Service Enabled? Options Notes Name of Associated Plan on Server - Required! Bandwidth Threshold, in bytes Bandwidth Rollover Day of Month Backup Manager File Manager Analog Stats Hosting Type Disk Space Quota Telnet SSH Imap Bind Anonymous FTP OpenSSL SSI Weblogs Vacation Autoresponders Majordomo Squirrel Mail Frontpage Mivamerchant Maximum number of users ODBC ColdFusion Perl PHP MySQL Urchin MS FTP Service CGI SSL w3svc Service Allow Anonymous FTP logins? Enable IIS Logging? Maximum FTP connections Allow Unlimited FTP connections? Enable Bandwidth Quota? Enable CPU Quota? w3svc service maximum connections Allow Unlimited w3svc connections? Server Size Enable Winmail service? Allow user forwards? Enable autoresponders Drive where data will be stored Color scheme to use Mailscanner Scan Incoming Scan Outgoing Scripts Manager ASP Manager Rotate Logs Allow Backup Tomcat 4 Allow Subdomains Sendmail ProFTPd Max Subdomains Apache Jail (high security) Spam Filter Webalizer Development Environment Enter the name of the WHM plan to grant this user Hosting Type Available disk space Limit Mailboxes Mailbox quota limit Limit Redirects Limit mail groups Limit Mail autoresponders Limit web users Limit databases Available bandwidth per month Months to keep traffic stats Rotate logs by size Maximum number of log files SSI Support DNS on? Allow WWW redirect Hosting Frontpage support Frontpage authorization Frontpage SSL support CGI Perl ASP Error docs supported Compress the logfiles Allow scripting WebMail SSL Available shells Hard disk quota (0 is unlimited) Available disk space Mail service Mailbox quota Python Webalizer Available mail autoresponders Available Subdomains Available mailing lists Available web applications