(); } if($this->wsdl){ if(!$this->opData = $this->wsdl->getOperationData($this->methodname)){ //if( $this->fault('Server',"Operation '$this->methodname' is not defined in the WSDL for this service"); return $this->fault->serialize(); } } $this->debug("method '$this->methodname' exists"); // evaluate message, getting back parameters $this->debug('calling parser->get_response()'); $request_data = $parser->get_response(); // parser debug $this->debug("parser debug: \n".$parser->debug_str); // verify that request parameters match the method's signature if($this->verify_method($this->methodname,$request_data)){ // if there are parameters to pass $this->debug('params var dump '.$this->varDump($request_data)); if($request_data){ $this->debug("calling '$this->methodname' with params"); if (! function_exists('call_user_func_array')) { $this->debug('calling method using eval()'); $funcCall = $this->methodname.'('; foreach($request_data as $param) { $funcCall .= "\"$param\","; } $funcCall = substr($funcCall, 0, -1).')'; $this->debug('function call:
'.$funcCall); @eval("\$method_response = $funcCall;"); } else { $this->debug('calling method using call_user_func_array()'); $method_response = call_user_func_array("$this->methodname",$request_data); } $this->debug('response var dump'.$this->varDump($method_response)); } else { // call method w/ no parameters $this->debug("calling $this->methodname w/ no params"); $m = $this->methodname; $method_response = @$m(); } $this->debug("done calling method: $this->methodname, received $method_response of type".gettype($method_response)); // if we got nothing back. this might be ok (echoVoid) if(isset($method_response) && $method_response != '' || is_bool($method_response)) { // if fault if(get_class($method_response) == 'soap_fault'){ $this->debug('got a fault object from method'); $this->fault = $method_response; return $method_response->serialize(); // if return val is soapval object } elseif(get_class($method_response) == 'soapval'){ $this->debug('got a soapval object from method'); $return_val = $method_response->serialize(); // returned other } else { $this->debug('got a(n) '.gettype($method_response).' from method'); $this->debug('serializing return value'); if($this->wsdl){ // weak attempt at supporting multiple output params if(sizeof($this->opData['output']['parts']) > 1){ $opParams = $method_response; } else { $opParams = array($method_response); } $return_val = $this->wsdl->serializeRPCParameters($this->methodname,'output',$opParams); } else { $return_val = $this->serialize_val($method_response); } } $this->debug('return val:'.$this->varDump($return_val)); } else { $return_val = ''; $this->debug('got no response from method'); } $this->debug('serializing response'); $payload = '<'.$this->methodname."Response>".$return_val.'methodname."Response>"; $this->result = 'successful'; if($this->wsdl){ //if($this->debug_flag){ $this->debug("WSDL debug data:\n".$this->wsdl->debug_str); // } // Added: In case we use a WSDL, return a serialized env. WITH the usedNamespaces. return $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->responseHeaders,$this->wsdl->usedNamespaces,$this->opData['style']); } else { return $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->responseHeaders); } } else { // debug $this->debug('ERROR: request not verified against method signature'); $this->result = 'fault: request failed validation against method signature'; // return fault $this->fault('Server',"Operation '$this->methodname' not defined in service."); return $this->fault->serialize(); } } } /** * takes the value that was created by parsing the request * and compares to the method's signature, if available. * * @param mixed * @return boolean * @access private */ function verify_method($operation,$request){ if(isset($this->wsdl) && is_object($this->wsdl)){ if($this->wsdl->getOperationData($operation)){ return true; } } elseif(isset($this->operations[$operation])){ return true; } return false; } /** * add a method to the dispatch map * * @param string $methodname * @param string $in array of input values * @param string $out array of output values * @access public */ function add_to_map($methodname,$in,$out){ $this->operations[$methodname] = array('name' => $methodname,'in' => $in,'out' => $out); } /** * register a service with the server * * @param string $methodname * @param string $in assoc array of input values: key = param name, value = param type * @param string $out assoc array of output values: key = param name, value = param type * @param string $namespace * @param string $soapaction * @param string $style (rpc|literal) * @access public */ function register($name,$in=false,$out=false,$namespace=false,$soapaction=false,$style=false,$use=false,$documentation=''){ if($this->externalWSDLURL){ die('You cannot bind to an external WSDL file, and register methods outside of it! Please choose either WSDL or no WSDL.'); } if(false == $in) { } if(false == $out) { } if(false == $namespace) { } if(false == $soapaction) { global $SERVER_NAME, $SCRIPT_NAME; $soapaction = "http://$SERVER_NAME$SCRIPT_NAME"; } if(false == $style) { $style = "rpc"; } if(false == $use) { $use = "encoded"; } $this->operations[$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'in' => $in, 'out' => $out, 'namespace' => $namespace, 'soapaction' => $soapaction, 'style' => $style); if($this->wsdl){ $this->wsdl->addOperation($name,$in,$out,$namespace,$soapaction,$style,$use,$documentation); } return true; } /** * create a fault. this also acts as a flag to the server that a fault has occured. * * @param string faultcode * @param string faultactor * @param string faultstring * @param string faultdetail * @access public */ function fault($faultcode,$faultactor,$faultstring='',$faultdetail=''){ $this->fault = new soap_fault($faultcode,$faultactor,$faultstring,$faultdetail); } /** * prints html description of services * * @access private */ function webDescription(){ $b = ' NuSOAP: '.$this->wsdl->serviceName.'

'; return $b; } /** * sets up wsdl object * this acts as a flag to enable internal WSDL generation * NOTE: NOT FUNCTIONAL * * @param string $serviceName, name of the service * @param string $namespace, tns namespace */ function configureWSDL($serviceName,$namespace = false,$endpoint = false,$style='rpc', $transport = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http') { $SERVER_NAME = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $GLOBALS['SERVER_NAME']; $SCRIPT_NAME = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : $GLOBALS['SCRIPT_NAME']; if(false == $namespace) { $namespace = "http://$SERVER_NAME/soap/$serviceName"; } if(false == $endpoint) { $endpoint = "http://$SERVER_NAME$SCRIPT_NAME"; } $this->wsdl = new wsdl; $this->wsdl->serviceName = $serviceName; $this->wsdl->endpoint = $endpoint; $this->wsdl->namespaces['tns'] = $namespace; $this->wsdl->namespaces['soap'] = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/'; $this->wsdl->namespaces['wsdl'] = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/'; $this->wsdl->bindings[$serviceName.'Binding'] = array( 'name'=>$serviceName.'Binding', 'style'=>$style, 'transport'=>$transport, 'portType'=>$serviceName.'PortType'); $this->wsdl->ports[$serviceName.'Port'] = array( 'binding'=>$serviceName.'Binding', 'location'=>$endpoint, 'bindingType'=>'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/'); } } ?> * @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class wsdl extends XMLSchema { var $wsdl; // define internal arrays of bindings, ports, operations, messages, etc. var $message = array(); var $complexTypes = array(); var $messages = array(); var $currentMessage; var $currentOperation; var $portTypes = array(); var $currentPortType; var $bindings = array(); var $currentBinding; var $ports = array(); var $currentPort; var $opData = array(); var $status = ''; var $documentation = false; var $endpoint = ''; // array of wsdl docs to import var $import = array(); // parser vars var $parser; var $position = 0; var $depth = 0; var $depth_array = array(); var $usedNamespaces = array(); // for getting wsdl var $proxyhost = ''; var $proxyport = ''; var $proxyusername = ''; var $proxypassword = ''; /** * constructor * * @param string $wsdl WSDL document URL * @param string $proxyhost * @param string $proxyport * @param string $proxyusername * @param string $proxypassword * @access public */ function wsdl($wsdl = '',$proxyhost=false,$proxyport=false,$proxyusername=false,$proxypassword=false){ $this->wsdl = $wsdl; $this->proxyhost = $proxyhost; $this->proxyport = $proxyport; $this->proxyusername = $proxyusername; $this->proxypassword = $proxypassword; // parse wsdl file if ($wsdl != "") { $this->debug('initial wsdl file: ' . $wsdl); $this->parseWSDL($wsdl); } // imports if (sizeof($this->import) > 0) { $wsdlparts = parse_url($this->wsdl); foreach ($this->import as $ns => $list) { foreach ($list as $url) { if ($url != '') { $urlparts = parse_url($url); if (!isset($urlparts['host'])) { $url = $wsdlparts['scheme'] . '://' . $wsdlparts['host'] . substr($wsdlparts['path'],0,strrpos($wsdlparts['path'],'/') + 1) .$urlparts['path']; } $this->parseWSDL($url); } else { $this->namespaces['ns'.(count($this->namespaces)+1)] = $ns; } } } } } /** * parses the wsdl document * * @param string $wsdl path or URL * @access private */ function parseWSDL($wsdl = '') { if ($wsdl == '') { $this->debug('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!'); $this->setError('no wsdl passed to parseWSDL()!!'); return false; } $this->debug('getting ' . $wsdl); // parse $wsdl for url format $wsdl_props = parse_url($wsdl); if (isset($wsdl_props['host'])) { $this->debug('getting URL ' . $wsdl); // get wsdl $tr = new soap_transport_http($wsdl); $tr->request_method = 'GET'; $tr->useSOAPAction = false; if($this->proxyhost && $this->proxyport){ $tr->setProxy($this->proxyhost,$this->proxyport,$this->proxyusername,$this->proxypassword); } if (isset($wsdl_props['user'])) { $tr->setCredentials($wsdl_props['user'],$wsdl_props['pass']); } $wsdl_string = $tr->send(''); // catch errors if($err = $tr->getError() ){ $this->debug('HTTP ERROR: '.$err); $this->setError('HTTP ERROR: '.$err); return false; } unset($tr); } else { $this->debug('getting FILE ' . $wsdl); // $wsdl seems to be a non-url file path, do the regular fopen if ($fp = @fopen($wsdl, 'r')) { $wsdl_string = ''; while ($data = fread($fp, 32768)) { $wsdl_string .= $data; } fclose($fp); } else { $this->setError('bad path to WSDL file.'); return false; } } // end new code added // Create an XML parser. $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); // Set the options for parsing the XML data. // xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); // Set the object for the parser. xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); // Set the element handlers for the parser. xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element', 'end_element'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, 'character_data'); // Parse the XML file. if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $wsdl_string, true)) { // Display an error message. $errstr = sprintf( 'XML error on line %d: %s', xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)) ); $this->debug('XML parse error: ' . $errstr); $this->setError('Parser error: ' . $errstr); return false; } // free the parser xml_parser_free($this->parser); // catch wsdl parse errors if($this->getError()){ return false; } // add new data to operation data foreach($this->bindings as $binding => $bindingData) { if (isset($bindingData['operations']) && is_array($bindingData['operations'])) { foreach($bindingData['operations'] as $operation => $data) { $this->debug('post-parse data gathering for ' . $operation); $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'] = isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']) ? array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input']) : $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['input']; $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'] = isset($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']) ? array_merge($this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output'], $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output']) : $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['output']; if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ])){ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['input']['message'] ]; } if(isset($this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ])){ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['parts'] = $this->messages[ $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['output']['message'] ]; } if (isset($bindingData['style'])) { $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['style'] = $bindingData['style']; } $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['transport'] = isset($bindingData['transport']) ? $bindingData['transport'] : ''; $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['documentation'] = isset($this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation']) ? $this->portTypes[ $bindingData['portType'] ][$operation]['documentation'] : ''; $this->bindings[$binding]['operations'][$operation]['endpoint'] = isset($bindingData['endpoint']) ? $bindingData['endpoint'] : ''; } } } return true; } /** * start-element handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $name element name * @param string $attrs associative array of attributes * @access private */ function start_element($parser, $name, $attrs) { if ($this->status == 'schema' || ereg('schema$', $name)) { // $this->debug("startElement for $name ($attrs[name]). status = $this->status (".$this->getLocalPart($name).")"); $this->status = 'schema'; $this->schemaStartElement($parser, $name, $attrs); } else { // position in the total number of elements, starting from 0 $pos = $this->position++; $depth = $this->depth++; // set self as current value for this depth $this->depth_array[$depth] = $pos; $this->message[$pos] = array('cdata' => ''); // get element prefix if (ereg(':', $name)) { // get ns prefix $prefix = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, ':')); // get ns $namespace = isset($this->namespaces[$prefix]) ? $this->namespaces[$prefix] : ''; // get unqualified name $name = substr(strstr($name, ':'), 1); } if (count($attrs) > 0) { foreach($attrs as $k => $v) { // if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces if (ereg("^xmlns", $k)) { if ($ns_prefix = substr(strrchr($k, ':'), 1)) { $this->namespaces[$ns_prefix] = $v; } else { $this->namespaces['ns' . (count($this->namespaces) + 1)] = $v; } if ($v == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' || $v == 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema') { $this->XMLSchemaVersion = $v; $this->namespaces['xsi'] = $v . '-instance'; } } // // expand each attribute $k = strpos($k, ':') ? $this->expandQname($k) : $k; if ($k != 'location' && $k != 'soapAction' && $k != 'namespace') { $v = strpos($v, ':') ? $this->expandQname($v) : $v; } $eAttrs[$k] = $v; } $attrs = $eAttrs; } else { $attrs = array(); } // find status, register data switch ($this->status) { case 'message': if ($name == 'part') { if (isset($attrs['type'])) { $this->debug("msg " . $this->currentMessage . ": found part $attrs[name]: " . implode(',', $attrs)); $this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['type']; } if (isset($attrs['element'])) { $this->messages[$this->currentMessage][$attrs['name']] = $attrs['element']; } } break; case 'portType': switch ($name) { case 'operation': $this->currentPortOperation = $attrs['name']; $this->debug("portType $this->currentPortType operation: $this->currentPortOperation"); if (isset($attrs['parameterOrder'])) { $this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$attrs['name']]['parameterOrder'] = $attrs['parameterOrder']; } break; case 'documentation': $this->documentation = true; break; // merge input/output data default: $m = isset($attrs['message']) ? $this->getLocalPart($attrs['message']) : ''; $this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation][$name]['message'] = $m; break; } break; case 'binding': switch ($name) { case 'binding': // get ns prefix if (isset($attrs['style'])) { $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['prefix'] = $prefix; } $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding], $attrs); break; case 'header': $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus]['headers'][] = $attrs; break; case 'operation': if (isset($attrs['soapAction'])) { $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['soapAction'] = $attrs['soapAction']; } if (isset($attrs['style'])) { $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['style'] = $attrs['style']; } if (isset($attrs['name'])) { $this->currentOperation = $attrs['name']; $this->debug("current binding operation: $this->currentOperation"); $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['name'] = $attrs['name']; $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['binding'] = $this->currentBinding; $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation]['endpoint'] = isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint']) ? $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['endpoint'] : ''; } break; case 'input': $this->opStatus = 'input'; break; case 'output': $this->opStatus = 'output'; break; case 'body': if (isset($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus])) { $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = array_merge($this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus], $attrs); } else { $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['operations'][$this->currentOperation][$this->opStatus] = $attrs; } break; } break; case 'service': switch ($name) { case 'port': $this->currentPort = $attrs['name']; $this->debug('current port: ' . $this->currentPort); $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['binding']); break; case 'address': //$this->ports[$this->currentPort]['location'] = $attrs['location']; //This line is commented By Manish global $serviceurl; // This line is added By Manish. $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['location'] = $serviceurl; //This line is added By Manish $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['bindingType'] = $namespace; $this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['bindingType'] = $namespace; //$this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['endpoint'] = $attrs['location']; //This line is commented By Manish $this->bindings[ $this->ports[$this->currentPort]['binding'] ]['endpoint'] = $serviceurl; //This line is added By Manish break; } break; } // set status switch ($name) { case "import": if (isset($attrs['location'])) { $this->import[$attrs['namespace']][] = $attrs['location']; $this->debug('parsing import ' . $attrs['namespace']. ' - ' . $attrs['location'] . ' (' . count($this->import[$attrs['namespace']]).')'); } break; case 'types': $this->status = 'schema'; break; case 'message': $this->status = 'message'; $this->messages[$attrs['name']] = array(); $this->currentMessage = $attrs['name']; break; case 'portType': $this->status = 'portType'; $this->portTypes[$attrs['name']] = array(); $this->currentPortType = $attrs['name']; break; case "binding": if (isset($attrs['name'])) { // get binding name if (strpos($attrs['name'], ':')) { $this->currentBinding = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['name']); } else { $this->currentBinding = $attrs['name']; } $this->status = 'binding'; $this->bindings[$this->currentBinding]['portType'] = $this->getLocalPart($attrs['type']); $this->debug("current binding: $this->currentBinding of portType: " . $attrs['type']); } break; case 'service': $this->serviceName = $attrs['name']; $this->status = 'service'; $this->debug('current service: ' . $this->serviceName); break; case 'definitions': foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) { $this->wsdl_info[$name] = $value; } break; } } } /** * end-element handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $name element name * @access private */ function end_element($parser, $name){ // unset schema status if (ereg('types$', $name) || ereg('schema$', $name)) { $this->status = ""; } if ($this->status == 'schema') { $this->schemaEndElement($parser, $name); } else { // bring depth down a notch $this->depth--; } // end documentation if ($this->documentation) { $this->portTypes[$this->currentPortType][$this->currentPortOperation]['documentation'] = $this->documentation; $this->documentation = false; } } /** * element content handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $data element content * @access private */ function character_data($parser, $data) { $pos = isset($this->depth_array[$this->depth]) ? $this->depth_array[$this->depth] : 0; if (isset($this->message[$pos]['cdata'])) { $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data; } if ($this->documentation) { $this->documentation .= $data; } } function getBindingData($binding) { if (is_array($this->bindings[$binding])) { return $this->bindings[$binding]; } } /** * returns an assoc array of operation names => operation data * * @param string $bindingType eg: soap, smtp, dime (only soap is currently supported) * @return array * @access public */ function getOperations($bindingType = 'soap') { $ops = array(); if ($bindingType == 'soap') { $bindingType = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/'; } // loop thru ports foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) { // binding type of port matches parameter if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) { // merge bindings $ops = array_merge ($ops, $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']); } } return $ops; } /** * returns an associative array of data necessary for calling an operation * * @param string $operation , name of operation * @param string $bindingType , type of binding eg: soap * @return array * @access public */ function getOperationData($operation, $bindingType = 'soap') { if ($bindingType == 'soap') { $bindingType = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/'; } // loop thru ports foreach($this->ports as $port => $portData) { // binding type of port matches parameter if ($portData['bindingType'] == $bindingType) { // get binding //foreach($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'] as $bOperation => $opData) { foreach(array_keys($this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations']) as $bOperation) { if ($operation == $bOperation) { $opData = $this->bindings[ $portData['binding'] ]['operations'][$operation]; return $opData; } } } } } /** * serialize the parsed wsdl * * @return string , serialization of WSDL * @access public */ function serialize() { $xml = 'namespaces as $k => $v) { $xml .= " xmlns:$k=\"$v\""; } // 10.9.02 - add poulter fix for wsdl and tns declarations if (isset($this->namespaces['wsdl'])) { $xml .= " xmlns=\"" . $this->namespaces['wsdl'] . "\""; } if (isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) { $xml .= " targetNamespace=\"" . $this->namespaces['tns'] . "\""; } $xml .= '>'; // imports if (sizeof($this->import) > 0) { foreach($this->import as $ns => $url) { $xml .= ''; } } // types if (count($this->complexTypes)>=1) { $xml .= ''; $xml .= $this->serializeSchema(); $xml .= ''; } // messages if (count($this->messages) >= 1) { foreach($this->messages as $msgName => $msgParts) { $xml .= ''; if(is_array($msgParts)){ foreach($msgParts as $partName => $partType) { // print 'serializing '.$partType.', sv: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'
'; if (strpos($partType, ':')) { $typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($partType)); } elseif (isset($this->typemap[$this->namespaces['xsd']][$partType])) { // print 'checking typemap: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'
'; $typePrefix = 'xsd'; } else { foreach($this->typemap as $ns => $types) { if (isset($types[$partType])) { $typePrefix = $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns); } } if (!isset($typePrefix)) { die("$partType has no namespace!"); } } $xml .= ''; } } $xml .= '
'; } } // bindings & porttypes if (count($this->bindings) >= 1) { $binding_xml = ''; $portType_xml = ''; foreach($this->bindings as $bindingName => $attrs) { $binding_xml .= ''; $binding_xml .= ''; $portType_xml .= ''; foreach($attrs['operations'] as $opName => $opParts) { $binding_xml .= ''; $binding_xml .= ''; if (isset($opParts['input']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] != '') { $enc_style = '" encodingStyle="' . $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] . '"'; } else { $enc_style = ''; } $binding_xml .= ''; } $portType_xml .= ''; $portType_xml .= ''; $portType_xml .= ''; } $portType_xml .= ''; $binding_xml .= ''; } $xml .= $portType_xml . $binding_xml; } // services $xml .= ''; if (count($this->ports) >= 1) { foreach($this->ports as $pName => $attrs) { $xml .= ''; $xml .= ''; $xml .= ''; } } $xml .= ''; return $xml . ''; } /** * serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition * * TODO * - multi-ref serialization * - validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid * * @param string $ type name * @param mixed $ param value * @return mixed new param or false if initial value didn't validate */ function serializeRPCParameters($operation, $direction, $parameters) { $this->debug('in serializeRPCParameters with operation '.$operation.', direction '.$direction.' and '.count($parameters).' param(s), and xml schema version ' . $this->XMLSchemaVersion); if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') { $this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"'); $this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"'); return false; } if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) { $this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation); $this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation); return false; } $this->debug($this->varDump($opData)); // Get encoding style for output and set to current $encodingStyle = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'; if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) { $encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle']; $enc_style = $encodingStyle; } // set input params $xml = ''; if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) { $use = $opData[$direction]['use']; $this->debug("use=$use"); $this->debug('got ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s)'); foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) { $this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"'); // Track encoding style if (isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) { $encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']; $enc_style = $encodingStyle; } else { $enc_style = false; } // NOTE: add error handling here // if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault if (isset($parameters[$name])) { $this->debug('calling serializeType w/ named param'); $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style); } elseif(is_array($parameters)) { $this->debug('calling serializeType w/ unnamed param'); $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, array_shift($parameters), $use, $enc_style); } else { $this->debug('no parameters passed.'); } } } return $xml; } /** * serialize a PHP value according to a WSDL message definition * * TODO * - multi-ref serialization * - validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid * * @param string $ type name * @param mixed $ param value * @return mixed new param or false if initial value didn't validate */ function serializeParameters($operation, $direction, $parameters) { $this->debug('in serializeParameters with operation '.$operation.', direction '.$direction.' and '.count($parameters).' param(s), and xml schema version ' . $this->XMLSchemaVersion); if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') { $this->debug('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"'); $this->setError('The value of the \$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"'); return false; } if (!$opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)) { $this->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation); $this->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation); return false; } $this->debug($this->varDump($opData)); // Get encoding style for output and set to current $encodingStyle = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'; if(($direction == 'input') && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && ($opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle)) { $encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle']; $enc_style = $encodingStyle; } // set input params $xml = ''; if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) { $use = $opData[$direction]['use']; $this->debug("use=$use"); $this->debug('got ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s)'); foreach($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) { $this->debug('serializing part "'.$name.'" of type "'.$type.'"'); // Track encoding style if(isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) { $encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']; $enc_style = $encodingStyle; } else { $enc_style = false; } // NOTE: add error handling here // if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault if (isset($parameters[$name])) { $this->debug('calling serializeType w/ named param'); $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style); } elseif(is_array($parameters)) { $this->debug('calling serializeType w/ unnamed param'); $xml .= $this->serializeType($name, $type, array_shift($parameters), $use, $enc_style); } else { $this->debug('no parameters passed.'); } } } return $xml; } /** * serializes a PHP value according a given type definition * * @param string $name , name of type (part) * @param string $type , type of type, heh (type or element) * @param mixed $value , a native PHP value (parameter value) * @param string $use , use for part (encoded|literal) * @param string $encodingStyle , use to add encoding changes to serialisation * @return string serialization * @access public */ function serializeType($name, $type, $value, $use='encoded', $encodingStyle=false) { $this->debug("in serializeType: $name, $type, $value, $use, $encodingStyle"); if($use == 'encoded' && $encodingStyle) { $encodingStyle = ' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="' . $encodingStyle . '"'; } $xml = ''; if (strpos($type, ':')) { $uqType = substr($type, strrpos($type, ':') + 1); $ns = substr($type, 0, strrpos($type, ':')); $this->debug("got a prefixed type: $uqType, $ns"); if($ns == $this->XMLSchemaVersion || ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) == $this->XMLSchemaVersion){ if ($uqType == 'boolean' && !$value) { $value = 'false'; // Change By Manish To handle boolean $value = 0; } elseif ($uqType == 'boolean') { $value = 'true'; // Change By Manish To handle boolean $value = 1; } if ($this->charencoding && $uqType == 'string' && gettype($value) == 'string') { $value = str_replace('&', '&', $value); $value = str_replace("'", ''', $value); $value = str_replace('"', '"', $value); $value = str_replace('<', '<', $value); $value = str_replace('>', '>', $value); } // it's a scalar // TODO: what about null/nil values? if ($use == 'literal') { return "<$name>$value"; } else { return "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->XMLSchemaVersion) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$value"; } } else if ($ns == 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap' || ($this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) == 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap') { if ($uqType == 'Map') { $contents = ''; foreach($value as $k => $v) { $this->debug("serializing map element: key $k, value $v"); $contents .= ''; $contents .= $this->serialize_val($k,'key',false,false,false,false,$use); $contents .= $this->serialize_val($v,'value',false,false,false,false,$use,$uqType); //This para is added By Manish $uqType $contents .= ''; } if ($use == 'literal') { return "<$name>$contents"; } else { return "<$name xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap') . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>$contents"; } } } } else { $uqType = $type; } if(!$typeDef = $this->getTypeDef($uqType)){ $this->setError("$type ($uqType) is not a supported type."); return false; } else { //foreach($typeDef as $k => $v) { //$this->debug("typedef, $k: $v"); //} } $phpType = $typeDef['phpType']; $this->debug("serializeType: uqType: $uqType, ns: $ns, phptype: $phpType, arrayType: " . (isset($typeDef['arrayType']) ? $typeDef['arrayType'] : '') ); // if php type == struct, map value to the element names if ($phpType == 'struct') { if (isset($typeDef['element']) && $typeDef['element']) { $elementName = $uqType; // TODO: use elementFormDefault="qualified|unqualified" to determine // how to scope the namespace $elementNS = " xmlns=\"$ns\""; } else { $elementName = $name; $elementNS = ''; } if ($use == 'literal') { $xml = "<$elementName$elementNS>"; } else { $xml = "<$elementName$elementNS xsi:type=\"" . $this->getPrefixFromNamespace($ns) . ":$uqType\"$encodingStyle>"; } if (isset($this->complexTypes[$uqType]['elements']) && is_array($this->complexTypes[$uqType]['elements'])) { // toggle whether all elements are present - ideally should validate against schema // This code is commented By Manish to make Vector element to work /*if(count($this->complexTypes[$uqType]['elements']) != count($value)){ $optionals = true; }*/ foreach($this->complexTypes[$uqType]['elements'] as $eName => $attrs) { $p = count($value); // This is added By Manish to read more than one elments of Vector // This outer for Loop added By Manish for($i=0;$i<$p;$i++) { // if user took advantage of a minOccurs=0, then only serialize named parameters if(isset($optionals) && !isset($value[$eName])){ // do nothing } else { // get value if (isset($value[$eName])) { $v = $value[$eName]; } elseif (is_array($value)) { $v = array_shift($value); } // serialize schema-defined type //if (!isset($attrs['type'])) { // Note: changing from the above "if" allows us to // work around the problems with the case of having multiple // schema, since types from all the schema will be associated // here with a single namespace, which is correct for only // some of the types. if($this->getTypeDef($this->getLocalPart($attrs['type']))) { $xml .= $this->serializeType($eName, $attrs['type'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle); // serialize generic type } else { $this->debug("calling serialize_val() for $eName, $v, " . $this->getLocalPart($attrs['type']), false, $use); $xml .= $this->serialize_val($v, $eName, $this->getLocalPart($attrs['type']), null, $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($attrs['type'])), false, $use,$uqType); //This para is added By Manish $uqType } } } //Add: By Manish } } else { //echo 'got here'; } $xml .= ""; } elseif ($phpType == 'array') { if (isset($typeDef['multidimensional'])) { $nv = array(); foreach($value as $v) { $cols = ',' . sizeof($v); $nv = array_merge($nv, $v); } $value = $nv; } else { $cols = ''; } if (is_array($value) && sizeof($value) >= 1) { $rows = sizeof($value); $contents = ''; foreach($value as $k => $v) { $this->debug("serializing array element: $k, $v of type: $typeDef[arrayType]"); //if (strpos($typeDef['arrayType'], ':') ) { if (!in_array($typeDef['arrayType'],$this->typemap['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'])) { $contents .= $this->serializeType('item', $typeDef['arrayType'], $v, $use); } else { $contents .= $this->serialize_val($v, 'item', $typeDef['arrayType'], null, $this->XMLSchemaVersion, false, $use); } } $this->debug('contents: '.$this->varDump($contents)); } else { $rows = 0; $contents = null; } // TODO: for now, an empty value will be serialized as a zero element // array. Revisit this when coding the handling of null/nil values. if ($use == 'literal') { $xml = "<$name>" .$contents .""; } else { $xml = "<$name xsi:type=\"".$this->getPrefixFromNamespace('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/').':Array" '. $this->getPrefixFromNamespace('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/') .':arrayType="' .$this->getPrefixFromNamespace($this->getPrefix($typeDef['arrayType'])) .":".$this->getLocalPart($typeDef['arrayType'])."[$rows$cols]\">" .$contents .""; } } $this->debug('returning: '.$this->varDump($xml)); return $xml; } /** * register a service with the server * * @param string $methodname * @param string $in assoc array of input values: key = param name, value = param type * @param string $out assoc array of output values: key = param name, value = param type * @param string $namespace * @param string $soapaction * @param string $style (rpc|literal) * @access public */ function addOperation($name, $in = false, $out = false, $namespace = false, $soapaction = false, $style = 'rpc', $use = 'encoded', $documentation = ''){ if ($style == 'rpc' && $use == 'encoded') { $encodingStyle = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'; } else { $encodingStyle = ''; } // get binding $this->bindings[ $this->serviceName . 'Binding' ]['operations'][$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'binding' => $this->serviceName . 'Binding', 'endpoint' => $this->endpoint, 'soapAction' => $soapaction, 'style' => $style, 'input' => array( 'use' => $use, 'namespace' => $namespace, 'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle, 'message' => $name . 'Request', 'parts' => $in), 'output' => array( 'use' => $use, 'namespace' => $namespace, 'encodingStyle' => $encodingStyle, 'message' => $name . 'Response', 'parts' => $out), 'namespace' => $namespace, 'transport' => 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http', 'documentation' => $documentation); // add portTypes // add messages if($in) { foreach($in as $pName => $pType) { if(strpos($pType,':')) { $pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType); } $this->messages[$name.'Request'][$pName] = $pType; } } else { $this->messages[$name.'Request']= '0'; } if($out) { foreach($out as $pName => $pType) { if(strpos($pType,':')) { $pType = $this->getNamespaceFromPrefix($this->getPrefix($pType)).":".$this->getLocalPart($pType); } $this->messages[$name.'Response'][$pName] = $pType; } } else { $this->messages[$name.'Response']= '0'; } return true; } } ?> * @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class soap_parser extends nusoap_base { var $xml = ''; var $xml_encoding = ''; var $method = ''; var $root_struct = ''; var $root_struct_name = ''; var $root_header = ''; var $document = ''; // determines where in the message we are (envelope,header,body,method) var $status = ''; var $position = 0; var $depth = 0; var $default_namespace = ''; var $namespaces = array(); var $message = array(); var $parent = ''; var $fault = false; var $fault_code = ''; var $fault_str = ''; var $fault_detail = ''; var $depth_array = array(); var $debug_flag = true; var $soapresponse = NULL; var $responseHeaders = ''; var $body_position = 0; // for multiref parsing: // array of id => pos var $ids = array(); // array of id => hrefs => pos var $multirefs = array(); /** * constructor * * @param string $xml SOAP message * @param string $encoding character encoding scheme of message * @access public */ function soap_parser($xml,$encoding='UTF-8',$method=''){ $this->xml = $xml; $this->xml_encoding = $encoding; $this->method = $method; // Check whether content has been read. if(!empty($xml)){ $this->debug('Entering soap_parser(), length='.strlen($xml).', encoding='.$encoding); // Create an XML parser - why not xml_parser_create_ns? $this->parser = xml_parser_create($this->xml_encoding); // Set the options for parsing the XML data. //xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); //xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1"); // Set the object for the parser. xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); // Set the element handlers for the parser. xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element','end_element'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser,'character_data'); // Parse the XML file. if(!xml_parse($this->parser,$xml,true)){ // Display an error message. $err = sprintf('XML error on line %d: %s', xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser), xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser))); $this->debug('parse error: '.$err); $this->errstr = $err; } else { $this->debug('parsed successfully, found root struct: '.$this->root_struct.' of name '.$this->root_struct_name); // get final value $this->soapresponse = $this->message[$this->root_struct]['result']; // get header value if($this->root_header != '' && isset($this->message[$this->root_header]['result'])){ $this->responseHeaders = $this->message[$this->root_header]['result']; } // resolve hrefs/ids if(sizeof($this->multirefs) > 0){ foreach($this->multirefs as $id => $hrefs){ $this->debug('resolving multirefs for id: '.$id); $idVal = $this->buildVal($this->ids[$id]); foreach($hrefs as $refPos => $ref){ $this->debug('resolving href at pos '.$refPos); $this->multirefs[$id][$refPos] = $idVal; } } } } xml_parser_free($this->parser); } else { $this->debug('xml was empty, didn\'t parse!'); $this->errstr = 'xml was empty, didn\'t parse!'; } } /** * start-element handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $name element name * @param string $attrs associative array of attributes * @access private */ function start_element($parser, $name, $attrs) { // position in a total number of elements, starting from 0 // update class level pos $pos = $this->position++; // and set mine $this->message[$pos] = array('pos' => $pos,'children'=>'','cdata'=>''); // depth = how many levels removed from root? // set mine as current global depth and increment global depth value $this->message[$pos]['depth'] = $this->depth++; // else add self as child to whoever the current parent is if($pos != 0){ $this->message[$this->parent]['children'] .= '|'.$pos; } // set my parent $this->message[$pos]['parent'] = $this->parent; // set self as current parent $this->parent = $pos; // set self as current value for this depth $this->depth_array[$this->depth] = $pos; // get element prefix if(strpos($name,':')){ // get ns prefix $prefix = substr($name,0,strpos($name,':')); // get unqualified name $name = substr(strstr($name,':'),1); } // set status if($name == 'Envelope'){ $this->status = 'envelope'; } elseif($name == 'Header'){ $this->root_header = $pos; $this->status = 'header'; } elseif($name == 'Body'){ $this->status = 'body'; $this->body_position = $pos; // set method } elseif($this->status == 'body' && $pos == ($this->body_position+1)){ $this->status = 'method'; $this->root_struct_name = $name; $this->root_struct = $pos; $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'struct'; $this->debug("found root struct $this->root_struct_name, pos $this->root_struct"); } // set my status $this->message[$pos]['status'] = $this->status; // set name $this->message[$pos]['name'] = htmlspecialchars($name); // set attrs $this->message[$pos]['attrs'] = $attrs; // loop through atts, logging ns and type declarations $attstr = ''; foreach($attrs as $key => $value){ $key_prefix = $this->getPrefix($key); $key_localpart = $this->getLocalPart($key); // if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces if($key_prefix == 'xmlns'){ if(ereg('^http://www.w3.org/[0-9]{4}/XMLSchema$',$value)){ $this->XMLSchemaVersion = $value; $this->namespaces['xsd'] = $this->XMLSchemaVersion; $this->namespaces['xsi'] = $this->XMLSchemaVersion.'-instance'; } $this->namespaces[$key_localpart] = $value; // set method namespace if($name == $this->root_struct_name){ $this->methodNamespace = $value; } // if it's a type declaration, set type } elseif($key_localpart == 'type'){ $value_prefix = $this->getPrefix($value); $value_localpart = $this->getLocalPart($value); $this->message[$pos]['type'] = $value_localpart; $this->message[$pos]['typePrefix'] = $value_prefix; if(isset($this->namespaces[$value_prefix])){ $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] = $this->namespaces[$value_prefix]; } else if(isset($attrs['xmlns:'.$value_prefix])) { $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] = $attrs['xmlns:'.$value_prefix]; } // should do something here with the namespace of specified type? } elseif($key_localpart == 'arrayType'){ $this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'array'; /* do arrayType ereg here [1] arrayTypeValue ::= atype asize [2] atype ::= QName rank* [3] rank ::= '[' (',')* ']' [4] asize ::= '[' length~ ']' [5] length ::= nextDimension* Digit+ [6] nextDimension ::= Digit+ ',' */ $expr = '([A-Za-z0-9_]+):([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_]+)\[([0-9]+),?([0-9]*)\]'; if(ereg($expr,$value,$regs)){ $this->message[$pos]['typePrefix'] = $regs[1]; $this->message[$pos]['arrayTypePrefix'] = $regs[1]; if (isset($this->namespaces[$regs[1]])) { $this->message[$pos]['arrayTypeNamespace'] = $this->namespaces[$regs[1]]; } else if (isset($attrs['xmlns:'.$regs[1]])) { $this->message[$pos]['arrayTypeNamespace'] = $attrs['xmlns:'.$regs[1]]; } $this->message[$pos]['arrayType'] = $regs[2]; $this->message[$pos]['arraySize'] = $regs[3]; $this->message[$pos]['arrayCols'] = $regs[4]; } } // log id if($key == 'id'){ $this->ids[$value] = $pos; } // root if($key_localpart == 'root' && $value == 1){ $this->status = 'method'; $this->root_struct_name = $name; $this->root_struct = $pos; $this->debug("found root struct $this->root_struct_name, pos $pos"); } // for doclit $attstr .= " $key=\"$value\""; } // get namespace - must be done after namespace atts are processed if(isset($prefix)){ $this->message[$pos]['namespace'] = $this->namespaces[$prefix]; $this->default_namespace = $this->namespaces[$prefix]; } else { $this->message[$pos]['namespace'] = $this->default_namespace; } if($this->status == 'header'){ $this->responseHeaders .= "<$name$attstr>"; } elseif($this->root_struct_name != ''){ $this->document .= "<$name$attstr>"; } } /** * end-element handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $name element name * @access private */ function end_element($parser, $name) { // position of current element is equal to the last value left in depth_array for my depth $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth--]; // get element prefix if(strpos($name,':')){ // get ns prefix $prefix = substr($name,0,strpos($name,':')); // get unqualified name $name = substr(strstr($name,':'),1); } // build to native type if(isset($this->body_position) && $pos > $this->body_position){ // deal w/ multirefs if(isset($this->message[$pos]['attrs']['href'])){ // get id $id = substr($this->message[$pos]['attrs']['href'],1); // add placeholder to href array $this->multirefs[$id][$pos] = 'placeholder'; // add set a reference to it as the result value $this->message[$pos]['result'] =& $this->multirefs[$id][$pos]; // build complex values } elseif($this->message[$pos]['children'] != ''){ // if result has already been generated (struct/array if(!isset($this->message[$pos]['result'])){ $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->buildVal($pos); } // set value of simple type } else { //$this->debug('adding data for scalar value '.$this->message[$pos]['name'].' of value '.$this->message[$pos]['cdata']); if (isset($this->message[$pos]['type'])) { $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$pos]['type'], isset($this->message[$pos]['type_namespace']) ? $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] : ''); } else { $parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent']; if (isset($this->message[$parent]['type']) && ($this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'array') && isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayType'])) { $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$parent]['arrayType'], isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace']) ? $this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace'] : ''); } else { $this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->message[$pos]['cdata']; } } /* add value to parent's result, if parent is struct/array $parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent']; if($this->message[$parent]['type'] != 'map'){ if(strtolower($this->message[$parent]['type']) == 'array'){ $this->message[$parent]['result'][] = $this->message[$pos]['result']; } else { $this->message[$parent]['result'][$this->message[$pos]['name']] = $this->message[$pos]['result']; } } */ } } // switch status if($pos == $this->root_struct){ $this->status = 'body'; } elseif($name == 'Body'){ $this->status = 'header'; } elseif($name == 'Header'){ $this->status = 'envelope'; } elseif($name == 'Envelope'){ // } // set parent back to my parent $this->parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent']; // for doclit if($this->status == 'header'){ $this->responseHeaders .= ""; } elseif($pos >= $this->root_struct){ $this->document .= ""; } } /** * element content handler * * @param string $parser XML parser object * @param string $data element content * @access private */ function character_data($parser, $data){ $pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth]; if ($this->xml_encoding=='UTF-8'){ // TODO: add an option to disable this for folks who want // raw UTF-8 that, e.g., might not map to iso-8859-1 // TODO: this can also be handled with xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1"); $data = utf8_decode($data); } $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data; // for doclit if($this->status == 'header'){ $this->responseHeaders .= $data; } else { $this->document .= $data; } } /** * get the parsed message * * @return mixed * @access public */ function get_response(){ return $this->soapresponse; } /** * get the parsed headers * * @return string XML or empty if no headers * @access public */ function getHeaders(){ return $this->responseHeaders; } /** * decodes entities * * @param string $text string to translate * @access private */ function decode_entities($text){ foreach($this->entities as $entity => $encoded){ $text = str_replace($encoded,$entity,$text); } return $text; } /** * decodes simple types into PHP variables * * @param string $value value to decode * @param string $type XML type to decode * @param string $typens XML type namespace to decode * @access private */ function decodeSimple($value, $type, $typens) { // TODO: use the namespace! if ((!isset($type)) || $type == 'string' || $type == 'long' || $type == 'unsignedLong') { return (string) $value; } if ($type == 'int' || $type == 'integer' || $type == 'short' || $type == 'byte') { return (int) $value; } if ($type == 'float' || $type == 'double' || $type == 'decimal') { return (double) $value; } if ($type == 'boolean') { if (strtolower($value) == 'false' || strtolower($value) == 'f') { return false; } return (boolean) $value; } if ($type == 'base64' || $type == 'base64Binary') { return base64_decode($value); } // obscure numeric types if ($type == 'nonPositiveInteger' || $type == 'negativeInteger' || $type == 'nonNegativeInteger' || $type == 'positiveInteger' || $type == 'unsignedInt' || $type == 'unsignedShort' || $type == 'unsignedByte') { return (int) $value; } // everything else return (string) $value; } /** * builds response structures for compound values (arrays/structs) * * @param string $pos position in node tree * @access private */ function buildVal($pos){ if(!isset($this->message[$pos]['type'])){ $this->message[$pos]['type'] = ''; } $this->debug('inside buildVal() for '.$this->message[$pos]['name']."(pos $pos) of type ".$this->message[$pos]['type']); // if there are children... if($this->message[$pos]['children'] != ''){ $children = explode('|',$this->message[$pos]['children']); array_shift($children); // knock off empty // md array if(isset($this->message[$pos]['arrayCols']) && $this->message[$pos]['arrayCols'] != ''){ $r=0; // rowcount $c=0; // colcount foreach($children as $child_pos){ $this->debug("got an MD array element: $r, $c"); $params[$r][] = $this->message[$child_pos]['result']; $c++; if($c == $this->message[$pos]['arrayCols']){ $c = 0; $r++; } } // array } elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'array' || $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Array'){ $this->debug('adding array '.$this->message[$pos]['name']); foreach($children as $child_pos){ $params[] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result']; } // apache Map type: java hashtable } elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Map' && $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] == 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap'){ foreach($children as $child_pos){ $kv = explode("|",$this->message[$child_pos]['children']); $params[$this->message[$kv[1]]['result']] = &$this->message[$kv[2]]['result']; } // generic compound type //} elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'SOAPStruct' || $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'struct') { } else { // Apache Vector type: treat as an array if ($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Vector' && $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] == 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap') { $notstruct = 1; } else { // is array or struct? better way to do this probably // treat repeated element name as an array foreach($children as $child_pos){ if(isset($keys) && isset($keys[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']])){ $notstruct = 1; break; } $keys[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']] = 1; } } // foreach($children as $child_pos){ if(isset($notstruct)){ $params[] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result']; } else { $params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result']; } } } return is_array($params) ? $params : array(); } else { $this->debug('no children'); if(strpos($this->message[$pos]['cdata'],'&')){ return strtr($this->message[$pos]['cdata'],array_flip($this->entities)); } else { return $this->message[$pos]['cdata']; } } } } ?>call( string methodname [ ,array parameters] ); * * // bye bye client * unset($soapclient); * * @author Dietrich Ayala * @version $Id: nusoap.php,v 1.1 2004/09/30 09:25:23 Tony Exp $ * @access public */ class soapclient extends nusoap_base { var $username = ''; var $password = ''; var $requestHeaders = false; var $responseHeaders; var $endpoint; var $error_str = false; var $proxyhost = ''; var $proxyport = ''; var $proxyusername = ''; var $proxypassword = ''; var $xml_encoding = ''; var $http_encoding = false; var $timeout = 0; var $endpointType = ''; var $persistentConnection = false; var $defaultRpcParams = false; var $request = ''; var $response = ''; var $responseData = ''; /** * fault related variables * * @var fault * @var faultcode * @var faultstring * @var faultdetail * @access public */ var $fault, $faultcode, $faultstring, $faultdetail; /** * constructor * * @param string $endpoint SOAP server or WSDL URL * @param bool $wsdl optional, set to true if using WSDL * @param int $portName optional portName in WSDL document * @param string $proxyhost * @param string $proxyport * @param string $proxyusername * @param string $proxypassword * @access public */ function soapclient($endpoint,$wsdl = false,$proxyhost = false,$proxyport = false,$proxyusername = false, $proxypassword = false){ $this->endpoint = $endpoint; $this->proxyhost = $proxyhost; $this->proxyport = $proxyport; $this->proxyusername = $proxyusername; $this->proxypassword = $proxypassword; // make values if($wsdl){ $this->endpointType = 'wsdl'; $this->wsdlFile = $this->endpoint; // instantiate wsdl object and parse wsdl file $this->debug('instantiating wsdl class with doc: '.$endpoint); $this->wsdl =& new wsdl($this->wsdlFile,$this->proxyhost,$this->proxyport,$this->proxyusername,$this->proxypassword); $this->debug("wsdl debug: \n".$this->wsdl->debug_str); $this->wsdl->debug_str = ''; // catch errors if($errstr = $this->wsdl->getError()){ $this->debug('got wsdl error: '.$errstr); $this->setError('wsdl error: '.$errstr); } elseif($this->operations = $this->wsdl->getOperations()){ $this->debug( 'got '.count($this->operations).' operations from wsdl '.$this->wsdlFile); } else { $this->debug( 'getOperations returned false'); $this->setError('no operations defined in the WSDL document!'); } } } /** * calls method, returns PHP native type * * @param string $method SOAP server URL or path * @param array $params array of parameters, can be associative or not * @param string $namespace optional method namespace * @param string $soapAction optional SOAPAction value * @param boolean $headers optional array of soapval objects for headers * @param boolean $rpcParams optional treat params as RPC for use="literal" * This can be used on a per-call basis to overrider defaultRpcParams. * @return mixed * @access public */ function call($operation,$params=array(),$namespace='',$soapAction='',$headers=false,$rpcParams=null){ $this->operation = $operation; $this->fault = false; $this->error_str = ''; $this->request = ''; $this->response = ''; $this->responseData = ''; $this->faultstring = ''; $this->faultcode = ''; $this->opData = array(); $this->debug("call: $operation, $params, $namespace, $soapAction, $headers, $rpcParams"); $this->debug("endpointType: $this->endpointType"); if ($headers) { $this->requestHeaders = $headers; } // if wsdl, get operation data and process parameters if($this->endpointType == 'wsdl' && $opData = $this->getOperationData($operation)){ $this->opData = $opData; foreach($opData as $key => $value){ $this->debug("$key -> $value"); } $soapAction = $opData['soapAction']; $this->endpoint = $opData['endpoint']; $namespace = isset($opData['input']['namespace']) ? $opData['input']['namespace'] : 'http://testuri.org'; $style = $opData['style']; // add ns to ns array if($namespace != '' && !isset($this->wsdl->namespaces[$namespace])){ $this->wsdl->namespaces['nu'] = $namespace; } // serialize payload if($opData['input']['use'] == 'literal') { if (is_null($rpcParams)) { $rpcParams = $this->defaultRpcParams; } if ($rpcParams) { $this->debug("serializing literal params for operation $operation"); $payload = $this->wsdl->serializeRPCParameters($operation,'input',$params); $defaultNamespace = $this->wsdl->wsdl_info['targetNamespace']; var_dump($params); } else { $this->debug("serializing literal document for operation $operation"); //$payload = is_array($params) ? array_shift($params) : $params; $payload = $this->wsdl->serializeParameters($operation,'input',$params); } } else { $this->debug("serializing encoded params for operation $operation"); // Partial fix for multiple encoding styles in the same function call $encodingStyle = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'; $payload = "<".$this->wsdl->getPrefixFromNamespace($namespace).":$operation"; if(isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData['output']['encodingStyle']) { $payload .= (' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="' . $opData['output']['encodingStyle'] . '"'); } $payload .= ('>' . $this->wsdl->serializeRPCParameters($operation,'input',$params). 'wsdl->getPrefixFromNamespace($namespace).":$operation>"); } $this->debug('payload size: '.strlen($payload)); // serialize envelope $soapmsg = $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->requestHeaders,$this->wsdl->usedNamespaces,$style); $this->debug("wsdl debug: \n".$this->wsdl->debug_str); $this->wsdl->debug_str = ''; if ($errstr = $this->wsdl->getError()) { $this->debug('got wsdl error: '.$errstr); $this->setError('wsdl error: '.$errstr); return false; } } elseif($this->endpointType == 'wsdl') { $this->setError( 'operation '.$operation.' not present.'); $this->debug("operation '$operation' not present."); $this->debug("wsdl debug: \n".$this->wsdl->debug_str); $this->wsdl->debug_str = ''; return false; // no wsdl } else { // make message if(!isset($style)){ $style = 'rpc'; } if($namespace == ''){ $namespace = 'http://testuri.org'; $this->wsdl->namespaces['ns1'] = $namespace; } // serialize envelope $payload = ''; if(is_array($params)){ foreach($params as $k => $v){ $payload .= $this->serialize_val($v,$k); } } $payload = "".$payload.""; $soapmsg = $this->serializeEnvelope($payload,$this->requestHeaders); } $this->debug("endpoint: $this->endpoint, soapAction: $soapAction, namespace: $namespace"); // send $this->debug('sending msg (len: '.strlen($soapmsg).") w/ soapaction '$soapAction'..."); $return = $this->send($soapmsg,$soapAction,$this->timeout); if($errstr = $this->getError()){ $this->debug('Error: '.$errstr); return false; } else { $this->return = $return; $this->debug('sent message successfully and got a(n) '.gettype($return).' back'); // fault? if(is_array($return) && isset($return['faultcode'])){ $this->debug('got fault'); $this->setError($return['faultcode'].': '.$return['faultstring']); $this->fault = true; foreach($return as $k => $v){ $this->$k = $v; $this->debug("$k = $v
"); } return $return; } else { // array of return values if(is_array($return)){ // multiple 'out' parameters if(sizeof($return) > 1){ return $return; } // single 'out' parameter return array_shift($return); // nothing returned (ie, echoVoid) } else { return ""; } } } } /** * get available data pertaining to an operation * * @param string $operation operation name * @return array array of data pertaining to the operation * @access public */ function getOperationData($operation){ if(isset($this->operations[$operation])){ return $this->operations[$operation]; } $this->debug("No data for operation: $operation"); } /** * send the SOAP message * * Note: if the operation has multiple return values * the return value of this method will be an array * of those values. * * @param string $msg a SOAPx4 soapmsg object * @param string $soapaction SOAPAction value * @param integer $timeout set timeout in seconds * @return mixed native PHP types. * @access private */ function send($msg, $soapaction = '', $timeout=0) { // detect transport switch(true){ // http(s) case ereg('^http',$this->endpoint): $this->debug('transporting via HTTP'); if($this->persistentConnection == true && is_object($this->persistentConnection)){ $http =& $this->persistentConnection; } else { $http = new soap_transport_http($this->endpoint); // pass encoding into transport layer, so appropriate http headers are sent $http->soap_defencoding = $this->soap_defencoding; if ($this->persistentConnection) { $http->usePersistentConnection(); } } $http->setSOAPAction($soapaction); if($this->proxyhost && $this->proxyport){ $http->setProxy($this->proxyhost,$this->proxyport,$this->proxyusername,$this->proxypassword); } if($this->username != '' && $this->password != '') { $http->setCredentials($this->username,$this->password); } if($this->http_encoding != ''){ $http->setEncoding($this->http_encoding); } $this->debug('sending message, length: '.strlen($msg)); if(ereg('^http:',$this->endpoint)){ //if(strpos($this->endpoint,'http:')){ $this->responseData = $http->send($msg,$timeout); } elseif(ereg('^https',$this->endpoint)){ //} elseif(strpos($this->endpoint,'https:')){ //if(phpversion() == '4.3.0-dev'){ //$response = $http->send($msg,$timeout); //$this->request = $http->outgoing_payload; //$this->response = $http->incoming_payload; //} else if (extension_loaded('curl')) { $this->responseData = $http->sendHTTPS($msg,$timeout); } else { $this->setError('CURL Extension, or OpenSSL extension w/ PHP version >= 4.3 is required for HTTPS'); } } else { $this->setError('no http/s in endpoint url'); } $this->request = $http->outgoing_payload; $this->response = $http->incoming_payload; $this->debug("transport debug data...\n".$http->debug_str); // save transport object if using persistent connections if($this->persistentConnection && !is_object($this->persistentConnection)){ $this->persistentConnection = $http; } if($err = $http->getError()){ $this->setError('HTTP Error: '.$err); return false; } elseif($this->getError()){ return false; } else { if(strpos($http->incoming_headers['content-type'],'=')){ $enc = str_replace('"','',substr(strstr($http->incoming_headers["content-type"],'='),1)); $this->debug('got response encoding: '.$enc); if(eregi('^(ISO-8859-1|US-ASCII|UTF-8)$',$enc)){ $this->xml_encoding = strtoupper($enc); } else { $this->xml_encoding = 'US-ASCII'; } } else { // should be US-ASCII, but for XML, let's be pragmatic and admit UTF-8 is most common $this->xml_encoding = 'UTF-8'; } $this->debug('got response, length: '.strlen($this->responseData).' use encoding: '.$this->xml_encoding); return $this->parseResponse($this->responseData); } break; default: $this->setError('no transport found, or selected transport is not yet supported!'); return false; break; } } /** * processes SOAP message returned from server * * @param string unprocessed response data from server * @return mixed value of the message, decoded into a PHP type * @access private */ function parseResponse($data) { $this->debug('Entering parseResponse(), about to create soap_parser instance'); $parser = new soap_parser($data,$this->xml_encoding,$this->operation); // if parse errors if($errstr = $parser->getError()){ $this->setError( $errstr); // destroy the parser object unset($parser); return false; } else { // get SOAP headers $this->responseHeaders = $parser->getHeaders(); // get decoded message $return = $parser->get_response(); // add parser debug data to our debug $this->debug($parser->debug_str); // add document for doclit support $this->document = $parser->document; // destroy the parser object unset($parser); // return decode message return $return; } } /** * set the SOAP headers * * @param $headers string XML * @access public */ function setHeaders($headers){ $this->requestHeaders = $headers; } /** * get the response headers * * @return mixed object SOAPx4 soapval object or empty if no headers * @access public */ function getHeaders(){ if($this->responseHeaders != '') { return $this->responseHeaders; } } /** * set proxy info here * * @param string $proxyhost * @param string $proxyport * @param string $proxyusername * @param string $proxypassword * @access public */ function setHTTPProxy($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxyusername = '', $proxypassword = '') { $this->proxyhost = $proxyhost; $this->proxyport = $proxyport; $this->proxyusername = $proxyusername; $this->proxypassword = $proxypassword; } /** * if authenticating, set user credentials here * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @access public */ function setCredentials($username, $password) { $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; } /** * use HTTP encoding * * @param string $enc * @access public */ function setHTTPEncoding($enc='gzip, deflate'){ $this->http_encoding = $enc; } /** * use HTTP persistent connections if possible * * @access public */ function useHTTPPersistentConnection(){ $this->persistentConnection = true; } /** * gets the default RPC parameter setting. * If true, default is that call params are like RPC even for document style. * Each call() can override this value. * * @access public */ function getDefaultRpcParams() { return $this->defaultRpcParams; } /** * sets the default RPC parameter setting. * If true, default is that call params are like RPC even for document style * Each call() can override this value. * * @param boolean $rpcParams * @access public */ function setDefaultRpcParams($rpcParams) { $this->defaultRpcParams = $rpcParams; } /** * dynamically creates proxy class, allowing user to directly call methods from wsdl * * @return object soap_proxy object * @access public */ function getProxy(){ $evalStr = ''; foreach($this->operations as $operation => $opData){ if($operation != ''){ // create param string $paramStr = ''; if(sizeof($opData['input']['parts']) > 0){ foreach($opData['input']['parts'] as $name => $type){ $paramStr .= "\$$name,"; } $paramStr = substr($paramStr,0,strlen($paramStr)-1); } $opData['namespace'] = !isset($opData['namespace']) ? 'http://testuri.com' : $opData['namespace']; $evalStr .= "function $operation ($paramStr){ // load params into array \$params = array($paramStr); return \$this->call('$operation',\$params,'".$opData['namespace']."','".$opData['soapAction']."'); }"; unset($paramStr); } } $r = rand(); $evalStr = 'class soap_proxy_'.$r.' extends soapclient { '.$evalStr.' }'; //print "proxy class:
"; // eval the class eval($evalStr); // instantiate proxy object eval("\$proxy = new soap_proxy_$r('');"); // transfer current wsdl data to the proxy thereby avoiding parsing the wsdl twice $proxy->endpointType = 'wsdl'; $proxy->wsdlFile = $this->wsdlFile; $proxy->wsdl = $this->wsdl; $proxy->operations = $this->operations; $proxy->defaultRpcParams = $this->defaultRpcParams; return $proxy; } } ?>