//\  overLIB 4.06 - You may not remove or change this notice.
//\  Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2004. All rights reserved.
//\  Contributors are listed on the homepage.
//\  This file might be old, always check for the latest version at:
//\  http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/
//\  Please read the license agreement (available through the link above)
//\  before using overLIB. Direct any licensing questions to erik@bosrup.com.
//\  Do not sell this as your own work or remove this copyright notice. 
//\  For full details on copying or changing this script please read the
//\  license agreement at the link above. Please give credit on sites that
//\  use overLIB and submit changes of the script so other people can use
//\  them as well.
//   $Revision: 1.1 $                $Date: 2004/09/15 05:00:18 $

// Ignore these lines, configuration is below.
var olLoaded = 0;var pmStart = 10000000; var pmUpper = 10001000; var pmCount = pmStart+1;  var pms = new Array(); var olInfo = new Info('4.06', 1);
var FREPLACE = 0; var FBEFORE = 1; var FAFTER = 2; var FALTERNATE = 3;
var olHideForm=0;  // parameter for hiding SELECT and ActiveX elements in IE5.5+ 

// Settings you want everywhere are set here. All of this can also be
// changed on your html page or through an overLIB call.
if (typeof ol_fgcolor=='undefined') var ol_fgcolor="#CCCCFF";
if (typeof ol_bgcolor=='undefined') var ol_bgcolor="#333399";
if (typeof ol_textcolor=='undefined') var ol_textcolor="#000000";
if (typeof ol_capcolor=='undefined') var ol_capcolor="#FFFFFF";
if (typeof ol_closecolor=='undefined') var ol_closecolor="#9999FF";
if (typeof ol_textfont=='undefined') var ol_textfont="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
if (typeof ol_captionfont=='undefined') var ol_captionfont="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
if (typeof ol_closefont=='undefined') var ol_closefont="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
if (typeof ol_textsize=='undefined') var ol_textsize="1";
if (typeof ol_captionsize=='undefined') var ol_captionsize="1";
if (typeof ol_closesize=='undefined') var ol_closesize="1";
if (typeof ol_width=='undefined') var ol_width="200";
if (typeof ol_border=='undefined') var ol_border="1";
if (typeof ol_cellpad=='undefined') var ol_cellpad=2;
if (typeof ol_offsetx=='undefined') var ol_offsetx=10;
if (typeof ol_offsety=='undefined') var ol_offsety=10;
if (typeof ol_text=='undefined') var ol_text="Default Text";
if (typeof ol_cap=='undefined') var ol_cap="";
if (typeof ol_sticky=='undefined') var ol_sticky=0;
if (typeof ol_background=='undefined') var ol_background="";
if (typeof ol_close=='undefined') var ol_close="Close";
if (typeof ol_hpos=='undefined') var ol_hpos=RIGHT;
if (typeof ol_status=='undefined') var ol_status="";
if (typeof ol_autostatus=='undefined') var ol_autostatus=0;
if (typeof ol_height=='undefined') var ol_height=-1;
if (typeof ol_snapx=='undefined') var ol_snapx=0;
if (typeof ol_snapy=='undefined') var ol_snapy=0;
if (typeof ol_fixx=='undefined') var ol_fixx=-1;
if (typeof ol_fixy=='undefined') var ol_fixy=-1;
if (typeof ol_relx=='undefined') var ol_relx=null;
if (typeof ol_rely=='undefined') var ol_rely=null;
if (typeof ol_fgbackground=='undefined') var ol_fgbackground="";
if (typeof ol_bgbackground=='undefined') var ol_bgbackground="";
if (typeof ol_padxl=='undefined') var ol_padxl=1;
if (typeof ol_padxr=='undefined') var ol_padxr=1;
if (typeof ol_padyt=='undefined') var ol_padyt=1;
if (typeof ol_padyb=='undefined') var ol_padyb=1;
if (typeof ol_fullhtml=='undefined') var ol_fullhtml=0;
if (typeof ol_vpos=='undefined') var ol_vpos=BELOW;
if (typeof ol_aboveheight=='undefined') var ol_aboveheight=0;
if (typeof ol_capicon=='undefined') var ol_capicon="";
if (typeof ol_frame=='undefined') var ol_frame=self;
if (typeof ol_timeout=='undefined') var ol_timeout=0;
if (typeof ol_function=='undefined') var ol_function=null;
if (typeof ol_delay=='undefined') var ol_delay=0;
if (typeof ol_hauto=='undefined') var ol_hauto=0;
if (typeof ol_vauto=='undefined') var ol_vauto=0;
if (typeof ol_closeclick=='undefined') var ol_closeclick=0;
if (typeof ol_wrap=='undefined') var ol_wrap=0;
if (typeof ol_followmouse=='undefined') var ol_followmouse=1;
if (typeof ol_mouseoff=='undefined') var ol_mouseoff=0;
if (typeof ol_closetitle=='undefined') var ol_closetitle='Close';
if (typeof ol_compatmode=='undefined') var ol_compatmode=0;
if (typeof ol_css=='undefined') var ol_css=CSSOFF;
if (typeof ol_fgclass=='undefined') var ol_fgclass="";
if (typeof ol_bgclass=='undefined') var ol_bgclass="";
if (typeof ol_textfontclass=='undefined') var ol_textfontclass="";
if (typeof ol_captionfontclass=='undefined') var ol_captionfontclass="";
if (typeof ol_closefontclass=='undefined') var ol_closefontclass="";


// You can use these arrays to store popup text here instead of in the html.
if (typeof ol_texts=='undefined') var ol_texts = new Array("Text 0", "Text 1");
if (typeof ol_caps=='undefined') var ol_caps = new Array("Caption 0", "Caption 1");

// Don't change anything below this line, all configuration is above.

// Runtime variables init. Don't change for config!
var o3_text="";
var o3_cap="";
var o3_sticky=0;
var o3_background="";
var o3_close="Close";
var o3_hpos=RIGHT;
var o3_offsetx=2;
var o3_offsety=2;
var o3_fgcolor="";
var o3_bgcolor="";
var o3_textcolor="";
var o3_capcolor="";
var o3_closecolor="";
var o3_width=100;
var o3_border=1;
var o3_cellpad=2;
var o3_status="";
var o3_autostatus=0;
var o3_height=-1;
var o3_snapx=0;
var o3_snapy=0;
var o3_fixx=-1;
var o3_fixy=-1;
var o3_relx=null;
var o3_rely=null;
var o3_fgbackground="";
var o3_bgbackground="";
var o3_padxl=0;
var o3_padxr=0;
var o3_padyt=0;
var o3_padyb=0;
var o3_fullhtml=0;
var o3_vpos=BELOW;
var o3_aboveheight=0;
var o3_capicon="";
var o3_textfont="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
var o3_captionfont="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
var o3_closefont="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
var o3_textsize="1";
var o3_captionsize="1";
var o3_closesize="1";
var o3_frame=self;
var o3_timeout=0;
var o3_timerid=0;
var o3_allowmove=0;
var o3_function=null; 
var o3_delay=0;
var o3_delayid=0;
var o3_hauto=0;
var o3_vauto=0;
var o3_closeclick=0;
var o3_wrap=0;
var o3_followmouse=1;
var o3_mouseoff=0;
var o3_closetitle='';
var o3_compatmode=0;
var o3_css=CSSOFF;
var o3_fgclass="";
var o3_bgclass="";
var o3_textfontclass="";
var o3_captionfontclass="";
var o3_closefontclass="";

// Display state variables
var o3_x = 0;
var o3_y = 0;
var o3_showingsticky = 0;
var o3_removecounter = 0;

// Our layer
var over = null;
var fnRef, hoveringSwitch = false;

// Decide browser version
var isMac = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") != -1);
var olOp=(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') > -1 && document.createTextNode);  // Opera 7
var olNs4 = (navigator.appName=='Netscape' && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4);
var olNs6 = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;
var olIe4 = (document.all) ? true : false;
var olIe5 = false; 
var olIe55 = false; // Added additional variable to identify IE5.5+
var docRoot = 'document.body';

// Resize fix for NS4.x to keep track of layer
if (olNs4) {
	var oW = window.innerWidth;
	var oH = window.innerHeight;
	window.onresize = function() { if (oW != window.innerWidth || oH != window.innerHeight) location.reload(); }

// Microsoft Stupidity Check(tm).
if (olIe4) {
	var agent=navigator.userAgent;
	if (/MSIE/.test(agent)) {
		var versNum=parseFloat(agent.match(/MSIE (\d\.\d+)\.*/)[1]);
		if (versNum >= 5){
			olIe55=(versNum>=5.5&&!olOp) ? true : false;
			if (olNs6) olNs6=false;
	if (olNs6) olIe4=false;

// Check for compatability mode.
if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') {
	docRoot= ((olIe4 && !olOp) ? 'document.documentElement' : docRoot);

// Add window onload handlers to indicate when all modules have been loaded
// For Netscape 6+ and Mozilla, uses addEventListener method on the window object
// For IE it uses the attachEvent method of the window object

if(window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load",OLonLoad_handler,false);
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload",OLonLoad_handler);

// Capture events, alt. diffuses the overlib function.
var olCheckMouseCapture = true;
if ((olNs4 || olNs6 || olIe4)) {
} else {
	overlib = no_overlib;
	nd = no_overlib;
	ver3fix = true;


// overlib(arg0,...,argN)
// Loads parameters into global runtime variables.
function overlib() {
	if (!olLoaded || isExclusive(overlib.arguments)) return true;
	if (olCheckMouseCapture) olMouseCapture();
	if (over) cClick();

	// Load defaults to runtime.
	fnRef = '';
	// Special for frame support, over must be reset...
	o3_frame = ol_frame;
	if (olNs4) {
		over = o3_frame.document.layers['overDiv'];
	} else if (document.all) {
		over = o3_frame.document.all['overDiv'];
	} else if (document.getElementById) {
		over = o3_frame.document.getElementById("overDiv");

	parseTokens('o3_', overlib.arguments);
	if (!postParseChecks()) return false;

	if (o3_delay == 0) {
		return runHook("olMain", FREPLACE);
 	} else {
		o3_delayid = setTimeout("runHook('olMain', FREPLACE)", o3_delay);
		return false;

// Clears popups if appropriate
function nd(time) {
	if (olLoaded && !isExclusive()) {
		if (time && !o3_delay) {
			if (o3_timerid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_timerid);
			o3_timerid = setTimeout("cClick()",(o3_timeout = time));
		if (o3_removecounter >= 1) { o3_showingsticky = 0 };
		if (o3_showingsticky == 0) {
			o3_allowmove = 0;
			if (over != null && o3_timerid == 0) runHook("hideObject", FREPLACE, over);
		} else {
	return true;

// The Close onMouseOver function for stickies
function cClick() {
	if (olLoaded) {
		runHook("hideObject", FREPLACE, over);
		o3_showingsticky = 0;	
	return false;

// Method for setting page specific defaults.
function overlib_pagedefaults() {
	parseTokens('ol_', overlib_pagedefaults.arguments);


// This function decides what it is we want to display and how we want it done.
function olMain() {
	var layerhtml, styleType;
 	runHook("olMain", FBEFORE);
	if (o3_background!="" || o3_fullhtml) {
		// Use background instead of box.
		layerhtml = runHook('ol_content_background', FALTERNATE, o3_css, o3_text, o3_background, o3_fullhtml);
	} else {
		// They want a popup box.
		styleType = (pms[o3_css-1-pmStart] == "cssoff" || pms[o3_css-1-pmStart] == "cssclass");

		// Prepare popup background
		if (o3_fgbackground != "") o3_fgbackground = "background=\""+o3_fgbackground+"\"";
		if (o3_bgbackground != "") o3_bgbackground = (styleType ? "background=\""+o3_bgbackground+"\"" : o3_bgbackground);

		// Prepare popup colors
		if (o3_fgcolor != "") o3_fgcolor = (styleType ? "bgcolor=\""+o3_fgcolor+"\"" : o3_fgcolor);
		if (o3_bgcolor != "") o3_bgcolor = (styleType ? "bgcolor=\""+o3_bgcolor+"\"" : o3_bgcolor);

		// Prepare popup height
		if (o3_height > 0) o3_height = (styleType ? "height=\""+o3_height+"\"" : o3_height);
		else o3_height = "";

		// Decide which kinda box.
		if (o3_cap=="") {
			// Plain
			layerhtml = runHook('ol_content_simple', FALTERNATE, o3_css, o3_text);
		} else {
			// With caption
			if (o3_sticky) {
				// Show close text
				layerhtml = runHook('ol_content_caption', FALTERNATE, o3_css, o3_text, o3_cap, o3_close);
			} else {
				// No close text
				layerhtml = runHook('ol_content_caption', FALTERNATE, o3_css, o3_text, o3_cap, "");

	// We want it to stick!
	if (o3_sticky) {
		if (o3_timerid > 0) {
			o3_timerid = 0;
		o3_showingsticky = 1;
		o3_removecounter = 0;

	// Created a separate routine to generate the popup to make it easier
	// to implement a plugin capability
	if (!runHook("createPopup", FREPLACE, layerhtml)) return false;

	// Prepare status bar
	if (o3_autostatus > 0) {
		o3_status = o3_text;
		if (o3_autostatus > 1) o3_status = o3_cap;

	// When placing the layer the first time, even stickies may be moved.
	o3_allowmove = 0;

	// Initiate a timer for timeout
	if (o3_timeout > 0) {          
		if (o3_timerid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_timerid);
		o3_timerid = setTimeout("cClick()", o3_timeout);

	// Show layer
	runHook("disp", FREPLACE, o3_status);
	runHook("olMain", FAFTER);

	return (olOp && event && event.type == 'mouseover' && !o3_status) ? '' : (o3_status != '');

// These functions just handle popup content with tags that should adhere to the W3C standards specification.

// Makes simple table without caption
function ol_content_simple(text) {
	txt='<table width="'+o3_width+ '" border="0" cellpadding="'+o3_border+'" cellspacing="0" '+(o3_bgclass ? 'class="'+o3_bgclass+'"' : o3_bgcolor+' '+o3_height)+'><tr><td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="' + o3_cellpad + '" cellspacing="0" '+(o3_fgclass ? 'class="'+o3_fgclass+'"' : o3_fgcolor+' '+o3_fgbackground+' '+o3_height)+'><tr><td valign="TOP"'+(o3_textfontclass ? ' class="'+o3_textfontclass+'">' : '>')+(o3_textfontclass ? '' : wrapStr(0,o3_textsize,'text'))+text+(o3_textfontclass ? '' : wrapStr(1,o3_textsize))+'</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';

	return txt;

// Makes table with caption and optional close link
function ol_content_caption(text,title,close) {
	var nameId;
	if (o3_closeclick==1) closeevent= (o3_closetitle ? "title='" + o3_closetitle +"'" : "") + " onclick";
	if (o3_capicon!="") {
		nameId=' hspace=\"5\"'+' align=\"middle\" alt=\"\"';
		if (typeof o3_dragimg!='undefined'&&o3_dragimg) nameId=' hspace=\"5\"'+' name=\"'+o3_dragimg+'\" id=\"'+o3_dragimg+'\" align=\"middle\" alt=\"Drag Enabled\" title=\"Drag Enabled\"';
		o3_capicon='<img src=\"'+o3_capicon+'\"'+nameId+' />';

	if (close != "")
		closing='<td '+(!o3_compatmode && o3_closefontclass ? 'class="'+o3_closefontclass : 'align="RIGHT')+'"><a href="javascript:return '+fnRef+'cClick();"'+((o3_compatmode && o3_closefontclass) ? ' class="' + o3_closefontclass + '" ' : ' ')+closeevent+'="return '+fnRef+'cClick();">'+(o3_closefontclass ? '' : wrapStr(0,o3_closesize,'close'))+close+(o3_closefontclass ? '' : wrapStr(1,o3_closesize,'close'))+'</a></td>';
	txt='<table width="'+o3_width+ '" border="0" cellpadding="'+o3_border+'" cellspacing="0" '+(o3_bgclass ? 'class="'+o3_bgclass+'"' : o3_bgcolor+' '+o3_bgbackground+' '+o3_height)+'><tr><td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td'+(o3_captionfontclass ? ' class="'+o3_captionfontclass+'">' : '>')+(o3_captionfontclass ? '' : '<b>'+wrapStr(0,o3_captionsize,'caption'))+o3_capicon+title+(o3_captionfontclass ? '' : wrapStr(1,o3_captionsize)+'</b>')+'</td>'+closing+'</tr></table><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="' + o3_cellpad + '" cellspacing="0" '+(o3_fgclass ? 'class="'+o3_fgclass+'"' : o3_fgcolor+' '+o3_fgbackground+' '+o3_height)+'><tr><td valign="TOP"'+(o3_textfontclass ? ' class="'+o3_textfontclass+'">' :'>')+(o3_textfontclass ? '' : wrapStr(0,o3_textsize,'text'))+text+(o3_textfontclass ? '' : wrapStr(1,o3_textsize)) + '</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>';

	return txt;

// Sets the background picture,padding and lots more. :)
function ol_content_background(text,picture,hasfullhtml) {
	if (hasfullhtml) {
	} else {
		txt='<table width="'+o3_width+'" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="'+o3_height+'"><tr><td colspan="3" height="'+o3_padyt+'"></td></tr><tr><td width="'+o3_padxl+'"></td><td valign="TOP" width="'+(o3_width-o3_padxl-o3_padxr)+(o3_textfontclass ? '" class="'+o3_textfontclass : '')+'">'+(o3_textfontclass ? '' : wrapStr(0,o3_textsize,'text'))+text+(o3_textfontclass ? '' : wrapStr(1,o3_textsize))+'</td><td width="'+o3_padxr+'"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" height="'+o3_padyb+'"></td></tr></table>';

	return txt;

// Loads a picture into the div.
function set_background(pic) {
	if (pic == "") {
		if (olNs4) {
			over.background.src = null; 
		} else if (over.style) {
			over.style.backgroundImage = "none";
	} else {
		if (olNs4) {
			over.background.src = pic;
		} else if (over.style) {
			over.style.backgroundImage = "url("+pic+")";

var olShowId=-1;

// Displays the popup
function disp(statustext) {
	runHook("disp", FBEFORE);
	if (o3_allowmove == 0) {
		runHook("placeLayer", FREPLACE);
		(olNs6&&olShowId<0) ? olShowId=setTimeout("runHook('showObject', FREPLACE, over)", 1) : runHook("showObject", FREPLACE, over);
		o3_allowmove = (o3_sticky || o3_followmouse==0) ? 0 : 1;
	runHook("disp", FAFTER);

	if (statustext != "") self.status = statustext;

// Creates the actual popup structure
function createPopup(lyrContent){
	runHook("createPopup", FBEFORE);
	if (o3_wrap && !(olNs4 || olOp)) {
		if (olIe4) {
			over.style.pixelWidth = 0;
		} else if (olNs6) {
			repositionTo(over, 0, -over.offsetHeight);

	// Have to set o3_width for placeLayer() routine if o3_wrap is turned on
	if (o3_wrap) o3_width=(olNs4 ? over.clip.width : over.offsetWidth);
	runHook("createPopup", FAFTER, lyrContent);

	return true;

// Decides where we want the popup.
function placeLayer() {
	var placeX, placeY, widthFix = 0;
	if (eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot) && eval("typeof o3_frame."+docRoot+".clientWidth=='number'") && eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientWidth')) {
		iwidth = eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientWidth');
	} else if (typeof(o3_frame.innerWidth) == 'number') {
		widthFix = Math.ceil(1.2*(o3_frame.outerWidth - o3_frame.innerWidth));
		iwidth = o3_frame.innerWidth;

	// Horizontal scroll offset
	winoffset=(olIe4) ? eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollLeft') : o3_frame.pageXOffset;
	var parsedWidth = parseInt(o3_width);

	if (o3_fixx > -1 || o3_relx != null) {
		// Fixed position
		placeX=(o3_relx != null ? ( o3_relx < 0 ? winoffset +o3_relx+ iwidth - parsedWidth - widthFix : winoffset+o3_relx) : o3_fixx);
	} else {  
		// If HAUTO, decide what to use.
		if (o3_hauto == 1) {
			if ((o3_x - winoffset) > (iwidth / 2)) {
				o3_hpos = LEFT;
			} else {
				o3_hpos = RIGHT;

		// From mouse
		if (o3_hpos == CENTER) { // Center
			placeX = o3_x+o3_offsetx-(parsedWidth/2);

			if (placeX < winoffset) placeX = winoffset;

		if (o3_hpos == RIGHT) { // Right
			placeX = o3_x+o3_offsetx;

			if ((placeX+parsedWidth) > (winoffset+iwidth - widthFix)) {
				placeX = iwidth+winoffset - parsedWidth - widthFix;
				if (placeX < 0) placeX = 0;
		if (o3_hpos == LEFT) { // Left
			placeX = o3_x-o3_offsetx-parsedWidth;
			if (placeX < winoffset) placeX = winoffset;

		// Snapping!
		if (o3_snapx > 1) {
			var snapping = placeX % o3_snapx;

			if (o3_hpos == LEFT) {
				placeX = placeX - (o3_snapx+snapping);
			} else {
				// CENTER and RIGHT
				placeX = placeX+(o3_snapx - snapping);

			if (placeX < winoffset) placeX = winoffset;

	if (eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot) && eval("typeof o3_frame."+docRoot+".clientHeight=='number'") && eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientHeight')) {
		iheight = eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientHeight');
	} else if (typeof(o3_frame.innerHeight)=='number') {
		iheight = o3_frame.innerHeight;

	// Vertical scroll offset
	scrolloffset=(olIe4) ? eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollTop') : o3_frame.pageYOffset;
	var parsedHeight=(o3_aboveheight ? parseInt(o3_aboveheight) : (olNs4 ? over.clip.height : over.offsetHeight));

	if (o3_fixy > -1 || o3_rely != null) {
		// Fixed position
		placeY=(o3_rely != null ? (o3_rely < 0 ? scrolloffset+o3_rely+iheight - parsedHeight : scrolloffset+o3_rely) : o3_fixy);
	} else {
		// If VAUTO, decide what to use.
		if (o3_vauto == 1) {  
			if ((o3_y - scrolloffset) > (iheight/2)) {
				o3_vpos = ABOVE;
			} else {
				o3_vpos = BELOW;

		// From mouse
		if (o3_vpos == ABOVE) {
			if (o3_aboveheight == 0) o3_aboveheight = parsedHeight; 

			placeY = o3_y - (o3_aboveheight+o3_offsety);
			if (placeY < scrolloffset) placeY = scrolloffset;
		} else {
			// BELOW
			placeY = o3_y+o3_offsety;

		// Snapping!
		if (o3_snapy > 1) {
			var snapping = placeY % o3_snapy;  			

			if (o3_aboveheight > 0 && o3_vpos == ABOVE) {
				placeY = placeY - (o3_snapy+snapping);
			} else {
				placeY = placeY+(o3_snapy - snapping);

			if (placeY < scrolloffset) placeY = scrolloffset;

	// Actually move the object.
	repositionTo(over, placeX, placeY);

// Moves the layer
function olMouseMove(e) {
	var e = (e) ? e : event;

	if (e.pageX) {
		o3_x = e.pageX;
		o3_y = e.pageY;
	} else if (e.clientX) {
		o3_x = eval('e.clientX+o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollLeft');
		o3_y = eval('e.clientY+o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollTop');
	if (o3_allowmove == 1) runHook("placeLayer", FREPLACE);

	// MouseOut handler
	if (hoveringSwitch && !olNs4 && runHook("cursorOff", FREPLACE)) {
		hoveringSwitch = !hoveringSwitch;

// Fake function for 3.0 users.
function no_overlib() { return ver3fix; }

// Capture the mouse and chain other scripts.
function olMouseCapture() {
	capExtent = document;
	var fN, mseHandler = olMouseMove;
	var re = /function[ ]+(\w+)\(/;
	if (document.onmousemove || (!olIe4 && window.onmousemove)) {
		if (window.onmousemove) capExtent = window;
		fN = capExtent.onmousemove.toString().match(re);

		if (fN || fN[1] == 'anonymous' || fN[1] == 'olMouseMove') {
			olCheckMouseCapture = false;
		var str = fN[1]+'(e); ' + 'olMouseMove(e); ';
		mseHandler = new Function('e', str);

	capExtent.onmousemove = mseHandler;
	if (olNs4) capExtent.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE);


// Does the actual command parsing.
function parseTokens(pf, ar) {
	// What the next argument is expected to be.
	var v, mode=-1, par = (pf != 'ol_');	
	var fnMark = (par && !ar.length ? 1 : 0);

	for (i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
		if (mode < 0) {
			// Arg is maintext,unless its a number between pmStart and pmUpper
			// then its a command.
			if (typeof ar[i] == 'number' && ar[i] > pmStart && ar[i] < pmUpper) {
				fnMark = (par ? 1 : 0);
				i--;   // backup one so that the next block can parse it
			} else {
				switch(pf) {
					case 'ol_':
						ol_text = ar[i].toString();
			mode = 0;
		} else {
			// Note: NS4 doesn't like switch cases with vars.
			if (ar[i] >= pmCount || ar[i]==DONOTHING) { continue; }
			if (ar[i]==INARRAY) { fnMark = 0; eval(pf+'text=ol_texts['+ar[++i]+'].toString()'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CAPARRAY) { eval(pf+'cap=ol_caps['+ar[++i]+'].toString()'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==STICKY) { if (pf!='ol_') eval(pf+'sticky=1'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==BACKGROUND) { eval(pf+'background="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==NOCLOSE) { if (pf!='ol_') opt_NOCLOSE(); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CAPTION) { eval(pf+"cap='"+escSglQuote(ar[++i])+"'"); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CENTER || ar[i]==LEFT || ar[i]==RIGHT) { eval(pf+'hpos='+ar[i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==OFFSETX) { eval(pf+'offsetx='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==OFFSETY) { eval(pf+'offsety='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==FGCOLOR) { eval(pf+'fgcolor="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==BGCOLOR) { eval(pf+'bgcolor="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==TEXTCOLOR) { eval(pf+'textcolor="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CAPCOLOR) { eval(pf+'capcolor="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CLOSECOLOR) { eval(pf+'closecolor="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==WIDTH) { eval(pf+'width='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==BORDER) { eval(pf+'border='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CELLPAD) { i=opt_MULTIPLEARGS(++i,ar,(pf+'cellpad')); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==STATUS) { eval(pf+"status='"+escSglQuote(ar[++i])+"'"); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==AUTOSTATUS) { eval(pf +'autostatus=('+pf+'autostatus == 1) ? 0 : 1'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==AUTOSTATUSCAP) { eval(pf +'autostatus=('+pf+'autostatus == 2) ? 0 : 2'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==HEIGHT) { eval(pf+'height='+pf+'aboveheight='+ar[++i]); continue; } // Same param again.
			if (ar[i]==CLOSETEXT) { eval(pf+"close='"+escSglQuote(ar[++i])+"'"); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==SNAPX) { eval(pf+'snapx='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==SNAPY) { eval(pf+'snapy='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==FIXX) { eval(pf+'fixx='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==FIXY) { eval(pf+'fixy='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==RELX) { eval(pf+'relx='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==RELY) { eval(pf+'rely='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==FGBACKGROUND) { eval(pf+'fgbackground="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==BGBACKGROUND) { eval(pf+'bgbackground="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==PADX) { eval(pf+'padxl='+ar[++i]); eval(pf+'padxr='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==PADY) { eval(pf+'padyt='+ar[++i]); eval(pf+'padyb='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==FULLHTML) { if (pf!='ol_') eval(pf+'fullhtml=1'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==BELOW || ar[i]==ABOVE) { eval(pf+'vpos='+ar[i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CAPICON) { eval(pf+'capicon="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==TEXTFONT) { eval(pf+"textfont='"+escSglQuote(ar[++i])+"'"); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CAPTIONFONT) { eval(pf+"captionfont='"+escSglQuote(ar[++i])+"'"); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CLOSEFONT) { eval(pf+"closefont='"+escSglQuote(ar[++i])+"'"); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==TEXTSIZE) { eval(pf+'textsize="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CAPTIONSIZE) { eval(pf+'captionsize="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CLOSESIZE) { eval(pf+'closesize="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==TIMEOUT) { eval(pf+'timeout='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==FUNCTION) { if (pf=='ol_') { if (typeof ar[i+1]!='number') { v=ar[++i]; ol_function=(typeof v=='function' ? v : null); }} else {fnMark = 0; v = null; if (typeof ar[i+1]!='number') v = ar[++i];  opt_FUNCTION(v); } continue; }
			if (ar[i]==DELAY) { eval(pf+'delay='+ar[++i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==HAUTO) { eval(pf+'hauto=('+pf+'hauto == 0) ? 1 : 0'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==VAUTO) { eval(pf+'vauto=('+pf+'vauto == 0) ? 1 : 0'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CLOSECLICK) { eval(pf +'closeclick=('+pf+'closeclick == 0) ? 1 : 0'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==WRAP) { eval(pf +'wrap=('+pf+'wrap == 0) ? 1 : 0'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==FOLLOWMOUSE) { eval(pf +'followmouse=('+pf+'followmouse == 1) ? 0 : 1'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==MOUSEOFF) { eval(pf +'mouseoff=('+pf+'mouseoff == 0) ? 1 : 0'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CLOSETITLE) { eval(pf+"closetitle='"+escSglQuote(ar[++i])+"'"); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CSSOFF||ar[i]==CSSCLASS) { eval(pf+'css='+ar[i]); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==COMPATMODE) { eval(pf+'compatmode=('+pf+'compatmode==0) ? 1 : 0'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==FGCLASS) { eval(pf+'fgclass="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==BGCLASS) { eval(pf+'bgclass="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==TEXTFONTCLASS) { eval(pf+'textfontclass="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CAPTIONFONTCLASS) { eval(pf+'captionfontclass="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			if (ar[i]==CLOSEFONTCLASS) { eval(pf+'closefontclass="'+ar[++i]+'"'); continue; }
			i = parseCmdLine(pf, i, ar);

	if (fnMark && o3_function) o3_text = o3_function();
	if ((pf == 'o3_') && o3_wrap) {
		o3_width = 0;
		if (olOp || (olIe4 && isMac)) {
			var tReg=/<.*\n*>/ig;
			if (!tReg.test(o3_text)) o3_text = o3_text.replace(/[ ]+/g, '&nbsp;');
			if (!tReg.test(o3_cap))o3_cap = o3_cap.replace(/[ ]+/g, '&nbsp;');
	if ((pf == 'o3_') && o3_sticky) {
		if (!o3_close && (o3_frame != ol_frame)) o3_close = ol_close;
		if (o3_mouseoff && (o3_frame == ol_frame)) opt_NOCLOSE(' ');


// Writes to a layer
function layerWrite(txt) {
	txt += "\n";
	if (olNs4) {
		var lyr = o3_frame.document.overDiv.document
	} else if (typeof over.innerHTML != 'undefined') {
		if (olIe5 && isMac) over.innerHTML = '';
		over.innerHTML = txt;
	} else {
		range = o3_frame.document.createRange();
		domfrag = range.createContextualFragment(txt);
		while (over.hasChildNodes()) {

// Make an object visible
function showObject(obj) {
	runHook("showObject", FBEFORE);

	var theObj=(olNs4 ? obj : obj.style);
	theObj.visibility = 'visible';

	runHook("showObject", FAFTER);

// Hides an object
function hideObject(obj) {
	runHook("hideObject", FBEFORE);

	var theObj=(olNs4 ? obj : obj.style);
	if (olNs6 && olShowId>0) { clearTimeout(olShowId); olShowId=0; }
	theObj.visibility = 'hidden';

	if (o3_timerid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_timerid);
	if (o3_delayid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_delayid);

	o3_timerid = 0;
	o3_delayid = 0;
	self.status = "";

	if (over.onmouseout || over.onmouseover) {
		if (olNs4) over.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEOUT || Event.MOUSEOVER);
		over.onmouseout = over.onmouseover = null;

	runHook("hideObject", FAFTER);

// Move a layer
function repositionTo(obj, xL, yL) {
	var theObj=(olNs4 ? obj : obj.style);
	theObj.left = xL + (!olNs4 ? 'px' : 0);
	theObj.top = yL + (!olNs4 ? 'px' : 0);

// Check position of cursor relative to overDiv DIVision; mouseOut function
function cursorOff() {
	var left = parseInt(over.style.left);
	var top = parseInt(over.style.top);
	var right=left+(over.offsetWidth >= parseInt(o3_width) ? over.offsetWidth : parseInt(o3_width));
	var bottom=top+(over.offsetHeight >= o3_aboveheight ? over.offsetHeight : o3_aboveheight);

	if (o3_x < left || o3_x > right || o3_y < top || o3_y > bottom) return true;

	return false;


// Calls callme or the default function.
function opt_FUNCTION(callme) {
	o3_text = (callme ? (typeof callme=='string' ? (/.+\(.*\)/.test(callme) ? eval(callme) : callme) : callme()) : (o3_function ? o3_function() : 'No Function'));

	return 0;

// Handle hovering
function opt_NOCLOSE(unused) {
	if (!unused) o3_close = "";

	if (olNs4) {
		over.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOUT || Event.MOUSEOVER);
		over.onmouseover = function () { if (o3_timerid > 0) { clearTimeout(o3_timerid); o3_timerid = 0; } }
		over.onmouseout = cClick;
	} else {
		over.onmouseover = function () {hoveringSwitch = true; if (o3_timerid > 0) { clearTimeout(o3_timerid); o3_timerid =0; } }

	return 0;

// Function to scan command line arguments for multiples
function opt_MULTIPLEARGS(i, args, parameter) {
  var k = i, l, re, pV, str = '';

  for(k=i; k<args.length; k++) {
		str += args[k] + ',';
		if(typeof args[k] == 'number'&&args[k]>pmStart) break;
  if(k >= args.length) l = str.length-1;
  else {
    re = eval('/,' + args[k] + '/');
    l = str.search(re);

	k--;  // reduce by one so the for loop this is in works correctly
	str = str.substring(0, l);
	pV = (olNs4&&/cellpad/i.test(parameter)) ? str.split(',')[0] : str;
	eval(parameter + '="' + pV + '"');

	return k;

// Remove &nbsp; in texts when done.
function nbspCleanup() {
	if (o3_wrap && (olOp || (olIe4 && isMac))) {
		o3_text = o3_text.replace(/\&nbsp;/g, ' ');
		o3_cap = o3_cap.replace(/\&nbsp;/g, ' ');

// Escape embedded single quotes in text strings
function escSglQuote(str) {
  return str.toString().replace(/'/g,"\\'");

// Onload handler for window onload event
function OLonLoad_handler(e) {
	var re = /\w+\(.*\)[;\s]+/g, olre = /overlib\(|nd\(|cClick\(/, fn, l, i;

	if(!olLoaded) olLoaded=1;

  // Remove it for Gecko based browsers
	if(window.removeEventListener && e.eventPhase == 3) window.removeEventListener("load",OLonLoad_handler,false);
	else if(window.detachEvent) { // and for IE and Opera 4.x but execute calls to overlib, nd, or cClick()
		var fN = document.body.getAttribute('onload');
		if (fN) {
			if (fN && fN.length) {
				for (i=0; i<fN.length; i++) {
					if (/anonymous/.test(fN[i])) continue;
					while((l=fN[i].search(/\)[;\s]+/)) != -1) {
						fN[i] = fN[i].substring(l+2);
						if (olre.test(fn)) eval(fn);

// Wraps strings in Layer Generation Functions with the correct tags
//    endWrap true(if end tag) or false if start tag
//    fontSizeStr - font size string such as '1' or '10px'
//    whichString is being wrapped -- 'text', 'caption', or 'close'
function wrapStr(endWrap,fontSizeStr,whichString) {
	var fontStr, fontColor, isClose=((whichString=='close') ? 1 : 0), hasDims=/[%\-a-z]+$/.test(fontSizeStr);
	fontSizeStr = (olNs4) ? (!hasDims ? fontSizeStr : '1') : fontSizeStr;
	if (endWrap) return (hasDims&&!olNs4) ? (isClose ? '</span>' : '</div>') : '</font>';
	else {
		fontColor='o3_'+((whichString=='caption')? 'cap' : whichString)+'color';
		return (hasDims&&!olNs4) ? (isClose ? '<span style="font-family: '+quoteMultiNameFonts(eval(fontStr))+'; color: '+eval(fontColor)+'; font-size: '+fontSizeStr+';">' : '<div style="font-family: '+quoteMultiNameFonts(eval(fontStr))+'; color: '+eval(fontColor)+'; font-size: '+fontSizeStr+';">') : '<font face="'+eval(fontStr)+'" color="'+eval(fontColor)+'" size="'+(parseInt(fontSizeStr)>7 ? '7' : fontSizeStr)+'">';

// Quotes Multi word font names; needed for CSS Standards adherence in font-family
function quoteMultiNameFonts(theFont) {
	var v, pM=theFont.split(',');
	for (var i=0; i<pM.length; i++) {
		if(/\s/.test(v) && !/['"]/.test(v)) {
	return pM.join();

// dummy function which will be overridden 
function isExclusive(args) {
	return false;

// Runs plugin functions to set runtime variables.
function setRunTimeVariables(){
	if (typeof runTime != 'undefined' && runTime.length) {
		for (var k = 0; k < runTime.length; k++) {

// Runs plugin functions to parse commands.
function parseCmdLine(pf, i, args) {
	if (typeof cmdLine != 'undefined' && cmdLine.length) { 
		for (var k = 0; k < cmdLine.length; k++) { 
			var j = cmdLine[k](pf, i, args);
			if (j >- 1) {
				i = j;

	return i;

// Runs plugin functions to do things after parse.
function postParseChecks(){
	if (typeof postParse != 'undefined' && postParse.length) {
		for (var k = 0; k < postParse.length; k++) {
			if (postParse[k]()) continue;
			return false;  // end now since have an error
	return true;


// Registers commands and creates constants.
function registerCommands(cmdStr) {
	if (typeof cmdStr!='string') return;

	var pM = cmdStr.split(',');
	pms = pms.concat(pM);

	for (var i = 0; i< pM.length; i++) {

// Register a function to hook at a certain point.
function registerHook(fnHookTo, fnRef, hookType, optPm) {
	var hookPt, last = typeof optPm;
	if (fnHookTo == 'plgIn'||fnHookTo == 'postParse') return;
	if (typeof hookPts == 'undefined') hookPts = new Array();
	if (typeof hookPts[fnHookTo] == 'undefined') hookPts[fnHookTo] = new FunctionReference();

	hookPt = hookPts[fnHookTo];

	if (hookType != null) {
		if (hookType == FREPLACE) {
			hookPt.ovload = fnRef;  // replace normal overlib routine
			if (fnHookTo.indexOf('ol_content_') > -1) hookPt.alt[pms[CSSOFF-1-pmStart]]=fnRef; 

		} else if (hookType == FBEFORE || hookType == FAFTER) {
			var hookPt=(hookType == 1 ? hookPt.before : hookPt.after);

			if (typeof fnRef == 'object') {
				hookPt = hookPt.concat(fnRef);
			} else {
				hookPt[hookPt.length++] = fnRef;

			if (optPm) hookPt = reOrder(hookPt, fnRef, optPm);

		} else if (hookType == FALTERNATE) {
			if (last=='number') hookPt.alt[pms[optPm-1-pmStart]] = fnRef;


// Register a function that will set runtime variables.
function registerRunTimeFunction(fn) {
	if (isFunction(fn)) {
		if (typeof runTime == 'undefined') runTime = new Array();
		if (typeof fn == 'object') {
			runTime = runTime.concat(fn);
		} else {
			runTime[runTime.length++] = fn;

// Register a function that will handle command parsing.
function registerCmdLineFunction(fn){
	if (isFunction(fn)) {
		if (typeof cmdLine == 'undefined') cmdLine = new Array();
		if (typeof fn == 'object') {
			cmdLine = cmdLine.concat(fn);
		} else {
			cmdLine[cmdLine.length++] = fn;

// Register a function that does things after command parsing. 
function registerPostParseFunction(fn){
	if (isFunction(fn)) {
		if (typeof postParse == 'undefined') postParse = new Array();
		if (typeof fn == 'object') {
			postParse = postParse.concat(fn);
		} else {
			postParse[postParse.length++] = fn;


// Runs any hooks registered.
function runHook(fnHookTo, hookType) {
	var l = hookPts[fnHookTo], optPm, arS, ar = runHook.arguments;

	if (hookType == FREPLACE) {
		arS = argToString(ar, 2);

		if (typeof l == 'undefined' || !(l = l.ovload)) return eval(fnHookTo+'('+arS+')');
		else return eval('l('+arS+')');

	} else if (hookType == FBEFORE || hookType == FAFTER) {
		if (typeof l == 'undefined') return;
		l=(hookType == 1 ? l.before : l.after);

		if (!l.length) return;

		arS = argToString(ar, 2);
		for (var k = 0; k < l.length; k++) eval('l[k]('+arS+')'); 

	} else if (hookType == FALTERNATE) {
		optPm = ar[2];
		arS = argToString(ar, 3);

		if (typeof l == 'undefined' || (l = l.alt[pms[optPm-1-pmStart]]) == 'undefined') {
			return eval(fnHookTo+'('+arS+')');
		} else {
			return eval('l('+arS+')');


// Checks if something is a function.
function isFunction(fnRef) {
	var rtn = true;

	if (typeof fnRef == 'object') {
		for (var i = 0; i < fnRef.length; i++) {
			if (typeof fnRef[i]=='function') continue;
			rtn = false;
	} else if (typeof fnRef != 'function') {
		rtn = false;
	return rtn;

// Converts an array into an argument string for use in eval.
function argToString(array, strtInd, argName) {
	var jS = strtInd, aS = '', ar = array;
	argName=(argName ? argName : 'ar');
	if (ar.length > jS) {
		for (var k = jS; k < ar.length; k++) aS += argName+'['+k+'], ';
		aS = aS.substring(0, aS.length-2);
	return aS;

// Places a hook in the correct position in a hook point.
function reOrder(hookPt, fnRef, order) {
	if (!order || typeof order == 'undefined' || typeof order == 'number') return;
	var newPt = new Array(), match;

	if (typeof order=='function') {
		if (typeof fnRef=='object') {
			newPt = newPt.concat(fnRef);
		} else {
		for (var i = 0; i < hookPt.length; i++) {
			match = false;
			if (typeof fnRef == 'function' && hookPt[i] == fnRef) {
			} else {
				for(var j = 0; j < fnRef.length; j++) if (hookPt[i] == fnRef[j]) {
					match = true;
			if (!match) newPt[newPt.length++] = hookPt[i];

		newPt[newPt.length++] = order;

	} else if (typeof order == 'object') {
		if (typeof fnRef == 'object') {
			newPt = newPt.concat(fnRef);
		} else {
			newPt[newPt.length++] = fnRef;
		for (var j = 0; j < hookPt.length; j++) {
			match = false;
			if (typeof fnRef == 'function' && hookPt[j] == fnRef) {
			} else {
				for (var i = 0; i < fnRef.length; i++) if (hookPt[j] == fnRef[i]) {
					match = true;
			if (!match) newPt[newPt.length++]=hookPt[j];

		for (i = 0; i < newPt.length; i++) hookPt[i] = newPt[i];
		newPt.length = 0;
		for (var j = 0; j < hookPt.length; j++) {
			match = false;
			for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
				if (hookPt[j] == order[i]) {
					match = true;
			if (!match) newPt[newPt.length++] = hookPt[j];
		newPt = newPt.concat(order);

	for(i = 0; i < newPt.length; i++) hookPt[i] = newPt[i];

	return hookPt;


// Object for handling hooks.
function FunctionReference() {
	this.ovload = null;
	this.before = new Array();
	this.after = new Array();
	this.alt = new Array();

// Object for simple access to the overLIB version used.
// Examples: simpleversion:351 major:3 minor:5 revision:1
function Info(version, prerelease) {
	this.version = version;
	this.prerelease = prerelease;

	this.simpleversion = Math.round(this.version*100);
	this.major = parseInt(this.simpleversion / 100);
	this.minor = parseInt(this.simpleversion / 10) - this.major * 10;
	this.revision = parseInt(this.simpleversion) - this.major * 100 - this.minor * 10;

registerHook("ol_content_simple", ol_content_simple, FALTERNATE, CSSOFF);
registerHook("ol_content_caption", ol_content_caption, FALTERNATE, CSSOFF);
registerHook("ol_content_background", ol_content_background, FALTERNATE, CSSOFF);
registerHook("ol_content_simple", ol_content_simple, FALTERNATE, CSSCLASS);
registerHook("ol_content_caption", ol_content_caption, FALTERNATE, CSSCLASS);
registerHook("ol_content_background", ol_content_background, FALTERNATE, CSSCLASS);
registerHook("hideObject", nbspCleanup, FAFTER);
if(olNs4) olLoaded=1;