host_registrar_plugin Install Plugin Manage Registrar Plugins Registrar Plugins Configure Active? Registrar Nickname File Name This module controls the settings for the registrar plugins Install Plugin View / Edit Plugin Show Debug Details? Primary NameServer Secondary NameServer Primary NameServer IP Secondary NameServer IP TotalRegistration Partner Number TotalRegistration Password OpenSRS Username Test Key Live Key Live Mode? Nominet Tag E-mail to Forward to for PGP Encryption MelbourneIT Username MelbourneIT Password E-mail to forward requests to for PGP encryption Live Mode? Enom Username Enom Password Live Mode? E-mail to notify of new registrations E-mail to notify of renewals E-mail to notify of transfers E-mail to notify of renewals BulkRegister Username BulkRegister Password E-mail to forward requests to for PGP encryption Live Mode? Directi Username Directi Password Live Mode? GoDaddy Username GoDaddy Password Live Mode?