* @package AgileBill * @version 1.4.93 */ require_once PATH_MODULES.'voip/base_voip_plugin.inc.php'; class plgn_prov_PREPAID extends base_voip_plugin { function plgn_prov_PREPAID() { $this->name = 'PREPAID'; $this->task_based = false; $this->remote_based = true; } function delete_cart($VAR, $cart) { parent::delete_cart($VAR, $cart, true); } function validate_cart($VAR, $product) { // check if prepaid type is ani or pin, if so, escape: $unserial = unserialize($product->fields['prod_plugin_data']); if(!empty($unserial['type']) && ( $unserial['type']=='ani' || $unserial['type']=='pin' ) ) return true; // verify that attr['station'] is defined and numeric @$did = $VAR['attr']['station']; $ported = 0; if (@$VAR['attr']['ported']) { $did = $VAR['attr']['ported']; $ported = 1; } if(empty($did) || !is_numeric($did)) return "Sorry, the DID format specified is incorrect."; // check if user owns did && is in did pool $db =& DB(); $didrs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,"voip_did","id,did","did = ::{$did}:: AND account_id=".SESS_ACCOUNT)); if($didrs && $didrs->RecordCount()>0) return true; return parent::validate_cart($VAR, $product, $did, $ported); } # add new service function p_new() { # todo: check that the pin is random! include_once(PATH_MODULES.'voip_prepaid/voip_prepaid.inc.php'); $prepaid= new voip_prepaid; # determine the prepaid type: switch($this->product_attr['type']) { case 'did': return $prepaid->provision_did_new($this); break; case 'ani': return $prepaid->provision_ani_new($this); break; case 'pin': return $prepaid->provision_pin_new($this); break; } return false; } # edit service function p_edit() { # determine the prepaid type: switch($this->product_attr['type']) { case 'did': include_once(PATH_PLUGINS.'product/VOIP.php'); $voip = new plgn_prov_VOIP; if(!$voip->p_one($this->service_id)) return false; break; } return true; } # activate service function p_inactive() { $db=&DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,"voip_did","id,did","service_id = $this->service_id")); $did_id = $rs->fields['id']; $fields=Array('in_use'=>2); $db->Execute(sqlUpdate($db,"voip_prepaid",$fields,"voip_did_id = {$did_id}")); return true; } # deactivate service function p_active() { $db=&DB(); $rs = $db->Execute(sqlSelect($db,"voip_did","id,did","service_id = $this->service_id")); $did_id = $rs->fields['id']; $fields=Array('in_use'=>0); $db->Execute(sqlUpdate($db,"voip_prepaid",$fields,"voip_did_id = {$did_id}")); return true; } # delete service function p_delete() { $db =& DB(); # determine the prepaid type: switch($this->product_attr['type']) { case 'ani': $sql = sqlDelete($db,"voip_prepaid","pin=::{$this->prod_attr_cart['ani_new']}::"); $db->Execute($sql); break; case 'did': include_once(PATH_PLUGINS.'product/VOIP.php'); $voip = new plgn_prov_VOIP; $voip->p_one($this->service_id); break; } $rs = $db->Execute($sql=sqlSelect($db,"voip_did","id,did","service_id = $this->service_id")); $did_id = $rs->fields['id']; $db->Execute($sql=sqlDelete($db,"voip_prepaid","voip_did_id = {$did_id}")); return true; } function p_one($id) { $db =& DB(); # Get the asterisk global configuration $sql = sqlSelect($db, "voip", "voip_vm_passwd, voip_secret_gen", ""); $rs = $db->Execute($sql); $this->voip_vm_passwd = $rs->fields['voip_vm_passwd']; $this->voip_secret_gen = $rs->fields['voip_secret_gen']; parent::p_one($id); } } ?>